My research is mainly carried out in the intersection of leadership, entrepreneurship and organization, with a special interest in creativity, management and methods.
My academic career started at the Stockholm School of Economics where I first took a MSc (1995) specializing in both Management and Managerial Economics and Control, and then acquired a PhD in Business Administration. In 2002 I won a post-doc in social science with a focus on entrepreneurship and constructionism at Växjö University (now Linnaeus University), and since 2005 I work as a senior lecturer at Växjö/Linnaeus University. I was appointed associate professor in 2008 and professor in business administration specialising in organization and management in 2020.
During the years I have been on leave of absence to varying degrees. In 2009-2010 and 2014 I returned to the Stockholm School of Economics to work as researcher; 2010 to 2013 I worked as a visiting researcher at the Umeå School of Business and Economic at Umeå University; 2013 to 2015 I took a half-time position as visiting professor at the Department of Urban Studies at Malmö University College; and in the fall of 2017 I worked as professor in organization and leadership at Østfold University College.
Since August 1, 2022, I am visiting professor in cultural entrepreneurship at Lund University, Department of Arts and Cultural Studies.
My teaching experience amounts to over 25000 hours, divided between approximately 10% postgraduate courses, 45% undergraduate courses and 45% executive education. Within postgraduate educational programs I have supervised two doctoral students, and developed, taught and been responsible for doctoral courses in "Qualitative Methods", "Learning for Renewal and Work Development," and "The Interpretative Tradition – Constructionist Thinking, Research and Writing"; within undergraduate educational programs I been responsible for courses at all levels, and as such developed courses, led teams of teachers and taught courses in i.a. "Organization Theories", "Organizational Change and Renewal", "Strategic Management", "Methods in Business Administration" and "Creative Management/Management for creativity "; I have supervised well over 100 thesis in Swedish as well as English (several award winning) and I have served as examiner for the master thesis in both Management and Entrepreneurship at Linnaeus University; and when it comes to executive education I have several years of experience working with strategic development of senior executives. In 2004 to 2013 I was, for example, program manager for a 32-day master program commissioned by the Swedish National Police Board, in which I supervised nearly one hundred change projects within the Swedish National Police; I have worked as ERFA-leader for a group of executives within public administrations for Institutet för Företagsledning (IFL); and I have supervised Swedish middle managers attaining programs at the Stockholm School of Economics' Executive Education Programs as well as international business leaders at the Applied International Management Program (also at IFL).
In my research I have mainly directed my interest towards managerial and organizational issues related to creativity and entrepreneurship, and I have tried to show and problematize how different notions of creativity and entrepreneurship give rise to different ways of leading and organizing creativity and entrepreneurship. In my dissertation project this interest lead me to focus upon what I have called "the creativization of working-life", the puzzling circumstances that place creativity and the creative person(ality) at the center of contemporary discourses on the renewal of working-life; and my ambition was to try to understand how creativity is being constructed and organized within this process of creativization. My project however also developed in a (self) reflexive direction, and at the same my theoretical ambitions grew to try make a methodological contribution to the (social)constructionist research tradition by, on the one hand, problematizing what it means to write in a constructionist manner, and on the other to explore what it means to be a researcher in the creative and constructionist fields.
My methodological contributions were formulated partly in terms of a theory of the metaphysics of writing, partly by outlining a constructionist research paradigm based on clues (or rather "clueing"), including six constructionist research strategies. Based on these contributions I have since then continued to explore creativity and entrepreneurship in different empirical contexts and with different theoretical approaches. Worth mentioning among my major research and writing projects are Musikmysteriet – organiserade stämningar och motstämningar ("The Music Mystery - Organized Moods and Countermoods", 2007) in which I scrutinize the music industry from music-sociological and critical perspectives, and Den odöda musiken ("The Undead Music, 2010) and Scripting Creativity (2010) in which I problematize digitalization and its unforeseen consequences for cultural production and consumption. In my latest project - Tongivande Entrepreneurship ("Entrepreneurship in major", 2018) - I have followed the enactment of Smålandsoperan and try to provide a comprehensive understanding of the organizational processes that make entrepreneurship in the art field possible - but at the same time limit it.
