Cecilia Österman
Senior lecturer
Kalmar Maritime Academy
Faculty of Technology
My ongoing research projects
Project: Assessment of impacts on occupational safety and health when choosing marine fuels This project studies how the working environment and the indoor air quality on board a ship is affected when…
Project: From passive receiver to active resource in the crisis management system By involving people with disabilities and their interest organizations in crisis and emergency preparedness work, we…
Project: Personal protective equipment – strategies and recommendations for increased use through adaptation to user, task and context Within the construction and shipping industries, there are work…
My completed research projects
Project: Incentives for skills supply in a socially sustainable shipping This project aims to identify incentives at individual, organizational and industry levels for the skills supply in a socially…
Project: Practical work environment management for gender diversity in the maritime sector When working as a seafarer, the ship is both a working and a living environment. The social work environment…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ekstedt, J., Svels, K., Boström, M., Gustavsson, M., Ounanian, K., et al. (2025). Hindered, Overlooked, and Undervalued : Gender Equality in Nordic Blue Economies. Ocean and Society. 2.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Österman, C., Boström, M. (2025). Incentives for Skills Supply in a Socially Sustainable Shipping. Ocean and Society. 2.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Boström, M. (2022). Workplace bullying and harassment at sea : A structured literature review. Marine Policy. 136.
Status: Published -
Boström, M., Österman, C. (2022). Creating Clarity and Crew Courage : Preventive and Promotive Measures for a Maritime Industry Without Bullying and Harassment. Occupational Health Science. 6 (4). 605-629.
Status: Published -
Strandberg, B., Österman, C., Koca Akdeva, H., Moldanová, J., Langer, S. (2022). The Use of Polyurethane Foam (PUF) Passive Air Samplers in Exposure Studies to PAHs in Swedish Seafarers. Polycyclic aromatic compounds (Print). 42 (2). 448-459.
Status: Published -
Langer, S., Österman, C., Strandberg, B., Moldanová, J., Fridén, H. (2020). Impacts of fuel quality on indoor environment onboard a ship : From policy to practice. Transportation Research Part D : Transport and Environment. 83. 1-11.
Status: Published -
Glimne, S., Brautaset, R., Österman, C. (2020). Visual fatigue during control room work in process industries. Work : A journal of Prevention, Assessment and rehabilitation. 65 (4). 903-914.
Status: Published -
Sandberg, C., Hult, C., Österman, C., Praetorius, G. (2020). The Committed Service Crew : The Impact of Passenger Proximity on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 14 (3). 595-600.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Hult, C., Praetorius, G. (2020). Occupational safety and health for service crew on passenger ships. Safety Science. 121. 403-413.
Status: Published -
Praetorius, G., Hult, C., Österman, C. (2020). Maritime Resource Management : Current Training Approaches and Potential Improvements. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 14 (3). 573-584.
Status: Published -
Glimne, S., Österman, C. (2019). Eye symptoms and reading abilities of computer users subjected to visually impaired direct glare. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 72. 173-179.
Status: Published -
Bligård, L., Berlin, C., Österman, C. (2018). The power of the dollhouse : Comparing the use of full-scale, 1:16-scale and virtual 3D-models for user evaluation of workstation design. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 68. 344-354.
Status: Published -
Praetorius, G., Österman, C., Hult, C. (2018). Strategies and measures to improve the work environment of service crew on board Swedish passenger vessel. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 12 (3). 587-595.
Status: Published -
Boström, M., Österman, C. (2017). Improving operational safety during icebreaker operations. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). 16 (1). 73-88.
Status: Published -
Hult, C., Österman, C. (2016). The Impact of Family and Job Content on Swedish Seafarers' Occupational Commitment : A Gendered Issue?. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 10 (1). 27-34.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Hult, C. (2016). Administrative burdens and over-exertion in Swedish short sea shipping. Maritime Policy & Management. 43 (5). 569-579.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Berlin, C., Bligård, L. (2016). Involving users in a ship bridge re-design process using scenarios and mock-up models. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics. 53. 236-244.
Status: Published -
Liwång, H., Sörenson, K., Österman, C. (2015). Ship security challenges in high-risk areas : manageable or insurmountable?. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). 14 (2). 201-217.
Status: Published -
Hammander, M., Karlsson, P., Österman, C., Hult, C. (2015). How Do You Measure Green Culture in Shipping? : The Search for a Tool Through Interviews with Swedish Seafarers. TransNav, International Journal on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 9 (4). 501-509.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Rose, L. (2015). Assessing financial impact of maritime ergonomics on company level : a case study. Maritime Policy & Management. 42 (6). 555-570.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Magnusson, M. (2013). A systemic review of shipboard SCR installations in practice. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). 12 (1). 63-85.
