Article in journal (Refereed)
Hagström, Å., Haecky, P., Li Zweifel, U., Blackburn, N. (2024). Simulated bacterial species succession. Ecological Modelling. 498.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Zweifel, U.L., Sundh, J., Osbeck, C.M.G., Bunse, C., et al. (2021). Composition and Seasonality of Membrane Transporters in Marine Picoplankton. Frontiers in Microbiology. 12.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Azam, F., Berg, C., Zweifel, U.L. (2018). Isolates as models to study bacterial ecophysiology and biogeochemistry. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 80 (1). 15-27.
Status: Published -
Dupont, C.L., Larsson, J., Yooseph, S., Ininbergs, K., Goll, J., et al. (2014). Functional Tradeoffs Underpin Salinity-Driven Divergence in Microbial Community Composition. PLOS ONE. 9 (2).
Status: Published -
Sjöstedt, J., Pontarp, M., Tinta, T., Alfredsson, H., Turk, V., et al. (2013). Reduced diversity and changed bacterioplankton community composition do not affect utilization of dissolved organic matter in the Adriatic Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 71 (1). 15-U132.
Status: Published -
Sjöstedt, J., Koch-Schmidt, P., Pontarp, M., Canbäck, B., Tunlid, A., et al. (2012). Recruitment of members from the rare biosphere of marine bacterioplankton communities after an environmental disturbance.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 78 (5). 1361-1369.
Status: Published -
Sjöstedt, J., Hagström, Å., Zweifel, U.L. (2012). Variation in cell volume and community composition of bacteria in response to temperature. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 66 (3). 237-246.
Status: Published -
Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å., Holmfeldt, K., Thyrhaug, R., Geels, C., et al. (2012). High bacterial 16S rRNA gene diversity above the atmospheric boundary layer. Aerobiologia. 28 (4). 481-498.
Status: Published -
Farnelid, H., Andersson, A.F., Bertilsson, S., Al-Soud, W.A., Hansen, L.H., et al. (2011). Nitrogenase gene amplicons from global marine surface waters are dominated by genes of non-cyanobacteria. PLOS ONE. 6 (4). e19223.
Status: Published -
Hultin, K.A.H., Krejci, R., Pinhassi, J., Gómez-Consarnau, L., Mårtensson, E.M., et al. (2011). Aerosol and bacterial emissions from Baltic Seawater. Atmospheric research. 99 (1). 1-14.
Status: Published -
Persson, O., Pinhassi, J., Riemann, L., Marklund, B., Rhen, M., et al. (2009). High abundance of virulence gene homologues in marine bacteria. Environmental Microbiology. 11 (6). 1348-1357.
Status: Published -
Pinhassi, J., Nedashkovskaya, O.I., Hagström, Å., Vancanneyt, M. (2009). Winogradskyella rapida, sp. nov., isolated from protein-enriched seawater. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 59. 2180-2184.
Status: Published -
Riemann, L., Leitet, C., Pommier, T., Simu, K., Holmfeldt, K., et al. (2008). The Native Bacterioplankton Community in the Central Baltic Sea is Influenced by Freshwater Bacterial Species. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 74. 503-515.
Status: Published -
Pommier, T., Canbäck, B., Riemann, L., Boström, K.H., Simu, K., et al. (2007). Global patterns of diversity and community structure in marine bacterioplankton. Molecular Ecology. 16 (4). 867-880.
Status: Published -
Boström, K.H., Riemann, L., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (2007). Nodularia sp. nifH gene transcripts in the Baltic Sea proper. Journal of Plankton Research. 29 (4). 391-399.
Status: Published -
Thingstad, T., Havskum, H., Zweifel, U.L., Berdalet, E., Sala, M., et al. (2007). Control of bacterial growth under carbon and mineral nutrient limited conditions. Comparison of idealized models with mesocosms manipulated with N and P, glucose-C, and Si.. Journal of Marine Systems. 64. 15-34.