In terms of formal academic leadership assignments I have, among other things, been head of department at the School of Economics (Växjö University, 2003); I have, as a board member of the "Entrepreneurship Profile" (Växjö University, 2002-2005) and also for a period its coordinator, been responsible for developing and managing a research group in the long term (strategic issues) as well as in the short term (tactical issues); I have been a director for the postgraduate program in business administration and economics (Växjö University, 2005-2006) as well as elected member of the research committees at the Stockholm School of Economics (1995-1996) and Växjö University (2007-2009), Forum for Gender Studies (Linnaeus University, 2010- 2011) and the work environment committee (Växjö University, 2004-2009). 2018-2021 I acted as program director for the post-graduate program in Business Administration, and from 2021 I am head of the Management Specialisation (the Business Administration and Economics Programme). I am also member of the Stipend Committee at Linnaeus University since 2018
In 2011 I partook as expert in the Swedish Agency for Higher Education's review of the subject business administration; in 2013 I was the chairman for the group behind the report "Inquiry on an "institute "with a special focus on participatory citizenship" (Malmö Högskola); and in 2015 to 2016 I was called in as expert by the Swedish Agency for Public Management to research "Change processes in large organizations".
As an expert on organization and leadership I am also contributing as reviewer for journals such as Management Learning, Gender, Work & Organization, Journal of Organizational Change Management, Culture and Organization, British Journal of Management, European Management Review, Scandinavian Journal of Management, and Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. In 2019-2020 I was a member of the editorial board of Journal of Management, Spirituality & Religion, and acted as the journals' book editor. Since 2021 I am a member of Gender, Work & Organization's Editorial Review Board, since 2022 I am the editor of the journal Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship, and since 2023 I am associate editor for Culture and Organization.
Since 2018 I am a member of the International Scientific Committee for the annual IMES-conference (Innovation, Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability) hosted by the University of Prague.
We are accredited
The School of Business and Economics at Linnaeus University is accredited by The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business, AACSB.
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2022). The University as the Bringer of Hope : A Scaffolding for the Future. World Futures : The Journal of New Paradigm Research. 78 (5). 302-310.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D., Stasinski, R., Stenström, E. (2022). Body, mind, and soul principles for designing management education : an ethnography from the future. Culture and Organization. 28 (3-4). 313-329.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2020). Reflections on constructing time in organizational change processes : a virtuous managerial interest. Journal of Organizational Change Management. 33 (5). 821-833.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2020). Alterethnography : reading and writing otherness in organizations. Gender, Work and Organization. 27 (6). 1402-1417.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Ericsson, D. (2023). A sanctuary for reflection and debate : Introducing Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship. Art, Culture & Entrepreneurship. 1 (1). 1-6.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2020). Dead or alive and kicking?. M&STE: elektronisk tidskrift för konferensen Musik & samhälle. (7). 11-16.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D., Persson, P. (2016). Samlandets kunskapsekonomi. M&STE: elektronisk tidskrift för konferensen Musik & samhälle. 1 (1). 37-51.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2007). Chefen: En (av)sedd och o(av)sedd symbol. LOOP - Tidskriften om Ledarskap Organisation och Personal. 3 (3). 54-56.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2020). Strategier för hopp i brytningstid. Dagens ETC. (2020-01-15).
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2020). Att organisera hopp i en brytningstid. Organisation & Samhälle. 2. 54-57.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2018). Tongivande tillit på entreprenörskapsfältet. Organisation & Samhälle. (2). 78-83.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other academic)
Ericsson, D. (2010). Book review. Cinzia Dal Zotto and Hans van Kranenburg, Editors, Management and innovation in the media industry, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK (2008) ISBN 978 1 84720 109. Scandinavian Journal of Management. 26 (1). 97-98.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2008). Power, knowledge and domination. Scandinavian Journal of Management. Elsevier. 24 (2). 162-163.
Status: Published
Article, book review (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Ericsson, D. (2021). [Recension av] På tal om döden – Essäer : Reinhold, E. & Wandery, O. (red.). Makadam, 2021. Organisation & Samhälle. Stockholm, Föreningen Företagsekonomi i Sverige FEKIS. (2). 24-25.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2021). Vårt enda liv. Sekulär tro och andlig frihet, Martin Hägglund. Volante, 2020, 489 sidor.. Organisation & Samhälle. (1). 31-31.
