Christina Öberg
Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies
School of Business and Economics
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Öberg, C. (2024). Acquisition as a mode for servitisation : servitisation integration and consequences. Journal of Service Management. 35 (6). 1-21.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2024). Exploring the interplay of corporate and ecosystem change. Journal of Strategy and Management.. 17 (4). 730-743.
Status: Published -
Degbey, W.Y., Pelto, E., Öberg, C., Carmeli, A. (2024). Customers driving a firm's responsible innovation response for grand challenges : A co-active issue-selling perspective. The Journal of product innovation management. 41 (2). 379-402.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2024). Sharing economy models and sustainability : Towards a typology. Journal of Cleaner Production. 447.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2024). Does the freelance economy promote creative freedom?. Journal of Management and Organization.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Öberg, C. (2024). A Typology on Business Model Integration. Thunderbird International Business Review. 66 (6). 583-594.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Larson, M., Scander, H. (2024). In the interest of the nation : Swedish fika. International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. 37.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2023). The growth paradox in the platform economy. Technology innovation management review.
Status: Submitted -
Öberg, C. (2023). Disruption and the ecosystem : The changing roles of ecosystem stakeholders in the course of disruption. Technological forecasting & social change. 194.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2023). Neuroscience in business-to-business marketing research : A literature review, co-citation analysis and research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management. 113. 168-179.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2023). Social media analytics for innovation management research : A systematic literature review and future research agenda. Technovation. 123.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2023). Towards a typology of sharing economy business model transformation. Technovation. 123.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2022). Episodic supply chains at times of disruption. Supply chain management. 27 (2). 312-330.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Lundberg, H. (2022). Mechanisms of knowledge development in a knowledge ecosystem. Journal of Knowledge Management. 26 (11). 293-307.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C., Suseno, Y. (2022). The sharing economy and the transformation of work : Evidence from Foodora. Personnel review. 51 (2). 584-602.
Status: Published -
Pelgander, L., Öberg, C., Barkenäs, L. (2022). Trust and the sharing economy. Digital Business. 2 (2).
Status: Published -
Lagin, M., Håkansson, J., Nordström, C., Nyberg, R.G., Öberg, C. (2022). Last-mile logistics of perishable products : A review of effectiveness and efficiency measures used in empirical research. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management. 50 (13). 116-139.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Aronsson, H. (2022). The fair trade of environmental effects and regional disparities. Industrial Marketing Management. 105. 311-321.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C., Sick, N., et al. (2021). Social media analytics for knowledge acquisition of market and non-market perceptions in the sharing economy. Journal of Knowledge Management. 25 (2). 500-512.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2021). Conflicting logics for crisis management in tourism. Journal of Tourism Futures. 7 (3). 311-321.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2021). Disruptive and paradoxical roles in the sharing economies. International Journal of Innovation Management. 25 (4).
Status: Published -
Daunfeldt, S., Moradi, J., Rudholm, N., Öberg, C. (2021). Effects of employees’ opportunities to influence in-store music on sales : Evidence from a field experiment. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. 59.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2021). Spin-in and spin-out for growth – On the acquisition and divestiture of high-tech firms. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 34 (3). 653-671.
Status: Published -
Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2021). Teachers, researchers, but not innovators? – Rethinking university-industry collaboration. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 36 (13). 161-173.
Status: Published -
Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2021). The matter of locality : Family firms in sparsely populated regions. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 33 (7-8). 493-513.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2021). Women on board : The disregarded issue of board interlocks. Gender in Management. 36 (1). 39-60.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Kollberg, B. (2021). Can you balance the gaps? Ambidexterity in service firms. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights. 4 (3). 245-262.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C. (2021). Copycats among underdogs - Echoing the sharing economy business model. Industrial Marketing Management. 96. 287-299.
Status: Published -
Fontana, E., Öberg, C., Poblete, L. (2021). Nominated procurement and the indirect control of nominated sub-suppliers : Evidence from the Sri Lankan apparel supply chain. Journal of Business Research. 127. 179-192.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2020). The role of innovation metrics in innovation systems. International Journal of Innovation Management. 24 (3).
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Klinton, M., Stockhult, H. (2020). Inside the incubator - Business relationship creations among incubated firms. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 35 (11). 1767-1784.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2020). Open marketing – Conceptualizing external parties’ strategic marketing activities. Technology Innovation Management Review. 10 (8). 14-27.
Status: Published -
Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2020). A conceptual development of a business model typology in tourism : the impact of digitalization and location. Technology Innovation Management Review. 10 (7). 17-28.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C., Suseno, Y. (2020). Assessing user perceptions of the interplay between the sharing, access, platform and community-based economies. Information Technology and People. 33 (3). 1037-1051.
Status: Published -
Aramo-Immonen, H., Carlborg, P., Hasche, N., Jussila, J.J., Kask, J., et al. (2020). Charting the reach and contribution of IMP literature in other disciplines : A bibliometric analysis. Industrial Marketing Management. 87. 47-62.
Status: Published -
Laage-Hellman, J., Lind, F., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2020). Interactions between university spin-offs and academia : A dynamic perspective. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 35 (12). 1941-1955.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Dahlin, P., Pesämaa, O. (2020). Tension in networks. Industrial Marketing Management. 91. 311-322.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2020). The shape of female board representation. International Journal of Comparative Management. 3 (1-2). 53-72.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2019). Additive manufacturing – Digitally changing the global business landscape. European Journal of Management and Business Economics. 28 (2). 174-188.
Status: Published -
Baraldi, E., Havenvid, M., Linné, Å., Öberg, C. (2019). Start-ups and networks : interactive perspectives and a research agenda. Industrial Marketing Management. 80. 58-67.
