Andreas Ebbelind
Senior lecturerTeaching
I primarily teach mathematics education in preschool teacher education. In addition to this, I am the course coordinator for 1MD162, a course offered in English aimed at primary school teachers for grades 4-6. I also supervise thesis projects in the primary teacher education program. Until the summer of 2025, I will be involved in the higher education pedagogical development project outlined in the link below:
[Link to the project:]
2024 - 2026: FIP - Successful Integration of Problem Formulation in Preschool-class.
Project leader for the project funded by the Swedish Institute for Educational Research (4.5 million SEK): FIP - Successful Integration of Problem Formulation in Preschool Class. Other researchers are Hanna Palmer (Lnu) and Jorryt van Bommel (HDa). The study will be conducted over three years in collaboration between three researchers and five preschool class teachers. This collaboration has been ongoing for several years, but the focus has previously been on problem-solving (PiF - Problem-solving in Preschool Class). Since the study takes place on-site in preschool classes, the knowledge gained from the study will be applicable to preschool classes in general.
2024 - 2027: Exploration of Six-Year-Olds' Meaning-Making in Various Subjects Through Multimodal Teaching and Their Creation of Digital Animations.
Participating researcher in the project funded by the Swedish Research Council (6 million SEK): Exploration of Six-Year-Olds' Meaning-Making in Various Subjects Through Multimodal Teaching and Their Creation of Digital Animations (Project Leader: Marina Wernholm). The use of digital tools has increased in both preschool and school settings, but the crucial question that still needs to be answered concerns how digital tools can promote students' learning. Based on this, the VR project aims to study what happens and what becomes possible for students to learn when teachers, with the support of researchers, integrate digital tools into their instructional design.
2011 - Present: Makings and BeMT
As part of the project "The Makings of a Mathematics Teacher", I am investigating how the professional identities of mathematics teachers develop before and after they graduate and how the professional identities of mathematics teachers becoming mathematics teacher educators develop during the transition from being a teacher to a teacher educator. This part of my research is conducted with Tracy Helliwell from the University of Bristol.
CERME 12, 13, and 14, Cerme: Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. Cerme 12: Group leader for TWG 18a teacher education. Cerme 13 2023: Co-leader professional development and teacher education. Cerme 14 2025: Co-leader professional development and teacher education.
Member of the board for the international conference MAVI (Mathematical Views). As a board member, I have two roles, the first of which is to address issues related to the conference, and the second is to serve as an international program committee, IPC. I will also be organizing MAVI in Växjö in 2025.
2020 - 2025: Program Council Leader for Preschool Teacher Education
As the program council leader, I oversee the work specifically focused on ensuring that the educational components collectively provide students with the conditions to achieve program goals and general objectives for higher education. This involves securing progression and coherence in the program studies.
2023 - 2025: Digital Tools as Part of Young Children's Life and Learning
With Marina Wernholm and Emelie Patron, I lead the network "Digital Tools as Part of Young Children's Life and Learning." The network aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences and the development of knowledge and teaching practices in collaboration between teacher educators and professionals, including preschool teachers and teachers in preschools, schools, and leisure centres. Experience exchange will be a recurring element at all network meetings. Other initiatives may include, but are not limited to, testing new digital tools in teacher education and professional practice, integrating experiences from teacher education into professional practice and vice versa, and initiating practice-oriented research on new and ongoing digital aspects in all fields.
My research groups
Mathematics Education In the Mathematics Education research group we conduct both theoretical and applied research. The group participates in national and international collaboration with researchers…
The Digi Group We conduct research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in preschool-class and school teaching, as well as on how such use affects preschool-children’s…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Exploring Six-year-olds’ Meaning-making in different Subjects This project aims to provide both practical and theoretical knowledge about how teachers’ lesson design and pupils’ use of…
Project: Successful Integration of Problem formulation in Preschool-class (FiP) The aim of this project is to study how problem formulation can be successfully implemented in early mathematics to…
Project: The Makings of a Mathematics Teacher In this project, we investigate the development of student teachers', mathematics teachers', and mathematics teacher educators’ professional identities…
My completed research projects
Doctoral project: Becoming recognised as mathematically proficient This study focuses on upper primary prospective teachers in their first years of a teacher education programme in Sweden, in…
Project: Becoming a mathematics teacher (BeMT): The role of teacher education In this project, the aim was to explore the role of mathematics teacher education and the mathematics teacher educator in…
Project: Digital Tools and Digital Competence in Preschool and School Teaching In this project, we conducted research on what happens and what becomes possible when digital tools are used in…
Project: Problem solving as starting point for mathematics in preschool class The aim of this project was to investigate if and how problem solving can be a starting point for the teaching of…
Seed project: Detecting ’signs of learning’ in six-year-olds’ meaning making about science through digital tools The main objective for this seed project within the Knowledge environment Digital…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2024). Exploring Prospective Teachers’ Initial Views on the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics : A Narrative Approach. Edma 0-6: Educación Matemática en la Infancia. 13 (2). 32-46.
