Cornelia Witthöft
ProfessorI am a professor in Food Science with a focus on nutrition/food chemistry at the Department of Chemistry and Biomedicine. My research focuses on food quality and the development of new healthy foods. Therefore, I am interested to characterize the nutrients in raw material and food, and to study how food processing affects nutrient content. Additional focus is on research on diet-health associations. My special research interest over the recent 25 years has been research on the vitamin folate, for which in many countries suboptimal dietary intake has been reported.
I am teaching students in the subjects of food science, nutrition, food chemistry and food analysis in several of the LNU programs, e.g. the bachelor programs "Nutrition and Food Science" or "Health Science", as well as in a course in entrepreneurship. I am also tutor and examiner for BSc-theses.
Well-being and health are affected by the diet, that should be both, healthy and tasty. Dietary surveys, however, show that our diet is far from optimal. The goal of improving food habits requires scientifically based nutrition recommendations, knowledge on food composition and a wide selection of tasty and healthy food. Studies on the composition of raw materials and foods, and on the effects of traditional household preparation or industrial processing on food quality and nutrient retention provide a basis for the development of novel healthy foods. To study diet-health associations, we use human modells or in vitro/simulation models to gain knowledge of nutrient bioavailability and metabolism. My special research interest since 25 years is the vitamin folate. This vitamin can be affected both positively and negatively by food processing, and still today knowledge about the vitamin's bioavailability and effects on health is limited.
- Deputy vice-chancellor responsible for research (since 2021)
- Member of the Expert Group for Nutrition and Public Health (National Food Agency)
- Nominated expert in the update of the Nordic Nutrition Recommendations 2022
- Member of the steering group of the ERUF project Livsmedelsutveckling Sydost (Food Development Southeast) in Kalmar county
- Member of the steering group for the Torslunda Development Center of the Rural Economy and Agricultural Society/Hushållningssällskapet Kalmar-Kronoberg-Blekinge
- Lnu:s contact person for food within Småland-Blekinge South Sweden (the joint EU office in Brussels for the region and the institutions of higher education)
Research areas
My research groups
Food Science Our research is oriented towards food and nutritional sciences. Our focus is on food quality and product development of new healthy food.
Sustainable sport and performance Within the interdisciplinary research group Sustainable sport and performance, we focus on sustainable performance development in elite sports.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Gut microbiota composition and digestion of animal foods The gut with its microorganisms - the gut flora - is of importance to health. We aim to study how the gut flora in persons with and…
Project: Health-promoting legumes A diet rich in legumes is reported to reduce the risk of metabolic related diseases while benefiting the environment. This project aims to evaluate the health effects…
Project: Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (the REI project) Relative Energy Deficiency in Sports (RED-S) is a syndrome that affects both health and physiological function. It is common in sports…
My completed research projects
Project: Innovative legume-based foods and drinks for enhanced resource use efficiency in food systems The purpose of this transsektionell research project is to develop climate-smart and healthy…
Seed project: Development of an intelligent wearable – the DIWAH study The overall goal of the research in this seeding project within the Linnaeus University Center for Data Intensive Sciences and…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Liu, J., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M., Bergström, M., Burleigh, S., et al. (2022). Effects of Whole Brown Bean and Its Isolated Fiber Fraction on Plasma Lipid Profile, Atherosclerosis, Gut Microbiota, and Microbiota-Dependent Metabolites in Apoe−/− Mice. Nutrients. 14 (5).
Status: Published -
Liu, J., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M., Bergström, M., Burleigh, S., et al. (2022). On the effect of flavonoids and dietary fibre in lingonberries on atherosclerotic plaques, lipid profiles and gut microbiota composition in Apoe(-/-) mice. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 73 (8). 1080-1090.
Status: Published -
Ferawati, F., Zahari, I., Barman, M., Hefni, M.E., Ahlström, C., et al. (2021). High-Moisture Meat Analogues Produced from Yellow Pea and Faba Bean Protein Isolates/Concentrate : Effect of Raw Material Composition and Extrusion Parameters on Texture Properties. Foods. 10 (4).
Status: Published -
Ferawati, F., Hefni, M.E., Östbring, K., Witthöft, C.M. (2021). The Application of Pulse Flours in the Development of Plant-Based Cheese Analogues : Proximate Composition, Color, and Texture Properties. Foods. 10 (9).
