Since 2021, I have been professor of Social Work at Linnaeus University. My research centres primarily on ageing from intersectional and organisational perspectives. It also includes critical age studies/age sociology, care work relationship studies, elderly care and temporality.
With a background as a dentist, I returned to Academia towards the end of the 1990s, studying sociology and social psychology at Uppsala University and receiving a Master's degree in 2001 and a doctorate in Sociology in 2006 for a thesis titled "Woman in an age coded world: On older women's embodied identity negotiations," a social gerontological monograph with a gender perspective. In 2009, I was appointed docent and promoted to professor of Sociology in 2017.
I have taught courses at all levels from undergraduate to doctoral level, and the latter both nationally and internationally. My teaching has primarily been in the areas of age, ageing and demography, as well as gender theories, inequality, critical approaches and sociological and social psychological theory formations. My methodology teaching has focused on various qualitative methods and approaches.
My research interests include critical perspectives on age, ageing from intersectional and organisational perspectives, issues of extended working life, and time and temporality. I am a member of several national and international collaborations in these areas.
I have had the privilege of working with dedicated researchers at leading universities around the world. Some examples of such parnerships are the research network ”AgeS: Svenska forskningsnätverket om ålder” [AgeS: Swedish research network on age] and the international neworks ”COST IS 1409 Gender and health impacts of policies extending working life in western countries” and ”COST IS 1402 Ageism: A multinational, interdisciplinary perspective”.
Presently, I am vice chair of the international network COST IS 21107 Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization” (DIGI-net) (Ojämlikhet i arbete senare i livet omdefinierat av digitalisering). At Linnaeus University I head the research group Socialt arbete, funktionsnedsättning och åldrande (Social Work, functional challenge and ageing) For further information on SODA, see below.
Here are some examples of previous research projects:
- Dynamics of Inequality across the Life Course (Norface 2018-2020)
- Företagande sent i livet: En explorativ studie om företagandets varierande motiv och villkor samt dess konsekvenser för åldrandet [Entrepreneurship late in life: An exploratory study of various reasons for and conditions of entrepreneurship and its impacts on ageing] (Forte 2017–2019).
- The joy and beauty of dancing: An exploratory study of the social and corporeal aspects of dancing among older people (Riksbankens Jubileumsfond 2016-2018).
- Ålder räknas: En explorativ studie av processer kring inklusion och exklusion i en arbetsorganisation [Age counts: An exploratory study of processes of inclusion and exclusion in a work organisation] (FAS 2012 – 2018).
- Den genuskodade räddningstjänsten. En studie av jämställdhetens förutsättningar [Gender coded rescue services: A study of conditions of equality] (MSB 2010–2014).
- Att vara äldre och bo för sig själv: möjligheter och begränsningar i olika boendeformer [Being old and living alone: Opportunities and limitations of different forms of housing] (Formas 2007–2009).
Several of my research projects are conducted, nationally and internationally, in conjunction with public sector actors and civil society, such as public agencies, pensionsers' associations, trade unions and business organisations.
Presently, I have three ongoing reserach projects:
- Ensam men med kontakt? Digitala (o)jämlikheter inom omsorg och generationsöverskridande relationer bland äldre som lever ensamma [Alone but with contacts? Digital (in)equalities in social care and intergenerational relationships among elderly living alone] (More Years Better Lives 2021 – 2025).
- Vem ges rätt till specialiserad vård under Covid-19? Om biologisk ålder som bedömningsreferens för omsorgs- eller vårdinsatser för personer i olika åldrar [Who receives specialised care during COVID-10? On biological age as assessment reference for care or medical treatment among individuals of different ages] (Swedish Research Council 2023–2026).
- Den organiserade osäkerheten inom äldreomsorgen. Om kvalitet, förutsättningar för motstånd och personalens vilja att stanna kvar [Organised uncertainty in elderly care: On quality, conditions for resistance, and staff willingness to stay on] (Forte 2023 – 2026).
For more information of these projects, see below.
Membership of Faculty Board FSV 2022–2025.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Alone but connected? This international project aims to deepen the understanding of the intersections between digitalisation and intergenerational care relationships among elderly living…
Project: Who are given specialised care during the Covid-19 pandemic? (BioAge(in)Work) The project aims to deepen the knowledge of how publicly funded healthcare assesses the need for care…
Projekt: Work inequalities in later life redefined by digitalization (Digi-net) This project is a four-year international research network on the conditions for the elderly in a digitized labor…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Leontowitsch, M., Putnina, A., Andersson, M., Niemistoe, C., Werny, R., et al. (2024). Participatory action research on webs of caring in the digital age across four European countries. Quality in Ageing and Older Adults (QAOA). 25 (1). 21-32.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C., Karlsson, S. (2023). Emotional Pasts in Swedish Rescue Services : Bringing Temporality to the Fore in the Field of Emotional Regimes. Work, Employment and Society. 37 (5). 1244-1260.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C. (2022). Pleasure and time in senior dance : bringing temporality into focus in the field of ageing. Ageing & Society. 42 (2). 432-447.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C. (2019). Time, precarisation and age normality : on internal job mobility among men in manual work. Ageing & Society. 39 (10). 2290-2307.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C., Karlsson, S., Engström, L., Grip, L. (2019). Communicating equality through policy documents : On legitimacy, double logic and stable translations. Gender, Work and Organization. 26 (11). 1606-1620.
