As research funding advisor, I work very hands-on with application support, advice and suggestions to individual researchers and research groups mainly located at the Faculty of Technology (FTK). On a more strategic level, I manage internal processes and coordinating towards the Faculty Management and the University Management regarding certain research funding agencies (e.g., the Knowledge Foundation, the Wallenberg Foundation, the Göran Gustafsson Foundation). I belong to Grant and Innovation Office (GIO), a unit of External Relations (ER).
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hönel, S., Picha, P., Ericsson, M., Brada, P., Löwe, W., et al. (2024). Activity-Based Detection of (Anti-)Patterns : An Embedded Case Study of the Fire Drill. e-Informatica Software Engineering Journal. 18 (1).
Status: Published -
Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2023). Metrics As Scores : A Tool- and Analysis Suite and Interactive Application for Exploring Context-Dependent Distributions. Journal of Open Source Software. 8 (88).
Status: Published -
Palma, F., Olsson, T., Wingkvist, A., Gonzalez-Huerta, J. (2022). Assessing the linguistic quality of REST APIs for IoT applications. Journal of Systems and Software. 191.
Status: Published -
Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2022). To automatically map source code entities to architectural modules with Naive Bayes. Journal of Systems and Software. 183.
Status: Published -
Ulan, M., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). Copula-based software metrics aggregation. Software quality journal. 29. 863-899.
Status: Published -
Ulan, M., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). Weighted software metrics aggregation and its application to defect prediction. Empirical Software Engineering. 26 (5).
Status: Published -
Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). s4rdm3x : A Tool Suite to Explore Code to ArchitectureMapping Techniques. Journal of Open Source Software. 6 (58).
Status: Published -
Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2020). Using source code density to improve the accuracy of automatic commit classification into maintenance activities. Journal of Systems and Software. 168. 1-19.
Status: Published -
Toll, D., Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2016). Fine-Grained Recording of Student Programming Sessions to Improve Teaching and Time Estimations. International Journal of Engineering Education. 32 (3). 1069-1077.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A., Löwe, W. (2012). The Design and Implementation of a Software Infrastructure for IQ Assessment. International Journal of Information Quality. 3 (1). 49-70.
Status: Published -
Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W. (2011). A Visualization-based Approach to Present and Assess Technical Documentation Quality. Electronic Journal of Information Systems Evaluation. 14 (1). 150-159.
Status: Published -
Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2011). A Survey of Research Methods and Purposes in Mobile Learning. International Journal of Mobile and Blended Learning. 3 (1). 1-18.
Status: Published -
Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W. (2011). Making Sense of Technical Information Quality : A Software-based Approach. Journal of Software Technology. 14 (3). 12-18.
Status: Published -
Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2010). Extracting and expressing experience with mobile learning : lessons learned. International Journal of Mobile Learning and Organisation. 4 (4). 428-439.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2023). Optimized Machine Learning Input for Evolutionary Source Code to Architecture Mapping. Software Architecture. ECSA 2022 Tracks and Workshops. ECSA 2022. 421-435.
- Palma, F., Olsson, T., Wingkvist, A., Ahlgren, F. (2022). Investigating the Linguistic Design Quality of Public, Partner, and Private REST APIs. Proceedings - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Services Computing, SCC 2022. 20-30.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2022). Contextual Operationalization of Metrics as Scores : Is My Metric Value Good?. Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE 22nd International Conference on Software Quality, Reliability and Security (QRS). 333-343.
- Picha, P., Hönel, S., Brada, P., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2022). Process anti-pattern detection : a case study. Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs, EuroPLop 2022, Irsee, Germany, July 6-10, 2022. 1-18.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2022). Mapping Source Code to Modular Architectures Using Keywords. Software Architecture. ECSA 2021. 65-85.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). A Preliminary Study on the Use of Key-words for Source Code to Architecture Mappings. Companion Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). Hard Cases in Source Code to Architecture Mapping using Naive Bayes. Companion Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture : ECSA 2021 Companion Volume Virtual (originally: Växjö, Sweden), 13-17 September, 2021.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). Studying expert initial set and hard to map cases in automated code-to-architecture mappings. Companion Proceedings of the 15th European Conference on Software Architecture : ECSA 2021 Companion VolumeVirtual (originally: Växjö, Sweden), 13-17 September, 2021.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2021). Optimized Dependency Weights in Source Code Clustering. Software Architecture, ECSA 2021. 223-239.
- Toll, D., Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2020). Current State and Next Steps on Automated Hints for Students Learning to Code. 2020 IEEE Frontiers in Education Conference (FIE). 1-5.
- Ulan, M., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2020). Towards Meaningful Software Metrics Aggregation. Proceedings of the 18th Belgium- Netherlands Software Evolution Workshop.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2019). An exploration and experiment tool suite for code to architecture mapping techniques. ECSA '19 Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Architecture. 26-29.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Semi-Automatic Mapping of Source Code Using Naive Bayes. ECSA '19 Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Software Architecture -. 209-216.
