Beate Schirrmacher
ASSOCIATE PROFESSORMy research centers on intermedial questions exploring how literature interacts with other media and how the material conditions of literature shape and influence narratives. I have especially focused on the intermedial relationship between literature and music, but also explored the representation of court proceedings in different media. Currently, I am researching the intermedial relations of journalism, on informative narrative strategies and clashing truth claims in different media.
As a former freelance journalist, I am always interested in participating in conversations and debates in different forums, for example on German literature, on the role of music in literature, on intermedial media literacy in a digital age, and on the role of the humanities in addressing societal challenges.
I mainly teach at the Bachelor's level in Literary Studies and at the Master's programme Media Cultures: Intermediality and Multimodality.
I have mainly researched the intermedial relationship between text and music, for example how narrative text can be structurally reminiscent of music, how text can evoke and utilise inner sounds and images, or why classical music in literature and film is so often linked to violence.
In the project Instruments of repair I have investigated what happens when artists expose worn-out musical instruments to elements like water, fire and weather? How does it change our understanding of what music, sound and the world around us?
Currently, I focus on an intermediary perspective on news and journalism, examining informative and misinformative narrative strategies and clashing truth claims in different media.
Furthermore, I am interested in intermediality and its performativity, the connection between intermediality to multimodality and other media and communication theories
Within Linnaeus University's Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, I am mainly active in the research groups IMS News and IMS Literacy.
Representation of Trials in other Media (with Corina Löwe, 2016-2018)
A legal trial is a complex process used to agree upon what can be considered as (legal) facts. Representations of trials in other media don't only tell the story of a specific case but also convey questions of truth production and credibility. In this project, we investigate how social conflicts and questions of truth production are mediated when trials appear in literature, film, and news media.
The Common Ground of Music and Violence in Literature (2014-2016)
Why do so many texts with intermedial reference to music deal with violence, war and trauma? The combination of music and violence in literature and film however, repeatedly calls forth ambivalent reactions. In films and novels, this experience of ambivalence is used to convey complexity.
Music in the Fiction of Günter Grass (2005-2012)
Beates PhD-thesis explores the role of music in Günter Grass's novels. In pointing out the vital role of intermediality for Grass's narrative strategies, the thesis opens up for a new, intermedial perspective on his work.
I am a member of the steering committee of the Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS), head of the board of the International Society for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies, member of the steering committee of the doctoral school Multimodality and Intermediality for a Digital World (MIDWorld), financed by the Swedish Reseach Concil (VR)
My research groups
Centre for Digital Humanities Linnaeus University has a strong foundation in Digital Humanities, integrating computational methods with humanities research. The Centre for Digital Humanities aims to…
Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) The Linnaeus University Centre for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies (IMS) is an interdisciplinary research centre that takes a…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Alternative Media Logic Alternative Media Logic examines the appeal and impact of alternative media on the Swedish media landscape and the conditions of democratic discourse. "Media logic"…
Project: Between Facts and Stories This project explores how journalistic narrative strategies convey information and provide understanding of current events. The challenges of fake news,…
Project: Communication across Media Borders: The Limitations and Possibilities of Transmediation The project investigates how meaning is changed – corrupted or enhanced – when travelling among…
Project: Instruments of Repair Our project is about artists who place musical instruments outdoors, burning them or letting them decay in ponds, playing already abandoned instruments, and/or making…
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Jensen, S.K., Schirrmacher, B. (2024). Stronger together : Moving towards a combined multimodal and intermedial model. Multimodality & Society. 4 (4). 445-467.
Status: Published -
Hart, H., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Music, Noise, and Nature : Energetic Ambiguities in Benedikt Erlingsson's Woman at War. Music and the Moving Image. 15 (3). 3-19.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B., Löwe, C. (2021). Hur rapporteras från en rättegång och varför? : Rättegångsrapportering som medietransformation. HumaNetten. (46).