Status: Published -
Boström, K.H., Reimann, L., Kühl, M., Hagström, Å. (2007). Isolation and gene quantification of heterotrophic N2-fixing bacterioplankton in the Baltic Sea. Environmental Microbiology. 9 (1). 152-164.
Status: Published -
Leitet, C., Riemann, L., Hagström, Å. (2006). Plasmids and Prophages in Baltic Sea Bacterioplankton.. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. 86. 567-575.
Status: Published -
Pommier, T., Pinhassi, J., Hagström, Å. (2005). Biogeograpic analysis of ribosomal RNA clusters from marine bacterioplankton. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 41. 79-89.
Status: Published -
Simu, K., Holmfeldt, K., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (2005). Culturability and coexistence of colony forming and single cell marine bacterioplankton.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 71. 4793-4800.
Status: Published -
Boström, K., Simu, K., Hagström, Å., Riemann, L. (2004). Optimization of DNA extraction for quantitative marine bacterioplankton community analysis. Limnology and oceanography: methods. 2. 365-373.
Status: Published -
Simu, K., Hagström, Å. (2004). Oligotrophic bacterioplankton with a novel single-cell life strategy.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 70. 2445-2451.
Status: Published -
Havskum, H., Thingstad, T., Scharek, R., Peters, F., Berdalet, E., et al. (2003). Silicate and labile DOC interfere in structuring the microbial food web via algal-bacterial competition for mineral nutrients: Results of a mesocosm experiment.. Limnology and Oceanography. 48. 129-140.
Status: Published -
Pinhassi, J., Winding, A., Binnerup, S., Zweifel, U.L., Riemann, B., et al. (2003). Spatial variability in bacterioplankton community composition at the Skagerrak-Kattegat front.. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 255. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Johansen, J., Blackburn, N., Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (2002). Large Variability in Motility Characteristics among Marine Bacteria.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 28. 229-237.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Pommier, T., Dembinska, D., Rohwer, F., Simu, K., et al. (2002). Use of 16S rDNA for species delineation of marine bacterioplankton.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68. 3628-3633.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Pommier, T., Rohwer, F., Simu, K., Stolte, W., et al. (2002). Use of 16S ribosomal DNA for delineation of marine bacterioplankton species.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 68. 3628-3633.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L. (2001). Marine bacterioplankton show bursts of rapid growth induced by substrate shifts. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 24. 109-115.
Status: Published -
Middelboe, M., Hagström, Å., Blackburn, N., Sinn, B., Borch, N., et al. (2001). Effects of bacteriophages on the population dynamics of four strains of pelagic marine bacteria.. Microbial Ecology. 42. 395-406.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L. (2000). Biogeographical diversity among marine bacterioplankton. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 21. 231-244.
Status: Published -
Pinhassi, J., Hagström, Å. (2000). Seasonal succesion in marine bacterioplankton.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 21. 245-256.
Status: Published -
Gasol, J., Zweifel, U.L., Peters, F., Fuhrman, J., Hagström, Å. (1999). Significance of size and nucleic acid content heterogeneity as measured by flow cytometry in natural planktonic bacteria.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 65. 4475-4483.
Status: Published -
Pinhassi, J., Azam, F., Hemphälä, J., Long, R., Martinez, J., et al. (1999). Coupling between bacterioplankton species compostion, population dynamics, and organic matter degradation.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 17.
Status: Published -
Wikner, J., Hagström, Å. (1999). Bacterioplankton intra-annual variability at various riverine influence: Importance of hydrography and competition.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 20. 245-260.
Status: Published -
Blackburn, N., Wikner, J., Cuadros Hanson, R., Bjørnsen, K., Hagström, Å. (1998). Rapid determination of bacterial abundance, biovolume, morpology and growth by neural network based image analysis.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 64. 3246-3255.
Status: Published -
Pinhassi, J., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (1997). Dominant Marine Bacterioplankton Species Found Among Colony Forming Bacteria.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 63. 3359-3366.
