Changxun Yu
ResearcherI am a geochemist with a particular interest in biogeochemical cycling of metals/macro-nutrients and their responses/feedbacks to human activities and environmental changes.
I teach courses in the Environmental Analyst and Environmental Science and Sustainability Programmes. Another important part of my teaching is to supervise Bachelor, Master, and PhD students.
My research mainly focuses on biogeochemical processes of Fe and Mn, as well as their (i) impacts on the mobility, transport and environmental fate of potentially toxic or biologically critical trace elements (e.g., U, Ni, As, and REEs); and (ii) links to organic carbon storage/turnover and macronutrient (e.g., Si, P, and N) cycling in (sub-)surface environments. To obtain a fundamental understanding of these processes and link them to the processes and phenomena at landscape scales, we combine conventional (bio)geochemical analyses with a wide range of state-of-the-art imaging, spectroscopy, and mass-spectrometry techniques (e.g., XAS, STXM, LC/GC-MS), isotope characterizations (GC-IRMS), and modern theoretical simulations (e.g., DFT) via collaborations with both national and international groups.
My research projects are funded by The Swedish Research Council Formas, Geological Survey of Sweden, and EU Botnia Atlantica.
Some of my work has been featured by:
My ongoing research projects
Project: Mobilization and redox-cycling of uranium in two boreal sulfidic landscapes The overall aim of this project is to explore and investigate the biogeochemical processes that control the…
Project: The potential of biochar in a circular agriculture The aim of this project is to investigate how the addition of biochar to arable land can affect the soil's ability to retain nutrients, in…
Selected publications
Yu, C., Luong, N.T., Hefni, M.E., Song, Z., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., et al. (2024). Storage and Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Acidic Soils Developed on Sulfidic Sediments : The Roles of Reactive Iron and Macropores. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (21). 9200-9212.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Turner, S., Huotari, S., Chen, N., Shchukarev, A., et al. (2024). Manganese cycling and transport in boreal estuaries impacted by acidic Mn-rich drainage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 365. 136-157.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Johnson, A., Karlsson, A., Chernikov, R., Sjöberg, V., et al. (2024). Uranium Repartitioning during Microbial Driven Reductive Transformation of U(VI)-Sorbed Schwertmannite and Jarosite. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (41). 18324-18334.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Xie, S., Song, Z., Xia, S., Åström, M.E. (2021). Biogeochemical cycling of iron (hydr-)oxides and its impact on organic carbon turnover in coastal wetlands : A global synthesis and perspective. Earth-Science Reviews. Elsevier. 218.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kononova, L., Johnson, A., Engblom, S., Sten, P., Yu, C., et al. (2025). Geochemical and microbial responses to limestone and peat treatment of incubated hypermonosulfidic sediments. European Journal of Soil Science. 76 (1).
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Luong, N.T., Hefni, M.E., Song, Z., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., et al. (2024). Storage and Distribution of Organic Carbon and Nutrients in Acidic Soils Developed on Sulfidic Sediments : The Roles of Reactive Iron and Macropores. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (21). 9200-9212.
Status: Published -
Hao, Q., Song, Z., Zhang, X., He, D., Guo, L., et al. (2024). Organic blue carbon sequestration in vegetated coastal wetlands : Processes and influencing factors. Earth-Science Reviews. 255.
Status: Published -
Zheng, X., Han, G., Song, Z., Liang, B., Yang, X., et al. (2024). Biogeochemical cycle and isotope fractionation of copper in plant-soil systems : a review. Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology. 23. 21-41.
Status: Published -
Wu, L., Song, Z., Wu, Y., Xia, S., Kuzyakov, Y., et al. (2024). Organic matter composition and stability in estuarine wetlands depending on soil salinity. Science of the Total Environment. 945.
Status: Published -
Zhao, X., Song, Z., Wu, Y., Van Zwieten, L., Guo, L., et al. (2024). Biogenic silica dynamics in coastal wetland sediments : A key driver of silicon and carbon biogeochemical cycling. Limnology and Oceanography. 69 (12). 2896-2912.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Turner, S., Huotari, S., Chen, N., Shchukarev, A., et al. (2024). Manganese cycling and transport in boreal estuaries impacted by acidic Mn-rich drainage. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 365. 136-157.
Status: Published -
Li, Q., Song, Z., Xia, S., Kuzyakov, Y., Yu, C., et al. (2024). Microbial Necromass, Lignin, and Glycoproteins for Determining and Optimizing Blue Carbon Formation. Environmental Science and Technology. 58. 468-479.
