Annelie Ekelin
Senior lecturer, head of department
Department of Physics and Electrical Engineering
Faculty of Technology
I mainly teach theory and methodology, supervise and examine undergraduate and master's theses in media and communication studies and journalism, as I have experience as a former journalist.
I have been involved in a number of research and development (R & D) projects. A recent project Augment, was about a mobile application for sharing of accessibility information, supported by social media. Augment was in 2011 appointed Best Practice in Europe within the framework of IMMODI, a collaboration within Fast Track Network, with special support and attention from the EU Commission. My research interest includes interaction design, digital storytelling, development of ICT and new media formats, including social media.
I have been involved in exchange with the research group TE-NET at the Indian Institute of Technology Madras, as well as several EU-funded R & D projects (The DIALOGUE Project, RISI +, IMMODI). I took part in the organizing committee at The 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference in Sydney and in a mixed panel on Service Design. I was also invited speaker during the Pre-Conference to the 6th European Ministerial eGovernment Conference and Exhibition Borderless eGovernment Services for Europeans in Poznan, Poland, 2011.
Other examples of assignments are for The Swedish Government Offices, the former Ministry of Integration and Gender Equality, Karlskrona and Ronneby Municipality, County Administrative Board of Blekinge, Citizen Terminal Project (Tax and Social Insurance), World Bank and the Internet Society (ISOC) and the European Parliament.
My ongoing research projects
Project: A model for norm-critical and inclusive multi-modal communication for users with a foreign mother tongue This project works with developing and testing a norm-creative method for making…
Project: Communication across Media Borders: The Limitations and Possibilities of Transmediation The project investigates how meaning is changed – corrupted or enhanced – when travelling among…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kempe, E., Ekelin, A., Forsberg, A., Ringfjord, B., Wahlberg, M., et al. (2021). Who/What/Where Is The Local “Us”? : The reciprocation between proximity, feelings of closeness and shared interests in relation with the local press.. Community Journalism Journal. 9 (1).
Status: Published -
De La Brosse, R., Lajmi, N., Ekelin, A. (2015). Media propaganda and human rights issues : What can be learnt from the former Yugoslavia's experience in relation to the current developments in the Arab Spring countries?. Journal of Arab & Muslim Media Research. 8 (1). 21-36.
Status: Published -
Wessels, B., Dittrich, Y., Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S. (2012). Creating Synergies Between Participatory Design of E-Services and Collaborative Planning. International Journal of E-Planning Research (IJEPR). 1 (3). 1-16.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ekelin, A. (2023). Hur förklarar man ett flummigt begrepp? : Didaktiska val vid konceptualisering avöppna begrepp i yrkeslärarutbildningen. Book of abstracts : NordYrk Conference 2023, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Bergen, Norway, 7–9 June.
- Ekelin, A. (2021). Action Research Changes in Local Journalism Projects : how to make it sustainable?. Presented at the ECREA 8th European Communication Conference, Communication and Trust: building safe, sustainable and promising futures, Online, September 6-9, 2021.
- Ekelin, A. (2021). Repairment of communication deficit issues in the society through norm creative municipal communication. Presented at IFIP Technical Committee Working Group on Gender, Diversity, and ICT at Linköping University 20210416.
- Ekelin, A., Winter, J. (2020). Collaborative creation of trust through local media innovation. Presented at PRAGUE MEDIA POINT – a virtual conference for journalists, media professionals, and scholars on December 1-11, 2020 with workshops on December 12, 2020.
- Ekelin, A. (2019). How and When Action Becomes Legitimised – : On Reliability and Validity in Interactive, Collaborative Research. NordMedia 2019 Communication, Creativity & Imagination Malmö 21-23 August 2019.
- Wessels, B., Ekelin, A., Kempe, E., Forsberg, A., Ringfjord, B., et al. (2018). Regional press as “trust anchor” in global digital communication : the voices of journalism in Southern Sweden. Problems and Solutions for Producing Local News in the Digital Age: A Comparative Perspective in Proceedings of the 68th Conference by the Information and Communication Association (ICA) in Prague May 24-28..
- Ekelin, A., Ringfjord, B. (2016). Transmedia storytelling in strategic disability communication: practices and audiences. Transmediations! Communication across Media Borders, Abstracts, Linnaeus University, Växjö, Sweden, October 13-15, 2016. 57-58.
- Sefyrin, J., Lindblad-Gidlund, K., Danielsson-Öberg, K., Ekelin, A. (2013). Representational practices in demands driven development of public sector. ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT (EGOV 2013). 200-211.
- Ekelin, A., Elovaara, P. (2011). Digital Storytelling Crosswise : Silences, Identities, Places and Non-Humans. Create, Share, Listen: The 4th International Conference on Digital Storytelling, Lillehammer, February 5. – 7. 2011. Session A1, Place Based Stories and Cultural Heritage.
