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Seed project: Detecting ’signs of learning’ in six-year-olds’ meaning making about science through digital tools The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
- Emelie Patron Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 67 63
- emeliepatronlnuse
- Hanna Palmér Professor, deputy vice-chancellor for the teacher educations
- +46 470-70 86 41
- +46 72-594 14 51
- hannapalmerlnuse
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…
Project: Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects This project aims to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about how teachers’ lesson design and pupils’ use of…
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
- Kristina Danielsson Professor
- +46 470-70 85 20
- kristinadanielssonlnuse
- Andreas Ebbelind Senior lecturer
- +46 470-70 87 44
- +46 72-594 15 05
- andreasebbelindlnuse
- Marina Wernholm Senior lecturer
- +46 480-44 63 59
- +46 72-594 95 01
- marinawernholmlnuse