Arianit Kurti

Arianit Kurti

professor, head of department
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Faculty of Technology
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Arianit Kurti, PhD is a full professor of informatics at Linnaeus University. Prof. Kurti has over 20 years of international academic experience, Prof. Kurti has worked at universities and research institutions in Sweden, Kosovo, and North Macedonia. In addition to his academic roles, he has four years of research leadership experience as a studio director and senior researcher at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden in Norrköping. 


Prof. Kurti has a strong applied research interest on the use of digital technologies for brining innovation across different application domains. The guiding research challenge that he has been investigated is related to the finding the most optimal approaches and methods for reaching sustainable digitalization. His current reserach focus is on data-driven approaches for business innovation to achieve sustainable digitalization.

Throughout his career, Prof. Kurti has led and participated in numerous academic and research projects, securing a total of €8.5 million in funding from agencies such as the EU EACEA, EU H2020, Swedish Knowledge Foundation, Swedish Innovation Agency (Vinnova), Wallenberg Foundation, and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (FORMAS). He is currently leading two major EU Horizon projects aimed at enhancing forest-related Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to develop and promote innovative data-driven solutions to forestry management in the whole value chain, from forest resources management to end products.

Prof. Kurti has published over 70 peer-reviewed scientific works, including journals, book chapters, conference papers, and books. He is an active member of several international conference program committees, serves on editorial boards of academic journals, and frequently delivers invited talks and presentations in both academic and industrial settings.


Currently Prof. Kurti is Head of Informatics Department aswell as Head of Computer Science and Media Technology Department

My ongoing research projects


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Article, review/survey (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)

Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))