Anders Persson
Senior lecturerTeaching
I teach primarily IR theory, international security, terrorism, democratization – all with a specific focus on Europe and the Middle East.
My primary research interest is the role of the European Union in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I have written four books about this topic, including EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967–2019 (Edinburgh University Press, 2020) and The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1971-2013: In Pursuit of a Just Peace (Lanham, Lexington Books: 2015).
I have also published peer-reviewed articles in journals such as Journal of Common Market Studies, Mediterranean Politics, Journal of European Integration, Middle East Critique, Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security and New Middle Eastern Studies.
I serve as expert commentator for Swedish TV/radio/press on Israel-Palestine and contribute regularly to Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, Al Jazeera English, Politico EU and EU Observer.
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List of Publications (Books)
Persson, Anders (2020). More important than other conflicts: EU Diplomacy and the Israeli-Arab Conflict, 1967–2019. Book contract signed in August 2019 with Edinburgh University Press. Publication set for August 2020.
Persson, Anders (2015). The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict 1971-2013: In Pursuit of a Just Peace. Lanham: Lexington Books.
Aggestam, Karin, Persson, Anders & Strömbom, Lisa (2014). Mellan krig och fred i Israel/Palestina. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Persson, Anders (2013). Defining, Securing and Building a Just Peace: The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Lund: Lund Political Studies 170.
Publications (Peer-reviewed articles and book chapters)
Persson, Anders (2019). “The European Union’s new global strategy (EUGS) in practice: What does resilience mean for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?” Osteuropa, Vol. 11, No. 9, pp: 448–460.
Persson, Anders (2019). “More Important Than Other Conflicts: The Uniqueness of the Israeli–Palestinian Conflict in EC/EU Discourse” in Alaa Tartir and Timothy Seidel (eds), Palestine and Rule of Power: Local Dissent vs. International Governance. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Persson, Anders (2018). “Developing and legitimizing the just peace: The EU's contributing to peace in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict” in Rikard Bengtsson and Malena Rosén Sundström (eds), The EU and the Emerging Global Order. Lund: Lund University Press.
Persson, Anders (2018).”How, When and Why Did the Way the EU Speaks About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Change?”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp: 335-349.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”Introduction: The Occupation at 50: EU-Israel/Palestine Relations Since 1967”, Middle East Critique, Vol. 27, No. 4, pp: 27-30.
Persson, Anders (2018).”‘EU differentiation’ as a case of ‘Normative Power Europe’ (NPE) in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, Journal of European Integration, Vol. 40, No. 2, pp: 193-208.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Shaping discourse and setting examples: Normative Power Europe can work in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict”, Journal of Common Market Studies, Vol. 55, No. 6, pp: 1415-1431.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Palestine at the end of the state-building process: Technical achievements, political failures”, Mediterranean Politics, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp: 433-452.
Persson, Anders (2017). “Terrorism” in Karin Aggestam and Kristine Höglund (eds), Om krig och fred: en introduktion till freds- och konfliktstudier. Lund: Studentlitteratur.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Utvecklingen och legitimeringen av den rättvisa freden: EUs bidrag till fred i Israel-Palestinakonflikten”, Babylon, Vol, 15, No. 1, pp: 42-49.
Persson, Anders (2015). ”Sweden's Recognition of Palestine: A Possible Snowball Effect?”, Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics, and Culture, Vol, 20, No. 2/3, pp: 35-41.
Persson, Anders (2013). “Towards a Just Peace? Roles and Dilemmas of EU Peacebuilding in Israel and Palestine” in Karin Aggestam and Annika Björkdahl (eds), Rethinking Peacebuilding: The quest for just peace in the Middle East and the Western Balkan. Abingdon: Routledge.
Persson, Anders (2012). “Building a state or maintaining the occupation? International support for Fayyad’s state-building project”, Journal of Conflict Transformation and Security, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 101-119.
Persson, Anders (2011). “To Manage, Resolve or Transform? The Way Forward for the EU in the Middle East Peace Process”, New Middle Eastern Studies, 1 (2011), pp: 1-20.
Other types of publications (Op-eds, working papers etc.) (in selection)
Persson, Anders (2021). ”Can Bennett and Lapid really rebrand Israel as a liberal democracy?”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 9 August 2021.
Persson, Anders (2021). ”Därför skapar Israel-Palestinakonflikten hat mot judar i Sverige”, Op-ed in Dagens nyheter, 16 juni 2021.
Persson, Anders (2021). ”Israel-Palestinakonfliktens påverkan på antisemitism i Sverige: världsbilder, delegitimering och tankestrukturer”, Segerstedtinstitutets rapport 9, 10 maj 2021.
Persson, Anders (2020). ”Beware of the authoritarian peace Trump is making in the Middle East”, Op-ed in Times of Israel, 29 October 2020.
Persson, Anders (2020). ”Why has the EU been so obsessed with the Israeli-Arab conflict?”, Op-ed in Times of Israel, 9 August 2020.
Persson, Anders (2020). ”Stalled Israeli annexation is a win for the world”, Op-ed in Times of Israel, 20 July 2020.
Persson, Anders (2020). ”Annexation will be a game-changer for Europe’s role in the Middle East”, Op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, 21 May 2020.
Persson, Anders (2019). ”Battling With Tunisia, Better Than Poland: How Israel's Democracy Measures Up”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 23 May 2019.
