Björn Johannesson
Department of Building Technology
Faculty of Technology
My research groups
Building physics Building physics is one of the research fields within the subject of building technology. Our research consists of two main fields: Building energy simulation and life cycle modelling…
Scientific Computing and Partial Differential Equations Within this research theme, we study numerical methods for partial differential equations, analysis of differential and pseudo-differential…
Wood Building Technology The main direction of our research environment is wood building technology and applied mechanics. The research is to a large extent applied and is practised in close…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: Long-term mechanical behavior of dowel connections in timber structures as the basis for an extended service life and reuse The project aims at gaining more knowledge on the long-term…
Seed project: Machine learning stabilized steady-state advective-diffusive heat transport This seed project aims to explore and use the strengths of Scientific Machine Learning (SciML) to solve the…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Mmari, W., Johannesson, B. (2022). A model for multiphase moisture and heat transport below and above the saturation point of deformable and swelling wood fibers – I : Mass transport. Applications in Engineering Science. 12.
Status: Published -
Mmari, W., Johannesson, B. (2022). A model for multiphase moisture and heat transport below and above the saturation point of deformable and swelling wood fibers-II : Hygro-mechanical response. Applications in Engineering Science. 12.
Status: Published -
Mmari, W., Johannesson, B. (2020). Modeling transient and hysteretic hygrothermal processes in wood using the hybrid mixture theory. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer. 163. 1-14.
Status: Published -
Addassi, M., Johannesson, B. (2020). Reactive mass transport in concrete including for gaseous constituents using a two-phase moisture transport approach. Construction and Building Materials. 232. 1-14.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Fridh, K., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M. (2018). Impact of sample crushing on porosity characterization of hardened cement pastes by low temperature calorimetry : Comparison of powder and cylinder samples. Thermochimica Acta. 665. 11-19.
Status: Published -
Addassi, M., Johannesson, B., Wadsö, L. (2018). Inverse analyses of effective diffusion parameters relevant for a two-phase moisture model of cementitious materials. Cement and Concrete Research. 106. 117-129.
Status: Published -
Geiker, M.R., De Weerdt, K., Garzon, S.F., Jensen, M.M., Johannesson, B., et al. (2017). Screening of Low Clinker Binders, Compressive Strength and Chloride Ingress. Nordic Concrete Research. 57 (2). 23-38.
Status: Published -
Addassi, M., Schreyer, L., Johannesson, B., Lin, H. (2016). Pore-scale modeling of vapor transport in partially saturated capillary tube with variable area using chemical potential. Water resources research. 52 (9). 7023-7035.
Status: Published -
Jensen, M.M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2015). A Numerical Comparison of Ionic Multi-Species Diffusion with and without Sorption Hysteresis for Cement-Based Materials. Transport in Porous Media. 107 (1). 27-47.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Fridh, K., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2015). Influence of frost damage and sample preconditioning on the porosity characterization of cement based materials using low temperature calorimetry. Thermochimica Acta. 607. 30-38.
Status: Published -
Jensen, M.M., De Weerdt, K., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2015). Use of a multi-species reactive transport model to simulate chloride ingress in mortar exposed to NaCl solution or sea-water. Computational materials science. 105. 75-82.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2014). A study of the water vapor sorption isotherms of hardened cement pastes : Possible pore structure changes at low relative humidity and the impact of temperature on isotherms. Cement and Concrete Research. 56. 97-105.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2014). Application of water vapor sorption measurements for porosity characterization of hardened cement pastes. Construction and Building Materials. 66. 621-633.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2014). Determination of ice content in hardened concrete by low-temperature calorimetry. Journal of thermal analysis and calorimetry (Print). 115 (2). 1335-1351.
Status: Published -
Jensen, M.M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2014). Framework for reactive mass transport : phase change modeling of concrete by a coupled mass transport and chemical equilibrium model. Computational materials science. 92. 213-223.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B. (2014). Impact of sample saturation on the detected porosity of hardened concrete using low temperature calorimetry . Thermochimica Acta. 580. 66-78.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M. (2014). A preliminary study of the influence of ions in the pore solution of hardened cement pastes on the porosity determination by low temperature calorimetry. Thermochimica Acta. 589. 215-225.
Status: Published -
Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodriguez-Marotoe, J. (2014). Modeling Electric Double-Layers Including Chemical Reaction Effects. Electrochimica Acta. 150. 263-268.