Status: Published -
Asnafi, N., Shams, T., Aspenberg, D., Öberg, C. (2019). 3D Metal Printing from an Industrial Perspective—Product Design, Production, and Business Models. Berg- und Huttenmännische Monatshefte (BHM). 164 (3). 91-100.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Shams, T. (2019). On the verge of disruption : Rethinking position and role – The case of additive manufacturing. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing. 34 (5). 1093-1105.
Status: Published -
Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2019). How sustainable is the sharing economy? On the sustainability connotations of sharing economy platforms. Journal of Cleaner Production. 206. 419-429.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Alexander, A. (2019). The openness of open innovation in ecosystems - Integrating innovation and management literature on knowledge linkages. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 4 (4). 211-218.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2019). The role of business networks for innovation. Journal of Innovation & Knowledge. 4 (2). 124-128.
Status: Published -
Kask, J., Öberg, C. (2019). Why "majors" surge in the post-disruptive recording industry. European Journal of Marketing. 53 (3). 442-462.
Status: Published -
Hallberg, P., Hasche, N., Kask, J., Öberg, C. (2018). Quality management systems as indicators for stability and change in customer-supplier relationships. The IMP Journal. 12 (3). 483-497.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2018). A typology of post-M&A marketing integration. International Journal of Comparative Management (IJCM). 1 (1). 91-105.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2018). The dynamics of proximity in multiple-party innovation processes. IMP Journal. 12 (2). 296-312.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Shams, T., Asnafi, N. (2018). Additive manufacturing and business models : Current knowledge and missing perspectives. Technology Innovation Management Review. 8 (6). 15-33.
Status: Published -
Liu, Y., Öberg, C., Tarba, S., Xing, Y. (2018). Brand management in mergers and acquisitions : Emerging market multinationals venturing into advanced economies. International Marketing Review. 35 (5). 710-732.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2018). Customer roles in M&A integration. International Studies of Management and Organization. 48 (1). 43-70.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2018). How do top-management principles affect international acquisition processes? – The case of Toyota. International Journal of Comparative Management. 1 (4). 355-375.
Status: Published -
Pesämaa, O., Dahlin, P., Öberg, C. (2018). Reduction of tension effects on partner evaluation. Marketing Intelligence and Planning. 36 (4). 425-439.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2018). Social and economic ties in the freelance and sharing economies. Journal of Small Business and Entrepreneurship. 30 (1). 77-96.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Leminen, S. (2017). Gap analysis for innovative firm acquisition - Acquirer and target company perspectives. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 30 (3). 380-395.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Graham, G., Hennelly, P. (2017). Smart cities – A literature review and business network approach discussion on the management of organisations. The IMP Journal. 11 (3). 468-484.
Status: Published -
Hasche, N., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2017). Trust in open innovation – The case of a med-tech start-up. European Journal of Innovation Management. 20 (1). 31-49.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2017). Transferring acquisition knowledge – sources, directions, and outcomes. Management Research: The Journal of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management. 15 (1).
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2016). What creates a collaboration-level identity. Journal of Business Research. 69 (9). 3220-3230.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Graham, G. (2016). How smart cities will change supply chain management : A technical viewpoint. Production planning & control (Print). 27 (6). 529-538.
Status: Published -
Aaboen, L., Laage-Hellman, J., Lind, F., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2016). Exploring the roles of university spin-offs in business networks. Industrial Marketing Management. 59. 157-166.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2016). How innovation impacts artistic creativity – Managing innovation in the advertising sector. International Journal of Innovation Management. 20 (4).
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2016). Let’s talk about innovation – Is there a hidden potential of knowledge exchange between open innovation and IMP?. IMP Journal. 10 (3). 540-560.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2016). University spin-offs and their commercialising through acquisition. International Journal of Globalisation and Small Business. 8 (4). 413-436.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Shih, T., Chou, H. (2016). Network strategies and effects in an interactive context. Industrial Marketing Management. 52. 117-127.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2015). Strategy in an ambiguous innovation environment : The case of a Taiwanese biopharmaceutical firm. Journal of Strategy and Management. 8 (4). 326-341.
Status: Published -
Gebert-Persson, S., Mattsson, L., Öberg, C. (2015). Has research on the internationalization of firms from an IMP perspective resulted in a theory of internationalization?. The IMP Journal. 9 (2). 208-226.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2014). Customer relationship challenges following international acquisitions. International Marketing Review. 31 (3). 259-282.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2014). Divergent and convergent logic of firms – Barriers and enablers for development and commercialization of innovations. Industrial Marketing Management. 43 (3). 419-428.
Status: Published -
Bessant, J., Öberg, C., Trifilova, A. (2014). Framing problems in radical innovation. Industrial Marketing Management. 43 (8). 1284-1292.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2014). Strategic reversal – The network as reason, means and end. IMP Journal. 8 (2). 18-27.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2013). Network imitation to deal with socio-cultural dilemmas in acquisitions of young, innovative firms. Thunderbird International Business Review. 55 (4). 387-403.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2013). Competence integration in creative processes. Industrial Marketing Management. 42 (1). 113-124.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Huge-Brodin, M., Björklund, M. (2012). Applying a network level in environmental impact assessment. Journal of Business Research. 65 (2). 247-255.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2012). Mergers and acquisitions as embedded network activities. European Journal of International Management. 6 (4). 421-441.
Status: Published -
Anderson, H., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2012). Do Competition Authorities Consider Business Relationships?. Journal of Business-to-Business Marketing. 19 (1). 67-92.
Status: Published -
Grundström, C., Öberg, C., Öhrwall-Rönnbäck, A. (2012). Family-owned manufacturing SMEs and innovativeness : A comparison between within-family successions and external takeovers. The Journal of Family Business Strategy. 3 (3). 162-173.
