I'm a teacher and researcher in sport science, and currently also head of department at the Department of Sport Science.
Most of my teaching is within our bachelor programme Coaching and Sport Management where I supervise students and teach about the organisation of sport, commercialisation of sport, and the role of sport in society, especially focusing on social responsibility in sports (e.g., social entrepreneurship in sport and CSR in/through sport). In addition, teaching also takes place within the police education, the upper secondary teacher programme (Physical Education and Health), and at the department's (two-year) master programme in Sport Science.
My research is primarily focused on social responsibility in and through sport. Specifically, based on concepts such as social entrepreneurship, social innovation and corporate social responsibility, my work examines organisations operating sport-based activities aimed at addressing social issues. My other research interests include sustainable sport from an economic, social and ecological perspective as well as sport history, sport policy and sport pedagogy.
My research has been published in various academic journals including Journal of Sport Management, European Sport Management Quarterly, European Journal for Sport and Society and International Journal of the History of Sport. I have also authored several book chapters in edited books published by Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan.
Furthermore, I have reviewed both research papers for journals (e.g., European Sport Management Quarterly, Sport Management Review and Scandinavian Sport Studies Forum) and book proposals for publishers such as Routledge and Palgrave MacMillan.
At the moment I have the following assingments:
- Head of department at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University.
- Member of the Council for Research and Education in Police Work, Linnaeus University.
- Chairperson of the Education Committee at the Handball Federation South (Handbollförbundet Syd).
In the past, I have, for instance, had the following assignments:
- Associate head of department at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, 2022.
- Programme coordinator for the bachelor programme Coaching and Sport Managment at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, 2019–2022.
- Member of the education board at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Linnaeus University, 2020–2022.
- Chairperson of the education board at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, 2020–2022.
- Coordinator for internationalisation at the Department of Sport Science, Linnaeus University, 2018–2021.
- Head of administration (2018) and consultant (2019–2020) in the organisation of international conferences organised by the European Association of Sport Management (EASM).
My ongoing research projects
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Laxdal, A., Torstveit, M.K., Ryman Augustsson, S., Ausland, A., Bjärsholm, D., et al. (2024). FIDES Athlete Development Programme : project background and study protocol of an embedded multiple case study. BMJ Open sport & exercise medicine. 10 (1).
Status: Published -
Kjær, J.B., Bjärsholm, D., Fahlström, P.G., Linnér, S. (2023). Breaking through? Exploring care in the early life of elite Swedish athletes. Sport Coaching Review. 12 (1). 68-86.
Status: Published -
Jansson, A., Brun Sundblad, G., Lundvall, S., Bjärsholm, D., Norberg, J.R. (2023). Gender Differences and Inequality? A 20-Year Retrospective Analysis Based on 39,980 Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education in Sweden. Journal of teaching in physical education. 42 (2). 371-382.
Status: Published -
Krugly, S., Bjärsholm, D., Jansson, A., Rosendal Hansen, A., Hansson, O., et al. (2023). A retrospective study of physical fitness and mental health among police students in Sweden. The Police Journal. 96 (3). 430-450.
Status: Published -
Jansson, A., Bjärsholm, D., Krugly, S., Ingrell, J., Vikman, J. (2023). Mental health and exercise habits among police students in Sweden : A three-year retrospective study. The Police Journal. 1-16.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Jansson, A., Brun Sundblad, G., Lundvall, S., Bjärsholm, D., Norberg, J.R. (2022). Students' perceived learning in physical education : variations across students' gender and migration background in Sweden. Sport, Education and Society. 27 (4). 421-433.
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D., Norberg, J.R. (2021). Swedish Sport Policy in an Era of Neoliberalism : An Expression of Social Entrepreneurship?. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living. 3.
Status: Published -
Lidström, I., Bjärsholm, D. (2019). Batting, Running, and 'Burning' in Early Modern Europe : A Contribution to the Debate on the Roots of Baseball. International Journal of the History of Sport. 36 (17-18). 1612-1624.
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D. (2019). Networking as a cornerstone within the practice of social entrepreneurship in sport. European Sport Management Quarterly. 19 (1). 120-137.
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Peterson, T., Schenker, K. (2018). Ethical considerations in researching sport and social entrepreneurship. European Journal for Sport and Society. 15 (3). 216-233.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Tomas, P., Bjärsholm, D., Linnér, S., Schenker, K. (2024). På hemmaplan : En idealtyp för idrott i områden med lågt deltagande. Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum. 1-24.
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Peterson, T., Schenker, K. (2016). Idrott och socialt entreprenörskap – en utmaning för idrottsrörelsen. Idrottsforskaren. (2). 49-54.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Bjärsholm, D. (2022). Idrott som medel i en tid av krig. Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum. (March 14).
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Bjärsholm, D. (2017). Sport and Social Entrepreneurship : A Review of a Concept in Progress. Journal of Sport Management. Human Kinetics. 31 (2). 191-206.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Bjärsholm, D. (2024). A relevant and valuable, if not wholly satisfactory, read : A review of “Sport Startups: New Advances in Entrepreneurship. Idrottsforum.org - Nordic Sport Studies Forum. Malmö, Malmö universitet. (March 26). 1-5.
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D. (2021). A most timely textbook on online research methods in sport studies : A review of "Online Research Methods in Sport Studies". Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum. Malmö, Malmö universitet. (May 11).