Status: Published -
Alvinius, A., Krekula, C., Larsson, G. (2018). Managing visibility and differentiating in recruitment of women as leaders in the armed forces. Journal of Gender Studies. 27 (5). 534-546.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C., Arvidson, M., Heikkinen, S., Henriksson, A., Olsson, E. (2017). On gray dancing : Constructions of age-normality through choreography and temporal codes. Journal of Aging Studies. 42. 38-45.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C. (2016). Contextualizing older women's body images : Time dimensions, multiple reference groups, and age codings of appearance. Journal of Women & Aging. 28 (1). 58-67.
Status: Published -
Grip, L., Engström, L., Krekula, C., Karlsson, S. (2016). The woman as problem and solution - analysis of a gender equality initiative within the Swedish Rescue Services. NORA : Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research. 24 (2). 95-109.
Status: Published -
Krekula, C., Närvänen, A., Näsman, E. (2005). Ålder i intersektionell analys. Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift. (2-3). 81-94.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Rašticová, M., Žiaran, P., Šácha, J., Krekula, C. (2018). Extension of working lives: gender perspective of retirement timing in the Czech Republic and Sweden. Preliminary results. 21st Annual International Conference: ENTERPRISE AND COMPETITIVE ENVIRONMENT : Conference Proceedings. 529-537.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Burnay, N., Ogg, J., Krekula, C., Vendramin, P. (2023). Introduction. Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes. Springer. 1-17.
- Borges Neves, R., Krekula, C. (2023). Transitions into Precarity at Work Among Older Men in the Metal Industry in Portugal and Sweden. Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes. Springer. 61-76.
- Krekula, C., Nikander, P., Wilinska, M. (2018). Multiple Marginalizations based on Age : Gendered ageism and beyond. Contemporary perspectives on ageism. Cham, Switzerland, Springer. 33-50.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Burnay, N., Ogg, J., Krekula, C., Vendramin, P. (2023). Older Workers and Labour Market Exclusion Processes. Springer. 214.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Krekula, C., Närvänen, A., Näsman, E. (2005). Åldersfrågan i diskussionen om intersektionalitet. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Krekula, C. (2021). Ålder och ålderism : Om görandet av privilegierelationer baserade på ålder. Perspektiv på ålderism. Lund, Social Work Press. 59-79.
- Krekula, C., Vickerstaff, S. (2020). The ‘older worker’ and the ‘ideal worker’ : A critical examination of concepts and categorisations in the rhetoric of extending working lives. Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives. Springer. 29-45.
- Engström, L., Heikkinen, S., Krekula, C. (2020). Sweden. Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives. Springer. 439-447.
- Krekula, C., Johansson, B. (2017). Inledning. Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 11-38.
- Krekula, C., Vickerstaff, S. (2017). Theoretical and conceptual issues in the extending working lives agenda. Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life : Cross-national perspectives. Policy Press. 27-52.
- Krekula, C. (2017). Ålderism : Ett brott mot de mänskliga rättigheterna?. Omvårdnad & Äldre. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 627-636.
- Krekula, C., Engström, L., Alvinius, A. (2017). Sweden : An extended working life policy that overlooks gender considerations. Gender, ageing and extended working lives : Cross-national perspectives. Policy Press. 157-174.
- Vickerstaff, S., Street, D., Léime, Á.N., Krekula, C. (2017). Gendered and extended work : Research and policy needs for work in later life. Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life : Cross-National Perspectives. Policy Press. 219-241.
Report (Other academic)
- Krekula, C. (2020). European Union Extended Working Life Policies : On Pension Systems, Public Finances and Biopolitical Disciplining. Swiss National Competence Center in Research. 26.
- Krekula, C. (2019). Country report : Sweden. Swiss National Competence Center in Research. 30.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Léime, Á.N., Ogg, J., Rašticová, M., Street, D., Krekula, C., et al. (2020). Extended Working Life Policies : International Gender and Health Perspectives. Springer. 515.
- Léime, Á.N., Street, D., Vickerstaff, S., Krekula, C., Loretto, W. (2017). Gender, Ageing and Extended Working Life : Cross-national perspectives. Policy Press. 249.
- Krekula, C., Johansson, B. (2017). Introduktion till kritiska åldersstudier. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 230.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Krekula, C. (2016). Förändrade livslopp, förlängt arbetsliv och nya ojämlikheter. Respons: recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap. (2). 18-22.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Krekula, C. (2017). Om utlandspensionärerna. Respons: recensionstidskrift för humaniora & samhällsvetenskap. Stockholm, Tidskriften Respons.
Status: Published