Article in journal (Refereed)
Patron, E., Wikman, S., Edfors, I., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Linder, C. (2017). Teachers’ reasoning : Classroom visual representational practices in the context of introductory chemical bonding. Science Education. 101 (6). 887-906.
Status: Published
Edfors, I., Wikman, S., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Linder, C. (2015). University students' reflections on representations in genetics and stereochemistry revealed by a focus group approach. NorDiNa : Nordic Studies in Science Education. 11 (2). 169-179.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Wanselin, H., Wennersten, L., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Lindahl, M., Wikman, S. (2019). STUDENTS’ MEANING MAKING IN ECOLOGY EDUCATION. The 13th Conference of the European Science Education Research Association (ESERA), Italy, Bologna, Aug 26-30 2019.
Patron, E., Wikman, S., Edfors, I., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Linder, C. (2013). Kemilärares reflektioner kringanvändning av visuella representationer. .
Johansson-Cederblad, B., Wågman, Å., Edfors, I., Linder, A., Wikman, S., et al. (2013). University teachers’ professional development through a focus group approach. .
Wikman, S., Edfors, I., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Linder, C. (2011). University students’ reflections on the use of representations in introductory stereochemistry. Science Learning & Citizenship.
Conference paper (Other academic)
Wanselin, H., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Lindahl, M., Wennersten, L., Wikman, S. (2019). Elevers meningsskapande i ekologi. FobasNT19 (Forum för forskningsbaserad natur- och teknikundervisning) konferens 2019, Linköpings universitet, 17-18 oktober, 2019.
Edfors, I., Wikman, S., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Linder, C. (2014). University students' reflections on representations in introductory genetics and stereochemistry. .
Edfors, I., Johansson-Cederblad, B., Wikman, S., Linder, C. (2013). Fokusgrupper avslöjar representationersmöjligheter och begränsningar för lärande i naturvetenskap. .