Status: Published -
Helliwell, T., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Combining enactivism and systemic functional linguistics : a methodology for examining (mathematics teacher educator) language. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Ebbelind, A., Lutovac, S. (2024). The lack of discursive opportunities when becoming a mathematics teacher. LUMAT : International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. 9 (2).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2024). This is not how it should end : The role of mathematics teacher education in preparing teachers for sustainable careers. LUMAT : International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. 9 (2).
Status: Published -
Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2024). An Exploration of How Multimodally Designed Teaching and the Creation of Digital Animations can Contribute to Six-Year-Olds' Meaning Making in Chemistry. Education Sciences. 14 (1).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2024). Examining interpersonal aspects of a mathematics teacher education lecture. LUMAT : International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. 12 (1). 113-125.
Status: Published -
Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Division i förskoleklassen genom problemlösning och problemformulering. Forskning om undervisning och lärande. 12 (2). 46-67.
Status: Published -
Helliwell, T., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Conceptualising (mathematics teacher educator) identity work : An enactivist-informed approach. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD : [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education]. 29 (3-4). 101-123.
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2024). How is students’ participation in a problem-solving project reflected in their drawings of a mathematics classroom?. LUMAT : International Journal on Math, Science and Technology Education. 9 (2).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A. (2023). A functional view on language : a methodology for mathematics education to study shifts in prospective teachers’ discursive patterns. International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology. 54 (8). 1731-1745.
Status: Published -
Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Young Pupils’ Joint Creation of Multimodal Fairy Tales Using Analogue and Digital Resources. Education Sciences. 13 (6).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Wernholm, M. (2023). Förskoleklasselever utforskar kombinatorik genom digitala animeringar. Utbildning och Lärande / Education and Learning. 17 (4). 87-104.
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A., Segerby, C. (2015). Systemic functional linguistics as a methodological tool in mathematics education research. Nordisk matematikkdidaktikk, NOMAD : [Nordic Studies in Mathematics Education]. 20 (1). 33-54.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2024). Förskoleklasselever ritar sin matematikundervisning : utfallet av problemlösningslektioner. Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning. (2).
Status: Published -
Pramling Samuelsson, I., Magnusson, L.O., Kjällander, S., Palmer, A., Eidevald, C., et al. (2024). 27 forskare i upprop mot skärmfri förskola. Förskolan.
Status: Published -
Kjällander, S., Walan, S., Nilsen, M., Petersen, P., Caiman, C., et al. (2023). ”Förskolan behöver en digitaliseringsstrategi”. Svenska Dagbladet. (2023-06-18).
Status: Published -
Ebbelind, A. (2022). Musikmatematik och barn. Nämnaren : tidskrift för matematikundervisning. (4).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2024). Enacting Multiple Positions In Becoming A Mathematics Teacher Educator. Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME : Rethinking mathematics education together. 192-199.
- Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., et al. (2024). To develop a multimodal learning design with digital tools. .
- Wernholm, M., Patron, E., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Exploring hybrid learning activities with six-year-olds. Programme of Symposia.
- Van Bommel, J., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Sandwiches : Problem solving on combinatorics in early mathematics education. The 6th POEM conference: A Mathematics Education Perspective on early Mathematics Learning between the Poles of Instruction and Construction, Bari, Italy 20-21 May 2024.
- Hannula, M., Helliwell, T., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Creative methods for inquiry in mathematics education research.. Proceedings of the 47th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, PME : Rethinking Mathematics Education Together.. 86-87.
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Sexåringars meningsskapande i kemi genom multimodal undervisning som inkluderar skapande av digitala animationer. .
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2023). An exploration of how multimodal teaching and the creation of digital animations contribute to six-year-olds' meaning-making in chemistry. .
- Danielsson, K., Wernholm, M., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Pupils creating digital animations in the early years of schooling. Designing Futures the 11th international conference on multimodality : Book of abstracts London Conference. 76-77.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J. (2023). Experience a sense of being, becoming and belonging to an educational design project as professional development.. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME..
- Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2023). The role of dissonance in mathematics teacher education. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.
- Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Pupils creating digital animations in the early years of schooling. NERA Conference 2023 15 – 17 March Oslo.
- Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Patron, E. (2023). Pupils creating digital animations in the early years of schooling. .