Status: Published -
Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodríguez-Maroto, J.M. (2013). Computing multi-species chemical equilibrium with an algorithm based on the reaction extents. Computers and Chemical Engineering. 58. 135-143.
Status: Published -
Wu, M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M. (2012). A review : Self-healing in cementitious materials and engineered cementitious composite as a self-healing material. Construction and Building Materials. 28 (1). 571-583.
Status: Published -
Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodríguez-Maroto, J.M. (2012). Simulation-based Analysis of the Differences in the Removal Rate of Chlorides, Nitrates and Sulfates by Electrokinetic Desalination Treatments. Electrochimica Acta. 89 (1). 436-444.
Status: Published -
Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Alshawabkeh, A.N., Ribeiro, A.B., et al. (2012). Modeling of electrokinetic desalination of bricks. Electrochimica Acta. 86. 213-222.
Status: Published -
Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B., Nilsson, L. (2011). Development of a multi-species mass transport model for concrete with account to thermodynamic phase equilibriums. Materials and Structures. 44 (9). 1577-1592.
Status: Published -
Ristinmaa, M., Ottosen, N., Johannesson, B. (2011). Mixture theory for a thermoelasto-plastic porous solid considering fluid flow and internal mass exchange. International Journal of Engineering Science. 49 (11). 1185-1203.
Status: Published -
Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodríguez-Maroto, J.M. (2011). Modeling of electrokinetic processes by finite element integration of the Nernst–Planck–Poisson system of equations. Separation and Purification Technology. 79 (2). 183-192.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Nyman, U. (2010). A Numerical Approach for Non-Linear Moisture Flow in Porous Materials with Account to Sorption Hysteresis. Transport in Porous Media. 84 (3). 735-754.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2010). Dimensional and ice content changes of hardened concrete at different freezing and thawing temperatures. Cement & Concrete Composites. 32 (1). 73-83.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2010). Comparison between the Gauss' law method and the zero current method to calculate multi-species ionic diffusion in saturated uncharged porous materials. Computers and geotechnics. 37 (5). 667-677.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2010). Development of a Generalized Version of the Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations Using the Hybrid Mixture Theory : Presentation of 2D Numerical Examples. Transport in Porous Media. 85 (2). 565-592.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2009). Ionic Diffusion and Kinetic Homogeneous Chemical Reactions in the Pore Solution of Porous Materials with Moisture Transport. Computers and geotechnics. 36 (4). 577-588.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K. (2009). Numerical Calculations of the Effect of Moisture Content and Moisture Flow on Ionic Multi-Species Diffusion in the Pore Solution of Porous Materials. Computers & structures. 87 (1-2). 39-46.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Janz, M. (2009). A two-phase moisture transport model accounting for sorption hysteresis in layered porous building constructions. Building and Environment. 44 (6). 1285-1294.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Yamada, K., Nilsson, L., Hosokawa, Y. (2007). Multi-species Ionic Diffusion in Concrete with Account to Interaction Between Ions in the Pore Solution and the Cement Hydrates. Materials and Structures. 40 (7). 651-665.
Status: Published -
Nyman, U., Gustafsson, P.J., Johannesson, B., Hägglund, R. (2006). A numerical method for the evaluation of non-linear transient moisture flow in cellulosic materials. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering. 66 (12). 1859-1883.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2003). A theoretical model describing diffusion of a mixture of different types of ions in pore solution of concrete coupled to moisture transport. Cement and Concrete Research. 33 (4). 481-488.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Janz, M. (2002). Test of four different experimental methods to determine sorption isotherms. Journal of materials in civil engineering. 14 (6). 471-477.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2002). Prestudy on diffusion and transient condensation of water vapor in cement mortar. Cement and Concrete Research. 32 (6). 955-962.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (2001). Restrictions on the Rate of Absorption When Evaluating Sorption Isotherms Obtained Using a Micro-Calorimetric Technique. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science. 25 (2). 85-100.
Status: Published -
Janz, M., Johannesson, B. (2001). Measurement of the moisture storage capacity using sorption balance and pressure extractors. Journal of Thermal Envelope and Building Science. 24 (4). 316-334.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B., Utgenannt, P. (2001). Microstructural changes caused by carbonation of cement mortar. Cement and Concrete Research. 31 (6). 925-931.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (1999). Diffusion of a mixture of cations and anions dissolved in water. Cement and Concrete Research. 29 (8). 1261-1270.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, B. (1997). Nonlinear transient phenomena in porous media with special regard to concrete and durability. Advanced Cement Based Materials. 6 (3-4). 71-75.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Latini, C., Zania, V., Johannesson, B. (2015). Dynamic stiffness and damping of foundations for jacket structures. The proceedings of the 6th International conference on earthquake geotechnical engineering.
