Bo Carlsson
Professor Emeritus
Department of Biology and Environmental Science
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
Article in journal (Refereed)
Carlsson, B., Meir, M., Rekstad, J., Preiss, D., Ramschak, T. (2016). Replacing traditional materials with polymeric materials in solar thermosiphon systems : Case study on pros and cons based on a total cost accounting approach. Solar Energy. 125. 294-306.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Persson, H., Meir, M., Rekstad, J. (2014). A total cost perspective on use of polymeric materials in solar collectors - Importance of environmental performance on suitability. Applied Energy. 125. 10-20.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2010). Total cost as suitable indicator in realization of more sustainable product life cycles regarding utilization of natural abiotic resources. International Journal of Sustainable Development. 3 (3). 36-59.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2009). Phase change behaviour of some latent heat storage media based on calcium chloride hexahydrate. Solar Energy. 83 (4). 485-500.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2009). Selecting material for the exterior panel of a private car back door by adopting a total cost accounting approach. Materials & design. 30 (3). 826-832.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2007). Suitability analysis of selective solar absorber surfaces based on a total cost accounting approach. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 91. 1338-1349.
Status: Published -
Köhl, M., Jorgensen, G., Carlsson, B., Heck, M., Möller, K. (2005). Durability of Polymeric Glazing Materials for Solar Applications. Journal of Solar Energy. 79.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M., Heck, M., Brunold, S., et al. (2004). The applicability of accelerated life testing for assessment of service life of solar thermal components. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 84(1-4). 255-274.
Status: Published -
Köhl, M., Heck, M., Brunold, S., Frei, U., Carlsson, B., et al. (2004). Advanced procedure for the assessment of the life time of solar absorber coatings. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 84(1-4). 275-289.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2004). Rust Protective Capability of some Modern and Traditional Organic Coating Systems Assessed by way of Accelerated Corrosion Testing and by Outdoor Exposure. Journal of Corrosion Science and Engineering. 7(Preprint 24).
Status: Published -
Jorgensen, G., Brunold, S., Carlsson, B., Heck, M., Köhl, M., et al. (2003). Durability of polymeric glazing materials for solar applications. Natural and Artificial Ageing of Polymers. Proceedings 1st European Weathering Symposium, 25-26 September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M., Heck, M., Brunold, S., et al. (2003). Assessment of service life of solar thermal components by accelerated testing. Natural and Artificial Ageing of Polymers. Proceedings 1st European Weathering Symposium, 25-26 September 2003, Prague, Czech Republic.
Status: Published -
Palm, M., Carlsson, B. (2002). New Accelerated Weathering Test Including Acid Rain. Journal of Coating Technology. 74(924). 69-74.
Status: Published -
Eriksson, P., Carlsson, B., Odnevall-Wallinder, I. (2001). Design of accelerated corrosion tests for electronic components in automotive applications. IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies. 24(1).
Status: Published -
Brunold, S., Frei, U., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M. (2000). Round Robin on Accelerated Life Testing of Solar Absorber Surface Durability. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 61. 238-254.
Status: Published -
Brunold, S., Frei, U., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M. (2000). Accelerated Life Testing of Solar Absorber Coatings –Testing Procedure and Results. Solar Energy. 68.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U., Brunold, S., Köhl, M. (2000). Comparison between predicted and actually observed in-service degradation of a nickel pigmented anodized aluminium absorber coating for solar DHW systems. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 61. 223-238.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M., Frei, U., Brunold, S. (2000). Qualification test procedure for solar absorber surface durability. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells. 61. 255-275.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1997). Assessment of surface cleanliness by use of the Bresle method of sampling. Protective Coatings Europe. Feb.
Status: Published -
Wernståhl, K., Carlsson, B. (1997). Durability assessment of automotive coatings - Design and evaluation of accelerated tests. Journal of Coatings Technology. 69(65).
Status: Published -
Bjurström, H., Carlsson, B. (1985). An Exergy Analysis of Sensibel and Latent Heat Storage. Journal of Heat Recovery Systems. 5 (3). 233-250.
Status: Published -
Andersson, J., Bjurström, H., Azoulay, M., Carlsson, B. (1985). Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of the Kinetics of the Sorption of Water Vapour by Silica Gel. Journal of the Chemical Society, Faraday Transactions 1: Physcal Chemistry in Condensed Phases. 81. 2681-2692.