Status: Published -
Anderson, H., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2012). Do competition authorities consider business relationships?. Journal of Business to Business Marketing. 19 (1). 67-92.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2012). Network effects of upstream acquisitions of innovative firms. The IMP Journal. 6 (1). 52-68.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S. (2012). Organizational inscriptions of network pictures : A meso-level analysis. Industrial Marketing Management. 41 (8). 1270-1283.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2012). Using network pictures to study inter-organisational encounters. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 28 (2). 136-148.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2011). Acquiring once, acquiring twice - Lessons learned from repeated acquisitions of innovative firms. International Journal of Innovation Management. 15 (6). 1243-1269.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Grundström, C., Jönsson, P. (2011). Acquisitions and network identity change. European Journal of Marketing. 45 (9/10). 1470-1500.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2011). The core-customer concept. Service Industries Journal. 31 (16). 2677-2692.
Status: Published -
Grundström, C., Öberg, C., Öhrwall-Rönnbäck, A. (2011). View and management of innovativeness upon succession in family-owned SMEs. International Journal of Innovation Management. 15 (3). 617-640.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2010). Customer roles in innovations. International Journal of Innovation Management. 14 (6). 989-1011.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2010). What happened with the grandiose plans? Strategic plans and network realities in B2B interaction. Industrial Marketing Management. 39. 963-974.
Status: Published -
Nordin, F., Öberg, C., Kollberg, B., Nord, T. (2010). Building a new supply chain position : An exploratory case study within the construction industry. Construction Management and Economics. 28. 1071-1083.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2009). Hårda fakta och mjuka värden – Årsredovisningar som underutnyttjad källa för studier av dynamik i affärsrelationer. Nordiske Organisasjonsstudier. 4. 71-93.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Grundström, C. (2009). Challenges and opportunities in innovative firms' network development. International Journal of Innovation Management. 13 (4). 593-613.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Henneberg, S.C., Mouzas, S. (2007). Changing network pictures : The evidence from mergers and acquisitions. Industrial Marketing Management. 36 (7). 926-940.
Status: Published -
Öberg, C., Holtström, J. (2006). Are mergers and acquisitions contagious?. Journal of Business Research. 59 (12). 1267-1275.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Lagin, M., Håkansson, J., Öberg, C., Nordström, C. (2024). Exploring last mile deliveries of local grocery produce in rural regions. Book of Abstracts: RARCS : Fuerteventura 2024. 56-56.
- Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2023). A network of networks : Knowledge development over time in a non-business-oriented network. Presented at the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group conference, Milan, Italy, August 23-25, 2023.
- Scander, H., Larson, M., Öberg, C., Yngve, A., Almroth, S. (2023). Fika a new turn in Food studies – an unexplored Swedish meal practice. Food & Communication: Communicating 'good' foods : Book of abstracts. 97-98.
- Larson, M., Scander, H., Öberg, C., Dahlgren, M., Davidsson, G., et al. (2023). Putting ’fika’ at the top of the agenda – Research and industrial opportunities. Presented at Stockholm Gastronomy Conference, Tore Wretman Symposium, Stockholm, Sweden, November 23-25, 2023.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2023). Who’s to blame? – Not me! The discursive blaming game in a conflicting relationship. Presented at the 2nd Annual eM&Ai Conference, Toulouse, France, December 4-5, 2023.
- Öberg, C. (2023). Towards a typology of interaction perspectives to sustainability. IMP2023: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2023 : August 23-25, 2023, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2023). Who’s to blame? : Not me! The discursive blaming game in a conflicting relationship. IMP2023: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2023 : August 23-25, 2023, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK.
- Larson, M., Öberg, C. (2023). Business modelling at the vision stage : Case-studies of digital wellness ventures. Presented at the ISPIM Innovation Conference 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia, June 4-7, 2023.
- Ragén, A., Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2023). Navigating tensions among entrepreneurial support organizations in the academic ecosystem. Presented at IECER 2023: "From Creative to Circular Entrepreneurship: An Innovative Stairway to Heaven", Covilhã, Portugal, October 25-27, 2023.
- Andresen, E., Öberg, C. (2023). Sustainable implementation of public sector innovation. Presented at the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) group conference, Milan, Italy, August 23-25, 2023.
- Scander, H., Larson, M., Öberg, C. (2023). Swedish Fika – Much more than a cup of coffee. EuroCHRIE Vienna 2023 : Book of Abstracts.
- Ragén, A., Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2023). The ecosystem for academic innovations and commercial activities - Tensions, conflicts and contradictions. IMP2023: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2023 : August 23-25, 2023, Alliance Manchester Business School, UK.
- Larson, M., Lexhagen, M., Öberg, C., Ek, R. (2023). Virtual tourism eco-system transformation. The 31st Nordic Symposium on Tourism and Hospitality Research : Book of Abstracts. 501-504.
- Öberg, C. (2022). Acquiring new business models. Presented at eM&Ai, Toulouse.
- Öberg, C. (2022). How do we comprehend networks in mergers and acquisitions? : A co-citation analysis. 38th IMP Annual Conference: “Interaction and networking for adaptation in a complex and challenging environment”University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 30 August – 2 September 2022.
- Ragén, A., Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2022). Shooting next to the target? : Balancing stakeholder goals in university knowledge/technology transfer. Presented at 26th Biennial NFF Conference, Örebro, Sweden, August 24 -26, 2022.
- Öberg, C. (2022). Acquisitions of innovative firms in an ecosystem context. eM&Ai, Toulouse, 2022.
- Ragén, A., Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2022). Utilisation : Sensegiving, sensemaking and sensedrifting in the university-society interaction. Nordic Workshop on Interorganisational Research, Kolding.
