Carl-Henrik Adolfsson
Associate professor
Department of Pedagogy
Faculty of Social Sciences
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Adolfsson, C. (2024). Large-scale school improvement : results of and conditions for systemic changes within coupled school systems. Journal of educational change. 25. 579-603.
Status: Published -
Nordholm, D., Adolfsson, C. (2024). Big ideas, soft governance : managing large-scale school improvement at the national agency level in Sweden. International Journal of Educational Management. 38 (1). 302-316.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Nordholm, D. (2024). Organizational Routines and Theorizing in Large-Scale School Improvement — Exploring a Swedish Design. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 1-18.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Adolfsson, C. (2024). The local governance of Swedish schools in light of a new educational policy landscape empirical exploration and theoretical elaboration. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. 10 (2). 85-97.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2024). Local Quality Management for Developing Schools’ Capacity Building : A Multiyear Study. Research in Educational Administration and Leadership. 9 (4). 550-583.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2023). Data Analysis for School Improvement within Coupled Local School Systems : Which Data and with what Purposes?. Leadership and Policy in Schools. 22 (3). 714-727.
Status: Published -
Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2022). Local education authority's quality management within a coupled school system : Strategies, actions, and tensions. Journal of educational change. 23. 291-314.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2021). Mötet mellan den statliga och kommunala kvalitetsstyrningen inom ramen för Samverkan för bästa skola. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 26 (1). 15-41.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Adolfsson, C., Vogt, B. (2020). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Journal of Social Science Education. 19 (SI). 66-81.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2020). Power dynamics and policy actions in the changing landscape of local school governance. Nordic Journal of Studies in Educational Policy. 6 (2). 128-142.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2019). Evaluating teacher and school development by learning capital : a conceptual contribution to a fundamental problem. Improving Schools. 22 (2). 130-143.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2018). Evaluating School Improvement Efforts : Pupils as Silent Result Suppliers, or Audible Improvement Resources?. International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research. 17 (6). 34-50.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C. (2018). Upgraded curriculum? : An analysis of knowledge boundaries in teaching under the Swedish subject-based curriculum. Curriculum Journal. 29 (3). 424-440.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D. (2018). Att forskningsbasera den svenska skolan : Policyinitiativ under 25 år. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 23 (1-2). 39-63.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2017). The nested systems of local school development : Understanding improved interaction and capacities in the different sub-systems of schools. Improving Schools. 20 (3). 195-208.
Status: Published -
Alvunger, D., Adolfsson, C. (2016). Introducing a critical dialogical model for vocational teacher education. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 6 (1). 53-75.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C. (2012). Vad räknas som kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolan? : En kritisk diskursanalys av förändrade policyformeringar mellan 1990-talet och 2010-talet i svensk gymnasieskola. Utbildning och Demokrati. 21 (2). 15-38.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Adolfsson, C. (2024). Big ideas, soft governance : managing large-scale school improvement at the national agency level in Sweden. 10thNordic Curriculum TheoryConference : Abstracts. 6-7.
- Adolfsson, C. (2022). Local Quality Management - Local School Governance in Sweden in the light of a re-centralization movement. Education between Hope and Happening – Developing Powerful Curriculum Theorizing in Challenging Times, 9:e Nordiska Läroplansteorikonferensen, Linnéuniversitetet, 20-21 oktober 2022, Abstracts. 10-11.
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). Making Social Studies in Standards-Based Curricula. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2019). The Local Education Authority’s Implementation of a Capacity-building model for school improvement – obstacles and possibilities. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Dvorak, D., Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Dempsey, M., O'neill, N., et al. (2019). Curriculum Making and Subject Traditions : Curriculum Reforms in Social Studies and Physics and the Concept of Knowledge. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D., Forsberg, E. (2018). Evidently, the Broker is the New Whiz-kid at the Education agora. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2018). A study on policy pressures and power dynamics in the changing landscape of local school governance. .
- Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2018). Evidently, the Broker is the New Whiz-Kid at the Education Agora. NERA 2018 - 46th CONGRESS Educational Research: Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges : Abstracts. 106.
- Alvunger, D., Adolfsson, C. (2017). Bidrag till symposium: Att förstå läroplansreformer – En teoribaserad utvärdering av Läroplan för grundskolan 2011. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2017). Teachers' selection of content in an age of standard-based policy. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2017). The Selection of Content and Knowledge Conceptions in Teaching in an Era of Standards-based Policy Reforms. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2017). Teachers’ selection of content in the age of standard-based policy. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2017). The Selection of Content and Knowledge Conceptions in Teaching in the era of standard based policy reforms. .
