Charlotte Silander

Charlotte Silander

associate professor
Department of Pedagogy Faculty of Social Sciences
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I am associate professor in political science at Linnaeus University. My research focus is on gender equality in higher education and research policy, internationalisation policy and policy of diversity. Currently I work as project leader of the EUniwell Arena for Social Equality and Wellbeing.



Master program for teaching professions, Teacher education program, Gender equality, diversity and inclusion.


My main research interest are related to is gender and diversity in higher education and academic career. 

The intersection of internationalisation and diversity - Over the past ten years, gender equality and gender balance in the research sector, particularly in higher education institutions, have become a significant research field. In the same period, the Swedish research sector has become more international and more ethnically diverse as a result of an increasing amount of foreign-born researchers. Swedish universities today have internationalization policies and international recruitment policies to attract international talent from abroad. Nevertheless, few studies of the research sector analyze the intersection between internationalization, gender equality and ethnic diversity.

In the project "Gender equality and diversity policies in Nordic universities", part of NORDICORE – Nordic Centre for Research on Gender Equality in Research and Innovation, we use data on gender equality and diversity policies in universities in Norway, Sweden and Finland  in order to analyze the systematic variation across institutions and over time in order to indicate which impact policy has on the gender balance among academic staff.

My research interest also includes the role of education in fostering values of democracy and equality. Ongoing projects in relation to this is about teacher education students´ perceptions on internationalization and intercultural experiences and comparing citizenship in European national curricula.

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Academic leader of WP3 Euniwell arena for Social Equality and Wellbeing


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Collection (editor) (Refereed)

Collection (editor) (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))