Status: Published -
Österman, C. (2013). Beyond the ethic case : a value proposition of proactive human factors management. AMET Maritime Journal. (1). 14-41.
Status: Published -
Österman, C., Rose, L., Osvalder, A. (2010). Exploring Maritime Ergonomics from a Bottom Line Perspective. WMU Journal of Maritime Affairs (JoMA). 9 (2). 153-168.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Österman, C., Glimne, S. (2019). Multi-method approach for evaluating visual conditions incontrol room environments. Proceedings of the 50th Nordic Ergonomics and Human Factors Society Conference. 184-192.
- Österman, C., Osvalder, A., Hemphälä, H., Frohm, J., Glimne, S., et al. (2019). Conceptual and Practical Strategy Work to Promote Ergonomics/Human Factors in Sweden. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). 320-329.
- Glimne, S., Brautaset, R., Österman, C. (2019). Visual Ergonomics in Control Room Environments : A Case Study from a Swedish Paper Mill. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). 180-189.
- Rose, L.M., Österman, C. (2019). Developing an International Master’s Programme in Ergonomics at a Technical University in Sweden. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018). 429-436.
- Österman, C., Praetorius, G., Hult, C. (2017). Work environment challenges and participatory workplace interventions on passenger ships. Proceedings of the 49th Nordic Ergonomics Society (NES) Conference Joy at Work. 452-459.
- Insanic, J., Rose, L., Österman, C. (2017). Expert user perspectives of the Ergo-Index model for analysis of work tasks. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference: Joy at work. 313-320.
- Österman, C., Schmidt, L., Sanne, J.M., Antonsson, A. (2017). Preventing workplace violence and threats among professional cleaners : how not to be in the ‘wrong place at the wrong time’. Proceedings of the 49th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference, "Joy at work" : Joy at Work. 460-467.
- Praetorius, G., Österman, C., Hult, C. (2017). Underlying Causes of and Potential Measures to Reduce Long-term Sick Leave Among Employees in the Service Department on Board Swedish Passenger Vessels. Safety of Sea Transportation : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation (TransNav 2017), June 21-23, 2017, Gdynia, Poland. 287-293.
- Langer, S., Moldanová, J., Österman, C. (2016). Influence of fuel change on indoor environmental quality on-board a passenger ferry. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2016.
- Österman, C., Langer, S., Moldanová, J. (2016). Personal exposure of seafarers to air pollutants and perceived indoor air quality on a passenger ferry. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2016.
- Ahlgren, F., Österman, C. (2015). A social sustainability perspective on an environmental intervention to reduce ship emissions. Creating Sustainable Work-environments : Proceedings of NES2015, Nordic Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Conference, 01-04 November 2015, Lillehammer, Norway. A4-12-A4-15.
- Hult, C., Österman, C. (2015). Swedish Seafarers’ Occupational Commitment in Light of Gender and Family Situation. Safety of Marine Transport : Marine Navigation and Safety of Sea Transportation. 41-47.
- Ahlin, J., Österman, C., Osvalder, A., Hemphälä, H., Glimne, S., et al. (2015). Strategies to develop and strengthen human factors and ergonomics knowledge among stakeholders in Sweden. Proceedings 19th Triennial Congress of the IEA, Melbourne 9-14 August 2015.
- Bligård, L., Berlin, C., Österman, C. (2015). Comparing 2D and 3D models as tools for evaluation of workplaces. Creating Sustainable Work Environments : Proceedings of NES2015, Nordic Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Conference, 01-04 November 2015, Lillehammer, Norwa. A3-11-A3-15.
- Langer, S., Moldanová, J., Bloom, E., Österman, C. (2014). Indoor Environment On-Board the Swedish Icebreaker Oden. Proceedings of Indoor Air 2014.
- Boström Cars, M., Österman, C. (2014). Mind the gap! Maritime education for gender-equal career advancement. Maritime Women: Global Leadership 2nd International Conference, Malmö, March 31 - April 1, 2014.
- Bligård, L., Österman, C., Berlin, C. (2014). Using 2D and 3D models as tools during a workplace design process : a question of how and when. Proceedings of the 46th Annual Nordic Ergonomics Society Conference. 799-804.
- Österman, C. (2013). Knowledge ergonomics : linking islands of knowledge to promote sustainable shipping. Proceedings NES2012. Ergonomics for sustainability and growth.
- Österman, C., Magnusson, M. (2012). A systems perspective on practical experiences of marine SCR installations. Proceedings of the 2012 International Research Conference on Short Sea Shipping.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Praetorius, G., Österman, C., Hult, C. (2019). Have a Healthy Lifestyle or Organize Work : Creating Healthy Shipboard Work Environments. Proceedings of the 20th Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2018) : Volume VI: Transport Ergonomics and Human Factors (TEHF), Aerospace Human Factors and Ergonomics. Cham, Springer. 455-464.