Status: Published -
Bjurström, H., Karawacki, E., Carlsson, B. (1984). Thermal Conductivity of a Microporous Particulate Medium. International journal of heat and mass transfer. 27 (11). 2025-2036.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1980). Heat-Transfer Properties of a Heat-of-Fusion Store Based on CaCl2.6H2O. Solar Energy. 24 (3). 239-247.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1979). An Incongruent Heat-of-Fusion Storage System CaCl2.6H2O Made Congruent through Modifi-cation of the Chemical Composition of the System. Solar Energy. 23.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1979). The Photochromic Properties of the System CuCl(s)-H2O(l) in Relation to the Composition of the Aqueous Solution. Journal of Photochemistry. 11 (6). 403-412.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1978). The Photochemical Heat Pipe. Solar Energy. 21 (2). 87-92.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Leygraf, C., Hultquist, G. (1977). Studies of the Photochromic Properties of the System CuCl(s)-H2O(l) Using Auger Electron Spectroscopy. Journal of Photochemistry. 7 (1). 51-58.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1976). Complex Constants and Ultraviolet Absorption Spectra for CuCl(s)-Cl- Complexes in 1M HClO4. Naturforsch. 31a.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1976). The Photochemical Disproportionation Reaction in the System CuCl(s)-H2O(l). Journal of Photochemistry. 5 (6). 421-434.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1976). Determination of the Equilibrium Constants and UV-Absorption Spectra for Cu2+- Cl- Complexes in 1M HClO4. Journal of inorganic and nuclear chemistry. 38 (8). 1525-1527.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1976). Optical Properties of Metallic Copper in Relation to the Photochromic System CuCl(s)-H2O(l). Journal of Photochemistry. 5 (4). 321-328.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Persson, H., Perers, B., Carlsson, B. (2011). Type12 and Type56: a load structure comparison in TRNSYS.
- Carlsson, B. (2007). Accelerated corrosion testing. Proc First Conference on Environmental Testing Engineering Nov.
- Carlsson, B., Brunold, S., Gombert, A., Heck, M., Hall, M., et al. (2005). Assessment of service life of some passive solar thermal materials. Proc. of 2nd European Weathering Symposium June.
- Carlsson, B., Brunold, S., Gombert, A., Heck, M., Köhl, M., et al. (2005). Study on Durability and Service Lifetime Prediction of some Static Solar Energy Materials. Proc of 10th Conference on Durability of Materials and Constructions April.
- Möller, K., Bäckman, A., Carlsson, B., Palm, M., Al-Malaika, S., et al. (2005). Innovative Measurement Methodology in Quality Assessment of Coatings. Proc. of 2nd European Weathering Symposium June.
- Köhl, M., Jorgensen, G., Brunold, S., Carlsson, B., Heck, M., et al. (2005). Life-time estimation of polymeric glazing materials for solar applications. Proc. of 10th Conference on Durability of Materials and Constructions April.
- Carlsson, B. (2005). A total cost accounting approach in design and evaluation pf products. Proc. of 10th Conference on Durability of Materials and Constructions April.
- Gombert, A., Heck, M., Kübler, V., Köhl, M., Carlsson, B., et al. (2005). Results of durability testing of antireflective glazing. Proc. of Glas Processing Days June.
- Köhl, M., Heck, M., Brunold, S., Frei, U., Carlsson, B., et al. (2004). Gebrauchsdauerabschätzung von Solarabsorbern. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie, Tagungsband 14,.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B., Andersson, B. (2004). Determination of Corrosivity Inside and Outside Solar Thermal Collectors Using Standard Metal Coupons: A comparison between test sites in five European countries. Proceedings of Scandinavian Corrosion Congress 13 NMK April.
- Carlsson, B., Brunold, S., Gombert, A., Heck, M. (2004). Assessment of durability and service lifetime of some static solar energy materials. Proc. of the Eurosun 2004 conference June.
- Carlsson, B. (2003). General methodology for service life prediction based on accelerated testing and its applicability to selective solar absorber coatings and polymeric solar collector cover materials. Proceedings IEA Task 27 Dissemination Workshop October.
- Prates, M.L., Nunes, C., Carvalho, M.J., Teixeira, V., Carlsson, B. (2003). On the qualification of multiplayer thin film coatings. Proceedings 1st International Meeting of Sciences and Technology of Design "Senses and Sensibility in Technology - Linking Tradition to Innovation through Design" September.
- Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Marechal, J., Köhl, M., Heck, M., et al. (2002). General Methodology of Test Procedures for Assessment of Durability and Service Life. Proc. of 9th DBMC March.
- Carlsson, B. (2002). Durability assessment of solar energy materials based on general methodology of accelerated life testing: Introduction. NRC and IEA SHC Task 27 Workshop on "Recent research activities in IEA Task 27" October.
- Palm, M., Carlsson, B. (2000). Design and evaluation of weathering tests including acid rain. Proceedings of 220th ACS Meeting August.
- Köhl, M., Heck, M., Frei, U., Brunold, S., Carlsson, B., et al. (2000). Materials in Solar Thermal Collectors. Proceedings of EUROSUN conference 2000 June.
- Carlsson, B., Eriksson, P., Odnevall Wallinder, I. (2000). Novel Accelerated Corrosion Test for Qualification of Electronic Components in Automotive Applications. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Electrical Contacts June.
- Holck, O., Svendsen, S., Möller, K., Carlsson, B., Brunold, S., et al. (2000). Standard procedure of a tightness test of a solar collector box. Proceedings of EUROSUN conference 2000 June.
- Köhl, M., Heck, M., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U., et al. (1999). Development of accelerated life testing procedures for solar absorber coatings. Proceedings from International Conference on Ageing Studies and Lifetime Extension of Materials July.
- Carlsson, B. (1999). UV-measurements in artificial weathering of polymeric materials. 3;rd Workshop Thematic Network on UV-measurement, NPL sept.
- Brunold, S., Frei, U., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Köhl, M., et al. (1998). Results of a round robin on accelerated testing of absorber surface. Proc. of conference Eurosun ’98.
- Köhl, M., Heck, M., Trötcher, T., Frei, U., Brunold, S., et al. (1997). Measurement of microclimatic data in solar thermal collectors. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on Solar Energy at High Latitudes - North Sun ´97 June.
- Köhl, M., Kübler, V., Tröscher, T., Frei, U., Brunold, S., et al. (1997). Materialen in solarthermischeen Kollektoren. 7. Symposium Thermische Solarenergie April.
- Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U., Köhl, M. (1996). Accelerated Life Testing for Service Life Assessment of Solar Absorbers. Proceedings of 7th International Conference on the Durability of Building Materials and Components May, Volume 2 (E & FN Spon).
- Köhl, M., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U. (1996). Beschleunigte Alterungsprüfverfahren für Solarabsorberschichten - Ergebnisse eines Rundvergleichs. 25 Jahrestagung der GUS March.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (1996). An Investigation of the Corrosivity of the Outdoor Climate and the Micro Climate Inside Solar Collec-tors Using Metal Coupons: A Comparison Between Test Sites in Sweden and Switzerland. Proc. of the Conference Eurosun 96 Sept.
- Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U., Brunold, S., Köhl, M. (1996). Experience of Absorber Durability from Solar DHW Systems - Comparison between predicted and actually observed in-service degradation of some nickel-pigmented anodized aluminium absorber coatings. Proc. of the Conference Eurosun 96 Sept.
- Frei, U., Brunold, S., Köhl, M., Brucker, F., Carlsson, B., et al. (1995). Application of advanced methods for durability assessment of new absorber coatings. Proc. of SPIE Conference July.
- Köhl, M., Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U. (1994). Beschleunigte Alterungsprufverfahren fur Solarabsorbatorschichten. Konferenze Umwelteinflusse Erfassen, Simulieren, Bewerten, GUS Marz.
- Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Frei, U., Köhl, M. (1994). Accelerated Life Testing of Solar Absorbers. Proc. of SPIE Conference Apr.
- Carlsson, B., Frei, U., Köhl, M., Möller, K. (1992). Accelerated life testing of materials - Case study of some selective solar absorbers. Proc. of SEES/CEEES Eropean Conference: The Future Practice of Environmental Engineering in Product Development Oct.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (1991). Effects of Sulphur Dioxide on the Durability of Selective Nickel Pigmented Aluminium Oxide Absorber Coatings. Proc. of IES 37th ATM May.
- Hutchins, M., Dolley, P., Gindele, K., Köhl, M., Frei, U., et al. (1990). Optical properties measurements of solar absorber surfaces: resuls of an international round robin programme. Proc. of SPIE ConferenceProc. of SPIE Conference, Hague, The Netherlands, March March.
