Ann-Therese Hedqvist
Doctoral studentI am a doctoral student in caring sciences at Linnaeus University in Kalmar. In parallel with my doctoral studies, I have been working clinically since 2017 as an ambulance nurse in the ambulance service in the Kalmar Region. My background is as a specialist nurse in prehospital emergency care as well as in elderly care. I also have a degree in informatics and have previously worked as a systems developer and educator in IT.
One of my aspirations is to be a part of the development of working methods where healthcare staff work and communicate with each other together with the patient as a person where technology can streamline and support but not replace the human encounter. In my experience from ambulance care, municipal home care and medical department, I have met the elderly person with complex care needs and seen the gaps that delimited the various activities. With a population that is getting older and living longer with chronic diseases, the elderly patient in need of coordinated care is frequently encountered. It is also these persons who are primarily affected by care transitions and who are sensitive to when care is divided into small units, when care becomes fragmented.
The ongoing transition to Good quality local healthcare will lead to a shift from hospital care to more proactive care close to the patient. With increasing age and life expectancy, we will in the future be faced with challenges in providing safe and secure, good quality care in primary care, municipal and inpatient care as well as in prehospital emergency care.
There are shortcomings today in how professionals and care providers interact and coordinate care for the elderly with complex care needs. However, being in good hands should be something every patient should have the right to feel. Being in good hands means that the gaps become less prominent because the different parts of the care system work together as a whole, where the patient is at the center. Therefore, with my dissertation I want to investigate opportunities to bridge different caregiver and professional boundaries and achieve a cohesive care for the elderly person with complex care needs.
My research groups
Centre of Interprofessional Collaboration within Emergency care (CICE) CICE is a Swedish knowledge centre at Linnaeus University, Campus Växjö, operating through an operative group, steering group and…
The ReAction group – Resilient healthcare and patient activation Our research aims to improve resilient healthcare to provide safe care characterised by continuity and equality through patient’s chain…
My ongoing research projects
Doctoral project: Seamless care transitions for elderly people in need of coordinated care The project aims to explore how integrated care and a cohesive care chain can maintain good quality and safe…
Project: Best practice of integrated care Optimizing health and quality of life for people living with chronic complex conditions requires radically rethinking ways to coordinate care and support…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M., Lindberg, C. (2024). Entangled in complexity: An ethnographic study of organizational adaptability and safe care transitions for patients with complex care needs. Journal of Advanced Nursing. 1-18.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Hedqvist, A., Holmberg, M., Bjurling‐sjöberg, P., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Bracing for the next wave : A critical incident study of frontline decision‐making, adaptation and learning in ambulance care during COVID‐19. Journal of Advanced Nursing.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2023). Exploring interdependencies, vulnerabilities, gaps and bridges in care transitions of patients with complex care needs using the Functional Resonance Analysis Method. BMC Health Services Research. 23 (1).
Status: Published -
Hedqvist, A., Svensson, A., Larsson, L.G. (2023). Nurses' experiences of person‐centred care planning using video‐conferencing. Nursing Open. 10 (3). 1879-1888.
Status: Published -
Hedqvist, A., Pennbrant, S., Karlsson, M. (2020). Older persons and relatives' experience of coordinated care planning via a video meeting. Nursing Open. 7 (6). 2047-2055.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Lindberg, C., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Optimizing resilient care transitions : The synergy of interprofessional collaboration and organizational adaptability. Presented at the Resilient Health Care Society Summer Meeting 2024, Stavanger, Norway, June 9-12, 2024.
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Integrating the FRAM and ethnography in nursing research : Insights from a project on complex care transitions. FRAMily-2024 & Safety-II in practice Workshops 2024 : Book of Abstracts. 23-23.
- Hedqvist, A., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Bridging Boundaries for Integrated Care : Constructing Interprofessional Collaboration Pathways for Complex Care Needs. The First Global Conference on Person-Centred Care: Knowledge(s) and Innovations for Health in Changing Societies : Abstract Book. 255-256.
- Hedqvist, A., Ekstedt, M. (2024). Resilience in Action : Frontline Decision-Making in Swedish Ambulance Services During COVID-19. Presented at the Resilient Health Care Society Summer Meeting 2024, Stavanger, Norway, June 9-12, 2024.
- Hedqvist, A., Hagerman, H., Lindberg, C., Svensson, A., Ekstedt, M. (2023). In pursuit of integrated care : Interprofessional collaboration in transitional care for older people with complex care needs. Presented at the Nordic Conference in Nursing Research, Reykjavik, Iceland, October 2-4, 2023.
- Hedqvist, A. (2022). In transition to a closer care : ambulance clinicians experiences of caring for older people with complex care needs. Presented at Caring in a Changing World - The 4th International NCCS & EACS Conference, Mälardalen University, Eskilstuna, Sweden, April 27-28, 2022.
- Hedqvist, A., Ingvarsson, E., Lindberg, C., Hagerman, H., Svensson, A., et al. (2022). Interlacing the threads of seamless care : Interprofessional collaboration in care transitions for older people with complex care needs. International Journal of Integrated Care. 360-360.
- Hedqvist, A., Praetorius, G., Ekstedt, M. (2022). Vulnerable patients in a complex system depend on interprofessional team adaptation at hospital discharge. International Society For Quality In Health Care (ISQua) 38th International Conference, Brisbane, Australia, October 17-20, 2022.
- Hedqvist, A. (2021). Safe care transitions for elderly people with complex care needs. Presented at the 15th Conference on Naturalistic Decision Making and 9th Symposium on Resilience Engineering (Emerging talents program, resilience engineering), Toulouse, France, June 21–24, 2021.
- Hedqvist, A., Svensson, A. (2019). Person-centered healthcare in coordinated care planning with video conference : Nurses’ perspective. Proceedings of the European Conference on Knowledge Management, ECKM 2019. 514-520.