- Boström Cars, M., Österman, C. (2015). Mind the Gap! : Maritime education for gender-equal career advancement. Maritime Women : Global Leadership. Berlin Heidelberg, Springer. 143-154.
- Österman, C., Osvalder, A. (2015). Human elements in maritime logistics. Maritime Logistics : A Guide to Contemporary Shipping and Port Management. London, Kogan page. 91-106.
- Österman, C. (2012). Performance influencing factors in maritime operations. Human Element in Container Shipping. Peter Lang Publishing Group. 87-104.
- Österman, C., Osvalder, A. (2012). Human element in maritime logistics. Maritime Logistics : A complete guide to effective shipping and port management. London, Kogan page. 59-74.
Report (Refereed)
- Langer, S., Österman, C., Strandberg, B., Fridén, H. (2018). Riskbedömning av svenska sjömäns yrkesmässiga exponering för toxiska luftföroreningar : Mätningar och enkätundersökning. Stockholm, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet. 61.
- Langer, S., Moldanová, J., Österman, C. (2015). God innemiljö på svenska fartyg : Kartläggning av innemiljön och förslag på förbättringsåtgärder. Stockholm, IVL Svenska Miljöinstitutet. 101.
Report (Other academic)
- Österman, C., Langer, S. (2022). Bedömning av arbetsmiljö och säkerhet vid val av fartygsbränslen. Kalmar, Linnéuniverstitetet. 95.
- Osvalder, A., Österman, C., Borell, J., Landberg, J., Nilsson, P., et al. (2022). Personlig skyddsutrustning : Varför den används eller inte används. 69.
- Österman, C., Boström, M. (2022). Drivkrafter för kompetensförsörjning i en socialt hållbar sjöfart. Kalmar, Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet. 69.
- Österman, C., Boström, M. (2021). Praktiskt arbetsmiljöarbete för en jämställd sjöfart. Kalmar, Linnéuniverstitetet. 53.
- Enander Lanner, M., Francsics, R., Hartler, J., Österman, C. (2020). SHIP – Social hållbarhet i praktiken : Kartläggning av det strategiska och praktiska arbetet med socialt hållbar utveckling i svensk sjöfartsnäring.. Göteborg, Lighthouse. 41.
- Hult, C., Österman, C., Praetorius, G., Lindblad, M. (2017). Intendenturpersonalens arbetsmiljö : arbetsmiljö, arbetsupplevelser, motivation och sjukskrivningar på passagerarfartyg. Kalmar, Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet. 56.
- Vänje, A., Antonsson, A., Österman, C., Nord Nilsson, L., Nyman, T., et al. (2016). Verksamhetsnära arbetsmiljöarbete : nyttiggörande av branschspecifika kunskaper om arbetsmiljöarbete Implementering av nätverk inom verkstadsindustrin och den kommunala hemtjänsten. Stockholm, KTH Royal Institute of Technology. 36.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Österman, C., Sandberg, C., Praetorius, G., Hult, C. (2020). Ge ombordanställda rättmätig status. Sjöfartstidningen.
Status: Published -
Sandberg, Å., Sjöström, J., Hult, C., Praetorius, G., Walldius, Å., et al. (2016). Prioritera forskning om att organisera för hälsa i arbetet. Universitetsläraren.
Status: Published -
Sandberg, Å., Schmidt, L., Sjöström, J., Österman, C. (2016). DN Debatt : Ett hållbart arbetsliv kräver medbestämmande. Dagens Nyheter.
Status: Published
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Österman, C. (2013). Granskning av ritningar ur ett arbetsmiljöperspektiv : En handbok för att undersöka arbetsmiljön på fartyg vid ny- och ombyggnad. Göteborg, Chalmers tekniska högskola, institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Österman, C., Boström, M. (2023). Rock the boat : How to contribute to a good organizational and social work environment and prevent bullying and harassment. Kalmar, Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet. 34.
- Österman, C., Boström, M. (2021). Ogilla läget : Tips på hur du kan bidra till en god organisatorisk och social arbetsmiljö utan kränkande särbehandling. Kalmar, Linnéuniverstitetet. 34.
- Österman, C., Hult, C., Praetorius, G., Lindblad, M. (2018). Sjukt kul jobb. : Servicepersonalens arbetsmiljö, sjukskrivningar och arbetstillfredsställelse på passagerarfartyg. Kalmar, Sjöfartshögskolan, Linnéuniversitetet. 43.