I am senior lecturer in English language, Applied Linguistics and ELT, based mainly in Kalmar. I hold an MA in Applied Linguistics (distinction) and a PhD from the Centre for English Language Studies, University of Birmingham, UK. I also have a Post Graduate Certificate of Education (primary age range, 7-12 yrs) from the University of Exeter, UK, conferring full UK teacher status.
I have taught in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Egypt and Singapore as well as running teaching training courses and workshops in Lithuania, Poland, Ethiopia, Ecuador and Japan.
My current research and teaching interests encompass all aspects of ICT (information communication technology) and CALL (computer assisted/aided language learning) in the training of English language teachers at primary and secondary levels. I have been a frequent contributor to the annual EuroCALL conference. My most recent work has focused on the use of mobile devices such as iPads and mobile phones in the remote assessment of teaching practice. Other interests within ICT and English language teaching include digital literacy and the role of virtual learning environments (VLEs) such as Moodle alongside social media in the development of pre-service teachers' personal learning environments.
My other major focus is international cooperation in higher education. I am the Dept. of Language's faculty representative for internationalisation as well as IATEFL representative. I was STINT fellow in 2022 at the National University of Singapore and I have recently been awarded an Erasmus+ grant to work with UBT, Kosovo.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Suryati, N., Allen, C., Hayati, N., Widiati, U., Furaidah, F., et al. (2023). A comparison of written supervisory feedback given to EFL student teachers in Swedish Context and Indonesian Context. European Journal of Teacher Education.
Status: Accepted -
Hadjistassou, S., Avgousti, M.I., Allen, C. (2020). Pre-Service Teachers' and Instructors' Reflections on Virtually Afforded Feedback During a Distant Teaching Practicum Experience. International Journal of Teacher Education and Professional Development. 3 (1). 42-59.
Status: Published -
Hadjistassou, S.K., Allen, C. (2018). Using iPad-mediated recordings to offer contingent feedback and introduce pre-service teachers to the epistemology of the teaching practice. Journal of Computers in Education. 5 (3). 373-392.
Status: Published -
Allen, C., Hadjistassou, S. (2018). Remote tutoring of pre-service EFL teachers using iPads. ELT Journal. 72 (4). 353-364.
Status: Published -
Karlsson, T., Hans, B., Wikander, T., Holmberg, G., Wahlström, R., et al. (2016). 50 Forgotten Miras. Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers. 44 (2). 156-163.
Status: Published -
Allen, C. (2015). Marriages of convenience? : Teachers and coursebooks in the digital age. ELT Journal. 69 (3). 249-263.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Allen, C., Del Carmen Boloña, M. (2023). Collegial evaluation of online English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses. EUROCALL 2023: CALL for all Languages. 74-79.
- Del Carmen Boloña, M., Allen, C. (2022). Learners' perceptions of using Moodle Booksin online ESP courses. Intelligent CALL, granular systems and learner data: short papers from EUROCALL 2022. 30-35.
- Allen, C., Hadjistassou, S., Richardson, D., Waldman, T. (2021). Intercultural exchanges among pre-service teachers in Israel and Sweden as a path of introduction into the epistemology and practice of teaching. CALL and professionalisation : short papers from EUROCALL 2021. 18-22.
- Allen, C., Richardson, D. (2019). The role of educational technologists in the provision of language courses in higher education : a case study. CALL and complexity : Short papers from EUROCALL 2019. 7-12.
- Berggren, J., Allen, C. (2017). The assessment of digital project in the EFL classroom. CALL in a climate of change : adapting to turbulent global conditions, short papers from EUROCALL 2017. 46-50.
- Allen, C., Berggren, J. (2016). Digital literacy and sustainability : a field study in EFL teacher development. CALL communities and culture : short papers from EUROCALL 2016. 14-19.
- Allen, C., Hadjistassou, S.K., Richardson, D. (2016). Self-evaluation using iPads in EFL teaching practice. CALL communities and culture : short papers from EUROCALL 2016. 20-24.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Allen, C. (2017). MOOCs as primers in EFL Teacher Training. The Teacher Trainer Journal. 31 (1). 11-13.
Status: Published -
Allen, C. (2015). Reacting to the technology splurge : information and Communications Technology (ICT) Training for EFL teachers in the one-to-one era. The Teacher Trainer Journal. 29 (3). 19-21.
Status: Published -
Allen, C. (2001). From Johnson to Cobuild : Grammar and the New Dictionaries. LMS : Lingua. (2). 37-44.
Status: Published -
Allen, C. (2000). Problem, Tasks and Language Teaching. LMS : Lingua. 2. 25-30.
Status: Published -
Allen, C. (1998). IT Training for Modern Language Teachers. LMS : Lingua. 2. 18-22.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Bolona Lopez, M.D.C., Ortiz, M.E., Allen, C. (2015). Using mobile devices and the Adobe Connect web conferencing tool in the assessment of EFL student teacher performance. Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy. 77-83.
- Allen, C. (2015). Social media as an alternative to Moodle in EFL teaching practice forums. Critical CALL – Proceedings of the 2015 EUROCALL Conference, Padova, Italy. 9-15.
- Allen, C. (2013). Conceptions of Personal Learning Environments Among EFL Teachers at Upper Secondary Level in Sweden. 20 Years of EUROCALL: Learning from thePast, Looking to the Future. Proceedings of the 2013 EUROCALL Conference, Évora, Portugal. 7-13.
- Allen, C., Richardson, D. (2012). Exploring Digital Literacy in Student Teacher ICT Projects. Using, Learning, Knowing, EUROCALL Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 22-25 August 2012, Proceedings. 5-9.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Allen, C. (2005). A Local Grammar of Cause and Effect : A Corpus-driven Study. Doctoral Thesis. University of Birmingham. 245.