Changxun Yu

Changxun Yu

Department of Biology and Environmental Science Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
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I am a geochemist with a particular interest in biogeochemical cycling of metals/macro-nutrients and their responses/feedbacks to human activities and environmental changes.


I teach courses in the Environmental Analyst and Environmental Science and Sustainability Programmes. Another important part of my teaching is to supervise Bachelor, Master, and PhD students.


My research mainly focuses on biogeochemical processes of Fe and Mn, as well as their (i) impacts on the mobility, transport and environmental fate of potentially toxic or biologically critical trace elements (e.g., U, Ni, As, and REEs); and (ii) links to organic carbon storage/turnover and macronutrient (e.g., Si, P, and N) cycling in (sub-)surface environments. To obtain a fundamental understanding of these processes and link them to the processes and phenomena at landscape scales, we combine conventional (bio)geochemical analyses with a wide range of state-of-the-art imaging, spectroscopy, and mass-spectrometry techniques (e.g., XAS, STXM, LC/GC-MS), isotope characterizations (GC-IRMS), and modern theoretical simulations (e.g., DFT) via collaborations with both national and international groups.

My research projects are funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas, Geological Survey of Sweden, and EU Botnia Atlantica.

Some of my work has been featured by:


Head Topics

Greppa Näringen


Selected publications

Article in journal (Refereed)

Article, review/survey (Refereed)

Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)

Conference paper (Refereed)