Cecilia Rindhagen

Cecilia Rindhagen

Doctoral student
Department of Sport Science Faculty of Social Sciences
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Doctoral Candidate with a prior Bachelor's and Master's degree in Sports Science at Linnaeus University. Previously engaged in academic research within the social sciences, focusing on female athletes' experiences of online harassment, CrossFit culture and women's experiences, as well as nature experiences as a means for environmental engagement


Sport in society, 7.5 credits

Global sport, 7.5 credits

Sport Management 3 – The Organisation of Sport in a Global Context, 7.5 credits

Sicentific methods, 7.5 credits


My dissertation project focuses on elderly men's perceptions about the ageing body and physical activity, from a gender perspective. The relevance of this topic is linked to the need for knowledge about the experiences of an aging body and what it menas to have a capable body. Within this context, I direct my interest towards the elderly man's experiences of gender norms and how meaning can be constructed in relation to an aging and changing body.


Article in journal (Other academic)

Book (Other academic)

Conference paper (Refereed)