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Thomsson, A., Witthöft, C.M. (2021). Bread making with sourdough and intact cereal and legume grains - effect on glycaemic index and glycaemic load. International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition. 72 (1). 134-142.
Status: Published -
Liu, J., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2021). Phenolic compounds in Swedish dried pulses : Characterization, retention and distribution during hydrothermal treatment processes. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis. 102.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Bergström, M., Lennqvist, T., Fagerström, C., Witthöft, C.M. (2021). Simultaneous quantification of trimethylamine N-oxide, trimethylamine, choline, betaine, creatinine, and propionyl-, acetyl-, and L-carnitine in clinical and food samples using HILIC-LC-MS. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 413. 5349-5360.
Status: Published -
Liu, J., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2020). Characterization of Flavonoid Compounds in Common Swedish Berry Species. Foods. 9 (3). 1-13.
Status: Published -
Ferawati, F., Witthöft, C.M., Bergström, M. (2020). Characterization of volatile compounds in Swedish yellow and gray peas : implications for new legume‐based ingredients. Legume Science. 2 (4).
Status: Published -
Röös, E., Carlsson, G., Ferawati, F., Hefni, M.E., Stephan, A., et al. (2020). Less meat, more legumes : prospects and challenges in the transition toward sustainable diets in Sweden. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 35 (2). 192-205.
Status: Published -
Steib, C.A., Johansson, I., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2020). Diet and nutrient status of legume consumers in Sweden : a descriptive crosssectional study. Nutrition Journal. 19 (1). 1-10.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Amann, L.S., Witthöft, C.M. (2019). A HPLC-UV Method for the Quantification of Phenolic Acids in Cereals. Food Analytical Methods. 12 (12). 2802-2812.
Status: Published -
Ferawati, F., Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2019). Flours from Swedish pulses : Effects of treatment on functional properties and nutrient content. Food Science & Nutrition. 7 (12). 4116-4126.
Status: Published -
Östman, J.R., Müllner, E., Eriksson, J., Kristinsson, H., Gustafsson, J., et al. (2019). Glucose Appearance Rate Rather than the Blood Glucose Concentrations Explains Differences in Postprandial Insulin Responses between Wholemeal Rye and Refined Wheat Breads—Results from A Cross-Over Meal Study. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 63 (7). 1-9.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M., Moazzami, A. (2018). Plasma metabolite profiles in healthy women differ after intervention with supplemental folic acid v. folate-rich foods. Journal of Nutritional Science. 7. 1-9.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Schaller, F., Witthöft, C.M. (2018). Betaine, choline and folate content in different cereal genotypes. Journal of Cereal Science. 80. 72-79.
Status: Published -
Sonesson, U., Davis, J., Flysjo, A., Gustaysson, J., Witthöft, C.M. (2017). Protein quality as functional unit : A methodological framework for inclusion in life cycle assessment of food. Journal of Cleaner Production. 140 (Special Issue, Part 2). 470-478.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Shalaby, M.T., Mohamed, R.A., Elwa, A.M., Witthöft, C.M. (2016). Effect of a 12-Week Dietary Intervention with Folic Acid or Folate-Enhanced Foods on Folate Status in Healthy Egyptian Women. Food and Nutrition Sciences. 7. 1339-1351.
Status: Published -
Nicolas, G., Witthöft, C.M., Vignat, J., Knaze, V., Huybrechts, I., et al. (2016). Compilation of a standardised international folate database for EPIC.. Food Chemistry. 193. 134-140.
Status: Published -
Röös, E., Karlsson, H., Witthöft, C.M., Sundberg, C. (2015). Evaluating the sustainability of diets-combining environmental and nutritional aspects. Environmental Science and Policy. 47. 157-166.
Status: Published -
Witthöft, C.M., Hefni, M.E., Moazzami, A. (2015). Folic acid supplement induces changes in 1-carbon metabolism of healthy women compared to food folate. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 67. 248-248.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Shalaby, M.T., Witthöft, C.M. (2015). Folate content in faba beans (Vicia faba L.) - effects of cultivar, maturity stage, industrial processing, and bioprocessing. Food Science & Nutrition. 3 (1). 65-73.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2014). Folate content in processed legume foods commonly consumed in Egypt. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie. 57 (1). 337-343.