- Friesen, M., Helliwell, T., Casi, R., Ebbelind, A., Fauskanger, J., et al. (2023). An introduction to TWG18: Building bridges between different perspectives : Emerging themes from international research into mathematics teacher education and professional development. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME..
- Van Bommel, J., Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2023). Five minutes : Young students' understanding of time. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13) : Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics and ERME.
- Fauskanger, J., Ebbelind, A., Friesen, M., Samková, L., Helliwell, T., et al. (2022). International perspectives on mathematics teacher education and professional development : Current and emerging research. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12).
- Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2022). What you teach is what you get? : Exploring the experiences of prospective mathematics teachers during a teacher education programme. Proceedings of the Twelfth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education : (CERME12), Feb 2022, Bozen-Bolzano, Italy.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Danielsson, K., Patron, E., Wernholm, M. (2022). Six-year-olds create digital animations to reinforce mathematical problem solving. Book of Abstracts ‘Cultures of play: Actors, Affordances and Arenas’ Glasgow, Scotland 23rd – 26th August 2022.
- Ebbelind, A., Helliwell, T. (2022). Becoming a mathematics teacher (BeMT) : The role of teacher education. Conference on teachers’professional identitiesLinnaeus University : Växjö, 9-10 November 2022. 12-13.
- Ebbelind, A. (2019). Understanding student teachers’ professional development by looking beyond mathematics teacher education.. Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education..
- Ebbelind, A. (2015). We think so, me and my mother : Considering external participation inside teacher education. Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education : Results of the 19th MAVI Conference. 109-120.
- Ebbelind, A. (2015). Systemic functional Linguistics as methodological tool when researching Patterns of Participation. Proceedings of the Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education : CERME 9 - Ninth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education, Feb 2015, Prague, Czech Republic. 3185-3191.
- Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2013). What is possible to learn? : Using ipads in teaching mathematics in preschool. Proceedings of the 37th Conference of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education. : Mathematics learning across the life span.. 425-432.
- Ebbelind, A. (2013). Disentangle a Student Teacher's Participation during Teacher Education. Eighth Congress of European Research in Mathematics Education (CERME).
- Ebbelind, A. (2012). Analysing the Discourse of Teacher Training. .
- Ebbelind, A., Roos, H., Nilsson, P. (2012). Learning fractions : transformations between representations from a social semiotic perspective of multimodality. Proceedings of Norma 11 : The Sixth Nordic Conference on Mathematics Education. 217-226.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ebbelind, A., Assarsson, P. (2022). Matematik i förskolan/förskoleklass med musik som metod. Presenterad på Matematikbiennalen, torsdag 31 mars 2022.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Ebbelind, A. (2020). Becoming recognised as mathematically proficient : The role of a primary school teacher education programme. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 226.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Christiansen, I.M., De Ron, A., Ebbelind, A., Engström, S., Frisk, S., et al. (2021). The crosscurrents of Swedish mathematics teacher education. International perspectives on mathematics teacher education. Waxhaw, NC, USA, Information Age Publishing. 9-48.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Patron, E., Wernholm, M., Danielsson, K., Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2024). Meningsskapande i kemi genom multimodal undervisning. Att undervisa barn i skolstartsålder. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 129-142.
- Palmér, H., Van Bommel, J., Ebbelind, A. (2024). Lösa och formulera problemuppgifter i matematik. Att undervisa barn i skolstartsåldern. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 61-81.
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H., Selander, S., Danielsson, K., Wernholm, M., et al. (2023). Bedömning i förskolan. Den utbildningsvetenskapliga kärnan för förskolan. Natur och kultur. 316-333.
- Ebbelind, A., Kjällander, S., Palmér, H. (2021). Matematik, digitalisering och programmering i förskolan. Programmering i skolmatematiken : möjligheter och utmaningar. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 73-87.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Palmér, H., Ebbelind, A. (2012). Matematiklärande. Förskoleklassens Didaktik : Möjligheter och Utmaningar. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 134-184.
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2016). Förskoleklassens Metodik: Upptäck och utforska matematik. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Löfgren, B., Ebbelind, A. (2010). Mattemusik : En metod för ämnesintegrerat lärande. Stockholm, Sveriges utbildningsradio UR.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ebbelind, A., Palmér, H. (2019). Tal och mönster. Skolverket.
Denna text handlar om undervisning och lärande av naturliga tal och mönster. Textens första del tar utgångspunkt i begreppet tal och vad en god begreppsförståelse för tal kan innebära för elever i förskoleklass. Därefter följer en del om mönster – vad är ett mönster i matematisk mening och vad kan det innebära för elever i förskoleklass att utforska och beskriva mönster?