Clarinda Sousa Jansberg

Clarinda Sousa Jansberg

Associate professor
Department of Marketing and Tourism Studies School of Business and Economics
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Clarinda Rodrigues is an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Linnaeus University School of Business and Economics in Sweden. She holds a Ph.D. in Business Studies (Specialization in Marketing) from Universidade do Porto, Portugal.

Her interdisciplinary brand management research draws on the fields of consumer-brand relationships, brand identity, and sensory marketing. More specifically, her work advances knowledge on the key triggers and outcomes of brand love and brand hate, as the major concepts within the spectrum of consumer-brand relationships. Her interests in brand management evolved over the years from sensory branding to investigating the impact of brand experiences and brand identity on positive and negative consumer-brand experiences. Most recently, she engaged in projects that investigate how brands can deal with societal and environmental challenges in an era of growing consumer-brand disidentification and feelings of brand hatred, with a focus on Generation Y and Z. Therefore, her research strives to shed light on the drivers and outcomes of consumer-brand relationships as gateways to facilitating the process of brand building in the 21st century.

She is teaching primarily Brand Management, Sensory Branding, Innovation Management, Retail and Service Management, Research Methods, Contemporary Marketing Research, and Applied Marketing Analysis. She is also course responsible for the Degree Projects of Customer Experience Management and Retail Management Programs.

Concerning the service to the research community, Clarinda is a reviewer for the Journal of Business Research, Journal of Product and Brand Management, among many others. She is active in conference organization at an international level. She chaired the 12th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing (Sweden, 2017) and co-chaired the Special Session on Sensory Branding at the 21st AMS World Marketing Congress (Portugal, 2018). She also chaired the Track Negativity and Brands at the 14th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing (Germany, 2019).

She is also an experienced branding strategist and international marketing consultant having worked in several firms before joining the Academia. A regular speaker at academic and business conferences about consumer-brand relationships and sensory branding.

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Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Article, review/survey (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

Chapter in book (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)