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2019). Der wohltemperierte Erzähler : Die Gewalt ambivalenter Erzählung in Heinrich von Kleists „Die Heilige Cäcilie oder Die Gewalt der Musik". German Life and Letters. 72 (3). 279-296.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2019). The Transmediation of Ambivalence. Violence and Music in Burgess's A Clockwork Orange and Kubrick's Film Adaptation. Ekphrasis : Images, Cinema, Theory, Media. 22 (2). 26-40.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2017). Disturbing the Metaphor : Performance and Medial Presence in the Fiction of Elfriede Jelinek and Günter Grass. Academic Quarter. 16. 36-50.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2016). Musical Performane and Textual Performativity in Elfriede Jelinek's The Piano Teacher. Dansk Musikforskning Online. Word and Music Studies. 85-99.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Schirrmacher, B. (2014). The Common Grounds of Music and Violence : Depicting Violence in Literature with Intermedial References to Music. Ideolgy in Words and Music: Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum Stockholm, November 8–10, 2012. 141-154.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2012). The Use of Musical Intermediality in Creating Spatial Temporality : Günter Grass's Novel Ein weites Feld (1995). Time and Space in Words and Music: Proceedings of the 1rst Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum, Dortmund, November 4-6, 2010. 111-123.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2010). Die Engführung der Zeit : Intermedialität und Günter Grass' Konzept der Vergegenkunft. Sprache – Literatur – Kultur. Text im Kontext : Beiträge zur 8. Arbeitstagung schwedischer Germanisten in Uppsala, 10.-11.10.2008. 279-288.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2009). Günter Grass's 'Paspresenture' and the Musicalization of Im Krebsgang. WMA online.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2008). Die Unzuverlässigkeit des schuldigen Erzählers : Erzählerfiguren bei Günter Grass, ihr Verhältnis zur Schuld und das Häuten einer Zwiebel. Points of Arrival / Zielpunkte : Travels in Time, Space, and Self / Unterwegs in Zeit, Raum und Selbst. 119-128.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Schirrmacher, B., Mousavi, N. (2024). Introduction : The Dynamics of Truthfulness and Media. Truth Claims across Media. Palgrave Macmillan. 1-24.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2024). Music Transformation in Literature. Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 833-864.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2024). A Story Too Good to Be True : The Manipulation of Truth Claims in Faked News. Truth Claims across Media. Palgrave Macmillan. 27-47.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2023). Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and the Legacy of Lars Elleström. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2023). Music Transformation in Literature. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media combination, transmediation and media representation. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 100-105.
- Atã, P., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media and Modalities : Literature. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 42-55.
- Bruhn, J., Lutas, L., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media Representation : Film, Music and Painting in Literature. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 162-193.
- Holt, K., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Media and Modalities – News Media. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 86-99.
- Bruhn, J., Salmose, N., Schirrmacher, B., Tornborg, E. (2022). Truthfulness and truth claims as transmedial phenomena. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. Routledge. 225-254.
- Bäckström, P., Führer, H., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). The intermediality of performance. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 198-224.
- Löwe, C., Schirrmacher, B. (2021). How to Tell the Story of a Trial : Media Transformation in Court Reporting. Narratives in the Criminal Process. Frankfurt am Main, Vittorio Klostermann Verlag. 277-297.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2021). Singing words and Sticky Music : Fragmentary Lyrics and Acts of Violence. Arts of Incompletion : Fragments in Words and Music. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 143-165.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2018). Ambivalenz verspüren : Musik, Gewalt und der Körper in Elfriede Jelinek’s Die Klavierspielerin und Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange. Visualisierungen von Gewalt : Beiträge zu Film, Theater und Literatur. Berlin, Peter Lang Publishing Group. 125-143.
- Rossholm, A.S., Schirrmacher, B. (2018). Witnessing AIDS in the Archive. A Visual History of HIV/AIDS : Exploring the Face of AIDS Film Archive. Abingdon & New York, NY, Routledge. 28-43.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Schirrmacher, B., Mousavi, N. (2024). Truth Claims Across Media. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 339.
- Wåghäll Nivre, E., Schirrmacher, B., Egerer, C. (2013). (Re-)Contextualizing Literary and Cultural History : The Representation of the Past in Literary and Material Culture. Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 318.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
- Schirrmacher, B., Hart, H., Heady, K., Hinz, H. (2014). Ideology in Words and Music : Proceedings of the 2nd Conference of the Word and Music Association Forum Stockholm, November 8–10, 2012. Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 181.
- Grote, M., Henjum, K.B., Ingebrigtsen, E., Pietzuch, J.P., Pietzuch, A., et al. (2013). Perspektiven : Das IX. Nordisch-Baltische Germanistentreffen in Os/Bergen, 14.-16. Juni 2012. Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 600.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Schirrmacher, B. (2023). Beyond Books and Texts : The intermedial relationships or literature in a digital world. The Humanities of Relationships. : Towards Communication, Co-Existence and Empathy. 363-369.