Status: Published -
Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Lin, J., Wang, X., Sun, S., et al. (2024). Silicon promotes biomass accumulation in Phragmites australis under waterlogged conditions in coastal wetland. Plant and Soil. 503. 503-516.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Johnson, A., Karlsson, A., Chernikov, R., Sjöberg, V., et al. (2024). Uranium Repartitioning during Microbial Driven Reductive Transformation of U(VI)-Sorbed Schwertmannite and Jarosite. Environmental Science and Technology. 58 (41). 18324-18334.
Status: Published -
Wu, Y., Zhang, X., Song, Z., Yu, C., Liu, M., et al. (2023). Climatic controls on stable carbon and nitrogen isotope compositions of temperate grasslands in northern China. Plant and Soil. 491. 133-144.
Status: Published -
Zheng, X., Han, G., Zhang, Q., Liang, B., Liu, M., et al. (2023). Extreme Copper Isotope Fractionation Driven by Redox Oscillation During Gleysols Weathering in Mun River Basin, Northeast Thailand. Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. 128 (3).
Status: Published -
Nyman, A., Johnson, A., Yu, C., Dopson, M., Åström, M.E. (2023). Multi-element features of active acid sulfate soils across the Swedish coastal plains. Applied Geochemistry. 152.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Högfors-Rönnholm, E., Stén, P., Engblom, S., Åström, M.E. (2023). Iron‑sulfur geochemistry and acidity retention in hydrologically active macropores of boreal acid sulfate soils : Effects of mitigation suspensions of fine-grained calcite and peat. Science of the Total Environment. 856 (Part 2).
Status: Published -
Nyman, A., Johnson, A., Yu, C., Sohlenius, G., Becher, M., et al. (2023). A nationwide acid sulfate soil study : A rapid and cost-efficient approach for characterizing large-scale features. Science of the Total Environment. 869.
Status: Published -
Xie, S., Yu, C., Peng, B., Xiao, H., Zhang, W., et al. (2022). A re-assessment of metal pollution in the Dexing mining area in Jiangxi province, China : current status, hydro-geochemical controls, and effectiveness of remediation practices. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology. 19. 10707-10722.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Lindquist, T., Djerf, H., et al. (2022). Extensive dispersion of metals from hemiboreal acid sulfate soil into adjacent drain and wetland. Applied Geochemistry. 136.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., Matson, J.G., Karimi, H., Yu, C., et al. (2022). Removal and potential recovery of dissolved metals from acid sulfate soil drainage by spent coffee-grounds and dissolved organic carbon. Environmental Advances. 8.
Status: Published -
Song, Z., Wu, Y., Yang, Y., Zhang, X., Van Zwieten, L., et al. (2022). High potential of stable carbon sequestration in phytoliths of China's grasslands. Global Change Biology. 28 (8). 2736-2750.
Status: Published -
Xia, S., Song, Z., Van Zwieten, L., Guo, L., Yu, C., et al. (2022). Storage, patterns and influencing factors for soil organic carbon in coastal wetlands of China. Global Change Biology. 28 (20). 6065-6085.
Status: Published -
Hao, Q., Ma, N., Song, Z., Zhang, X., Yang, X., et al. (2022). Soil silicon fractions along karst hillslopes of southwestern China. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 22. 1121-1134.
Status: Published -
Shahabi-Ghahfarokhi, S., Rahmati-Abkenar, M., Jaeger, L., Josefson, S., Djerf, H., et al. (2022). The response of metal mobilization and redistribution to reoxygenation in Baltic Sea anoxic sediments. Science of the Total Environment. 837.
Status: Published -
Hao, Q., Yang, S., Song, Z., Wang, Z., Yu, C., et al. (2021). Vegetation Determines Lake Sediment Carbon Accumulation during Holocene in the Forest-Steppe Ecotone in Northern China. Forests. 12 (6).
Status: Published -
Qin, Z., Yang, X., Song, Z., Peng, B., Van Zwieten, L., et al. (2021). Vertical distributions of organic carbon fractions under paddy and forest soils derived from black shales : Implications for potential of long-term carbon storage. Catena (Cremlingen. Print). 198. 1-8.
Status: Published -
Sjöberg, S., Yu, C., Stairs, C.W., Allard, B., Hallberg, R., et al. (2021). Microbe-Mediated Mn Oxidation - A Proposed Model of Mineral Formation. Minerals. 11 (10).
Status: Published -
Xia, S., Song, Z., Li, Q., Guo, L., Yu, C., et al. (2021). Distribution, sources, and decomposition of soil organic matter along a salinity gradient in estuarine wetlands characterized by C:N ratio, δ13C-δ15N, and lignin biomarker. Global Change Biology. 27 (2). 417-434.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Xie, S., Song, Z., Xia, S., Åström, M.E. (2021). Reply to comments by Thilo Rennert on “Biogeochemical cycling of iron (hydr-)oxides and its impact on organic carbon turnover in coastal wetlands: A global synthesis and perspective”. Earth-Science Reviews (2021) 103658. Earth-Science Reviews. 221.
