Anna Jensen

Anna Jensen

Department of Forestry and Wood Technology Faculty of Technology
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I am a plant ecophysiologist at The Department of Forestry and Wood Technology, where I hold an associated professorship (with tenure) in forestry. I have received a M.S. in Biology from Lund University, and a Ph.D. in Forest Management from Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. 


Currently, I am teaching (or co-teaching) the following undergraduate courses: 

Further, I am supervising B.S. and M.S. theses within my research area.


In my research, I use a variety of field and laboratory techniques to understand and predict how woody plants are impacted by changes in the environment. Specifically, I work at leaf-, shoot- and plant level to investigate individual plants' capacity to tolerate abiotic and biotic stresses. It is thus directly linked to forest survival, growth, and production.

Ongoing research


Reassimilation of CO2 in leaves across multiple woody species as a function of mesophyll conductance

Sequestration of carbon by forest trees is a significant process in mitigation of global climate change effects, caused by increased atmospheric CO2. It is also a necessity for production of woody biomass for the needs of the future bioeconomy. However, we still do not fully understand the fate of CO2 molecules inside the leaves. The purpose of this project is, to quantify effects of leaf mesophyll conductance (gm) on the internal CO2 reassimilation probability, across multiple woody species and forest ecosystems. In addition, we are exploring links between reassimilation, gm and abiotic/biotic processes that influence mesophyll structures and development (leaf developmental stage, canopy position and influence of fugal endophytes). 2016 - on-going Supported: VR

Anna M. Jensen


Effects of interspecific competition from surrounding mixed vegetation on growth, mortality and stem development in oaks

mixed vegetation

Indirect facilitation by neighboring woody understory may function as a cost-effective and sustainable way to regenerate oaks. However, we don't know if how this competition affects plant growth and quality. In this project, we look at competitive affects from herbaceous and woody vegetation on survival, growth, canopy development and stem quality in oak (Quercus robur) in an open-field experiment in southern Sweden. Oaks were grown in four different competition treatments: no competing vegetation, with herbaceous vegetation with woody vegetation, and with both herbaceous and woody vegetation. 2007 - on-going


Article in journal (Refereed)

Book (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Article, review/survey (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)