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Carmen Amaddeo
Senior lecturer
Department of Building Technology
Faculty of Technology
+46 470-70 86 33
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My research groups
Composite elements and hybrid structures
Composite elements and hybrid structures are the youngest research field of the Department of Building Technology. The focus of this research is to combine…
Structural Health Monitoring
Within the area of structural health monitoring (SHM), data is collected from buildings and structures and automatically analyzed. The results are used to detect…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Competitive timber structures – Resource efficiency and climate benefits along the wood value chain through engineering design
Through increasing scientific knowledge along the wood…
Project: ESG Impact Index in Higher Education (Shift)
Shift aims at increasing the capacity of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) to contribute to the sustaiable development goals by assessing and…
Project: GreenBIM Transnational MSc in BIM and Energy Efficiency in Buildings
GreenBIM will promote the inter-connected higher education system. Locally, co-creation of content by experts from…
Project: House Limnologen
The apartment buildings at Limnologen in Växjö are among the oldest multi-story buildings in the Nordic made from CLT. During planning and construction, the buildings were…
Project: Research at Pilgatan, Varberg
In the locality of Trönninge, near Varberg on the Swedish West coast, Derome is developing a new residential area. Two six-storey apartment buildings,…
Project: Sustainable composite floor system for circular construction business
The aim of this project is to analyse the possibilities to solve the problems of circularity in the construction sector.…
My completed research projects
Project: Relationship between stiffness and moisture changes in CLT
Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is produced by gluing boards together crosswise in layers and used as a construction material. In this…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Amaddeo, C.
Dorn, M.
, Martinelli, L. (2024).
Initial monitoring of a six‑story lightweight timber frame building under different environmental conditions
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
Status: Epub ahead of print
Ozcelik, O., Misir, I.S., Yucel, U., Durmazgezer, E., Yucel, G.,
et al
. (2022).
Model updating of Masonry courtyard walls of the historical Isabey mosque using ambient vibration measurements
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring (JCSHM)
. 12. 1157-1172.
Status: Published
Ozcelik, O., Yormaz, D.,
Amaddeo, C.
, Girgin, O., Kahraman, S. (2019).
System Identification of a Six-Span Railway Bridge Using Ambient Vibration Measurements at Different Temperature Conditions
Journal of performance of constructed facilities
. 33 (2).
Status: Published
Ozcelik, O.,
Amaddeo, C.
System Identification of a Base-Isolated Bridge by Ambient and Forced Vibration Tests
Journal of Testing and Evaluation
. 45 (6). 2093-2110.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Amaddeo, C.
Dorn, M.
Ambient Vibration Tests and Modal Analysis of a Six-Story Lightweight Timber Frame Building
World Conference on Timber Engineering (WCTE 2023) : 19-22 June, Oslo
. 2898-2906.
Amaddeo, C.
Dorn, M.
System identification of a six-story lightweight timber frame building using ambient vibration measurements at different environmental conditions
Experimental Vibration Analysis for Civil Engineering Structures. EVACES 2023
. 569-578.
Dorn, M.
Larsson, C.
Amaddeo, C.
Abdeljaber, O.
Changes in eigenfrequencies of CLT elements due to a variation of ambient conditions
Experimental Mechanics in Engineering and Biomechanics : Proceedings ICEM 2020th International Conference on Experimental Mechanics, Porto 2-7 July 2023
. 989-990.
Amaddeo, C.
Dorn, M.
Dynamic characterization of a six-story light-weight timber-frame building
Proceedings of the SHATIS 2022 : 6th International Conference on Structural Health Assessment of Timber Structures, 7-9 September 2022, Prague, 2022
. 173-179.
Report (Other academic)
Dorn, M.
Larsson, C.
Amaddeo, C.
Abdeljaber, O.
Samband mellan styvhet och ändring av fukthalt i KL-trä vid lågmekanisk belastning : Slutrapport till förstudieprojekt
. 11.