I have been teaching courses at all levels from the large mathematical fields of analysis, probability theory and statistics, algebra, and discrete mathematics. At the time being, I am almost entirely teaching courses of the Master Programme in Mathematics and Modelling, specialisation in Mathematical Statistics and Financial Mathematics, a specialisation for which I am responsible.
My field of research is Stochastic Analysis, that is based on a differential calculus for stochastic processes. We combine methods and generalize results from probability theory and functional analysis, in particular operator theory. These fields also constitute the basic mathematical toolboxes for quantum mechanical models.
More precisely, my area of research is stochastic dynamic systems driven by stochastic processes, e.g. degenerate Brownian motion as starting point and more general Lévy and non-Markovian noises like fractional Brownian motion and non-linear processes involving a mean-field contribution. The existence of solutions is studied while the focus is on qualitative properties of the system like transience, ergodicity, asymptotic dependence on parameters like time, scaling parameters, number of particles/players.
Due to their importance in applications, optimization problems were investigated recently, i.e. optimal filtering and stochastic optimal control as part of differential games. Motivated by applications and applicability, my field of research was completed by time series models, better accessible for statistical inference. My focuses are functional data analysis and computational statistics for high frequency and large data sets.
There are numerous applications in the natural sciences and technology as well as in economy, for example:
- hydrological problems in nuclear waste management
- image analysis and reconstruction, e.g. for tomographs
- optimal management of electricity networks
- time evolution in biology, e.g. the spreading of infections
- prediction of prices, e.g. electricity prices
- inter-bank monetary transfer
- appropriate reinsurance levels
- solvency of insurance business
- optimal evacuation of large buildings
- Gender representative and member of the steering board at Ruhr University, Bochum
- Member of the steering board of the university library, Växjö University
- Ccoordinator of the international relations of the department of mathematics, Linnaeus University
- Member of the employment committee of the faculty of technology, Linnaeus University
- Member of the network for internationalization, Linnaeus University
Projects and Experiences
- Project leader of the bilateral project SI-DAAD
- Several Erasmus projects within Europe
- Linneaus Palme projects with universities in Ukraine, Russia, Morocco, Tajikistan, and Tunisia
- Erasmus+ projects with the universities Tunis El Manar, Tunisia, and Cadi Ayyad, Morrocco
- Member and employee of project of Asyl-, migrations- och integrationsfonden/Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) at Migrationsverket
Material from LSAA, Linnaeus University Workshop in Stochastic Analysis and Applications
Organization of conferences outside Linnaeus University
My research groups
Computational Mathematics for Predictive Digital Twins (PreDiTwin) In recent years, remarkable progress in mathematics, process-based modeling, data science, and sensor technology has opened up…
Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling The research field Deterministic and Stochastic Modelling within Linnaeus University Centre for Data Intensive Sciences and Applications (DISA) brings together…
International Center for Mathematical Modeling ICMM is a centre for research in mathematical modelling, applicable within a number of different subjects and fields. Since 2000, the research group has…
Stochastic Analysis and Stochastic Processes The researchers of this group focus on analytical and numerical aspects of solutions to stochastic differential equations (SDE’s and SPDE’s) and stochastic…
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Berrhazi, B., El Fatini, M., Hilbert, A., Mrhardy, N., Pettersson, R. (2023). RBDSDEs with jumps and optional Barrier and mean field game with common noise. Stochastics : An International Journal of Probablitiy and Stochastic Processes. 95 (4). 615-634.
Status: Published -
Bouhadou, S., Hilbert, A., Ouknine, Y. (2023). Optimal stopping in predictable setting. Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk (PUQR). 8 (4). 485-498.
Status: Published -
El Attouga, S., Bouggar, D., El Fatini, M., Hilbert, A., Pettersson, R. (2023). Lévy noise with infinite activity and the impact on the dynamic of an SIRS epidemic model. Physica A : Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 618.
Status: Published -
Makhlouf, K., Agram, N., Hilbert, A., Øksendal, B. (2023). SPDEs with space interactions and application to population modelling. ESAIM : Control, Optimisation and Calculus of Variations . 29.
Status: Published -
Bouhadou, S., Hilbert, A., Ouknine, Y. (2022). RBSDEs with optional barriers : monotone approximation. Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitative Risk (PUQR). 7 (2). 67-84.
Status: Published -
Erraoui, M., Hilbert, A., Louriki, M. (2021). On a Levy process pinned at random time. Forum mathematicum. 33 (2). 397-417.
Status: Published -
Douissi, S., Agram, N., Hilbert, A. (2020). Mean-field optimal control problem of SDDES driven by fractional brownian motion. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 40 (1). 139-158.
Status: Published -
Berrhazi, B., El Fatini, M., Hilbert, A., Mrhardy, N., Pettersson, R. (2020). Reflected backward doubly stochastic differential equations with discontinuous barrier. Stochastics : An International Journal of Probablitiy and Stochastic Processes. 92 (7). 1100-1124.
Status: Published -
Agram, N., Hilbert, A., Øksendal, B. (2020). Singular control of SPDEs with space-mean dynamics. Mathematical Control & Related Fields. 10 (2). 425-441.