- Köhl, M., Möller, K., Carlsson, B., Frei, U., Dolley, P., et al. (1990). Round Robin Test Results of the Temperature Stability of a Black Chrome Coating. Proc. of SPIE Conference March.
- Carlsson, B. (1990). Towards a methodology for accelerated life testing of solar energy materials - A case studie of some selctive solar absorber coatings. Proc. of IES 36th ATM Apr.
- Andersson, I., Bylander, S.A., Wernståhl, K., Carlsson, B. (1989). Routines for calibration and control of equipment for artificial weathering testing at the Swedish National Testing Institute. Proc. of Colloquium on Artificial Weathering, SP Nov.
- Hutchins, M., Dolley, P., Gindele, K., Köhl, M., Frei, U., et al. (1988). Service life time prediction of solar absorber surfaces from results of accelerated ageing tests. Proc. of SPIE Conference.
- Carlsson, B. (1987). Methods for service life prediction of potential interest for the application area of solar heating and cooling. Proc. of IEA Task X Workshop May 1987, Tokyo, Japan.
- Carlsson, B. (1985). Commercial Heating and Cooling (Chairmen's Reports and Recommendations). Proc. of IEA-Workshop on Latent Heat Stores - Technology and Applications March 1984, Jul-Spez-297.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A., Ottosson, H. (1984). Thermal Performance Testing of a Latent Heat Storage Unit. Proc. of First EC Conference on Solar Heating (D. Reidel Publishing Company) May 1984. 910-914.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A. (1984). The Use of Refrigerants for Reflux Boiling Direct Contact Heat Exchanging in Heat-of-Fusion Stor-age Using Salt Hydrates. Proc. of 6th Alternative Energy Sources Conf (Hemisphere Publishing Corporation) Dec; F1: Volume 1.
- Bjurström, H., Andersson, J., Azoulay, M., Carlsson, B. (1984). Kinetics of Sorption of Water Vapour on Silica Gel and its Interpretation. Proc. 10th International Symphosium on the Reactivity of Solids Aug.
- Bjurström, H., Carlsson, B. (1983). The importance of heat transfer in a chemical heat pump utilizing a gas - solid sorption reaction. Proc. 3rd Multiphase Flow and Heat Transfer Conference April.
- Carlsson, B., Bjurström, H. (1982). The Case of the Silica Gel - Water System. TRITA-FYK--8201, Colloquium: Dynamics of solid/gas processes for energy conversion Oct.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A. (1981). Reflux Boiling Direct Contact Heat Exchanging in Heat-of-Fusion Storage Using Salt Hydrates. Proc. Second World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Montreal, Canada Oct. Volume II.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A., Györki, A., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1980). 5. Experimental Characterization of the Thermal Performance of a Heat-of-Fusion Storage Unit. Proc. 3rd International Solar Forum June.
- Carlsson, B. (1980). Possibilities of Conversion and Conservation of Energy Using Thermochemical Reactions. Proc. IVA-International Seminar on Thermochemical Energy Storage Jan.
- Stymne, H., Carlsson, B., Wettermark, G. (1978). Chemical Storage of Energy. "Solar Energy North Sun 50"; SEAS International Conference.
- Wettermark, G., Carlsson, B., Stymne, H. (1978). The Chemical Heat Pump. Solar Energy North 50", SEAS International Conference.
- Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1978). Heat-of-Fusion Storage - Systems for Short-Term Storage of Solar Heat. "Solar Energy North 50"; SEAS International Conference.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Carlsson, B. (1997). Classification and testing of corrosion protection capability of rust protective paint systems - ISO, BSK or ?. Ytforum. 1997:4.
Status: Published -
Bjurström, H., Carlsson, B. (1984). 11. The Effect of Enhancing the Thermal Conductivity of the Sorbent Bed in a Chemical Heat Pump. Part of doctoral thesis "Heat Storage and Heat Transfer in a Chemical Heat Pump - The Water Vapour - Silica Gel Adsorption System", by Henrik Bjurström, TRITA-FYK-8403, Department of Physical Chemistry Royal Institute of Technology, Stock¬holm.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Carlsson, B., Persson, H., Meir, M., Rekstad, J. (2012). Importance of climatic and environmental cost on suitability of polymeric materials in solar therma collectors. Proceedings : Linnaeus ECO-TECH 2012, international conference on natural sciences and environmental technologies for waste and wastewater treatment, remediation, emissions related to climate, environmental and economic effects ; the eighth International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region, and the World, November 26-28, 2012, Kalmar, Sweden.