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2016). The nested systems of local curriculum innovation. ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, 22-26 August, 2016.
- Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D. (2015). Building School Improvement Capacity and Learning Capital : A Swedish Case Study. Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research. ECER 2015, European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest, September 7-11.
- Adolfsson, C. (2015). Att få gymnasieelver att välja rätt : Relationen mellan gymnasieelevers valfrihet och gymnasieskolans ekonomiska funktion i utbildningspolicy mellan 1960- och 2010-talet. Curriculum and national identity - Nordic divergences? 6th Nordic Curriculum Theory Conference, 21-22 October, Örebro University, Sweden.
- Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2014). Learning schools in Sweden – principals understanding of on-going school improvement in an era of accountability. ECER 2014, The Past, the Present and the Future of Educational Research : 03. Curriculum Innovation.
- Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2014). Learning schools in Sweden – principals understanding of on-going school improvement in an era of accountability. Teachers Matter - But how?.
- Adolfsson, C. (2013). Läroplansteorin efter den ”realistiska vändningen”: exemplet kunskapsfrågan. Den femte nordiska läroplansteorikonferensen i Uppsala : Curriculum and/or didactics – a discussion revisited. Towards a transnational curriculum theory?.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2013). The Recontextualisation of Curriculum Reform : Local Curriculum Innovation Under the Accountability Regime of the New Swedish Curriculum, Lgr11. ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research : Network: 03. Curriculum Innovation.
- Adolfsson, C. (2012). How to Get Pupils To Make the Right Choice. ECER 2012, The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All : Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Adolfsson, C. (2011). Vad räknas som kunskap i den svenska gymnasieskolan?.
- Adolfsson, C. (2011). What count as knowledge? : A critical analysis of the ongoing reformation of the Swedish upper secondary school in the age of “standards-based education”. ECER 2011, Urban Education : Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Adolfsson, C. (2009). Legitimitetskris, styrning och kunskap. .
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Adolfsson, C., Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2019). Evidently, the Broker Appears as the New Whizz-kid on the Educational Agora. New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education : conducting empirically based research. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 99-110.
- Adolfsson, C., Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2018). När evidensrörelsen kom till den svenska skolan. Den evidensbaserade skolan : Svensk skola i skärningspunkten mellan forskning och praktik. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 71-99.
- Adolfsson, C., Alvunger, D. (2018). The selection of content and knowledge conceptions in the teaching of curriculum standards in compulsory schooling. Transnational Curriculum Standards and Classroom Practices : The New Meaning of Teaching. London, Routledge. 98-115.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N., Vogt, B., Adolfsson, C. (2019). How to express knowledge: Knowledge concepts for measurement in Swedish curriculum. NERA 2019 Education in a Globalized World, 6-8 March 2019, Uppsala, Sweden : Abstract Book 2019-03-06.
- Alvunger, D., Adolfsson, C. (2014). Introducing a Critical Dialogical Model for Teacher Education/Att införa en kritisk dialogisk modell i lärarutbildningen. .
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Adolfsson, C. (2013). Kunskapsfrågan : En läroplansteoretisk studie av den svenska gymnasieskolans reformer mellan 1960-talet och 2010-talet. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 310.
Report (Other academic)
- Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2017). Lärande grundskolor i Stockholm stad : En slutrapport. Kalmar/Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 63.
- Sundberg, D., Adolfsson, C. (2015). Att forskningsbasera skolan : En analys av utbildningspolitiska frågeställningar och initiativ över en 20 års period, delrapport från SKOLFORSK-projektet. Stockholm, Vetenskapsrådet. 33.
- Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J. (2015). En slutrapport från projektet: Lärande skolor och förskolor i Kalmar kommun : Forskning och lokalt skolutvecklingsarbete i samspel. Kalmar/Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 35.
- Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D., Karlsdotter, A. (2014). Lärande skolor och förskolor i Kalmar kommun : Forskning och lokalt skolutvecklingsarbete i samspel - En delrapport. Kalmar, Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 48.
- Adolfsson, C. (2014). Skolstorlekens påverkan på elevers skolprestationer och sociala situation i skolan:En forskningsöversikt. Kalmar/Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 30.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2011). Innovative leaning environments : a case study of entrepreneurial learning in the Swedish primary school. 20.