Persson, Anders (2019). ”Trump’s ‘deal of the century’ could become a new Sykes-Picot for the Middle East”, Op-ed in Times of Israel, 16 May 2019.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”Israel’s Crusade Against BDS Comes at the Cost of Its Own Democracy”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 20 December 2018.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”Problematiskt att slopa stöd till Palestina”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 november 2018.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”Forget BDS, Losing its Liberal Democracy is Real Threat against Israel”, Op-ed in The Jerusalem Post, 4 August 2018.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”What will Trump's 'ultimate deal' mean for Palestinians?”, Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 28 March 2018.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”If not now, when should Europe recognise Palestine?”, Op-ed in Al-Jazeera English, 21 February 2018.
Persson, Anders (2018). ”Why There's No Chance Europe Will Solve the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Op-ed in Haaretz, 25 January 2018.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Why Europe holds unique normative power in the Israeli-Palestine conflict”, London School of Economics' EUROPP blog, 12 September 2017.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Kan Trump lösa Israel–Palestinakonflikten?”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 20 maj 2017.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Sverige kan lära sig av Israels erfarenheter”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 11 april 2017.
Persson, Anders (2017). ”Margot Wallström är inte antisemit”, Op-ed in SvD Debatt, 12 januari 2017.
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Persson, A., Strömbom, L. (2023). Abrahamavtalens implikationer för fred i Mellanöstern. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 125 (2). 423-444.
Status: Published -
Strömbom, L., Persson, A. (2023). The two-state impasse in Israel/Palestine : The EU caught between egalitarian norms and expansionist realpolitik. Frontiers in Political Science. 5.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2023). Mellanöstern efter tjugo års krig mot terrorismen. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 125 (2). 301-312.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2022). Israel-Palestinakonfliktens påverkan på antisemitism i Sverige : Världsbilder, delegitimering och tankestrukturer. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 124 (3). 775-802.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2019). Auf Kurs bleiben : Die EU und der palästinensisch-israelische Konflikt. Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens. 69 (9-11). 448-460.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2019). The European Union’s new global strategy (EUGS) in practice : what does resilience mean for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict?. Osteuropa : Zeitschrift für Gegenwartsfragen des Ostens. (9-11). 448-460.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2015). Sweden’s Recognition of Palestine : A Possible Snowball Effect?. Palestine - Israel Journal of Politics, Economics and Culture. 20 (2 & 3).
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Persson, A. (2020). EU Diplomacy and the Israeli–Arab Conflict, 1967–2019. Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press.
- Persson, A. (2014). The EU and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, 1971-2013 : In Pursuit of a Just Peace. New York, Lexington Books.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Persson, A. (2024). Antisemitism, gråzon eller legitim kritik av Israel : Var går gränserna?. ANTISEMITISM I SVERIGE EFTER DEN 7 OKTOBER : Upplevelser och konsekvenser. Göteborgs universitet. 8-17.
Report (Refereed)
- Persson, A. (2024). Antisemitism, gråzon eller legitim kritik av Israel? : En genomgång av vanligt förekommande uttryck i debatten efter 7/10-attacken och kriget i gaza. Gothenburg, Sweden, The Segerstedt Institute, University of Gothenburg. 43.
Report (Other academic)
- Persson, A. (2021). Israel-Palestinakonfliktens påverkan på antisemitism i Sverige : världsbilder, delegitimering och tankestrukturer. Göteborg, Göteborgs universitet. 30.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Persson, A. (2020). The Jewish Contribution to European Integration. Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs. Taylor & Francis Group. 14 (2). 331-333.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Persson, A. (2024). The Middle East Was the Least Violent Region in the World Before October 7. Now It May Be Facing Another 20-year War. Haaretz.
Status: Published -
Persson, A., Owiredu, M. (2023). Why Is Sweden Shifting Towards Right-wing Israel. Haaretz. (Sept 27).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2023). Det går att bomba bort idéer. Kvartal. (2023-12-07).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2023). EU står handfallet inför läget i Israel och Palestina. Expressen. (8 Juli).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2022). "USA behöver hjälp från Saudiarabien". Svenska dagbladet. (2022-07-12).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2021). Därför skapar Israel-Palestinakonflikten hat mot judar i Sverige. Dagens nyheter. (17 juni).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2021). Liberale Zukunft mit Lapid und Bennett?. Tachles. (2021-08-13).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2021). Förintelsekonferensens definition av antisemitism är ett hot mot yttrandefriheten. Mänsklig Säkerhet.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2021). ”Strategiskt riktigt att lämna Afghanistan”. Svenska dagbladet. (2021-08-31). 4-4.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2021). Can Bennett and Lapid really rebrand Israel as a liberal democracy?. Haaretz. (2021-08-09).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2020). Annektering ändrar spelplanen i Mellanöstern. Mänsklig säkerhet.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2020). Does Netanyahu really believe in democracy? : Global freedom experts aren't sure. Haaretz. (2020-03-29).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2020). Annexation will be a game-changer for Europe’s role in the Middle East. The Jerusalem Post.
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2019). ”Förintelsekonferens kan göra mer skada än nytta”. Svenska dagbladet. (2019-10-23).
Status: Published -
Persson, A. (2014). IS terror riskerar att överträffa allt vi sett. Svenska dagbladet. (1 oktober).
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Persson, A. (2023). Why Israel Can't Bomb Hamas Into Submission. Haaretz. Haaretz Daily Newspaper Ltd.. (Jan 7).
Status: Published