Status: Published -
Erraoui, M., Hilbert, A., Louriki, M. (2020). Bridges with Random Length : Gamma Case. Journal of theoretical probability. 33. 931-953.
Status: Published -
Es-Sebaiy, K., Farah, F., Hilbert, A. (2020). Weyl Multifractional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Processes Mixed with a Gamma Distribution. Probability and Mathematical Statistics. 40 (2). 269-295.
Status: Published -
Hilbert, A., Jarni, I., Ouknine, Y. (2020). On reflected stochastic differential equations driven by regulated semimartingales. Statistics and Probability Letters. 167. 1-7.
Status: Published -
Assing, S., Hilbert, A. (2018). On the collapse of trial solutions for a damped-driven nonlinear Schrödinger equation. Nonlinearity. 31 (11). 4955-4978.
Status: Published -
Basna, R., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (2017). An Approximate Nash Equilibrium for Pure Jump Markov Games of Mean-field-type on Continuous State Space. Stochastics : An International Journal of Probablitiy and Stochastic Processes. 89 (6-7). 967-993.
Status: Published -
Doerr, B., Fischer, P., Hilbert, A., Witt, C. (2017). Detecting Structural Breaks in Time Series via Genetic Algorithms. Soft Computing - A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications. 21 (16). 4707-4720.
Status: Published -
Djechiche, B., Hilbert, A., Nassar, H. (2016). On the Functional Hodrick-Prescott Filter with Non-compact Operators. Random Operators and Stochastic Equations. 24 (1). 33-42.
Status: Published -
Basna, R., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (2014). An Epsilon Nash Equilibrium For Non-Linear Markov Games of Mean-Field-Type on Finite Spaces. Communications on Stochastic Analysis. 8 (4). 449-468.
Status: Published -
Albeverio, S., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (2012). Uniform Asymptotic Bounds for the Heat Kernel and the Trace of a Stochastic Geodesic Flow. Stochastics : An International Journal of Probablitiy and Stochastic Processes. 84 (2-3). 315-333.
Status: Published -
Albeverio, S., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (1999). Estimates uniform in time for the transition probability ofdiusions with small drift and for stochastically perturbed Newton equations. Journal of theoretical probability. 12 (2). 293-300.
Status: Published -
Albeverio, S., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (1997). Transcience of stochastically perturbed classical Hamiltonian systems and random wave operators. Stochastics and Stochastics Reports. (1-2). 41-55.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Fischer, P., Hilbert, A. (2014). Fast Detection of Structural Breaks. Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2014, 21th International Conference on Computational Statistics, Geneva, August 19-22, 2014. 9-16.
- Doerr, B., Fischer, P., Hilbert, A., Witt, C. (2013). Evolutionary Algorithms for the Detection of Structural Breaks in Time Series : extended abstract. Proceedings of the 15th annual conference on Genetic and evolutionary computation. 119-120.
- Fischer, P., Hilbert, A. (2012). Visual time series analysis. Proceedings of COMPSTAT 2012 : 20th International Conference on Computational Statistics. 225-234.
- Avis, D., Fischer, P., Hilbert, A., Khrennikov, A. (2009). Single, Complete, Probability Spaces Consistent With EPR-Bohm-Bell Experimental Data. Foundations of Probability and Physics-5. 294-301.
- Hilbert, A. (2004). Some features of regular Hamiltonian dynamics corresponding to degenerate diffusions on a cotangent bundle.
- Hilbert, A., Léandre, R. (2001). Nagel-Stein-Wainger estimates for balls associated with the Bismut condition. Stochastic Processes, Physics and Geometry: New Interplays II. 269-284.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
- Hilbert, A., Mastrogiacomo, E., Mazzucchi, S., Rüdiger, B., Ugolini, S. (2023). Quantum and Stochastic Mathematical Physics : Sergio Albeverio, Adventures of a Mathematician, Verona, Italy, March 25–29, 2019. Springer. 385.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Hilbert, A. (2000). Sur le comportement asymptotique du noyau associé à une diffusion dégénérée. Reviews Canadian Math. (4). 151-159.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Al-Talibi, H., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (2010). Nelson-type Limit for a Particular Class of Lévy Processes. AIP Conference Proceedings; 1232. 189-193.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Albeverio, S., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. (2009). Asymptotic Expansions for the Heat Kernel and the Trace of a Stochastic Geodesic Flow.
- Assing, S., Hilbert, A. A time change method for second order SDEs.
- Assing, S., Hilbert, A. On the collapse of a wave functionsatisfying a damped driven non-linearSchr ̈odinger equation.
- Arharas, I., Hilbert, A., Ouknine, Y. Optimal Stopping Under Model Uncertainty in a General Setting..
- Al-Talibi, H., Hilbert, A. Differentiable Approximation by Solutions of Newton Equations Driven by Fractional Brownian Motion..
- Al-Talibi, H., Hilbert, A., Kolokoltsov, V. Smoluchowski-Kramers Limit for a System Subject to a Mean-Field Drift.