Status: Published -
Büttner, B.E., Witthöft, C.M., Domellöf, M., Hernell, O., Öhlund, I. (2014). Effect of type of heat treatment of breastmilk on folate content and pattern.. Breastfeeding Medicine. 9 (2). 86-91.
Status: Published -
Büttner, B.E., Öhrvik, V.E., Köhler, P., Witthöft, C.M., Rychlik, M. (2013). Quantification of isotope-labeled and unlabeled folates and folate catabolites in urine samples by stable isotope dilution assay.. International Journal for Vitamin and Nutrition Research. 83 (2). 112-121.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2012). Effect of germination and subsequent oven-drying on folate content in different wheat and rye cultivars. Journal of Cereal Science. 56 (2). 374-378.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2012). Enhancement of the folate content in Egyptian pita bread.. Food & Nutrition Research. 56.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2011). Increasing the folate content in Egyptian baladi bread using germinated wheat flour. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft + Technologie. 44 (3). 706-712.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2011). Human folate bioavailability. Nutrients. 3 (4). 475-490.
Status: Published -
Bouckaert, K.P., Slimani, N., Nicolas, G., Vignat, J., Wright, A.J.A., et al. (2011). Critical evaluation of folate data in European and international databases : recommendations for standardization in international nutritional studies.. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research. 55 (1). 166-180.
Status: Published -
Büttner, B.E., Öhrvik, V.E., Witthöft, C.M., Rychlik, M. (2011). Quantification of isotope-labelled and unlabelled folates in plasma, ileostomy and food samples.. Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry. 399 (1). 429-439.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V., Öhrvik, H., Tallkvist, J., Witthöft, C.M. (2010). Folates in bread : retention during bread-making and in vitro bioaccessibility. European Journal of Nutrition. 49 (6). 365-372.
Status: Published -
Gurinović, M., Witthöft, C.M., Tepšić, J., Ranić, M., Hulshof, P.J.M., et al. (2010). Capacity development in food composition database management and nutritional research and education in Central and Eastern European, Middle Eastern and North African countries.. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 64 Suppl 3. S134-S138.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V.E., Büttner, B.E., Rychlik, M., Lundin, E., Witthöft, C.M. (2010). Folate bioavailability from breads and a meal assessed with a human stable-isotope area under the curve and ileostomy model.. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 92 (3). 532-538.
Status: Published -
Hefni, M.E., Öhrvik, V., Tabekha, M., Witthöft, C.M. (2010). Folate content in foods commonly consumed in Egypt. Food Chemistry. 121 (2). 540-545.
Status: Published -
Gurinovic, M.A., Oshaug, A., Finglas, P., Glibetic, M., Witthöft, C.M., et al. (2009). Capacity building in food composition data base in central and eastern Europe, Middle east and North Africa countries : Successful collaboration between EUROFIR and other networks. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 55 (Supplement 1). 565-565.
Status: Published -
Augustin, K., Frank, J., Augustin, S., Langguth, P., Öhrvik, V., et al. (2009). Green tea extracts lower serum folates in rats at very high dietary concentrations only and do not affect plasma folates in a human pilot study.. Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology. 60 (3). 103-108.
Status: Published -
Pavlovic, M., Witthöft, C.M., Hollman, P., Hulshof, P.J.M., Glibetic, M., et al. (2009). Training and capacity building in central and eastern Europe through the EuroFIR and CEE networks. Food Chemistry. 113 (3). 846-850.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V.E., Olsson, J.C., Sundberg, B.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2009). Effect of 2 pieces of nutritional advice on folate status in Swedish women : a randomized controlled trial.. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. 89 (4). 1053-1058.
Status: Published -
Hollman, P.C.H., Witthöft, C.M., Busstra, M.C., Elburg, L., Hulshof, P. (2009). Training aspects in the use and production of food composition databases. The EuroFIR experience. Food Chemistry. 113 (3). 842-845.
Status: Published -
Van Guelpen, B., Hultdin, J., Johansson, I., Witthöft, C.M., Weinehall, L., et al. (2009). Plasma folate and total homocysteine levels are associated with the risk of myocardial infarction, independently of each other and of renal function. Journal of Internal Medicine. 266 (2). 182-195.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V., Witthöft, C.M. (2008). Orange juice is a good folate source in respect to folate content and stability during storage and simulated digestion. European Journal of Nutrition. 47 (2). 92-98.