Status: Published -
Yang, X., Song, Z., Van Zwieten, L., Sun, X., Yu, C., et al. (2021). Spatial distribution of plant-available silicon and its controlling factors in paddy fields of China. Geoderma. 401.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., Peltola, P., et al. (2020). Extensive accumulation of rare earth elements in estuarine sediments affected by leaching of acid sulfate soils. Boreal environment research. 25. 105-120.
Status: Published -
Hao, Q., Yang, S., Song, Z., Ran, X., Yu, C., et al. (2020). Holocene carbon accumulation in lakes of the current east Asian monsoonal margin: Implications under a changing climate. Science of the Total Environment. 737. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Han, G., Yang, T., Man, L., Zwieten, L.V., Yang, X., et al. (2020). Carbon-nitrogen isotope coupling of soil organic matter in a karst region under land use change, Southwest China. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 301. 1-11.
Status: Published -
Xia, S., Song, Z., Van Zwieten, L., Guo, L., Yu, C., et al. (2020). Silicon accumulation controls carbon cycle in wetlands through modifying nutrients stoichiometry and lignin synthesis of Phragmites australis. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 175. 1-11.
Status: Published -
Liu, L., Song, Z., Yu, C., Yu, G., M. Ellam, R., et al. (2020). Silicon Effects on Biomass Carbon and Phytolith-Occluded Carbon in Grasslands Under High-Salinity Conditions. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Hao, Q., Yang, S., Song, Z., Li, Z., Ding, F., et al. (2020). Silicon Affects Plant Stoichiometry and Accumulation of C, N, and P in Grasslands. Frontiers in Plant Science. 11. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Dideriksen, K., Tillberg, M., Song, Z., et al. (2020). A Combined X-ray Absorption and Mössbauer Spectroscopy Study on Fe Valence and Secondary Mineralogy in Granitoid Fracture Networks : Implications for Geological Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels. Environmental Science and Technology. 54 (5). 2832-2842.
Status: Published -
Shilei, Y., Qian, H., Wang, H., Van Zwieten, L., Yu, C., et al. (2020). A review of carbon isotopes of phytoliths : implications for phytolith-occluded carbon sources. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20 (4). 1811-1823.
Status: Published -
Yang, X., Song, Z., Qin, Z., Wu, L., Yin, L., et al. (2020). Phytolith-rich straw application and groundwater table management over 36 years affect the soil-plant silicon cycle of a paddy field. Plant and Soil. 454. 343-358.
Status: Published -
Yang, X., Song, Z., Yu, C., Ding, F. (2020). Quantification of different silicon fractions in broadleaf and conifer forests of northern China and consequent implications for biogeochemical Si cycling. Geoderma. 361. 1-10.
Status: Published -
Zhang, X., Song, Z., Hao, Q., Yu, C., Liu, H., et al. (2020). Storage of soil phytoliths and phytolith-occluded carbon along aprecipitation gradient in grasslands of northern China. Geoderma. 364. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Yang, S., Hao, Q., Liu, H., Xiaodong, Z., Yu, C., et al. (2019). Impact of grassland degradation on the distribution and bioavailability of soil silicon: Implications for the Si cycle in grasslands. Science of the Total Environment. 657. 811-818.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Lopez-Fernandez, M., Whitehouse, M., Dopson, M., et al. (2019). Micro-scale isotopic variability of low-temperature pyrite in fractured crystalline bedrock ― A large Fe isotope fractionation between Fe(II)aq/pyrite and absence of Fe-S isotope co-variation. Chemical Geology. 522. 192-207.
Status: Published -
Christel, S., Yu, C., Wu, X., Josefsson, S., Lillhonga, T., et al. (2019). Comparison of Boreal Acid Sulfate Soil Microbial Communities in Oxidative and Reductive Environments. Research in Microbiology. 170 (6-7). 288-295.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Berger, T., Drake, H., Song, Z., Peltola, P., et al. (2019). Geochemical controls on dispersion of U and Th in Quaternary deposits, stream water, and aquatic plants in an area with a granite pluton. Science of the Total Environment. 663. 16-28.