Status: Published -
Thingstad, T., Hagström, Å., Rassoulzadegan, F. (1997). Export of degradable DOC from oligotrophic surface waters: Is it caused by a malfunctioning microbial loop?. Limnology and Oceanography. 42. 398-404.
Status: Published -
Turk, V., Hagström, Å. (1997). Seasonal distribution of nanoflagellates and bacterivory in the gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic). Periodicum biologorum. 99. 205-508.
Status: Published -
Massana, R., Gasol, J., Bjørnsen, K., Blackburn, N., Hagström, Å., et al. (1997). Measurment of bacterial size via image analysis of epifluoresence preparations: description of an inexpensive system and solutions to some of the most common problems.. Scientia Marina. 61. 397-407.
Status: Published -
Blackburn, N., Azam, F., Hagström, Å. (1997). Spatially explicit simulations of a microbial food web.. Limnology and Oceanography. 42. 613-622.
Status: Published -
Zweifel, U.L., Blackburn, N., Hagström, Å. (1996). Cycling of marine dissolved organic matter: I. An experimental system.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 11. 65-77.
Status: Published -
Blackburn, N., Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (1996). Cycling of marine dissolved organic matter: II. A model analysis.. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. 11. 79-90.
Status: Published -
Zweifel, U.L., Hagström, Å. (1995). Total counts of marine bacteria include a large fraction of non-DNA containing ghosts.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 61. 2180-2185.
Status: Published -
Zweifel, U.L., Wikner, J., Hagström, Å., Lundberg, E., Norrman, B. (1995). Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Carbon in a Coastal Ecosystem.. Limnology and Oceanography. 40. 299-305.
Status: Published -
Andersson, A., Heacky, P., Hagström, Å. (1994). Effect of Temperature and Light on the Growth of Micro- Nano- and Picoplankton: Impact on Algal Succession.. Marine Biology.
Status: Published -
Zweifel, U.L., Norrman, B., Hagström, Å. (1993). Consumption of dissolved organic carbon by marine bacteria and demand for inorganic nutrients.. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 101. 23-32.
Status: Published -
Rehnstam, A., Bäckman, S., Smith, D., Azam, F., Hagström, Å. (1993). Blooms of Sequence-specific Culturable Bacteria in the Sea.. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. 102. 161-166.
Status: Published -
Nordlund, I., Powlowski, J., Hagström, Å., Shingler, V. (1993). Concomitant Conservation of Regulatory and Structural Genes for a Multicomponent Phenol Hydroxylase within Phenol-Catabolising Bacteria that Utilise a meta-Cleavage Pathway.. Microbiology. 139. 2695-2703.
Status: Published -
Azam, F., Smith, D., Steward, G., Hagström, Å. (1993). Bacteria-organic-matter coupling and its significance for oceanic carboncycling.. Microbial Ecology. 28. 167-179.
Status: Published -
Andersson, A., Selstam, E., Hagström, Å. (1993). Vertical Transport of Lipid in Sea Water.. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 98. 149-155.
Status: Published -
Sheldon, R., Rassoulzadegan, F., Azam, F., Berman, T., Bezanson, D., et al. (1992). Nano and picoplankton growth and production in the Bay of Villefranche sur Mer (N.W. Mediterranean).. Hydrobiologia. 241. 91-106.
Status: Published -
Turk, V., Rehnstam, A., Lundberg, E., Hagström, Å. (1992). Release of Bacterial DNA by Marine Nanoflagellates, an Intermediate Step in Phosphorus Regeneration.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 58. 3744-3750.
Status: Published -
Wikner, J., Hagström, Å. (1991). Annual Study of Bacterioplankton Community Dynamics.. Limnology and Oceanography. 36 (7). 1313-1324.
Status: Published -
Larsson, U., Linden, O., Hagström, Å., Al-Alawi, Z. (1990). Pelagic bacterial and phytoplankton in a subtropical marine environment exposed to chronic oil contamination.. Oil and Chemical Pollution. 7 (2). 129-142.