- Madsen, S.S., Krenk, S., Johannesson, B. (2015). Relaxation modeling of asphalt behavior under moving load. 5th International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering.
- Tang, T., Johannesson, B. (2014). An integrated FVM simulation of wave-seabed-structure interaction using OpenFoam. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop 23-26 June 2014 in Zagreb, Croatia.
- Jensen, M.M., Johannesson, B., Geiker, M.R. (2012). A Coupled Chemical and Mass Transport Model for Concrete Durability. Proceedings of the Eighth International Confernce on Engineering Computational Technology.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Ottosen, L.M., Johannesson, B., Alshawabkeh, A.N., Ribeiro, A.B., et al. (2011). Coupling the transport of water and aqueous species in finite element modeling of electrokinetics. Abstracts. 12th Mediterranean Congress of Chemical Engineering.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M. (2010). Numerical Simulations of Electrokinetic Processes Comparing the Use of a Constant Voltage Difference or a Constant Current as Driving Force. Conference on Electrochemical Science and Technology : 30th Sept. - 1st Oct. 2010. Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark.
- Paz-García, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L. (2010). Modeling of the Ionic Multi-Species Transport Phenomena in Electrokinetic Processes and Comparison with Experimental Results. Scientific Advances and Innovative Applications in Electrokinetic Remediation. 69-70.
- Johannesson, B., Kazuo, Y., Hosokawa, Y. (2006). Chloride Penetration Model Capable of Correctly Predict the Peak Shaped Chloride Profiles. 2nd International Symposium on Advances in Concrete through Science and Engineering 11-13 September 2006, Quebec City, Canada. 255-256.
- Yamada, K., Hosokawa, Y., Mori, D., Yamada, Y., Johannesson, B. (2006). Estimation of Effective Diffusion Coefficients and Non-linear Binding Parameters of Chloride by Reverse Analysis of Chloride Profiles. SP-234 : Seventh CANMET/ACI International Conference on Durability of Concrete. 39-52.
- Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B., Nilsson, L. (2006). Thermodynamic Modeling of Phase Changes in Neutralization Reactions Using PHREEQC. International RILEM Workshop on Performance Based Evaluation and Indicators for Concrete Durability. 127-133.
- Fagerlund, G., Johannesson, B. (2005). Freezable Water and Frost Resistance of Concrete at Very Low Temperature. XIX Symposium on Nordic Concrete Research & Development : 12-15 June, 2005, Sandefjord, Norway.
- Johannesson, B., Yamada, K., Hosokawa, Y. (2005). The Inclusion of Carbonation into Multi-species Diffusion Models for Concrete Durability. .
- Johannesson, B., Yamada, K., Hosokawa, Y. (2004). An Example of the Effect of Multi-species Diffusion in Concrete. .
- Johannesson, B. (1996). Combined Effects on Concrete Exposed to Mechanical Load and Environmentally Induced Strains. Durability of Building Materials and Components 7 : proceedings of the seventh International Conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, 7DBMC, Stockholm, Sweden, 19-23 May 1996. Vol. 1, Prediction, degradation and materials. 431-442.
- Johannesson, B. (1996). Nonlinear Transient Phenomena in Porous Media with Special Regard to Concrete and Durability. Materials research society, MRS, meeting.
- Johannesson, B. (1996). Convection-diffusion Problems with Significant First-order Reversible Reactions. Ninth Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics, 25-26 October, 1996, Technical University of Denmark.
- Johannesson, B. (1996). Durability of Concrete with Regard to Different Interacting Physical Phenomena. Nordic Concrete Research Meeting, Espoo, Finland 1996. 265-266.
- Johannesson, B. (1995). Mixture Theory Applied to Chemical Reactions and Diffusion of Different Mediums in Mature Concrete : A Hypothetical Model, Part I and Part II. Proceedings pro002 : International RILEM Workshop on Chloride Penetration into Concrete Saint-Rémy-lès-Chevreuse, France (1995). 265-289.