Status: Published -
Öhrvik, V., Witthöft, C.M. (2007). Can foods naturally high in folate improve folate status? : Results from an intervention trial. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism. 51 (suppl 1). 204-204.
Status: Published -
Witthöft, C.M., Arkbåge, K., Johansson, M., Lundin, E., Berglund, G., et al. (2006). Folate absorption from folate-fortified and processed foods using a human ileostomy model.. British Journal of Nutrition. 95 (1). 181-187.
Status: Published -
Van Guelpen, B., Hultdin, J., Johansson, I., Stegmayr, B., Hallmans, G., et al. (2005). Folate, vitamin B12, and risk of ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke : a prospective, nested case-referent study of plasma concentrations and dietary intake.. Stroke. 36 (7). 1426-1431.
Status: Published -
Verwei, M., Arkbåge, K., Groten, J.P., Witthöft, C.M., Vandenberg, H., et al. (2005). The effect of folatebinding proteins on bioavailability of folate from milk products. Trends in Food Science & Technology. 16 (6-7). 307-310.
Status: Published -
Havenaar, R., Verwei, M., Olivares, A.B., Arkbage, K., Ros, G., et al. (2003). Folate bioaccessibility from various food products studied in a dynamic in vitro gastrointestinal model.. Journal of Nutrition. 133 (11). 3862S-3863S.
Status: Published -
Strålsjö, L.M., Witthöft, C.M., Sjöholm, I.M., Jägerstad, M.I. (2003). Folate content in strawberries (Fragaria x ananassa) : effects of cultivar, ripeness, year of harvest, storage, and commercial processing.. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 51 (1). 128-133.
Status: Published -
Verwei, M., Arkbåge, K., Havenaar, R., Van Den Berg, H., Schaafsma, G., et al. (2003). Folic acid and 5-methyltetrahydrofolate in fortified milk are bioaccessible as determined in a dynamic in vitro gastrointestinal model.. Journal of Nutrition. 133 (7). 2377-2383.
Status: Published -
Arkbåge, K., Witthöft, C.M., Fonden, R., Jägerstad, M. (2003). Retention of vitamin B-12 during manufacture of six fermented dairy products using a validated radio protein-binding assay. International Dairy Journal. 13 (2-3). 101-109.
Status: Published -
Arkbåge, K., Verwei, M., Havenaar, R., Witthöft, C.M. (2003). Bioaccessibility of folic acid and (6S)-5-methyltetrahydrofolate decreases after the addition of folate-binding protein to yogurt as studied in a dynamic in vitro gastrointestinal model.. Journal of Nutrition. 133 (11). 3678-3683.
Status: Published -
Strålsjö, L., Åhlin, H., Witthöft, C.M., Jastrebova, J. (2003). Folate determination in Swedish berries by radioprotein-binding assay (RPBA) and high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). European Food Research and Technology. 216 (3). 264-269.
Status: Published -
Jastrebova, J., Witthöft, C.M., Grahn, A., Svensson, U., Jagerstad, M. (2003). HPLC determination of folates in raw and processed beetroots. Food Chemistry. 80 (4). 579-588.
Status: Published -
Witthöft, C.M., Strålsjö, L., Berglund, G., Lundin, E. (2003). A human model to determine folate bioavailability from food: A pilot study for evaluation. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Næringsforskning. 47 (1). 6-18.
Status: Published -
Johansson, M., Witthöft, C.M., Bruce, A., Jägerstad, M. (2002). Study of wheat breakfast rolls fortified with folic acid : The effect on folate status in women during a 3-month intervention. European Journal of Nutrition. 41 (6). 279-286.
Status: Published -
Finglas, P.M., Witthöft, C.M., Vahteristo, L., Wright, A.J.A., Southon, S., et al. (2002). Use of an oral/intravenous dual-label stable-isotope protocol to determine folic acid bioavailability from fortified cereal grain foods in women.. Journal of Nutrition. 132 (5).
Status: Published -
Strålsjö, L., Arkbåge, K., Witthöft, C.M., Jägerstad, M. (2002). Evaluation of a radioprotein-binding assay (RPBA) for folate analysis in berries and milk. Food Chemistry. 79 (4). 525-534.