- Carlsson, B. (2010). Importance of end-of-life cost for a product life cycle in the choice between copper and aluminium. Proceedings Linnaeus Eco-Tech' 10 : [book of abstracts] : international conference on natural sciences and technologies for waste and wastewater treatment remediation emissions related to climate environmental and economic effects : the seventh International Conference on the Establishment of Cooperation between Companies and Institutions in the Nordic Countries, the Baltic Sea Region and the World.
Book (Other academic)
- Carlsson, B. (2003). Lifetime Technology and Chemical Stress. Swedish Environmental Engineering Handbook.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Moller, K., Bäckman, A., Carlsson, B., Palm, M., Al-Malaika, S., et al. (2009). Innovative Measurement Methodology in Quality Assessment of Coatings. Service Life Prediction of Polymeric Materials. New York, Springer. 229-240.
- Brunold, S., Köhl, M., Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (2004). Accelerated indoor testing. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 175-196.
- Jorgensen, G., Brunold, S., Carlsson, B., Heck, M., Möller, K. (2004). Case study on polymeric glazings. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Elsevier. 349-388.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). General methodology. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 141-146.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). Initial risk analysis of potential failure modes. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 147-158.
- Carlsson, B., Jorgensen, G., Köhl, M. (2004). Introduction to the performance and durability assessment of optical materials for solar thermal systems. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 3-16.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). Service life prediction from results of accelerated aging. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 197-224.
- Brunold, S., Carlsson, B., Möller, K. (2004). Measurements of environmental stress conditions and evaluation for service life prediction. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 101-110.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). Qualification testing. Performance and durability assessment : optical materials for solar thermal systems. Amsterdam, Elsevier. 159-174.
- Carlsson, B., Frei, U., Köhl, M., Möller, K. (1998). Accelerated testing for life time assessment of solar absorber surfaces. Climatic and Air Pollution Effects on Materials and Equipment. Pfinztal, Gesellschaft für Umveltsimulation, GUS. 93-?.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Carlsson, B. (1975). The Photochromic Properties of the Heterogeneous System CuCl(s)-H2O(l). Doctoral Thesis.
Report (Other academic)
- Carlsson, B. (2011). Suitable indicators in assessment of environmental and climatic performance of solar heating systems - Use of life cycle analysis for purpose of total cost comparisons : Internal report for IEA Solar Heating and Cooling Programme Task 29, Project A2.
- Sandberg, D., Azoulay, M., Baudin, A., Blom, Å., Carlsson, B., et al. (2011). Utvändiga träfasader : Inverkan av materialval, konstruktion och ytbehandling på beständigheten hos fasader av gran och tall. Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 211.
- Carlsson, B., Azoulay, M. (2010). Nanoteknologi för ökat mervärde till en trähusfasad : Förstudierapport för DISK programmet inom temat Trä får nya egenskaper med nanoteknik. 30.
- Carlsson, B., Wärn, P., Nylinder, Å., Ljung, K., Marström, G. (2009). Suitability of carbon fibre reinforced plastic, CFRP, versus glass fibre reinforced plastic, GFRP, in Wind Turbine Blades – A total cost analysis : Final report, Swedish Energy Agency Project 31634-1. University of Kalmar & Marstrom Composite AB. 40.
- Carlsson, B., Nyborg, L., Nylinder, Å., Palm, M. (2008). Kravprofiler för material i fordon anpassade efter våra framtida samhällens behov - En idépromemoria om forskningsbehov. Högskolan i Kalmar, Rapport för projekt VINNOVA dnr 2008-00234.
- Carlsson, B., Taylor, D., Hogland, W., Marques, M. (2007). Design of Functional Units for Products by a Total Cost Accounting Approach. VINNOVA.
- Carlsson, B., Carlsrud, S., Stridh, K. (2006). Miljöskyddsåtgärder vid rostskyddsmålning – Miljöaspekter, lagkrav, miljöanmälan samt omgivningsmätningar. Kalmar Högskola, Institutionen för teknik.
- Carlsson, B., Hogland, W., Taylor, D., Marques, M. (2005). Design for Functional Units for Products by a Total Cost Accounting Approach. VINNOVA.