- Kopetschny, C., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Optimization of Software Estimation Models. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Software Technologies - Volume 1. 141-150.
- Ulan, M., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Multi-criteria Ranking Based on Joint Distributions : A Tool to Support Decision Making. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research.BIR 2019 : 18th International Conference on Business Informatics Research. 74-88.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Importance and Aptitude of Source code Density for Commit Classification into Maintenance Activities. 359,569 commits with source code density; 1149 commits of which have software maintenance activity labels (adaptive, corrective, perfective).
- Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2019). TDMentions : A Dataset of Technical Debt Mentions in Online Posts. 2019 IEEE/ACM INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON TECHNICAL DEBT (TECHDEBT 2019). 123-124.
- Toll, D., Wingkvist, A. (2018). Visualizing programming session timelines. Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Visual Information Communication and Interaction. 106-107.
- Ambrosius, R., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2018). Interviews Aided with Machine Learning. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. BIR 2018 : 17th International Conference, BIR 2018, Stockholm, Sweden, September 24-26, 2018, Proceedings. 202-216.
- Ulan, M., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2018). Introducing Quality Models Based On Joint Probabilities : Introducing Quality Models Based On Joint Probabilities. ICSE '18 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings. 216-217.
- Ulan, M., Hönel, S., Martins, R.M., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2018). Quality Models Inside Out : Interactive Visualization of Software Metrics by Means of Joint Probabilities. Proceedings of the 2018 Sixth IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization, (VISSOFT), Madrid, Spain, 2018. 65-75.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2018). Towards Improved Initial Mapping in Semi Automatic Clustering. ECSA 2018 : PROCEEDINGS OF THE 12TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE: COMPANION PROCEEDINGS.
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2018). A changeset-based approach to assess source code density and developer efficacy. ICSE '18 Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering: Companion Proceeedings. 220-221.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2018). Using Repository Data for Driving Software Architecture. Proceeding of the 40th International Conference on Software Engineering : Companion Proceeedings (ICSE), 2018. 197-198.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2017). Motivation and Impact of Modeling Erosion using Static Architecture Conformance Checking. Proceedings - 2017 IEEE International Conference on Software Architecture Workshops, ICSAW 2017 : Side Track Proceedings. 204-209.
- Toll, D., Wingkvist, A. (2017). How Tool Support and Peer Scoring Improved Our Students' Attitudes Toward Peer Reviews. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. 311-316.
- Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2017). The relationship of code churn and architectural violations in the open source software JabRef. ECSA '17 Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Software Architecture : Companion Proceedings. 152-158.
- Olsson, T., Toll, D., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2016). Evaluation of an architectural conformance checking software service. ACM Proccedings of the 10th European Conference on Software Architecture Workshops (ECSA-W).
- Luckert, M., Schaefer-Kehnert, M., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2016). A Classifier to Determine Whether a Document is Professionally or Machine Translated. PERSPECTIVES IN BUSINESS INFORMATICS RESEARCH, BIR 2016. 339-353.
- Toll, D., Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2015). Detailed recordings of student programming sessions. ITiCSE '15 : Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education. 328-328.
- Toll, D., Olsson, T., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2015). Fine-Grained Recording of Student Programming Sessions to Improve Teaching and Time Estimations. IFIP TC3 Working Conference “A New Culture of Learning: Computing and next Generations”. 264-274.
- Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2015). Probabilistic Quality Models to Improve Communication and Actionability. 2015 30th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering Workshop (ASEW). 1-4.
- Olsson, T., Toll, D., Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2015). Evolution and Evaluation of the Model-View-Controller Architecture in Games. Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Games and Software Engineering. 8-14.
- Andersson, J., Larsson, S., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2015). A Study of Demand-Driven Documentation in Two Open Source Projects. 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). 5271-5279.
- Kovbasiuk, I., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2015). Quick Decide : A Tool to Aid the Analytic Hierarchy Process for Group Decisions. Perspectives in Business Informatics Research : 14th International Conference, BIR 2015, Tartu, Estonia, August 26-28, 2015, Proceedings. 179-193.
- Olsson, T., Toll, D., Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2014). Evaluation of a static architectural conformance checking method in a line of computer games. QoSA '14 Proceedings of the 10th international ACM Sigsoft conference on Quality of software architectures. 113-118.
- Andersson, R., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2014). Mining Relations from Git Commit Messages : an Experience Report. Proceedings of the Fifth Swedish Language Technology Conference.
- Andersson, J., Larsson, S., Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2014). Quality of Demand-Driven Documentation. Proceedings of the 37th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
- Shpak, O., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2014). A Method to Test the Information Quality of Technical Documentation on Websites. 14th International Conference on Quality Software (QSIC). 296-304.
- Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A. (2014). Mining job ads to find what skills are sought after from an employers' perspective on IT graduates. Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Innovation & technology in computer science education. 354-354.