Status: Published -
Johannesson, L.M., Witthöft, C.M., Jägerstad, M. (2002). Folate content in strawberries - Effects of storage, ripeness and cultivar. Acta Horticulturae. 567. 809-812.
Status: Published -
Forssén, K.M., Jägerstad, M.I., Wigertz, K., Witthöft, C.M. (2000). Folates and dairy products : a critical update.. Journal of the American College of Nutrition (Print). 19 (2 Suppl). 100S-110S.
Status: Published -
Witthöft, C.M., Forssén, K., Johannesson, L., Jägerstad, M. (1999). Folates - Food sources, analyses, retention and bioavailability. Scandinavian Journal of Nutrition/Næringsforskning,. 43 (4). 138-146.
Status: Published -
Maunder, P., Finglas, P.M., Mallet, A.I., Mellon, F.A., Razzaque, M.A., et al. (1999). The synthesis of folic acid, multiply labelled with stable isotopes, for bio-availability studies in human nutrition. Journal of the Chemical Society-Perkin Transactions 1. (10). 1311-1323.
Status: Published -
Finglas, P.M., Wigertz, K., Vahteristo, L., Witthöft, C.M., Southon, S., et al. (1999). Standardisation of HPLC techniques for the determination of naturally-occurring folates in food. Food Chemistry. 64 (2). 245-255.
Status: Published -
Vahteristo, L., Finglas, P.M., Witthöft, C.M., Wigertz, K., Seale, R., et al. (1996). Third EU MAT intercomparison study on food folate analysis using HPLC procedures. Food Chemistry. 57 (1). 109-111.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Åkesson, A., Söderlund, F., Bärebring, L., Christensen, J.J., Olsen, T., et al. (2023). Preparatory work for the update of the tolerable upper intake levels for folic acid/folate. EFSA Supporting Publications. 20 (5).
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Carlsson, G., Röös, E., Stephan, A., Tidåker, P., Witthöft, C.M. (2018). ”Ät hälften så mycket kött och mer ärtor och bönor”. Dagens Nyheter.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Hefni, M.E., Witthöft, C.M. (2016). Egyptian Legumes and Cereal Foods : Traditional and New Methods for Processing. Mediterranean Foods : Composition and Processing. Boca Raton, FL, CRC Press. 102-120.
- Witthöft, C.M., Hefni, M.E. (2016). Folic acid and Folates : Physiology and Health Effects. The Encyclopedia of Food and Health. Elsevier. 724-730.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Witthöft, C.M. (2011). Vitamins : Folates. Encyclopedia of Dairy Sciences. Academic Press. 678-686.
- Witthöft, C.M. (2011). Analytical Methods to Assess the Bioavailability of Water-Soluble Vitamins in Food : Exemplified by Folate. Fortified Foods with Vitamins : Analytical Concepts to Assure Better and Safer Products. Wiley-VCH Verlagsgesellschaft. 21-36.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Witthöft, C.M., Jägerstad, M., Bitsch, I. (1999). Folate content and bioavailability in food using HPLC-methods and a human model. VITAMINE UND ZUSATZSTOFFE IN DER ERNAHRUNG VON MENSCH UND TIER. 109-114.
- Drachner, S., Witthöft, C.M., Bitsch, I. (1995). The bioavailability of 5-CHO-tetrahydrofolic acid in man. VITAMINS AND ADDITIVES IN HUMAN AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. 288-291.
- Hensel, A., Witthöft, C.M., Bitsch, I. (1995). HPLC analytic of food folates (4.EU MAT folate program). VITAMINS AND ADDITIVES IN HUMAN AND ANIMAL NUTRITION. 296-299.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Fridolfsson, E., Augustsson, A., Forss, J., Larsson, P., Waldenström, J., et al. (2021). Förstudie kring hållbar vattenförsörjning i södra Sverige. Linnéuniverstitetet. 17.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Hadziabdic, E., Brodén, K., Lilja, Å., Bratt, A.S., Sandgren, A., et al. (2024). ohållbart många ohälsosamma haikus om hållbar hälsa. Linnaeus University Press.
Seriealbum med haikus och illustrationer på temat Hållbar hälsa