- Andresen, E., Öberg, C., Westergren, C. (2022). Implementation first : On the reverse order of public sector innovation processes. IMP, The School of Economics and Management at the University of Florence.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2022). Networks of networks : the liability of relationships in a Merger and Acquisition process. 38th IMP Annual Conference : “Interaction and networking for adaptation in a complex and challenging environment”University of Florence, Florence, Italy30 August – 2 September 2022.
- Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C., Ragén, A. (2022). Sense making and utilisation of university-industry interaction. .
- Ragén, A., Leite, E., Linton, G., Öberg, C. (2022). Sensemaking, sensegiving and sensedrifting in the university-innovation ecosystem. 38th Annual IMP Conference, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, August 30 – September 2, 2022.
- Geissinger, A., Nykvist, R., Öberg, C. (2021). Managers, Minds and Machines in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Academy of Management.
- Andresen, E., Öberg, C., Westergren, C. (2021). On implementation of innovation in the public sector. IMP Conference 2021, University College Cork and Waterford Institute of Technology.
- Hassel, J., Björkman, H., Gottfriedsson, P., Öberg, C. (2021). Venture builders : new kids on the new venture creation block. Presented at 22nd CINET (Continuous Innovation Network) Conference September 13-15, 2021.
- Öberg, C., Geissinger, A., Nykvist, R. (2021). Managers, Minds and Machines in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. Academy of Management Proceedings, Vol 2021, No 1.
- Geissinger, A., Nykvist, R., Öberg, C. (2021). Extending the Network Picture Discussion : Predictive Sensemaking in the Age of Artificial Intelligence. .
- Öberg, C., Pelgander, L., Carlborg, P., Linton, G. (2021). The fit/misfit of motives in the sharing economy triad. Abstracts: 7th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy (IWSE) : 24th-26th February 2021. 15-15.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2020). Assessing the impact of the sharing economy on online commerce. ISPIM Conference Proceedings, Manchester: The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM).
- Laurell, C., Öberg, C. (2020). Game, set, match : On resource interaction in sports. .
- Laurell, C., Öberg, C. (2020). Resource interaction in sports : Researching strength of interaction through third party acknowledgement. EURAM 2020 Online Conference the Business of Now:The Future Starts Here, Online 4 – 6 December.
- Fontana, E., Öberg, C., Poblete, L. (2020). The Direct and Indirect Control of Sub-Suppliers Through Nominated Procurement in Emerging Markets. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings, Vol 2020, No 1.
- Guercini, S., Öberg, C. (2020). Another side of interaction : The post-divesture emotions in family firms. .
- Geissinger, A., Nykvist, R., Öberg, C. (2020). Managers, minds and machines in the age of artificial intelligence : Extending the network picture discussion. .
- Andresen, E., Öberg, C. (2020). Orchestrating resources in innovation processes. 36th IMP, 3-4 September, Örebro.
- Pelgander, L., Öberg, C., Hellberg, L. (2020). Trust in the sharing economy. 36th Annual IMP Conference (IMP 2020 Virtual), Örebro, Sweden, September 3-4, 2020.
- Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2020). Knowledge-ecosystems : A regional strategic network-university collaboration perspective. .
- Öberg, C., Aronsson, H. (2020). The fair trade of environmental effects and regional disparities. IMP.
- Geissinger, A., Nykvist, R., Öberg, C. (2019). How do managers get their heads around artificial intelligence? : Extending the network picture discussion. IMP2019: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2019, Paris. 1-7.
- Laage-Hellman, J., Öberg, C. (2019). Interaction between university spin-offs and academia following commercialization. Presented at IMP Forum Seminar, Uppsala, Sweden, February 7-8, 2019.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Lagin, M., Öberg, C. (2019). Sustainable and then what? : The paradox of first-mover advantage. nitmkg2 : Bringing Institutional Theory to Marketing.
- Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2019). Are we getting any closer to innovations? : University-based knowledge infusion to regional strategic networks. Presented at IMP Forum Seminar, Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona, Italy, October 3-4, 2019.
- Fontana, E., Öberg, C. (2019). Are you nominated? : On the indirect control of direct and indirect suppliers. Presented at 6th EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum : Gothenburg, Sweden, March 18-19, 2019.
- Carlborg, P., Öberg, C. (2019). Cognitive and materialistic practices in service innovation. Presented at QUIS16 symposium: Advancing Service Research and Practice, Karlstad, Sweden, June 10-13, 2019.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Möhlmann, M., Öberg, C. (2019). Collaborative economy in social media : Collective action in Sweden. 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, June 27-29, Utrecht University: List of abstracts. 64-64.
- Öberg, C. (2019). Digital disruption : a business relationship perspective. Presented at IMP Forum Seminar, Universita’ Politecnica delle Marche (UNIVPM), Ancona, Italy, October 3-4, 2019.
- Guercini, S., Öberg, C. (2019). It runs in the family? : The acquirer’s impact on the business network upon acquisitions of family firms. IMP2019: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2019, Paris. 1-6.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C. (2019). The Interconnectivity of Sharing Economy Platforms. IMP2019: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference 2019, Paris. 1-8.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2018). Gigging in the sharing economy. Reshaping Work 2018 conference : Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 25-26, 2018.
- Geissinger, A., Öberg, C. (2018). Imitating Airbnb and Uber? : Tracking sharing economy diffusion. Presented at Paper Development Workshop for JMS’ Special Issue: Challenges and Opportunities in the Sharing Economy. Beijing, China, 2018.
- Aramo-Immonen, H., Suominen., A., Öberg, C., Jussila, J.J. (2018). Innovation enablers attracting Gen Z at future workplace. Proceedings of the 2018 ISPIM Innovation Conference (Stockholm).
