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Results 37-54 of 84
Project: Greenhouse gas (GHG) production in Swedish fiberbanks In the aquatic environment, heavily polluted fiberbanks, originating from pulp and paper industry discharges during the 19th and 20th…
Linnaeus University Centre for Ecology and Evolution in Microbial model Systems (EEMiS) EEMiS is a centre for research excellence studying ecological and evolutionary interactions from land to sea.
Marine phytoplankton ecology and applications (MPEA) Our research team works within the complex and fascinating world of phytoplankton, and studies the role of bio- and chemical interactions among…
Project: Biogeochemical controls on primary production, primary producer community assemblage, and photic zone methane and nitrous oxide in northern Greenland fjords Global warming has large…
Algoland - Algal Solutions for Air, Water, Industry and Society Our research group studies the capacity of microalgae to purify air and water, produce energy and biomass and contribute to sustainable…
Project: Algoland – Cleaning the water The Algoland project finds sustainable solutions to societal challenges. With Linnaeus University at its core, Algoland encompasses a community of knowledge from…
Project: Algoland – Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels The Algoland project "Mussel farming and sustainable feed from algae and mussels" finds sustainable solutions to societal…
Project: Virus control on Baltic Picocyanobacteria Viruses are the most abundant biological entity in marine environments and influence the abundance and evolution of microbes. Here, we explore the…
Interdisciplinary conference helps young researchers find new collaborations News
Extensive methane gas leakage from the deepest seabed of the Baltic Sea News
The Baltic Sea’s potential greenhouse gas emissions and ecosystem studied in two new research projects News
Icebreaker Oden has left the harbour and the expedition to the Arctic has begun News
Watch the film about the expedition to Arctic with Linnaeus University's researchers News
Free-flowing river stretches more important for vital fish populations than previously thought News
- Mark Dopson Professor
- +46 480-44 73 34
- markdopsonlnuse
- Anders Forsman Professor
- +46 480-44 61 73
- andersforsmanlnuse
- Torsten Lindström Professor
- +46 470-70 81 74
- torstenlindstromlnuse
- Catherine Legrand Professor
- +46 480-44 73 09
- +46 70-438 06 18
- catherinelegrandlnuse