Asim Ibrahim
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
My ongoing research projects
Project: A holistic perspective on attitudes to climate change adaptation in the agriculture sector on Öland, Sweden The project explores and maps the issue of climate change adaptation measures in…
Project: Early detection of deep seated waste and biofuel fires through innovation Due to the increasing amount of waste, fires are becoming more and more acute problems in many places worldwide. The…
Project: Prevention and Mitigation of Waste Fires (PreMiWaFi) The project focuses on the issue of waste fires in the Baltic Sea region.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Jerléus, K., Ibrahim, M.A., Augustsson, A. (2024). Environmental footprints of the data center service sector in Sweden. Heliyon. 10 (11).
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Arshad, A., Arif, M., Fatima, A. (2024). Mitigating the risk of secondary fires at MSW bale storage sites. International Journal of Environmental Engineering. 12 (3). 193-217.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Afzal Butt, N., Rejkjær, S., Dahlin, T., Madsen, D., et al. (2024). Early detection of deep-seated smouldering fires in wood waste storage using ERT. Waste Management. 182. 215-224.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Petersson, M., Åström, M.E., Johansson, M. (2023). Physical environmental hazards associated with the Swedish death care industry. Safety Science. 165.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Johansson, M. (2022). Combating climate change – What, where and how to implement adaptive measures in the agriculture sector of Öland, Sweden, keeping in view the constraints of carrying capacities and risk of maladaptation. Land use policy. 122. 106358-106358.
Status: Published -
Vincevica-Gaile, Z., Sachpazidou, V., Bisters, V., Klavins, M., Anne, O., et al. (2022). Applying Macroalgal Biomass as an Energy Source : Utility of the Baltic Sea Beach Wrack for Thermochemical Conversion. Sustainability. 14 (21).
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Lönnermark, A., Hogland, W. (2022). Safety at waste and recycling industry : Detection and mitigation of waste fire accidents. Waste Management. 141. 271-281.
Status: Published -
Raheem, A., Baseer Siddiqi, A.S., Ibrahim, M.A., Ullah, A., Inayat, M.H. (2021). Evaluation of multi-holed orifice flowmeters under developing flow conditions – An experimental study. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 79.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Johansson, M. (2021). Attitudes to climate change adaptation in agriculture – A case study of Öland, Sweden. Journal of Rural Studies. 86. 1-15.
Status: Published -
Raheem, A., Siddiqi, A.S.B., Ibrahim, M.A., Ullah, A., Inayat, M.H. (2021). Experimental study on effects of geometric and hydrodynamicparameters on performance of multi-holed orifice flowmeters. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers / Elsevier. 127. 17-22.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A. (2020). Modeling of risk from improper sorting of waste at recycling centers. Waste Management. 102 (1). 550-560.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A. (2020). Risk of spontaneous and anthropogenic fires in waste management chain and hazards of secondary fires. Resources, Conservation and Recycling. 159 (104852). 1-11.
Status: Published -
Mehmood, M.A., Ibrahim, M.A., Ullah, A., Inayat, M.H. (2019). CFD study of pressure loss characteristics of multi-holed orifice plates using central composite design. Flow Measurement and Instrumentation. 70. 1-11.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W., Appel, G., Lönnermark, A., Persson, H. (2015). Combustion Characteristics of Municipal Solid Waste Bales. Fire technology. 5 (1). 109-127.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Alriksson, S., Sultana, N., Hogland, W. (2014). Perception of fire-risk at temporary storage sites of organic materials, waste fuels and recyclables. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management. (2). 165-180.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W. (2014). Organizing preliminary storage sites of organic material, waste fuels and recyclables and their separating distance from populated areas. Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management. 16 (2). 270-281.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Alriksson, S., Kaczala, F., Hogland, W. (2013). Fires at storage sites of organic materials, waste fuels and recyclables. Waste Management & Research. 31 (9). 937-945.
Status: Published -
Ibrahim, M.A., Göransson, G., Kaczala, F., Hogland, W., Marques, M. (2013). Characterization of municipal solid waste temporary storage sites : Risks posed to surrounding areas as a consequence of fire incidents. Waste Management. 33 (11). 2296-2306.
Status: Published -
Javed, M.T., Ahmed, Z., Ibrahim, M.A., Irfan, N. (2008). A comparative kinetic study of SNCR process using ammonia. Brazilian journal of chemical engineering. 25 (1). 109-117.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hogland, W., Katrantsiotis, C., Ibrahim, M.A. (2020). Baltic Smart Asset Management – data driven predictive maintenance methods for future. XVII-th INTERNATIONAL YOUTH SCIENCE AND ENVIRONMENTAL BALTIC REGION COUNTRIES FORUM "ECOBALTICA".
- Ibrahim, M.A., Laohaprapanon, S., Rupar-Gadd, K., Wiman, B.L., Hogland, W. (2015). Mitigating the emissions released from spontaneous fires at biomass storages : A footstep towards sustainability. 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, Austria, 1-4 June 2015. 1550-1557.
- Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W. (2013). Risk of Fires in Temporary Storages of Organic Materials and Waste Fuels: Lessons Learn in Past, Present and Future Perspectives. 8th International Technical Conference on Solid Waste (Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos - JTIR) : Waste Management for Resource Sustainability, July 16 – 18, 2013, Lisbon Portugal..
- Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W., Elmberg, E., Lönnermark, A., Persson, H., et al. (2010). Storage Techniques for Municipal Solid Waste, Frequency of Fires, and Their Related Emissions. Proceedings of Venice 2010 - The Third International Symposium on Energy from Biomass and Waste, Venice, Italy, 8-11 November, 2010. 1-15.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Javed, M.T., Irfan, N., Ibrahim, M.A. (2010). Combustion Kinetics Modelling. Handbook of Combustion : Volume 1. John Wiley & Sons. 153-173.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Filkov, A.I., Tihay-Felicelli, V., Masoudvaziri, N., Rush, D., Valencia, A., et al. (2023). A review of thermal exposure and fire spread mechanisms in large outdoor fires and the built environment. Fire safety journal. Elsevier. 140.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Sultana, N., Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W. (2012). Web usability evaluation to promote public responsibility for municipal waste and resource efficiency. PROCEEDINGS LINNAEUS ECO-TECH 2012, INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON NATURAL SCIENCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGIES FOR WASTE AND WASTEWATER TREATMENT REMEDIATION EMISSIONS RELATED TO CLIMATE ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC EFFECTS : The Eighth International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World.
- Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W., Elmberg, E., Lönnermark, A., Persson, H. (2010). Fires due to selfignition in (MSWS) municipal solid waste storages. Proceedings Linnaeus Eco-Tech' 10 : : international conference on natural sciences and technologies for waste and wastewater treatment remediation emissions related to climate environmental and economic effects. 734-744.
Report (Other academic)
- Rupar-Gadd, K., Wiman, B., Ibrahim, M.A., Laohaprapanon, S., Hogland, W. (2014). A theoretical and experimental framework for the study of vegetation as a screen against aerosol pollution. 50.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Ibrahim, M.A. (2014). Risk of spontaneous fires at temporary storages sites for organic material, waste fuels and recyclables: Quantification and mitigation. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 82.
Conference paper (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Ibrahim, M.A., Hogland, W. (2013). Building smart cities: security against risk for spontaneous fires at temporary storage sites of waste fuels and recyclables. CPEXPO community protection.