- Carlsson, B., Engström, G., Hög Lejre, A.L., Johansson, M., Johnsen, R., et al. (2005). Guidelines for selection of accelerated corrosion test for product qualification. Nordic Innovation Centre.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). Jämförelse av tillgängliga rostskyddssystem för kulturmiljövård – Förutsättningar för referens-objektsstudie av två järnvägsbroar samt rapport från inledande målning. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Velen Flogård, A., Carlsson, B., Lundin, L., Ruud, S. (2004). Rökkanaler av metall - korrosionsprovningsmetod med omväxlande förbränning av ved och olja. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B. (2002). Jämförelse av tillgängliga rostskyddssystem för kulturmiljövård - Resultat av accelererad kor-rosionsprovning. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B., Hogland, W., Johansson, M., Robertson, K., Sundqvist, J. (2002). Integrerade avfallsflöden och omvänd logistik som drivande variabler för innovations system i regionalt perspektiv för minskad miljöpåverkan och resursanvändning. Vinnova.
- Carlsson, B., Al, E. (2002). General methodology of accelerated life testing for assessment of service life of materials. IEA SHC Task 27 Performance of Solar Facade Components.
- Carlsson, B. (2002). General methodology of accelerated testing for assessment of service life of solar thermal components. IEA.
- Carlsson, B. (2002). Assessment for corrosion protection classes for inorganic coatings on steel. NORDTEST.
- Carlsson, B., Virtanen, Y., Sandström, R., Nökleby, J.O. (2001). A Holistic Approach to Material Selection in Component Design - A brief introduction into Ma-terials Lifetime Technology and Industrial Ecology. NORDTEST.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (2000). Accelerated Weathering of Solar Facade Materials. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B., Möller, K., Andersson, B.L., Andersson, I. (1998). Materials in flat plate thermal solar collectors - International cooperation within the framework of the IEA Programme Solar Heating and Cooling. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B., Andersson, B.L. (1998). Measurements of Microclimatic Parameters in Solar Thermal Collectors: Determination of cor-rosivity using metal coupons. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Eriksson, P., Carlsson, B. (1998). Accelerated corrosion test involving alternate exposure for hostile gases, neutral salt spray and drying - SP-method 2499. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B., Wernståhl, K., Bylander, S.A. (1997). Long term durability of painted wooden window frames - Comparison between traditional repainting and window renovation by use of the A13 method. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B. (1997). Proposal for Qualification test procedure for solar absorber surface durability. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B. (1997). Assessment of moister protection capability of organic coating systems for wooden facades. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (1997). Results of round robin test on qualification of absorber surface durability - Swedish contribution. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B. (1996). Assessment of oil and grease residues on metal surfaces by use of the Bresle method of sampling. Berlin, Brief report prepared for the Meeting of ISO TC35/SC12/WG2 at DIN.
- Palm, M., Mattsson, H., Carlsson, B. (1996). Assessment of oil and grease residues on metal surfaces by use of the Bresle method. Report for NORDTEST project 1243 - 95.
- Carlsson, B., Jutengren, K., Berglund-Åhman, A. (1995). Lifetime analysis based on accelerated testing - Recommended methodology for qualification and verification of organic coating systems for defence materials. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B., Frei, U., Köhl, M., Möller, K. (1994). Accelerated Life Testing of Solar Energy Materials - Case study of some selective solar absorber coatings for DHW systems. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Jutengren, K., Carlsson, B. (1993). Exterior wood - Climate, types of damage and service life. Byggforskningsrådet.
- Carlsson, B. (1993). Handbook in Lifetime Technology. Swedish Defence Administration.
- Eriksson, P., Andersson, B.L., Börjesson, A., Carlsson, B. (1992). Methods for corrosion testing of electronic components in the presence of corrosion promoting gases - Case study on components in traffic environments. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Wernståhl, K., Carlsson, B. (1992). Long term durability of painted wooden window frames - Result from comparative study five different organic coating system. Byggforskningsrådet.
- Jutengren, K., Carlsson, B. (1991). Road salting and its effect on automotive corrosion - Development of laboratory corrosion test method using artificial road environments. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Andersson, B.L., Carlsson, B. (1989). Monitoring of climatic/environmental data at the Swedish National Testing Institute in Borås. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B., Al, E. (1988). Survey of service life prediction methods for materials in solar heating and cooling. Swedish Council for Building Research Document.
- Karvonen, L., Carlsson, B. (1987). Long term durability of painted wooden window frames - Prerequisites for reference object study. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut.
