Course coordinator for "Ecology and the scientific method (15 HE credits)", "Ecology and Health (15 HEc"", "Wetlands and streams (15HEc)". I also teach in "Freshwater Ecology (7.5 HEc)"and "Conservation Biology 15 HEc)".
My research interests includes life-history traits of plants and parasites, succession management and restoration of degraded wetland functions.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Lindh, M.V., Sjöstedt, J., Ekstam, B., Casini, M., Lundin, D., et al. (2017). Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers. Environmental Microbiology. 19 (3). 1222-1236.
Status: Published -
Svensson, H., Ekstam, B., Marques, M., Hogland, W. (2015). Removal of organic pollutants from oak leachate in pilot scale wetland systems : How efficient are aeration and vegetation treatments?. Water Research. 84. 120-126.
Status: Published -
Ekstam, B., Johansson, B., Dinnétz, P., Ellström, P. (2011). Predicting risk habitats for the transmission of the small liver fluke, Dicrocoelium dendriticum to grazing ruminants.. Geospatial Health. 6 (1). 125-131.
Status: Published -
Ekstam, B., Forseby, Å. (1999). Germination response of Phragmites australis and Typha latifolia to diurnal fluctuations in temperature. Seed science research. 9:157-163.
Status: Published -
Ekstam, B., Johannesson, R., Milberg, P. (1999). The effect of light and number of diurnal temperature fluctuations on germination of Phragmites australis. Seed Science Research. 9:165-170.
Status: Published -
Ebenman, B., Hedenström, A., Wennergren, U., Ekstam, B., Landin, J., et al. (1995). The relationship between population density and body size: the role of extinction and mobility. Oikos. 73:225-230.
Status: Published -
Ekstam, B. (1995). Ramet siz equalisation in a clonal plant, Phragmites australis. Oecologia. 104:440-446.
Status: Published
Report (Refereed)
- Ekstam, B. (2013). Åtgärdsprogram för skaftslamkrypa Elatine hexandra [Lapierre] DC.. Göteborg, Havs- och vattenmyndigheten. 45.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Tonderski, K., Svensson, J., Ekstam, B., Eriksson, P., Fleischer, S., et al. (2003). Våtmarker - närsaltsfällor och/eller myllrande mångfald?. Vatten - tidskrift för vattenvård. 59 (4). 259-270.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Ekstam, B. (2007). Reed bed biodiversity. Read Up on Reed. Turku, Finland, SW Finland Reg. Environm. Centre. 54-60.
- Ekstam, B. (2001). Våtmarkerna. Natur och kultur på Öland. Kalmar, Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar. 90-100.
- Ekstam, B. (2001). Vattnet i landskapet. Natur oh kultur på Öland. Kalmar, Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar.
Report (Other academic)
- Ekstam, B. (2004). Växtval och etableringsmetoder. Högskolan i Kalmar. 11.
- Ekstam, B., Karlsson, T., Wäglind, J. (2004). Strandmorfometri, vattenståndsförhållanden och vegetation vid Nerängarna och Lillåns utlopp i Emån, NV Emsfors. Projektrapport till Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar, Högskolan i Kalmar. 24.
- Björk, S., Ekstam, B. (1996). The Stentsovsko-Zhebriansky Plavni restoration plan. Dept of Ecology, Limnology, Lund University.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ekstam, B., Ekelund, S., Aleljung, S., Hevelius, C. (2003). Våtmarker i Borgholms kommun. Borgholms kommun.
Status: Published