Status: Published -
Bjärsholm, D. (2017). An interesting and much-needed book that could have done better : [Review of] Vanessa Ratten & João J. Ferreira (red), Sport Entrepreneurship and Innovation, 263 pages, paperback. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge 2017, ISBN 978-1-138-94174-8. Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum. Malmö, Malmö högskola. (2017-09-27).
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Bjärsholm, D., Bladh, G., Lidström, I. (2015). Hållbar idrott i skola och samhälle : Rapport från SVEBI-konferensen i Växjö, 11–12 november 2015. Idrottsforum.org/Nordic sport science forum. 1-8.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Bjärsholm, D. (2020). Idrott som medel – inte som mål : Förutsättningar för socialt entreprenörskap inom idrotten. Doctoral Thesis. Malmö, Malmö universitet. 254.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Schenker, K., Peterson, T., Bjärsholm, D. (2021). Social Innovations and Social Entrepreneurship in Sport. Social Innovation in Sport. Palgrave Macmillan. 37-54.
- Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Norbeg, J.R., Peterson, T., et al. (2018). A methodological tool for researching Sport and Social Entrepreneurship. Sport and Social Entrepreneurship in Sweden. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 113-122.
- Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Peterson, T., Schenker, K. (2018). Ethics in Researching Sport and Social Entrepreneurship. Sport and Social Entrepreneurship in Sweden. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 99-111.
- Gerrevall, P., Bjärsholm, D., Linnér, S. (2018). Social Entrepreneurship, Sport and Democracy Development. Sport and Social Entrepreneurship in Sweden. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 75-97.
- Bjärsholm, D. (2018). Social entrepreneurship in an international context. Sport and social entrepreneurship in Sweden. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 23-39.
- Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Peterson, T., Schenker, K. (2018). The Cases. Sport and Social Entrepreneurship in Sweden. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 61-73.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Schenker, K., Bjärsholm, D., Gerrevall, P., Linnér, S., Peterson, T. (2023). Kan sociala idrottsentreprenörer motverka segregation?. Idrott och segregation : Om idrottens roll i ett ojämlikt samhälle. Centrum för idrottsforskning. 119-138.
- Bjärsholm, D. (2020). Entreprenörskap inom idrotten. Sport management : del 3: Idrottens marknader och konsumtionskultur. SISU Idrottsböcker. 54-75.
- Schenker, K., Peterson, T., Bjärsholm, D. (2018). Den sociale idrottsentreprenören. Att leda lärande : En vänbok till Per Gerrevall. Kalmar, Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 67-90.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lundin, K., Bjärsholm, D., Oliynyk, I., Wiberg, Å. (2023). Språkliga möten i teori och praktik. Språk, reflektion och vetenskap i lärarutbildningen. Växjö, Institutionen för didaktik och lärares praktik, Linnéuniversitetet. 31-49.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Bjärsholm, D., Backman, J. (2023). Possiblities for Tax Optimization in Swedish Sport. EASM BELFAST 2023 CONFERENCE ABSTRACTS : 31st European Association for Sport Management Conference, September 12-15, 2023, Belfast, Northern Ireland. 371-372.
- Bjärsholm, D., Jansson, A., Krugly, S., Ingrell, J., Vikman, J. (2023). A longitudinal study on exercise habits and mental health among Swedish police students. .
- Jansson, A., Bjärsholm, D. (2023). Deteriorating equivalence in physical education in Sweden? : Using sibling correlation to estimate the effect of family background on grades in physical education between 2000–2017. .
- Kjær, J.B., Bjärsholm, D., Fahlström, P.G., Linnér, S. (2022). Do we need to break a glass ceiling? A discussion on the Swedish dual career model at the secondary school level. SVEBI 2022 : Sport in a changing world, 14-15 juni 2022, Malmö Sweden. 51-52.
- Backman, J., Bjärsholm, D. (2022). Venture Capital in Swedish Sport: The Swedish 51 %-rule – An Obstacle or Possibility?. Presented at: The EASM Conference 2022, The 30th European Sport Management Conference hosted September 5-8, in Innsbruck, Tirol, Austria.. 486-487.
- Kjær, J.B., Bjärsholm, D., Fahlström, P.G., Linnér, S. (2021). Coaching for personal development : Retrospective stories from 14 Swedish high-performance athletes. International Sport Coaching Journal : International Council for Coaching Excellence (ICCE) 13th Global Coach Conference, Virtual & In-person Conference November 17–21, 2021, Lisbon, Portugal. S50-S50.
- Jansson, A., Bjärsholm, D. (2020). Gender gaps and gender equality in Sweden? : Evidence based on 32 610 students’ perceptions of physical education. .
- Bjärsholm, D. (2017). Networking as a cornerstone within the practice of social entrepreneurship in sport. The 25th EASM Conference, 5–8 September 2017, Bern and Magglingen, Switzerland, Challenges and Developments of Sport Organisations, book of abstracts. 532-533.
Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)
- Carlsson, B., Breitbarth, T., Bjärsholm, D. (2018). The 26th European Sport Management Conference, September 5–8, 2018, Malmö, Sweden, Managing Sport in a Changing Europe, Book of Abstracts. Malmö, Malmö universitet. 517.
Report (Other academic)
- Jansson, A., Krugly, S., Bjärsholm, D., Torstensson, R., Vikman, J., et al. (2023). Träningsråd till dig som ska genomföra tester av fysisk förmåga på Plikt- och prövningsverket. Malmö, Bokförlaget idrottsforum.org. 15.