Status: Published -
Ericsson, D. (2019). Musik och samhälle: Två sidor av samma mynt : Hur västvärlden fylldes med musik. Människorna. Organisationerna. Musikens kedjor av Lars Östman, Kulturhistoriska bokförlaget, 2018 och Musikens makt. RJ:s årsbok 2018 av Jenny Björkman och Arne Jarrick (red), Makadams förlag, 2018. Organisation & Samhälle. Stockholm, Organisation & Samhälle. (2). 27-28.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Ericsson, D. (2018). Tongivande entreprenörskap : opera på småländska. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Book (Other academic)
- Ericsson, D. (2019). Myter om metod. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Ericsson, D. (2016). Förändringsprocesser i stora organisationer. Stockholm, Statskontoret.
- Ericsson, D. (2010). Den odöda musiken. Stockholm, Ekonomiska forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm.
- Ericsson, D. (2010). Scripting Creativity. Stockholm, EFI The Economic Research Institute.
- Ericsson, D. (2007). Musikmysteriet : Organiserade stämningar och motstämningar. EFI vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm, Stockholm.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Ericsson, D. (2001). Kreativitetsmysteriet : Ledtrådar till arbetslivets kreativisering och skrivandets metafysik. Doctoral Thesis. Stockholm, Ekonomiska forskningsinstitutet vid Handelshögskolan i Stockholm. 426.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2025). When Management and Organization Came to the Village of Jante. Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization : Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 25-47.
- Ericsson, D., Cinque, S. (2025). Debating Homo Academicus : A Maieutic Quest for Self-Reflexivity. Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization : Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 1-22.
- Ericsson, D. (2022). Rethinking revisions : The art of devision. How to Write Differently : A Quest for Meaningful Academic Writing: How To Guides. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 98-107.
- Ericsson, D. (2022). Space technologies and cultural organizations. The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations : Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective. New York, Routledge. 141-154.
- Calås, D., Ellborg, K., Ericsson, D., Esperi Hallgren, E., Husung, A. (2021). Inter-ethnography : from individual beings to collective becoming. Organizational ethnography. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 91-109.
- Ericsson, D. (2020). Notes on a fetishist war machine. Against entrepreneurship : a critical examination. London, Palgrave Macmillan. 37-55.
- Ericsson, D. (2020). Exercises in sensemaking : 3,628,800 ways of writing organization and management. Aesthetics, organization, and humanistic management. New York, Routledge. 189-201.
- Ericsson, D. (2019). Technologies of the commune : A bridge over troubled water?. Organizing hope : Narratives for a better future. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 142-152.
- Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2019). Introduction: Organizing hope : narratives for a better future. Organizing hope : narratives for a better future. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-13.
- Ericsson, D. (2016). Social entrepreneurship : between Odysseus’s scar and Abraham’s sacrifice. Social entrepreneurship and social enterprises : Nordic perspectives. New York and London, Routledge. 141-157.
- Ericsson, D. (2001). Creative leaders - or prisoners of the past?. Invisible management : The social construction of leadership. London, Thomson Learning. 188-211.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Alvehus, J., Ericsson, D. (2020). Om att undra inför företagsekonomin. Om undran inför företagsekonomin. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 7-22.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2020). Makten över mervärdet : en tankefigur. Om undran inför företagsekonomin. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 51-72.
- Ericsson, D., Eriksson, M. (2016). The Art and Business of "Being Critical". Art and Business : Building a Common Ground for Understanding Society. Routledge. 16-27.
- Ericsson, D. (2015). Allegori över en författare i kreativ kris?. Pär Lagerkvist i text och ton. Växjö, Pär Lagerkvist-samfundet. 11-20.
- Ericsson, D. (2014). Sociala innovationer på musikens fält : från lurig oxymoron till tongivande innovationspolitik. Coda : andra antologin om Musik och samhälle. Malmö, Kira förlag. 143-151.
- Ericsson, D. (2012). Kreativa konstellationer på musikens fält : På väg mot en utökad institutionell organisationsrepertoar. Intro - En antologi om Musik och Samhälle. Malmö, Kira förlag. 204-221.
- Ericsson, D. (2011). David Silverman - Struggling with the Theory of Organisation. On the Shoulders of Giants. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 251-266.
- Ericsson, D. (2010). Constellations of Another Other : The Case of Aquarian Nation. (De)mobilising the Entrepreneurship Discourse : Exploring Entrepreneurial Thinking and Action. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 179-200.