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C., Sick, N., et al. (2018). Market and non-market perceptions at the sharing economy’s fringes : Evidence from Foodora. XXIX International Society for Professional Innovation Management Conference (ISPIM 2018), Stockholm, Sweden, June 17-20, 2018.
- Asnafi, N., Shams, T., Aspenberg, D., Öberg, C. (2018). 3D metal printing from an industrial perspective : Product design, production and business models. Metal Additive Manufacturing Conference 2018 Proceedings: Industrial perspectives in Additive Technologies, Vienna Austria. 304-313.
- Öberg, C. (2018). Additive manufacturing : Digitally changing the global business landscape. Presented at 8th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA 2018), Valencia, Spain, June 27-30, 2018.
- Aramo-Immonen, H., Carlborg, P., Geissinger, A., Hasche, N., Kask, J., et al. (2018). Clustering the IMP thought : Searching roots and diversities in IMP research. 34th Annual Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Conference KEDGE Business School, Marseille, France, 4-7 September 2018.
- Öberg, C. (2018). Has the sharing economy become institutionalised?. Presented at Paper Development Workshop for JMS’ Special Issue : Challenges and Opportunities in the Sharing Economy.
- Hasche, N., Öberg, C. (2018). Legitimisation through the network : The case of emerging market firm internationalisation. International Businessin a Transforming World– the Changing Role of States and Firms : Poznań, December, 13th–15th, 2018. 87-87.
- Degbey, W., Öberg, C., Nummela, N. (2018). Recapturing customers in cross-border acquisitions of knowledge-intensive firms : The case of a Chinese-Finnish M&A. International Businessin a Transforming World – the Changing Role of States and Firms: Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of European International Business Academy. 128-128.
- Öberg, C. (2018). Roles in the sharing economy. ISPIM 2018 Conference Book, The International Society for Professional Innovation Management. 106-107.
- Öberg, C., Shams, T., Asnafi, N. (2017). Additive manufacturing : Current knowledge and missing perspectives. 18th International CINet Conference, "Digitalization and innovation: designing the organization of the future", 10-12 September 2017, Potsdam, Germany.
- Lund, R., Öberg, C. (2017). Diverse interests in profit/non-profit stakeholder settings : The case of the Swedish Royal Opera. Presented at 16th International Colloquium on Arts, Heritage, Non-profit and Social Marketing, Kingston University, Surrey, UK, September 8, 2017.
- Laage-Hellman, J., Lind, F., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2017). Modes of interaction between university spin-offs and academia following commercialization. Presented at RENT XXXI Conference, Lund, Sweden, November 15-17, 2017.
- Öberg, C. (2017). The role of business networks for innovation. Summer AMA Conference : Innovation & Sustainability in Marketing.
- Shams, T., Öberg, C. (2017). Disruptive positions and roles? : The effect of additive manufacturing on business networks. Presented at IMP Journal Seminar, Poznan, Poland, October 12-13, 2017.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C. (2017). Imitating Airbnb and Uber : On the interconnectedness of sharing economy platforms and digital business ventures. Presented at 23rd Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Stavanger, Norway, April 26-28, 2017.
- Öberg, C. (2017). Moving too close, moving too far away : The dynamics of knowledge and geographical proximity in innovation communities. Presented at IMP Journal Seminar, Florence, Italy, May 18-19, 2017.
- Laage-Hellman, J., Lind, F., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2017). Never look back? : Modes of interaction between university spin-offs and the academia following commercialization. Presented at 23rd Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Stavanger, Norway, April 26-28, 2017.
- Dahlin, P., Öberg, C. (2017). Sharing economy : For whom?. 22nd CBIM 2017 Academic Workshop : Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017.
- Öberg, C., Dahlin, P. (2017). The institutionalisation of the sharing economy business models. 24th Nordic Academy of Management Conference.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2017). Assessing the sustainability impact of the sharing economy. Presented at 4th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy : Lund, Sweden, June 15-16, 2017.
- Laage-Hellman, J., Öberg, C. (2017). Modes of interaction between university spin-offs and academia following commercialization. Presented at Workshop on Medical Innovation, Reykjavik, Iceland, December 14-15, 2017.
- Kask, J., Öberg, C. (2017). Network expansion and population trimming : The case of the global music industry. 33rd IMP Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September 5-8, 2017.
- Hallberg, P., Hasche, N., Kask, J., Öberg, C. (2017). Quality management systems and business networks. Presented at IMP Journal Seminar, Poznan, Poland, October 12-13, 2017.
- Pesämaa, O., Dahlin, P., Öberg, C. (2017). Reduction of negative effects from the dark side of cooperative business relationships. Presented at 22nd CBIM Academic Workshop, Stockholm, Sweden, June 19-21, 2017.
- Anderson, H., Dahlin, P., Havila, V., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2016). The stake of customers and suppliers in mergers and acquisition. .
- Dahlin, P., Pesämaa, O., Öberg, C. (2016). Network Embeddedness as a Factor for Survival of Start-ups. 76th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management.
- Öberg, C. (2016). Handling the local in the globalised firm : What decides the mode?. 32nd Annual IMP Conference (IMP 2016), Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznan, Poland, August 30 - September 3, 2016.
- Linton, G., Klaassen, M., Öberg, C. (2016). The creation of entrepreneurial opportunities : The case of Lake Resort Bergslagen. Valuing and Evaluating Creativity forSustainable Regional Development, Östersund September 11-14, 2016 : Proceedings. 64-65.
- Öberg, C. (2016). Could liability of foreignness explain reverse acquisitions?. 42nd Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA 2016), Vienna, Austria, December 2-4, 2016.