- Carlsson, B. (1986). Research and development of latent heat storage systems - A historical review. Swedish Council for Building Research.
- Stymne, H., Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A. (1985). Experimental testing of a latent heat store with direct contact reflux boiling heat exchanging. Stockholm, Department of Physical Chemistry Royal Institute of Technology.
- Carlsson, B. (1984). 3. Phase Change Behaviour of some Heat-of-Fusion Storage Media Based on Calcium Chloride Hexa-hydrate - Research report for the Swedish Council for Building Research for project BFR 840598-4. Department of Physical Chemistry KTH Stockholm.
- Bjurström, H., Carlsson, B. (1984). 2. Heat and mass transfer characteristics of thermochemical heat storage media - Quantitative charac-terization of the system of the heat-of sorption system water vapour /silica gel - Exergy analysis of sensible and latent heat storage media; Research report for the Swedish Council for Building Re-search for project BFR 810316-3. Department of Physical Chemistry KTH Stockholm.
- Carlsson, B. (1983). 1. Storage of low temperature heat in salthydrate melts - Studies of materials and heat exchange techniques - Short term storage of solar : Summary research report for the Swedish Council for Building Research for project BFR750016-8, 1979-82. Department of Physical Chemistry KTH Stockholm.
- Carlsson, B., Bjurström, H., Andersson, J., Fujii, I. (1982). Characterizing heat and mass transfer properties of thermochemical heat storage media. Swedish Council for Building Research.
- Azoulay, M., Carlsson, B. (1982). Chemical Substances for Heat-of-Sorption Storage - Thermodynamic Data for some Solid/Gas Phase Dissociation Reactions. Swedish Board for Technical Development.
- Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G., Engström, L., Kellner, J., et al. (1981). Solveig-project: Short term heat storage in solar heated buildings - Study of magnetite, water, and salthydrate heat stores. Byggforskningsrådet.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A. (1981). Storage of Low-Temperature Heat in Salt Hydrate Melts - The long-term performance of a heat-of-fusion storage unit based on Calcium Chloride Hexahydrate. Swedish Council for Building Research.
- Carlsson, B. (1980). Calculation of the Thermal Performance of a Heat-of-Fusion Storage Unit. Swedish Council for Building Research.
- Carlsson, B., Schmidt, A., Györki, A., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1980). Storage of Low-Temperature Heat in Salt Hydrate Melts - Experimental Characterization of the Thermal Performance of a Heat-of-Fusion Storage Unit. Swedish Council for Building Research.
- Wettermark, G., Carlsson, B., Stymne, H. (1979). Storage of Heat - A Survey of Efforts and Possibilities. Stockholm, Swedish Council for Building Research. 163.
- Wettermark, G., Carlsson, B., Stymne, H. (1978). Storage of Low-temperature Heat in Salt Hydrate Melts - Calcium Chloride Hexahydrate. Stockholm, Swedish Council for Building Research [Statens råd för byggnadsforskning]. 125.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Persson, H., Carlsson, B., Perers, B. (2013). Development and validation of a TRNSYS/TRNSED-software for combi-heating systems.
- Persson, H., Carlsson, B., Perers, B. Optimization of pellet-solar combisystems for buildings using a DoE approach.
Other (Other academic)
- Carlsson, B., Heale, B., Jutengren, K. (2004). Jämförelse av tillgängliga rostskyddssystem för kulturmiljövård – Resultat av konditionsbesiktningar av referensobjekt ett år efter ommålning.
- Carlsson, B. (2004). Jämförelse av tillgängliga rostskyddssystem för kulturmiljövård – Resultat av fältstationsstationsprovningar efter tre år samt jämförelse med resultat från accelererad provning.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Carlsson, B. (2003). Jämförelse av tillgängliga rostskyddssystem för kulturmiljövård – Inledande projektering inför referensobjektsstudie. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-Arbetsrapport 2003:19.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2001). Nya avancerade fasadmaterial studeras inom ramen för IEA samarbete. Ytforum. 2001:6.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2001). Rostskydd för kulturmiljövård. Ytforum. 2001:3.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Andersson, B.L., Hög Lejre, A.L. (2000). Classification of corrosion protection capability of inorganic coatings. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-Rapport 2000:20.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2000). Behov av en helhetssyn vid materialval. Ytforum. 2000:5.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2000). Korrosionsskyddsklassning av oorganiska ytbeläggningar. Ytforum. 2000:8.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (2000). Durability and life-time assessment of optical materials for solar thermal systems – Contribution to IEA SHC MSTC book. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-AR 2000: 01.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1999). Livslängdsteknik som hjälp vid materialval. Ytfoum. 1999:2.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1999). Livslängd hos elektronik i korrosiva miljöer. Ytforum. 1999:8.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1998). Rötskador på träfasader - Olika färgsystems förmåga till fuktskydd. Bygg och Teknik. 1998:8.
