I am a senior lecturer in Leadership and Organization. My main research area is Leadership, with links to Human Resource Management. I am particularly interested in what drives managers, as well as which kinds of leader behavior different driving forces give rise to. Furthermore how personality influences leadership style as well as leader behavior. Another area of interest is the effects of leadership; Which links can be found between leadership style and effectiveness? How does various leader behavior and styles influence co-worker's possibilities to do their job? I also research about how long term organizational sustainability can be created within businesses. My focus is then on what leadership's contribution in order to achieve this. Important questions within this area are; What do you need to do in order to become sustainable as a manager/in your managerial role? What is required to make your leadership contribute to organizational sustainability? Most of my research I do through surveys and various instruments for measuring behavior or personality, e.g. so called quantitative research.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Lumley, M.A., Shi, W., Wiholm, C., Slatcher, R., Sandmark, H., et al. (2014). The relationship of chronic and momentary work stress to cardiac reactivity in female managers : Feasibility of a smart phone-assisted assessment system. Psychosomatic Medicine. 76 (7). 512-518.
Status: Published -
Zineldin, M., Hytter, A. (2012). Leaders' negative emotions and leadership styles influencing subordinates' well-being. International Journal of Human Resource Management. 23 (3). 748-758.
Status: Published -
Hytter, A. (2007). Retention Strategies in France and Sweden. Irish Journal of Management. 28 (1). 59-79.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hytter, A. (2010). Managers' Health - A study of person related burnout. European Academy of Occupational Health Conference, 2010.
- Hytter, A. (2006). Perceived Leadership Behaviour in Different Types of Organizations. Paper presented at the Fifth Annual International Conference on Leadership : Studying Leadership – Knowledge Into Action, Cranfield University, Cranfield.
- Hytter, A. (2006). Retention and National Culture : Comparing France and Sweden. Proceedings from the Ninth Annual Conference of the Irish Academy of Management.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Hytter, A., Fagerlund, S. (2010). Destruktiva chefsbeteenden och medarbetarhälsa. Ledning och organisering av proffessionsstarka verksamheter. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet, institutionen för samhällsvetenskaper. 75-97.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Hytter, A. (2011). Personality Factors Influencing Managers’ Cognitive Stress – differences between men and women. Work, Stress, and Health 2011. Work and Well-Being in an Economic Context : .
- Hytter, A., Fagerlund, S. (2009). Destructive Managerial Behavior and Employee Health. Paper presented at the conference Work, Stress and Health 2009: Global Concerns and Approaces, in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
- Hytter, A. (2007). Different Strokes for Different Folks : Contrasting Images of Perceived Leadership Effectiveness. Sixth International Studying Leadership Conference : Purposes, Politics and Praxis. CD.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Bill, F., Hytter, A. (2008). Divine Inspiration for Deities?. Mythical Inspirations for Organizational Realities. Palgrave Macmillan, New York. 15.