Status: Published -
Rosenberg, R., Dahl, E., Edler, L., Fyrberg, L., Granéli, E., et al. (1990). Pelagic nutrient and energy transfer during spring in the open and coastal Skagerrak.. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 61 (3). 215-231.
Status: Published -
Wikner, J., Rassoulzadegan, F., Hagström, Å. (1990). Periodic bacterivore activity counterbalances bacterial growth in the marine enviroment.. Limnology and Oceanography. 35. 313-324.
Status: Published -
Norquist, A., Hagström, Å., Wolf-Watz, H. (1989). Protection against vibriosis and furunculosis by the use of attenuated strains of Vibrio anguillarum.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 55 (6). 1400-1405.
Status: Published -
Rehnstam, A., Norquist, A., Wolf-Watz, H., Hagström, Å. (1989). Identification of Vibrio anguillarum in fish using partial 16S rRNA sequences and a specific 16S rRNA oligonucleotide probe.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 55 (8). 1907-1910.
Status: Published -
Andersson, A., Falk, S., Samuelsson, G., Hagström, Å. (1989). Nutritional characteristics of a mixitropic nanoflagellate, Ochromonas sp.. Microbial Ecology. 17. 117-128.
Status: Published -
Fuhrman, J., Comeau, D., Hagström, Å., Chan, A. (1988). Extraction from natural planktonic microorganisms of DNA suitable for molecular biological studies. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 54 (6). 1426-1429.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Azam, F., Andersson, A., Wikner, J., Rassoulzadegan, F. (1988). Microbial loop in an oligotrophic pelagic marine ecosystem: Possible roles of cyanobacteria and nanoflagellates in the organic fluxes. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 49. 171-178.
Status: Published -
Wikner, J., Hagström, Å. (1988). Evidence for a tightly coupled nanoplanktonic predator-prey link regulating the bacterivores in the marine environment. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 50. 137-145.
Status: Published -
Horrigan, S., Hagström, Å., Koike, I., Azam, F. (1988). Inorganic nitrogen utilization by assemblages of marine bacteria in seawater culture. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 50. 147-150.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Andersson, A., Larsson, U. (1986). Size-selective grazing by a microflagellate on pelagic bacteria. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 33. 51-57.
Status: Published -
Wikner, J., Andersson, A., Normark, S., Hagström, Å. (1986). Use of genetically marked minicells as a probe in measurement of predation on bacteria in aquatic environments.. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 52. 4-8.
Status: Published -
Fuhrman, J., Eppley, R., Hagström, Å., Azam, F. (1985). Diel variations in bacterioplankton, phytoplankton, and related parameters in the Southern California Bight.. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 27. 9-20.
Status: Published -
Andersson, A., Lee, C., Azam, F., Hagström, Å. (1985). Release of aminoacids and inorganic nutrients by heterotrophic marine microflagellates. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 23. 99-106.
Status: Published -
Ammerman, J., Fuhrman, J., Hagström, Å., Azam, F. (1984). Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: I.Growth kinetics and cellular characteristics in seawater cultures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 18. 31-39.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Ammerman, J., Henrichs, S., Azam, F. (1984). Bacterioplankton growth in seawater: II. Organic matter utilization during steady-state growth in seawater cultures. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 18. 41-48.
Status: Published -
Nedwell, D., Hall, S., Andersson, A., Hagström, Å. (1983). Seasonal changes in the distribution and exchange of inorganic nitrogen between sediment and water in the Northern Baltic (Gulf of Bothnia). Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 17 (2). 169-179.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Andersson, A., Öquist, G. (1983). Algal and bacterial production in a coastal area (Norrbyn) of the northern Bothnian Sea. Aquilo. Ser. Zoologica. 22. 131-137.
Status: Published -
Öquist, G., Hagström, Å., Alm, P., Samuelsson, G., Richardsson, K. (1982). Chlorophyll a fluorescence an alternative method for estimating primary production. Marine Biology. 68 (1). 71-75.