- Ekelin, A., Ranerup, A. (2011). Enrolling Local Strategic Actors in Public Portal Development. Electronic Government : The 10th IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference on Electronic Government EGOV 2011, Proceedings. 247-258.
- Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S. (2011). Does user participation matter in the design and development of e-participation tools? : Experiences from a proof-of-concept project. Ongoing Research and Projects of IFIP EGOV and ePart 2011. 392-399.
- Ekelin, A., Anderberg, P., Reddy, K. (2010). The AUGMENT Project : Co-constructive Mapping and Support of Accessibility and Participation. Electronic Participation : Second IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, ePart 2010, Lausanne, Switzerland, August 29 – September 2, 2010. Proceedings. 95-103.
- Ekelin, A., Elovaara, P., Mörtberg, C. (2008). Exploring Digital Storytelling as a method for participatory design. PDC '08 Proceedings of the Tenth Anniversary Conference on Participatory Design 2008. 297-298.
- Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S., Eliasson, C., Fiedler, M. (2007). Mapping service quality - measuring and comparing quality of experience and quality of service for Internet-based map services. Proceedings of 30th IRIS30.
- Ekelin, A., Elovaara, P., Eriksen, S., Dittrich, Y., Hansson, C., et al. (2004). KomInDu : A Small Project about Big Issues. The proceedings from the biennial Participatory Conferences (PDC)2004.
- Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S. (2004). Making an exit in research : ethical and practical implications in a society dependent on sustainability. Public Proofs : Science technology and democracy.
- Ekelin, A., Dittrich, Y., Eriksén, S., Elovaara, P., Hansson, C. (2003). Making e-Government Happen. Everyday co-development of services, citizenship and technology.. IEEE Computer Society.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Ekelin, A. (2021). Kommunikation och berättande. Introduktion till medieteknik. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 45-56.
- Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S. (2015). Citizen-Driven Design : Leveraging Participatory Design of E-Government 2.0 Through Local and Global Collaborations. Case Studies in e-Government 2.0 : Changing Citizen Relationships. Switzerland, Springer. 67-85.
Report (Refereed)
- Gidlund- Lindblad, K., Ekelin, A., Danielsson-Öberg, K., Sefyrin, J. (2014). Critical Design and the creation of alternative visions : literally and metaphorically Critical.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ekelin, A., Cabrera Fernandez, I., Laurin, S. (2020). Inkluderande kommunikation : Normkreativ modell för kommuners informationsarbete. Tillgänglighetsdagarna 2020, Funka.
- Ekelin, A. (2015). Co-production and multimodal transmediation of innovation stories in social media : Reflections on asymmetric communication. Dilemmas for Human Services 2015 : “Organizing, Designing and Managing”.
Book (Other academic)
- Ekelin, A. (2003). Working with the Fogbow: Design and Reconfiguration of services and Participation in E-Government. Karlskrona, Blekinge Institute of Technology Licentiate Series.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- De La Brosse, R., Ekelin, A. (2014). Twitter - révolution ou altération du discours politique? Regards croisés sur les pratiques des responsables politiques en Suède et en France : Twitter - revolution or alteration of political discourse? Perspectives on politicians practices in Sweden and France. La Communication Politique dans le Monde Arabe et en Afrique : Approches et Mécanismes de Mise en œuvre. Tunis, Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. 57-67.
- Ekelin, A., Eriksén, S. (2010). Aktiv på egna eller andras villkor : Hur blir man delaktig?. Förvaltning och medborgarskap i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 47-65.
- Ekelin, A. (2007). Situating eParticipation. Understanding eParticipation: Contemporary PhD eParticipation Research in Europe. Örebro, Örebro: Örebro University, Department of Business, Economics, Statistics and Informatics.
- Ekelin, A. (2006). To Be or Not to Be Active: Exploring Practices of eParticipation. Electronic Government. Berlin, Springer Berlin / Heidelberg. 107-118.
- Ekelin, A., Elovaara, P. (2000). Discourses and Cracks : A Case Study of Information Technology and Writing Women in a Regional Context. Women, Work and Computerization : Charting a Course to the Future. Boston & Dordrecht & Lonfon, Kluwer Academic Publilshers. 199-207.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Ekelin, A. (2007). The Work to Make eParticipation Work. Doctoral Thesis. 192.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Ekelin, A. (2003). Working with the Fogbow : Design and reconfiguration of services and participation in eGovernment. Licentiate Thesis. Karlskrona, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola. 182.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Ekelin, A., Ranerup, A., Eriksén, S., Lindblad-Gidlund, K. (2010). Förvaltning och medborgarskap i förändring. Lund, Studentlitteratur. 310.
Other (Other academic)
- Wessels, B., Ekelin, A., Kempe, E., Forsberg, A., Ringfjord, B., et al. (2017). RegPress project final report : the role and value of regional press in a global media culture. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University. 78.