Anders Runesson

Anders Runesson

Communications officer Save contact Download image

I work as a communications officer at the section for research and internal communication at the Communications Office. I mainly work with the Faculty of Social Sciences, as a contact person for research communication.

My work mainly concerns research groups, research projects, news and feature articles. From my extensive work with our web site, I have accumulated some expertise in tagging, search blocks and other technicalities of our content management system Episerver. Also in how to write in a popular science way.

I have a weakness for semicolons, small capitals and smart Smålandish expressions such as måndag åttadar*. You'll find me on the second floor of the university library in Växjö but you can, of course, contact me using e-mail, phone or Zoom.

* Please contact me to find out what that is. Google translate doesn't know. :)