Christina Zetterlund
Senior lecturer
I am a craft and design historian focused on grassroots histories that challenge deep-rooted power structures, highlighting narratives that institutional perspectives on design, craft, and history have often overshadowed. It is a practice-based history that I write together with different people, groups, organisations and contexts. I do this through academic research and teaching as well as curatorial investigations and long-term collaborations.
I am interested in place-based perspectives on design, craft, and history and have focused on writing histories rooted in Småland. In the exhibition and publication During the Lunch Break: Conversations on Friggers and the Conditions of Making at The Glassfactory in Boda, I collaborated with current and former glassworkers to document the history of frigger-making practices alongside presenting perspectives of class in design history. For this work, I was awarded the 2020 Cultural Award for the Kronoberg region. From 2020 to 2022, I collaborated with Anna Westman Kuhmunen, curator at the Ájtte Swedish Mountain and Sami Museum, on the research project Design History from Other Geographies. Using Småland and the Swedish region of Sápmi as our point of departure, we investigated alternatives to the design history traditionally formulated and institutionalised by universities and museums in the Global North. We published the anthology Småland & Sápmi Sápmi & Småland. Design history from different geographies. Alongside the research project, I conducted the speculative curatorial project (Re-)learning the Archive (2021-2023) at the Design Archive in Nybro. In collaboration with Småland’s civil society, we explored how a future place-based design museum could take shape—one that embraces multiple perspectives and diverse practices. In the Småland module, we collectively explore, through design practice, how students, in collaboration with local communities, can contribute to shaping sustainable development in rural Småland. Together with the first year's masters, I investigate the relationship between present, future and past – how change, creating futures, always relates to the past and what our references are for creating change.
My engagement extends beyond Småland. As the artistic director, alongside Onkar Kular, professor at HDK/Valand, I curated Luleå Biennale 2022 – Crafts & Art. For many years, I have researched the unique jewellery artist Rosa Taikon, which has deepened my involvement in articulating Nordic Romani history. Currently, I serve as a curator in residence at Norwegian Crafts, and in collaboration with Magnus Ericsson from Iaspis/Konstnärsnämnden, I am developing the seminar series (Re-)Thinking Curating Design and Craft. In this series, we investigate alternative approaches to curating design and craftsmanship alongside Swedish and international curators and other cultural creators.
My ongoing research projects
Selected publications
- Zetterlund, C. (2023). Place and Displacement in the Production of Swedish Modernity. Design, Displacement, Migration : Spatial and Material Histories. Routledge. 125-138.
- Fallan, K., Zetterlund, C., Much, A.V. (2023). Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980 : Revolt and Resilience. Routledge. 244.
- Westman Kuhmunen, A., Zetterlund, C. (2023). Småland & Sápmi. Sápmi & Småland. : Designhistorijá eará guovlluin. Designhistoria från olika geografier. Design histories from different geographies.. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.
- Zetterlund, C. (2023). Lära om arkivet.
- Zetterlund, C., Kular, O. (2022). Luleå biennalen 2022 - Hantverk och Konst.
- Zetterlund, C. (2019). På lunchrasten : Samtal om sölning och görandets villkor sammanställda av Christina Zetterlund. Stockholm, Publit.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Keshavarz, M., Zetterlund, C. (2019). The Politics of Borders in the Emergence of Modern Swedish Craft. Journal of Modern Craft. 12 (1). 13-24.
Status: Published -
Zetterlund, C. (2019). Beauty and Struggle : An article about the jewellery artist Rosa Taikon (1926–2017). Bulletin muzea romské kultury. 28. 56-74.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Zetterlund, C. (2019). The Shape of Craft : Ezra Shales, Reaktion Books, 2018. 272 pp., 70 b&w illus., cloth, £20.00. ISBN: 9781780238227.. Journal of Design History. Oxford University Press. 32 (1). 114-116.
Status: Published -
Zetterlund, C. (2017). Designkulturanalyser : Anders V. Munch, Niels Peter Skou & Toke Riis Ebbesen (eds). University Press of Southern Denmark, 2015. 276 pp., paper, 299.00 DKK. ISBN: 9788776749125.. Journal of Design History. 30 (1). 95-97.
Status: Published -
Zetterlund, C. (2008). Hands on Movement : A Dialogue With History. Journal of Modern Craft. Taylor & Francis. 1 (3). 427-430.
Status: Published
Book (Other academic)
- Westman Kuhmunen, A., Zetterlund, C. (2023). Småland & Sápmi. Sápmi & Småland. : Designhistorijá eará guovlluin. Designhistoria från olika geografier. Design histories from different geographies.. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press.
