I am a senior lecturer in cultural sociology at the Department of Cultural Sciences. I have a background in religious studies, but my contemporary research field concerns the intersection between migration studies, cultural sociology and educational science.
I am the programme coordinator for PIMS (programmet för integration och mångfaldstudier) and my teaching often concern inclusion and exclusion processes as well as so called intercultural perspectives in teacher education and other fields.
I am the principle investigator in a project exploring the connection between intimacy, migration and schooling for the perspectives of young people with migratory experiences as well as professionals within the educational system. I work primarily with ethnographic methods, but also so-called participatory and creative methods.
I am a member of LnuC Concurrences in Postcolonial and Colonial Studies
My research groups
Center for cultural sociology The center for cultural sociology (CCS) strives to make living conditions of children and youth visible and understandable by relating individual and shared emotions to…
Cluster for Migration, Citizenship, and Belonging The cluster focuses on questions of belonging and difference in multicultural societies in the wake of (de-) colonisation and globalisation.
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
My ongoing research projects
Project: ”Let’s talk…”: Intimacy, migration and the possibilities of social solidarity This project explores negotiations around love, intimacy, relationships and health in relation to dominating…
Project: Recognition, inclusion and religious differences: negotiating religion in the secularized educational system in Sweden The project concerns religious young people’s creation, negotiation and…
Seed project: Ways to deal with racism in teachers education programs In this seed project within Linnaeus Knowledge Environment: Education in Change, we investigate how racism is understood and…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Trulsson, Å. (2020). Women on the Path of the Goddess : Sacred Technologies of the Everyday. Culture Unbound : Journal of Current Cultural Research. 12 (2). 293-310.
Status: Published -
Trulsson, Å. (2014). Liberating Movements : Sensing and Managing Emotions in the Dance of the Spider. Journal of Ritual Studies. 28 (2). 51-64.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Trulsson, Å. (2014). [ Review of ] Kaarina Aitamurto ooch Scott Simpson (red). Modern Pagan and Native Faith Movements in Central and Eastern Europe : Durham: Acumen Publishing, 2013. Nordisk Østforum. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget. 28 (2). 178-181.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Trulsson, Å. (2021). Priestesses of Avalon : Fantasy Fiction and Contemporary Goddess Worship. The Enduring Fantastic : Essays on Imagination and Western Culture. McFarland. 88-104.
- Trulsson, Å. (2020). "Different from the Eyes of Others" : Negotiating Faith in a Non-denominational Educational System. Immigrant Incorporation, Education, and the Boundaries of Belonging. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 65-90.
- Nilsson, H., Trulsson, Å. (2019). "You Can't Liberate the Free" : Gender, Work and Swedish Hijabis. The Nordic Civil Sphere. Cambridge, Polity Press. 95-123.
- Trulsson, Å. (2018). Religiös ungdom i en sekulär vardag. Levd religion : Det heliga i vardagen. Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 151-166.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Trulsson, Å. (2024). Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i klassrum präglade av mångfaldtill följd av global migration. Mångfaldens möten : Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande. Växjö, Linneaus University Press. 85-102.
- Trulsson, Å., Nilsson, H. (2024). Inledning: Mångfald, flerspråkighet och interkulturella perspektiv : möjligheter och utmaningar. Mångfaldens möten : Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande. Växjö, Linneaus University Press. 3-20.
- Trulsson, Å. (2015). Reflektioner kring musik och ljud som didaktiska resurser. Religionsdidaktiska studier. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 119-131.
- Trulsson, Å. (2013). Postsekulär mystik? : Makt och genus i samtida andlighet. Mystik och andlighet : kritiska perspektiv. Stockholm, Dialogos Förlag. 174-198.
- Trulsson, Å. (2013). Cultivating the Sacred : Gender, Power and Ritualization in Goddess-oriented groups. Gender and Power in Contemporary Spirituality : Ethnographic Approaches. Routledge. 28-45.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Trulsson, Å. (2020). ”Visa vad som är bra med oss” : Unga muslimska tjejers rörelse genom vardagens meningslandskap. Existentiella frågor i barns och ungas liv. Malmö, Föreningen Lärare i religionskunskap. 94-112.
- Trulsson, Å. (2017). Återförtrolla det kvinnliga : Gudinnefeministisk praktik, kön och vardagsliv. Feminism och jämställdhetssträvanden i religioner i världen. Malmö, Föreningen Lärare i Religionskunskap FLR. 75-85.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Trulsson, Å. (2017). Authority, Tradition and Authenticity : Communicating Power and Experience among Women on the Path of the Goddess. EASR Annual Conference : Communicating Religion : University of Leuven 18-21 September 2017.
- Trulsson, Å. (2016). Fromhet och sexualitet : Kropp, norm och motstånd bland karismatiskt kristna ungdomar. Sociologidagarna 2016 : Överskridande sociologi, Uppsala, March 10-12, 2016.
Report (Other academic)
- Herbert, A., Benderix, Y., Nilsson, H., Trulsson, Å. (2017). En utvärdering av utbildningen traumamedveten omsorg : Rappport 1 och 2. 129.
- Alvunger, D., Trulsson, Å. (2016). Följeforskning kring karriärlärarreformen i Kalmar, Nässjö, Vetlanda och Ängelholm : Samverkan för skolförbättringsarbete mellan skola och universitet. Växjö, Linnaeus University & Skolverket. 89.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Bergnéhr, D., Nilsson, H., Silander, C., Trulsson, Å. (2024). Mångfaldens möten : Interkulturalitet, utbildning och lärande. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 271.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ahmadi, F., Andréasson, F., Andreasson, J., Bayati, Z., Bečević, Z., et al. (2019). Remissyttrande över utkast till lagrådsremiss : Förlängning av lagen om tillfälliga begränsningar av möjligheten att få uppehållstillstånd i Sverige (Dnr Ju2019/00509/L7). 8.
- Nilsson, H., Trulsson, Å. (2016). Avrapportering uppdrag interkulturell kompetens i lärarprogrammen – skolan i det mångkulturella samhället. 32.