Report (Refereed)
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M. (2012). A model for competitive electrolytic reactions involving gaseous species. Electrochemical Science and Technology, A two day conference : Abstracts for Minisymposium. 1-1.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M. (2012). A physicochemical and numerical model for electrokinetic transport. Electrochemical Science and Technology, A two day conference : Abstracts for Minisymposium.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M., Ribeiro, A.B. (2011). Modelling of Electrokinetic Processes in Civil and Environmental Engineering Applications. Proceeding of the thirteenth international conference on civil, structural and environmental engineering computing. 128.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M. (2011). Influence of the Chemical Interactions on the Removal Rate of Different Salts in Electrokinetic Desalination Processes. Salt Weathering on Buildings and Stone Sculptures. 373-380.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Ribeiro, A.B., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M. (2011). Two-Dimensional Modeling of the Electrokinetic Desalination Treatment of a Brick Wall : Abstract of oral presentation. 2011 EREM : Developments in Elektrokinetic Remediation of Soils, Sediments and Construction Materials. 94-95.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M., Rodriguez-Maroto, J.M., Ribeiro, A.B. (2010). Modeling of Electrokinetic Processes Using the Nernst-Plank-Poisson System. The 8th fib international PhD Symposium in Civil Engineering. 449-454.
- Paz-Garcia, J.M., Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M. (2010). Modeling of the Ionic Multi-Species Transport Phenomena in Electrokinetic Processes and Comparison with Experimental Results. Scientific Advances and Innovative Applications in Electrokinetic Remediation. 69-70.
- Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K., Johannesson, B., Nilsson, L.O. (2008). A development of multi-Species mass transport model considering thermodynamic phase equilibrium. International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod '08. 543-550.
- Johannesson, B. (2008). Interaction Between Surface Change Phenomena and Multi-Species Diffusion in Cement Based Materials. International Conference on Microstructure Related Durability of Cementitious Composites. 565-574.
- Johannesson, B., Ottosen, L.M. (2008). Modeling of electromigration salt removal methods in building materials. Salt Weathering on Building and Stone Sculptures. 351-360.
- Johannesson, B., Hosokawa, Y., Yamada, K. (2008). The effect of moiture transport and sorption hystersis on ionic multispecies diffusion in concrete. International RILEM Symposium on Concrete Modelling - ConMod '08. 527-534.
- Yamada, K., Hosokawa, Y., Johannesson, B., Nilsson, L. (2007). A Model for Combined Chemical and Multi-ionic Diffusion in Concrete. Japan Concrete Institute Proceedings. 957-962.
- Johannesson, B. (2007). Freeze/thaw phenomena in concrete at low temperatures. Nordic Concrete Research.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Johannesson, B. (2000). Transport and Sorption Phenomena in Concrete and Other Porous Media. Doctoral Thesis. Lund University. 83.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Johannesson, B. (1998). Modelling of Transport Processes Involved in Service Life Prediction of Concrete : Important Principles. Licentiate Thesis. Lund University. 227.
Report (Other academic)
- Fagerlund, G., Johannesson, B. (2005). Betong för lagring av flytande naturgas, undersökning steg II : Inverkan av mycket hög fuktnivå, Inverkan av extremt låg temperatur, -196°C. Lunds Universty. 28.
- Johannesson, B., Fagerlund, G. (2003). Betong för lagring av flytande naturgas : Frysfenomen och frostbeständighet vid frysning till -50 °C. Lund University Open Access. 83.
- Johannesson, B. (2003). Mikrobiell påväxt på fasader. Lund University Open Access. 44.
- Johannesson, B. (2003). Thermodynamics of Transport, Phase Changes, Chemical Reactions and Heat Conduction Phenomena in Stressed Elastic Porous Materials. Lund University Open Access. 122.
- Johannesson, B. (2000). Modelling of a Viscous Fluid Percolating a Porous Material Due to Capillary Forces. Lund University. 24.
- Johannesson, B. (2000). Theoretical Permissible Spacing of Air Bubbles in Paste During Freezing According to Powers Hydraulic Pressure Method. Lunds University.
- Johannesson, B. (2000). Verification of the BET-theory by Experimental Investigations on the Heat of Adsorption. Lund University Open Access. 58.
- Johannesson, B. (1997). Kloridinträngning i samband med tösaltning av betongkonstruktioner : Numerisk simulering med hjälp av finita elementmetoden. Lund University Open Access.
- Janz, M., Johannesson, B. (1994). The influence of frost damage on the bound between concrete and reinforcement bars, laboratory results.
- Fagerlund, G., Janz, M., Johannesson, B. (1994). Effect of Frost Damage on Bond between Reinforcement and Concrete – A contribution to the BRITE/EURAM project BREU-CT92-0591, Internal LTH Report, TVBM 9016.