Status: Published -
Larsson, U., Hagström, Å. (1982). Fractionated Phytoplankton Primary Production, Exudate Release and Bacterial Production in a Baltic Eutrophication Gradient. Marine Biology. 67 (1). 57-70.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Larsson, U., Hörstedt, P., Normark, S. (1979). Frequency of dividing cells a new approach to the determination of bacterial growth rates in aquatic environments. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 37 (5). 805-812.
Status: Published -
Larsson, U., Hagström, Å. (1979). Phytoplankton extracellular release as an energy source for the growth of pelagic bacteria. Marine Biology. 52. 199-206.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å. (1977). The fate of oil in a model ecosystem. Ambio. 6 (4). 229-231.
Status: Published -
Notini, M., Nagell, B., Hagström, Å., Grahn, O. (1977). An outdoor model simulating a Baltic Sea littoral ecosystem. Oikos. 28. 2-9.
Status: Published -
Landner, L., Hagström, Å. (1975). Oil spill protection in the Baltic based on investigations into the ecological effects of oil pollution and of chemicals used to combat oil spills. Journal of Water Pollution Control Federation. 47. 796-809.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Normark, S. (1974). Toxic effect and action of chlorinated by-products from vinyl chloride production on Escherichia coli K-12. Ambio. 3 (2). 77-79.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Turk, V., Hagström, Å., Kovac, N., Faganeli, J. (2010). Composition and function of mucilage macroaggregates in the northern Adriatic. Aquatic Microbial Ecology. INTER-RESEARCH. 61 (3). 279-289.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Hagström, Å. (1987). Microbial degradation of hydrocarbon in natural seawater. Baltic Marine biologists 4th meeting.
- Azam, F., Ammerman, J., Fuhrman, J., Hagström, Å. (1983). Role of bacteria in polluted marine ecosystems. ed R Colwell. Proceedings of Workshop on meaningful measures of marine pollution effects NOAA.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Fuhrman, J., Hagström, Å. (2008). Bacterial community structure and its patterns.. Microbial ecology of the oceans. New York, Wiley. 45-90.
- Hagström, Å., Azam, F., Kuparinen, J., Zweifel, U.L. (2001). Pelagic plankton growth and resource limitations in the Baltic Sea. A Systems Analysis of the Baltic Sea. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer. 177-210.
- Hagström, Å., Horrigan, S., Norrman, B., Wikner, J. (1990). Critical processes in transformation of nitrogen and phosphorus in the pelagic ecosystem. Large-scale environmental effects and ecological processes in the Baltic Sea : Research Programme for the Period 1990-1995and Background Documents. Swedish Environ Protection Agency. 110-128.
- Hagström, Å. (1984). Aquatic bacteria: Measurements and significance of growth. Current perspectives in microbial ecology : Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Michigan State University, [East Lansing] 7-12 August 1983. Washington,D.C, ASM. 495-501.
- Dahlbäck, B., Gunnarsson, L., Hagström, Å. (1983). Mikrobiologiska aspekter på musselodling. Odling av blåmusslor. Lund, Signum. 60-67.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Hagström, Å. (1978). Bacterial growth in situ a study in aquatic microbiology. Doctoral Thesis.
Report (Other academic)
- Hagström, Å., Gissel-Nielsen, T., Kerulf, J., Forbes, T. (1996). Havets usynlige liv. Tema rapport fra DMU.
Other (Other academic)
- Hagström, Å., Larsson, U. (1984). Diel and seasonal variation in growth rates of pelagic bacteria. Plenum Publishing Corporation.
- Hagström, Å. (1984). Till sjöss med bakterier och vetenskap. Stockholm, LiberFörlag/Allmänna förl.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Notini, M., Hagström, Å. (1974). Effects of oils on Baltic littoral community, as studied in an outdoor model test system. U.S. Government printing office Washington. 251-254.
Status: Published -
Hagström, Å., Wennergren, G. (1974). Simulerade oljespill, aspekter på "weathering" av olika oljor. Svenska Havsforskningsföreningen. 999. 145-160.
Status: Published