- Schirrmacher, B., Jensen, S.K. (2022). Stronger Together : The Added Value in Combining Intermedial and Multimodal Approaches. .
- Jensen, S.K., Schirrmacher, B. (2019). Wagner Attacks : “The Ride of the Valkyries” in War and Propaganda. Sounds of Mass Media: Music in Journalism and Propaganda : Program with abstracts. 3-4.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2024). Linnaeus University Center for Intermedial and Multimodal Studies and the Legacy of Lars Elleström. The Palgrave Handbook of Intermediality. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 185-202.
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Intermedial Studies. Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 3-27.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2016). Mute Performances : Ekphrasis of Music and Performative Aesthetics in Eyvind Johnson’s Romantisk berättelse. Silence and Absence in Literature and Music. Amsterdam, Brill Academic Publishers. 102-116.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2015). Günter Grass intermedial : Text zwischen Bild und Klang. Freipass : Schriften der Günter und Ute Grass Stiftung. Band 1. Berlin, Christoph Links Verlag. 221-233.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2015). Störfaktor Medium : Fernsehen, Video und Internet bei Günter Grass. Sendbote zwischen den Kulturen : Gustav Korlén und die germanistische Tradition an der Universität Stockholm. Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 275-288.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2015). Interdisziplinärer Workshop für NachwuchswissenschaftlerInnen Elfriede Jelinek - "Es ist Sprechen und aus" : Die Arbeitsgruppe 4 - Intermediale Fragestellungen. Jelinek(Jahr)Buch 2014-2015. Wien, Praesens Verlag. 279-287.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2015). Några tonsteg mot tystnaden : Musik i Eyvind Johnsons Romantisk berättelse. Omvägar till sanningen : Nya Perspektiv på Eyvind Johnsons författarskap. Höör, Symposion Brutus Östlings bokförlag. 67-85.
- Schirrmacher, B. (2014). ‘Glaube Hoffnung Liebe‘ : Das Kapitel einer Un-Heilsgeschichte in der Blechtrommel. Von Katz und Maus und mea culpa : Religiöse Motive im Werk von Günter Grass. Köln, Peter Lang Publishing Group. 161-178.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Schirrmacher, B. (2012). Musik in der Prosa von Günter Grass : Intermediale Bezüge —Transmediale Perspektiven. Doctoral Thesis. Stockholm, Acta Universitatis Stockholmiensis. 281.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Bruhn, J., Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Intermedial Studies : An Introduction to Meaning Across Media. London, Routledge. 354.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Schirrmacher, B. (2022). Christer Johansson. Det materialiserade ordet. Medium och mening i Eyvind Johnssons författarskap. Samlaren : tidskrift för svensk litteraturvetenskaplig forskning. Svenska Litteratursällskapet. 143. 349-351.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2010). Rezension: Odendahl, Johannes. Literarisches Musizieren. Wege des Transfers von Musik in die Literatur bei Thomas Mann. Moderna Språk. 104 (1). 59-61.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Other academic)
Schirrmacher, B. (2013). Trummor och kontrapunkt : musikens roll i Günter Grass prosa. Litteratur och språk. Västerås, Mälardalens Högskola. (9). 29-56.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Schirrmacher, B. (2019). Så kan kulturen hjälpa oss att hålla två tankar i huvudet samtidigt. Dagens Nyheter. (2019-09-06).
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2006). Grass och tyskarnas ömma punkt. Uppsala Nya Tidning. 12 nov. B8.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2004). Kerstin Ekmans världsbild : en kvinnlig utopi. Nya Argus. 97 (7). 127-134.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2004). Ett musikaliskt offer : Om fugans inflytande i Günter Grass’ novell Krabbans gång. Artes (Stockholm). 30 (2). 71-86.
Status: Published -
Schirrmacher, B. (2003). Att göra utopin levande igen : Upprepning och utopi i Kerstin Ekmans "Gör mig levande igen". Artes (Stockholm). 29 (2). 78-87.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Schirrmacher, B. (2007). Alla ska inte med längre : Tysk socialreform kanske visar vart Sverige är på väg. Miljömagasinet. Miljömagasinet Alternativet. 27 (2). 10.
Status: Published