Status: Published -
Palm, M., Carlsson, B. (1998). Development and analysis of accelerated artificial weathering tests for automotive coatings. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-Report 1998:33.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1998). Internationell standardisering av metoder för korrosionsprovning. Ytforum. 1998:1.
Status: Published -
Palm, M., Heale, B., Cedheim, L., Carlsson, B. (1997). Development and evaluation of method for assessment of surface cleanliness in respect of oil and grease residues on metals. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-AR 1997:19.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1997). Underhållsmålning av träfönster och lämpligaste ommålningsintervall. Bygg och Teknik. 1997:8.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1996). Provning av rostskyddsfärger. Ytforum. 1996:1.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1996). Compilation of publications and results from project A1: Experience of Absorber Durability from Solar Installations in Use. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. IEA Working Group on Materials for Solar Thermal Collectors, SP-AR 1996:32.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Bresle, Å. (1995). Kontroll av ytrenhet hos metallytor före rostskyddsmålning. Ytforum. 1995:6.
Status: Published -
Möller, K., Carlsson, B. (1995). Qualification tests of absorber coatings with respect to thermal stability, resistance to humidity involving condensation, and resistance to atmospheric corrosivity (SO2). Swedish National Testing and Research Institute. Interim report for IEA SHC WG Materials in Solar Thermal Collectors, Feb.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Al, E. (1995). NORDTEST/SP seminar: Evaluation of organic coating systems for corrosion protection. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. Report for NORDTEST project nr 1186-94, SP-AR 1995:13.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Jutengren, K., Berglund-Åhman, A. (1995). Recommended methods for qualification and verification of organic coating systems for defence materials. Swedish Defence Administration,. November.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Jutengren, K., Berglund-Åhman, A. (1995). Compilation of results from project: Environmental friendly organic coatings for defence prod-ucts. SP Sveriges Tekniska Forskningsinstitut. SP-AR 1995:67.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1994). Accelerad livslängdstestning av solenergimaterial. Ytforum. 1994:1.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1994). Accelererad korrosionsprovning av rostskyddsfärger. Ytforum. 1994:5.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Gevert, T. (1993). Forskning kring provnings- och utvärderingsmetoder inom Ytskydd och korrosion samt Polymertek-nik vid SP. Ytforum. 1993:2.
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B., Anneling, R. (1993). Painting of exterior wooden facades - Guidelines for planning, verification and purchasing. SP-INFO 1993:4 (Swedish).
Status: Published -
Carlsson, B. (1993). Aktuellt från Statens Provningsanstalt. Ytforum. 1993:1.
Status: Published -
Wettermark, G., Carlsson, B., Stymne, H. (1978). The chemical heat pump. VVS-tidningen (Swedish). 1978:4.
Status: Published -
Wettermark, G., Carlsson, B. (1974). Photochromic materials. Svensk Naturvetenskap (Swedish). 1974.
Status: Published
Patent (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Hjort, Å., Carlsson, B. (2014). Method and Device for heating a building using a solar collector.
- Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1980). A method and apparatus for storing heat. European patent 0 034 164, US Patent 4,466,478.
- Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1979). Sätt och anordning vid lagring och uttag av värme genom smältning och kristallation av en eller flera kemiska föreningar. Swedish patent.
- Carlsson, B., Stymne, H., Wettermark, G. (1978). Sätt vid upprepad smältning och kristallation av ett system baserat på CaCl2.6H2O. Swedish patent.
- Carlsson, B., Neretnieks, I., Wettermark, G. (1976). Sätt och anordning att nyttiggörande de fotoniska egenskaperna hos solljus för alstring av högtemperaturvärme. Swedish patent.
Article, review/survey (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Carlsson, B. (2011). Total cost accounting helps reduce resource use in manufacturing - New method to assess product sustainability. Science for Environmental Policy, DG Enviroment News Alert Sevice. European Commission. (26). 11.
Status: Published