- Mazé, R., Olausson, L., Plöjel, M., Redström, J., Zetterlund, C. (2013). Share this book : critical perspectives and dialogues about design and sustainability. Stockholm, Axl Books.
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Zetterlund, C. (2019). På lunchrasten : Samtal om sölning och görandets villkor sammanställda av Christina Zetterlund. Stockholm, Publit.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Zetterlund, C. (2023). Exhibition as Critical Tool : A Conversatoin with Gunilla Lundahl on Exhibitions, Making Change and Participation. Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980 : Revolt and Resilience. Routledge. 62-71.
- Fallan, K., Zetterlund, C., Munch, A.V. (2023). Introduction : Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980. Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980 : Revolt and Resilience. Routledge. 1-8.
- Zetterlund, C. (2023). Place and Displacement in the Production of Swedish Modernity. Design, Displacement, Migration : Spatial and Material Histories. Routledge. 125-138.
- Fallan, K., Zetterlund, C. (2016). Altering a Homogenized Heritage : Articulating Heterogeneous Material Culture in Norway and Sweden. Designing Worlds : National Design Histories in an Age of Globalization. Berghahn Books. 172-187.
- Brunnström, L., Zetterlund, C. (2010). Forming a Swedish Discourse of Design. Words for Design : Comparative etymology and terminology of design and its equivalents : the first step towards a full collection of Words for Design from all over the world. Vol. 3. Osaka, Osaka University.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Zetterlund, C. (2016). Swedish Design. The Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design : Volume 3. London, Bloomsbury Academic. 283-287.
- Zetterlund, C. (2015). Att göra samhällsengagemang. Konsthantverk i Sverige del 1. Tumba, Mångkulturellt centrum. 115-121.
- Zetterlund, C. (2015). Konst och hantverk : En inledning. Konsthantverk i Sverige : Del 1. Tumba, Mångkulturellt centrum. 7-20.
- Zetterlund, C. (2014). Att göra politik : Om hantverk och konst vid tiden kring 1970. Tillsammans : Politik, filosofi och estetik på 1960- och 1970-talen. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlas. 371-388.
- Mazé, R., Redström, J., Zetterlund, C. (2013). Introductions. Share This Book : Critical perspectives and dialogues about design and sustainability. Stockholm, Axl Books. 5-17.
- Mazé, R., Plöjel, M., Redström, J., Zetterlund, C. (2013). Concluding dialogue. Share This Book : Critical perspectives and dialogues about design and sustainability. Stockholm, Axl Books. 125-128.
- Zetterlund, C. (2012). Just Decoration? : Ideology and Design in Early-Twentieth-Century Sweden. Scandinavian Design : Alternative Histories. London, Berg Publishers. 103-116.
- Zetterlund, C. (2012). Konstslöjdsmuseet och nationen. Konsten och det nationella : Essäer om konsthistoria i Europa 1850-1950. Stockholm, Kungl. Vitterhets Historie och Antikvitets Akademien. 133-145.
- Fallan, K., Munch, A.V., Korvenmaa, P., Johnsen, E., Kristoffersson, S., et al. (2012). A Historiography of Scandinavian Design. Scandinavian Design : Alternative Histories. London, Berg Publishers. 13-31.
- Kåberg, H., Zetterlund, C. (2007). Design history? : A workshop on current views. Art Bulletin of Nationalmuseum Stockholm : Volume 14. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. 107-108.
- Zetterlund, C. (2007). Kvalitet och smak : om grundandet av Nationalmuseums Konstslöjdsavdelning. Förfärligt härligt. Stockholm, Nationalmuseum. 199-204.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Fallan, K., Zetterlund, C., Much, A.V. (2023). Nordic Design Cultures in Transformation, 1960–1980 : Revolt and Resilience. Routledge. 244.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Rosenqvist, J., Zetterlund, C., Hyltén-Cavallius, C. (2015). Konsthantverk i Sverige, del 1. Tumba, Konstfack collection. 219.
Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Zetterlund, C. (2022). Rosa Taikon : Making, Beauty, and Struggle. ART JEWELRY FORUM.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Zetterlund, C. (2023). Häromkring.
Exhibition that ended the curatorial research project (Re-)learning the Archive
. - Zetterlund, C. (2023). Lära om arkivet.
- Zetterlund, C., Kular, O. (2022). Luleå biennalen 2022 - Hantverk och Konst.
- Zetterlund, C. (2019). Ta saken i egna händer.
Zetterlund, C. (2019). På lunchrasten.
Utställning på The Glass Factory
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Zetterlund, C. (2019). På lunchrasten.
Utställning på The Glass Factory
. - Zetterlund, C. (2018). Plats för det handgjorda.