Associate Professor and promoted full professor in intellectual history. Based on the cultural history of the 18C, I have since 2010 devoted my research to contemporary issues such as radicalization and conspiracy theories. My profile in media research extends from press history to synthetic media and their creating of meaning.
I am currently project leader for the Fact Checking Board at Fojo Mediainstitute, educating Swedish journalists about malign influence operations and disinformation.
For more information, please see
Course leader at Fojo Media Institute for courses on malign information influence operations, disinformation and factchecking.
Supervision and examination of BA-theses in media and communcation studies and journalism.
My current project is a book in Swedish summarizing my reesarch into conspiracy theories, their history of ideas, attraction and development over the last years.
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Andreas, Ö. (2024). Singing Theories of Conspiracy – Anti-Corona Songs as Political Protest in Denmark and Sweden. Økonomi & Politik. (2). 19-33.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ezz El Din, M., Önnerfors, A., Ricknell, E. (2023). Twitter campaign against the Swedish social services : Between activism and emotional mobilization. Book of abstracts: Media and Emotional Mobilization.
Book (Refereed)
- Önnerfors, A. (2003). Svenska Pommern : kulturmöten och identifikation 1720–1815. Lund, Lund University Open Access.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Önnerfors, A. (2022). Fraternal kingdom? : Freemasonry at the court of Gustav III of Sweden (1772–1792). Enlightenment at court : Patrons, philosophes, and reformers in eighteenth-century Europe. Liverpool, Liverpool University Press. 231-256.
- Önnerfors, A. (2022). Folkhemmet : ‘The People’s Home’ as an expression of retrotopian longing of Sweden before the arrival of mass migration. Migration and Multiculturalism in Scandinavia. Madison, University of Wisconsin Press. 60-79.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Önnerfors, A., Krouwel, A. (2021). Europe: A Continent of Conspiracies? : Conspiracy Theories in and on Europe. London, Routledge. 282.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ezz El Din, M., Ricknell, E., Önnerfors, A. (2023). LVU, koranbränningar och påverkan : hur kan medierna hanteradesinformation om Sverige?. #SweFactCheck 2023 ”Sverigebilden: från underbarn till undergång." 15-17 November 2023, Kalmar, Sverige.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Önnerfors, A. (2021). Conspiracy theories and COVID-19 : the mechanisms behind a rapidly growing societal challenge. Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap. 87.
- Önnerfors, A. (2021). Konspirationsteorier och covid-19 : mekanismerna bakom en snabbväxande samhällsutmaning. Stockholm, Myndigheten för Samhällsskydd och Beredskap. 83.