Status: Published -
Åström, M.E., Yu, C., Peltola, P., Reynolds, J.K., Österholm, P., et al. (2018). Sources, transport and sinks of beryllium in a coastal landscape affected by acidic soils. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 232. 288-302.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Boily, J., Shchukarev, A., Drake, H., Song, Z., et al. (2018). A cryogenic XPS study of Ce fixation on nanosized manganite and vernadite: Interfacial reactions and effects of fulvic acid complexation. Chemical Geology. 483. 304-311.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Mathurin, F.A., Åström, M.E. (2017). Cerium sequestration and accumulation in fractured crystalline bedrock : The role of Mn-Fe (hydr-)oxides and clay minerals. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 199. 370-389.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Peltola, P., Nystrand, M.I., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., et al. (2016). Arsenic removal from contaminated brackish sea water by sorption onto Al hydroxides and Fe phases mobilized by land-use. Science of the Total Environment. 542. 923-934.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Österholm, P., Burton, E.D., Peltola, P., et al. (2016). Manganese accumulation and solid-phase speciation in a 3.5 m thick mud sequence from the estuary of an acidic and Mn-rich creek, northern Baltic Sea. Chemical Geology. 437. 56-66.
Status: Published -
Nystrand, M.I., Österholm, P., Yu, C., Åström, M.E. (2016). Distribution and speciation of metals, phosphorus, sulfate and organic material in brackish estuary water affected by acid sulfate soils. Applied Geochemistry. 66. 264-274.
Status: Published -
Berger, T., Yu, C., Drake, H., Peltola, P., Svensson, D., et al. (2016). Fluorine geochemistry of quaternary deposits in a nemo-boreal catchment with elevated dissolved fluoride in surface waters and groundwater. Journal of Geochemical Exploration. 170. 148-156.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Virtasalo, J.J., Karlsson, T., Peltola, P., Osterholm, P., et al. (2015). Iron behavior in a northern estuary : Large pools of non-sulfidized Fe(II) associated with organic matter. Chemical Geology. 413. 73-85.
Status: Published -
Peng, B., Rate, A., Song, Z., Yu, C., Tang, X., et al. (2014). Geochemistry of major and trace elements and Pb-Sr isotopes of a weathering profile developed on the Lower Cambrian black shales in central Hunan, China. Applied Geochemistry. 51. 191-203.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Lavergren, U., Peltola, P., Drake, H., Bergbäck, B., et al. (2014). Retention and transport of arsenic, uranium and nickel in a black shale setting revealed by a long-term humidity cell test and sequential chemica extractions. Chemical Geology. 363. 134-144.
Status: Published -
Xu, J., Peng, B., Yu, C., Yang, G., Tang, X., et al. (2013). Geochemistry of soils derived from black shales in the Ganziping mine area, western Hunan, China. Environmental Earth Sciences. 70 (1). 175-190.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Drake, H., Åström, M.E., Mathurin, F.A. (2013). Cerium Sequestration in Fractures in the Upper Kilometer of Granitoids, SE, Sweden. Mineralogical magazine. 77 (5). 2568-2568.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Peng, B., Peltola, P., Xiaoyan Tang, T., Shurong, X. (2012). Effect of weathering on abundance and release of potentially toxic elements in soils developed on Lower Cambrian black shales, P. R. China. Environmental Geochemistry and Health. 34 (3). 375-390.
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Sandhi, A., Yu, C., Rahman, M.M., Amin, M.N. (2022). Arsenic in the water and agricultural crop production system : Bangladesh perspectives. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Springer. 29. 51354-51366.
Status: Published -
Yu, C., Xie, S., Song, Z., Xia, S., Åström, M.E. (2021). Biogeochemical cycling of iron (hydr-)oxides and its impact on organic carbon turnover in coastal wetlands : A global synthesis and perspective. Earth-Science Reviews. Elsevier. 218.
Status: Published -
Li, Z., Song, Z., Yang, X., Song, A., Yu, C., et al. (2018). Impacts of silicon on biogeochemical cycles of carbon and nutrients in croplands. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. Elsevier. 17 (10). 2182-2195.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Yu, C. (2014). Metal abundance and behavior in geo-materials affected by metal-sulfide oxidation. Doctoral Thesis. Linnaeus University Press. 46.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ketzer, J.M., Stranne, C., Chang, C., Owari, S., Yu, C., et al. (2024). Discovery of a major seafloor methane release site in Europe : The Landsort deep, Baltic Sea.. EGU General Assembly 2024.
- Yu, C., Drake, H., Dideriksen, K., Frandsen, C., Åström, M.E. (2017). Iron speciation and valence in the upper 1 km of fractured crystalline bedrock on the Baltic shield. Goldschmidt2017 Abstracts.
- Yu, C., Åström, M.E., Peltola, P., Drake, H. (2011). Oxidative weathering of black shale: A long-term humidity cell test. Goldschmidt Conference Abstracts. 2231-2231.
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
- Berger, T., Yu, C., Drake, H., Peltola, P., Svensson, D., et al. Fluorine geochemistry of Quaternary deposits in a nemo-boreal catchment with elevated dissolved fluoride in surface waters and groundwater.