- Öberg, C., Kollberg, B. (2016). Extending the ambidexterity discussion in high-technology small firms. High Technology Small Firms Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2016). Let’s talk about innovation : Is there a hidden potential of knowledge exchange between open innovation and IMP?. Presented at IMP Symposium, Uppsala, Sweden, May 31 - June 2, 2016.
- Anderson, H., Dahlin, P., Havila, V., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2015). Including Customers and Suppliers in the Understanding of Mergers and Acquisitions. The 41st Annual EIBA Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, December 1-3, 2015.
- Öberg, C. (2015). What can open innovation learn from IMP?. Presented at IMP Symposium. Workshop 3. Theories and methods in an interactive business world, Lugano, Switzerland, October 6-8, 2015.
- Aramo-Immonen, H., Bessant, J., Heinonen, T., Öberg, C., Trifilova, A. (2015). Meeting radical change : SMEs and innovation capabilities. ISPIM.
- Öberg, C. (2015). The freelance economy and creativity. Presented at the 10th Organization Studies Summer Workshop and Special Issue; Organizational Creativity, Play and Entrepreneurship, Chania, Crete, Greece, May 21-23, 2015.
- Graham, G., Hennelly, P., Öberg, C. (2015). Managing in smart cities – A network approach. .
- Öberg, C. (2014). Eroding business relationships : The serpentine metaphor. 8th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics (NoRD2014), Oslo, Norway, October 15-17, 2014.
- Öberg, C., Adams, R., Alexander, A. (2014). Innovation management capabilities in the creative sector. XXV ISPIM Conference Innovation for sustainable economy and society.
- Dahlin, P., Pesämaa, O., Öberg, C. (2014). Network embeddedness and the survival of start-ups : A census study of Swedish companies founded in 2007. IMP2014: Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group Conference. 1-18.
- Chou, H., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2014). Strategizing in networks : a case study on different approaches and their consequences. IMP Conference: September 1-6, 2014, Bordeaux, France.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Mattsson, L., Öberg, C. (2014). Why is the network approach not a theory? : Does it matter?. Presented at IMP Journal Seminar, Milan, Italy, 2014.
- Cooper, C., Öberg, C., Tarba, S.Y. (2014). Culture in M&As as intra-organizational and inter-organizational value systems. 30th EGOS Colloquium, Rotterdam, The Netherlands July 3–5, 2014.
- Öberg, C. (2014). Eroding business relationships : The serpentine metaphor. 30th Annual IMP Conference KEDGE Business School, Bordeaux, France, September 1-6, 2014.
- Öberg, C., Leminen, S. (2014). Gap analysis for innovative firm acquisition : Acquirer and target company perspectives. 30th EGOS colloquium, 3-5 July, 2014, Rotterdam.
- Adams, R., Alexander, A., Öberg, C. (2014). Innovation management capabilities for start-ups and spin-offs : A literature review. IMP Conference, September 1-6 2014, Bordeaux, France.
- Lindhult, E., Karlsson, H., Öberg, C., Bessant, J., Johansson, P.E. (2014). Quality in innovation management auditing. XXV ISPIM Conference – Innovation for Sustainable Economy & Society, June 8-11, 2014, Dublin, Ireland.
- Chou, H., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2014). Strategies and network consequences in an interactive context. 2014 IMM-GAMMA Joint Symposium (Global Marketing Conference), Singapore.
- Gebert-Persson, S., Mattsson, L., Öberg, C. (2014). The network approach : a theoretical discussion. IMP Conference, September 1-6, 2014, Bordeaux, France.
- Aaboen, L., Laage-Hellman, J., Lind, F., Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2014). University spin-offs and their roles in business networks. IMP Conference, 1st - 6th September 2014, Bordeaux, France.
- Graham, G., Öberg, C. (2013). Crime bridge and the science/science fiction behind it. BAM 2013, Managing to make a difference, September 10-12, Liverpool, England.
- Adams, R., Alexander, A., Öberg, C. (2013). Innovation management capabilities for start-ups and spin-offs : A literature review. EURAM 2013, 13th Annual Conference of the European Academy of Management, June 26-29 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
- Öberg, C., Alexander, A. (2013). Knowledge transfer linkages for open innovation. ISPIM Conference.
- Björkman, H., Lindhult, E., Öberg, C. (2013). Angels and demons : The religion of innovation?. XXIV ISPIM Conference, Innovationg in Global Markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, June 16-19, 2013, Helsinki, Finland.
- Norrman, C., Öberg, C., Hult, P. (2013). Barriers for biomedical engineering commercialisation. 21st High Technology Small Firms Conference, May 1, 2013, Manchester, United Kingdom.
- Öberg, C. (2013). Strategic reversal : The network as motive, means and end. IMP Journal Seminar, April 11-12, 2013, Marseille, France.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Corporate divorce. IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C., Shih, T.T.Y. (2012). Diverging network logics - barriers for commerzialisation of innovations. 1st IBeN Innovations in Business Networks Seminar.
- Öberg, C., Grundström, C., Rosenfall, T. (2012). The role of identity for open-source software innovations. ISPIM.
- Grundström, C., Rosenfall, T., Öberg, C. (2012). Community interaction - Impact on innovation and open-source business models. ISPIM.
- Anderson, H., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2012). Connectedness in complementary acquisitions - Effects on customers and suppliers. Paper for the 28th EGOS Colloquium.
- Shih, T., Öberg, C. (2012). Diverging network logics as barrier to innovation. Contemporary Issues in Taiwanese Innovation and Business Practice.
- Öberg, C., Shih, T. (2012). Getting into the established network - Logic barriers for young innovative firms. IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C., Tarba, S.Y. (2012). Knowledge transfer following horizontal international acquisitions. Advances in International Management workshop.