- Toll, D., Olsson, T., Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2014). The challenge of teaching students the value of programming best practices. Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education Conference 2014. 347-347.
- Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Olsson, T., Toll, D., Wingkvist, A. (2013). A Study of the Effect of Data Normalization on Software and Information Quality Assessment. Software Engineering Conference (APSEC, 2013 20th Asia-Pacific). 55-60.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2013). Asked and Answered : Communication Patterns of Experts on an Online Forum. Proceedings IRIS36 : August 11-14 2013 at Gran, Norway.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2012). Introducing Podcasts to the Educational Palette of a Dual-Mode Course. Proceedings 2012 17th IEEE International Conference on Wireless, Mobile and Ubiquitous Technology in Education, WMUTE 2012. 112-116.
- Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A., Löwe, W. (2012). Visualization of Text Clones in Technical Documentation. Proceedings of SIGRAD 2012 : Interactive Visual Analysis of Data. 79-82.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W. (2012). Information Quality Management : a Model-Driven Approach. Proceedings of IRIS 2012.
- Ericsson, M., Wingkvist, A., Löwe, W. (2011). A Software Infrastructure For Information Quality Assessment. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Quality.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Leitet, J. (2011). Podcasts as a Supplementary Teaching Tool for Distance Education. Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies. 4186-4194.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2011). The Beginner’s Guide to ICT Context : A Theoretical Contribution Aimed for the Atypical Developer and Team. Proceedings of the 34rd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Lincke, R., Löwe, W. (2010). A Metrics-Based Approach to Technical Documentation Quality. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Quality of Information and Communications Technology. 476-481.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Lincke, R. (2010). Incorporating Information Quality in Software Development. Proceedings of the 33rd Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2010). A Framework to Guide and Structure the Development Process of Mobile Learning Initiatives. Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Mobile Learning. 184-191.
- Wingkvist, A., Löwe, W., Ericsson, M., Lincke, R. (2010). Analysis and Visualization of Information Quality of Technical Documentation. Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Information Management and Evaluation. 388-396.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Lincke, R. (2010). Information Quality Testing. Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research. 14-26.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). Thinking ahead in mobile learning projects : A survey on risk assessment. Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Perspectives on Business Information Research. 57-66.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). Addressing Sustainability for Research Initiatives in Mobile Learning through Scalability. Proceedings of the 8th IASTED International Conference on Web-Based Education. 7-12.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). Dealing with Stakeholders in Mobile Learning : A Study of Three Initiatives. Proceeedings of the 32nd Information Systems Resaerch Seminar in Scandinavia (IRIS'32).
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). Sharing Experience from Three Initiatives in Mobile Learning : Lessons Learned. Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Computers in Education. 613-618.
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). Bringing a Framework to Tackle the Development Process in Mobile Learning. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference at Centre for Philosophy, Technology, and Social Systems.
- Wingkvist, A. (2009). Current Practice in Mobile Learning : A Survey of Research Method and Purpose. Proceedings of the 8th World Conference on Mobile Learning. 103-111.
- Wingkvist, A., Kurti, A. (2008). Context Thinking. Proceedings of 31th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. 15.
- Bell, T., Cockburn, A., Wingkvist, A., Green, R. (2007). Podcasts as a supplement in tertiary education: : an experiment with two computer science courses. Mobil Learning Technologies and Applications (MoLTA) 2007. 70-77.
- Wingkvist, A., Alexander, J. (2007). Was it Pod Worthy?. Proceedings of 30th Information Systems Research Seminar in Scandinavia. 10.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Wingkvist, A., Ericsson, M. (2009). A Meta-model Describing the Development Process of Mobile Learning. Advances in Web Based Learning : – ICWL 2009. Berlin / Heidelberg, Springer. 454-463.
Other (Refereed)
Ulan, M., Hönel, S., Martins, R.M., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., et al. (2018). Artifact: Quality Models Inside Out : Interactive Visualization of Software Metrics by Means of Joint Probabilities.
The artifact is a VirtualBox virtual machine (VM). Part of this bundle is a file with instructions. Please read those first.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Hönel, S., Ericsson, M., Löwe, W., Wingkvist, A. (2019). Bayesian Regression on segmented data using Kernel Density Estimation. 5th annual Big Data Conference : Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, 5-6 December 2019.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Wingkvist, A., Bell, T., Cockburn, A., Green, R. (2009). Podcasts as a Supplement in Tertiary Education : An Experiment With Two Computer Science Courses. Podcasting in Education. India, ICFAI Books.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Wingkvist, A. (2009). Understanding Scalability and Sustainability in Mobile Learning : A Systems Development Framework. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 212.
Licentiate thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Wingkvist, A. (2008). The Quest for Equilibrium : Towards an Understanding of Scalability and Sustainability for Mobile Learning. Licentiate Thesis. Växjö, Matematiska och systemtekniska institutionen. 89.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Wingkvist, A. (2007). Project PodCast. The 5th New Zealand Computer Science Research Student Conference.