Ann-Charlotte Larsson

Ann-Charlotte Larsson

Department of Built Environment and Energy Technology Faculty of Technology
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I am since January 1 2017 Vice Rector Internationalisation and Innovation


My research areas are related to environmental science with a focus on air pollution and chemical process engineering. My specialty is interaction of catalysts with the chemical process where the catalyst is applied with a goal to understand and improve material lifetime. In this field I hold an adjunct professorship at the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH).

I have a long background in industry and my experience from industry involves research on flue gas cleaning processes including SOx, NOx, Hg and Dioxins where I worked both nationally and internationally. I have also been globally involved in developing new processes for capture of carbon dioxide from fossil fuel off gases to abate climate change.


Within my national and international cooperation I hold a number of positions in company boards, review committees and network organizations.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)