- Anderson, H., Dahlin, P., Havila, V., Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2011). Corporate restructuring and customers and suppliers. ANZMAC.
- Öberg, C. (2011). Lessons learnt from repeated acquisitions. ISPIM.
- Kollberg, B., Öberg, C. (2010). Explaining the development of new offerings in advertising industry. ISBM.
- Grundström, C., Öberg, C., Öhrwall-Rönnbäck, A. (2010). View and management of innovativeness upon succession in family-owned SMEs. ISPIM.
- Öberg, C. (2010). Identity in collaboration. 26th IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2010). Coordinating for creativity. Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research.
- Öberg, C. (2010). Customer roles in innovations. The XXI ISPIM Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2010). Customers affecting M&A integration. EURAM.
- Kowalkowski, C., Öberg, C. (2010). Network pictures and resource integration : cognitive alignment in extended service offerings. CBIM Annual Academic Workshop.
- Öberg, C., Huge-Brodin, M., Björklund, M. (2009). Allocating environmental effects - a company vis-à-vis a network perspective. 25th Annual IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2009). Ownership transfer or integration – When is competition challenged in an M&A?. Swedish Workshop on Competition Research.
- Öberg, C., Brege, S. (2009). What happened with the grandiose plans? Strategic plans and network realities in B2B interaction. 25th Annual IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2009). Mergers and acquisitions – A network approach. 9th EURAM Conference.
- Huge-Brodin, M., Björklund, M., Öberg, C. (2009). Delimiting the logistics system : a delicate problem in assessing environmental impact from transport. NOFOMA.
- Öberg, C. (2008). The roles of customers in M&A integration. 24th IMP Conference.
- Öberg, C. (2008). Hårda fakta och mjuka värden – Årsredovisningar som underutnyttjad källa för studier av dynamik i affärsrelationer. Workshop om kreativ metod.
- Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2008). Många arbetstimmar för studenter ger höga kursutvärderingar! - Om korrelationen mellan kursutvärderingar, nedlagd tid och studenters resultat på kurser. 12:e universitetspedagogiska konferensen vid Linköpings universitet.
- Öberg, C. (2008). The roles of customers in M&A integration. 4th IMP Journal Seminar.
- Öberg, C. (2007). På jakt efter alternativa handledningsformer. Pedagogiska Utmaningar i Tiden : 10 :e Universitetspedagogiska konferensenvid Linköpings universitet 8-9 november 2006. 61-71.
- Öberg, C. (2006). På jakt efter alternativa handledningsformer. 10:e universitetspedagogiska konferensen vid Linköpings universitet.
- Bhuanantanonoh, K., Gibbons, P.M., Hinthong, S., Manolis, D., Öberg, C., et al. (2005). MRes Curriculum. 1st Bath University Postgraduate Conference.
Book (Refereed)
- Fotiadis, T., Lindgreen, A., Siomkos, G.J., Öberg, C., Folinas, D. (2023). Industrial Marketing. Sage Publications.
- Öberg, C. (2017). Nyckeltal : Verktyg för att analysera, påverka och utveckla verksamheter. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Weber, Y., Tarba, S.Y., Öberg, C. (2013). A comprehensive guide to mergers & acquisitions : Managing the critical success factors across every stage of the M&A process. Pearson Education Academic Publisher.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Öberg, C. (2023). Social media analytics – A structured data collection and analysis method in a digitalised society. SAGE Research Methods Cases : Business & Management. Sage Publications.
- Öberg, C. (2023). Additive Manufacturing Technology. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Business and Management. Oxford University Press.
- Öberg, C. (2023). Network pictures to visually collect and analyse data. SAGE Research Methods Cases : Business & Management. Sage Publications.
- Öberg, C. (2022). Network pictures : Cognition in a networked context. Thinking about Cognition. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 89-102.
- Öberg, C. (2021). Acquisitions for new business models. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 79-99.
- Geissinger, A., Pelgander, L., Öberg, C. (2021). The identity crisis of 'sharing' : From the co-op economy to the urban sharing economy phenomenon. The Modern Guide to the Urban Sharing Economy. Edward Elgar Publishing. 40-54.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2021). The sharing economy as an entrepreneurial evolution of electronic commerce. Digital Entrepreneurship and the Sharing Economy. New York, Routledge. 72-87.
- Lundberg, H., Öberg, C. (2020). Digital university-SME interaction for business development. Impact of Globalization and Advanced Technologies on Online Business Models. IGI Global. 55-72.
- Öberg, C. (2020). Do you trust to share your finances and financing?. The impact of the sharing economy on business and society : Digital transformation and the rise of platform businesses. London, Routledge.
- Geissinger, A., Laurell, C., Öberg, C., Sandström, C. (2019). Tracking the institutional logics of the sharing economy. Handbook on the sharing economy. Edward Elgar. 177-192.
- Öberg, C. (2017). Making sense of local customer relationships in cross-border acquisitions. Managing Culture and Interspace in Cross-border Investments : Building a Global Company. Routledge.
- Öberg, C. (2017). How innovation impacts artistic creativity - Managing innovation in the creative sector. The role of creativity in the management of innovation : State of the art and future research outlook. World Scientific. 73-95.
- Thilenius, P., Havila, V., Dahlin, P., Öberg, C. (2016). Business netquakes : Analysing relatedness of events in dynamic business networks. Extending the business network approach : new territories, new technologies, new terms. Palgrave Macmillan. 315-332.
- La Rocca, A., Öberg, C., Hoholm, T. (2016). When start-ups shift network–notes on start-ups journey. Starting up in Business Networks : Why Relationships Matter in Entrepreneurship. Palgrave Macmillan. 107-136.
- Öberg, C. (2016). Acquisitions and open innovation – A literature review and extension. Mergers and acquisitions, entrepreneurship and innovation. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 31-58.
- Öberg, C. (2015). Acquisition as an adaptation strategy. The Routledge Companion to Mergers and Acquisition. Oxford, Routledge. 27-39.
- Norrman, C., Öberg, C., Hult, P. (2015). Barriers for Biomedical Engineering Commercialisation. New Technology-Based Firms in the New Millenium. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 55-72.
- Öberg, C. (2014). Customer roles in mergers and acquisitions : A systematic literature review. Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 59-74.
- Öberg, C., Tarba, S.Y. (2013). What do we know about post-merger integration following international acquisitions?. Philosophy of Science and Meta-Knowledge in International Business and Management. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 469-492.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Does a CSR focus create innovations among established firms?. Social and Sustainable Enterprise : Changing the Nature of Business. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 119-139.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Why do customers dissolve their business relationships with the acquired party following an acquisition?. Mergers and acquisitions - The critical role of stakeholders. New York, Routledge. 185-202.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Andgewandte Kompetenz - Projektbasierte Kompetenzenetzwerke zur Arbeitsorganisation. Arbeit im Wandel : Trends und Herausforderungen der modernen Arbeitswelt. LIT Verlag. 53-56.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Competence in use – project-based competence nets as way to organize work. Prethinking work. Münster, LIT Verlag. 33-34.
- Öberg, C. (2011). Effects of product development phases on innovation network relationships. Technological, Managerial and Organizational Core Competencies : Dynamic Innovation and Sustainable Development. IGI Global. 191-202.
- Öberg, C., Kindström, D. (2009). The extended organisation – A network approach. Creating Business out of Industrial Offerings – Findings from Market-Leading B2B Companies. Stockholm, Foundation Marketing Technology Center (MTC). 13-19.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Öberg, C. (2022). Bokrecension : Competition – What it is and why it happen. Organisation & Samhälle. 32.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Degbey, W., Pelto, E., Öberg, C. (2023). Customers Driving a Firm’s Responsible Innovation for Grand Challenges : A Co-active Issue-Selling Perspective. Presented at the SCANCOR Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2023, May 4-5, 2023.
- Öberg, C. (2023). Piracy Entrepreneur. Presented at the SCANCOR Weatherhead Alumni Conference 2023, May 4-5, 2023, Harvard University, 2023.
- Johnstone, L., Lagin, M., Öberg, C. (2020). Immaterial resource transfer in temporal strategic nets. .
- Öberg, C. (2019). How do social ties affect customer retention following M&As?. Presented at Mergers & Acquisitions Conference, WBS, The Shard, London, UK, April 24-25, 2019.
- Öberg, C. (2019). Acquisition as a mode for servitisation : What are the consequences?. Academy of Marketing Conference 2019: 52nd Annual Conference Proceedings,. 30-30.
- Shams, T., Öberg, C. (2019). The barriers of adopting additive manufacturing technologies for end-use production. Presented at 20th International CINet Conference, "Innovating in an era of continuous disruption", Odense, Denmark, September 8-10, 2019.
- Öberg, C. (2019). The role of social ties for post-M&A customer retention : The case of cross-border acquisitions among SMEs. Presented at SCANCOR-Weatherhead Conference, Harvard University, Cambridge, USA, May 10, 2019.
- Hellberg, L., Pelgander, L., Öberg, C. (2019). Who trusts whom in the sharing economy?. 6th International Workshop on the Sharing Economy, June 27-29, Utrecht University: List of abstracts. 73-73.
- Öberg, C. (2019). Women on board : The network or the island?. Presented at 25th Nordic Academy of Management Conference: Nordic Energies, University of Vaasa, Vaasa, Finland, August 22-24, 2019.
- Klinton, M., Öberg, C. (2018). Inside the incubator : The role of actor ties in the early start-up phase of companies. Presented at The IMP Journal Seminar, Rennes, France, May 3-4, 2018.
- Pelgander, L., Öberg, C. (2018). What motivates you in the sharing economy? : Creating understanding for the various actors in diverse sharing economy interpretations. Presented at 24th Nordic Workshop on Interorganizational Research, Vaasa, Finland, April 25-27, 2018.
Book (Other academic)
- Nordberg, P., Öberg, C. (2017). Övningsbok i marknadsföring. Liber.
- Frankelius, P., Parment, A., Öberg, C. (2015). Lärarmaterial - Marknadsföring Vetenskap och praktik. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
- Prenkert, T., Öberg, C. (2014). Redovisning för intern styrning. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
- Prenkert, T., Gyllberg, H., Svensson, C., Svensson, L., Öberg, C. (2014). Redovisning för intern styrning Övningsbok. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
- Öberg, C. (2012). Bättre ekonomi – klokare beslutsfattande genom bättre analys av nyckeltal och ekonomiska rapporter. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Öberg, C., Frankelius, P. (2015). Ekonomi och lönsamhet. Marknadsföring - Vetenskap och praktik. Lund, Studentlitteratur. 545-574.
- Holtström, J., Öberg, C. (2009). Hur nås höga kursutvärderingar? – En studie av korrelationen mellan kursutvärderingar, nedlagd tid och studenters resultat på kurser. Ett år med Bologna – vad har hänt vid liu?. Linköping, Linköping University Press. 91-103.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Öberg, C. (2023). Kvinnor i företagsstyrelser – ökar forskningen ojämställdheten?. Organisation & Samhälle. (03-29).
Status: Published -
Öberg, C. (2022). Examensarbetet – En skrivövning i egen genre?. Organisation & Samhälle. 75-76.
Status: Published -
Babri, M., Carlborg, P., Öberg, C. (2020). Bildningspraktika för ekonomer. Organisation & Samhälle. 2. 70-71.
Status: Published