- Ericsson, D. (2009). (Re)konfigurerad fallogocentrism på musikens fält. En bok om genus : Nyfikenhet, nytänkande och nytta. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 81-101.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2008). Bureaucrats and Heretics – Gendering Mythology. Organizational Epics and Sagas : Tales of Organizations. Palgrave, London. 80-92.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P., Soila-Wadman, M. (2007). Förord. Tankelyft och bärkraft : Strategisk utveckling inom Polisen. Växjö University Press, Växjö. 3-12.
- Ericsson, D. (2007). Professorn har ordet. Den lekande farbrorn : Vänbok med anledning av Bengt Johannisson 65 år. Studier i Entreprenörskap, Växjö Universitet, Växjö. 71-88.
- Ericsson, D. (2006). De (o)säkrade organisationerna. Den oavsedda organisationen. Academia adacta. 85-107.
- Ericsson, D. (2006). Organisationsteorier i ögonvrån. Den oavsedda organisationen. Academia Press. 7-20.
- Ericsson, D. (2005). VD har ordet : företagsledning UPA. Samtalet fortsätter : bortom ledarskapets gränser. Lund, Academia adacta. 102-136.
- Ericsson, D., Kallifatides, M. (2005). Akademiska samtal : om det omöjligas möjlighet och företagsekonomiska (k)lurifaxar. Samtalet fortsätter : bortom ledarskapets gränser. Lund, Academia adacta. 7-17.
- Ericsson, D. (2004). Entreprenörskapsfetischism : Noter om entreifiering och entrepomorfisering. Det oavsedda entreprenörskapet. Academia adacta. 85-107.
- Ericsson, D. (2004). Entreprenörskapsfältet : O(av)sedda positioner och dispositioner. Det oavsedda entreprenörskapet. Academia adacta. 7-13.
- Ericsson, D. (2003). Den pretentiösa vetenskapen. Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 17-32.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2003). Ledarskapets grundvillfarelse : När den abstrakta socialiteten breder ut sig. Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 113-128.
- Ericsson, D. (2003). Det o(av)sedda ledarskapet : de dygdiga och odygdiga aspekterna. Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 7-16.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2003). Projektilernas vådafärd. Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 81-91.
- Ericsson, D. (2003). Det gamla och det glömda. Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 71-80.
- Ericsson, D. (2001). Arbetslivets kreativisering och kreativitetskapitalisterna. Pedagogik med arbetslivsinriktning. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 67-90.
- Ericsson, D. (1999). Kreativa ledare?. Osynlig företagsledning. Stockholm, Studentlitteratur AB. 195-220.
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Ericsson, D. (2019). Social innovations in the cultural field : an essay. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference: Innovation Management, Entrepreneurship and Sustainability : May 30 – 31, 2019, Prague. 183-194.
- Ericsson, D. (2018). A year at the Opera : social innovation in between organizing contexts and idealistic infrastructures. Presented at Neon-konferansen 2018: Innovasjon i organisasjoner – utfordringer og muligheter, Høgskolen i innlandet (HINN), Lillehammer, Norway, November 21-22, 2018.
- Ericsson, D. (2018). An essay on the entrepreneurial war machine. Innovation, management, entrepreneurship and sustainability : proceedings of the 6th international conference, May 31 – June 1, 2018, Prague. 257-265.
- Ericsson, D. (2017). Entrepreneurship at the opera : in between business, art, ideals, and "gemeinschaft". Presented at Neon-konferansen 2017: Omstillingsprosesser, Nord University, Bodø, November 21-23, 2017.
- Ericsson, D., Persson, P. (2017). Entrepreneurship lost and found. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference IMES, 25–26 May, 2017, Prague, University of Economics. 190-199.
- Ericsson, D. (2017). Constructing time in organizational change processes : a dutiful managerial interest. Presented at the 10th International Critical Management Studies Conference, Liverpool, UK, July 3-5, 2017.
- Ericsson, D., Ingman, S., Stavreski, H. (2016). Governance within government : (re)thinking leadership in the city of Malmö?. Presented at the 6th LAEMOS Conference, Viña del Mar, Chile, April 6-9, 2016.
- Ericsson, D. (2013). An other creative city : social innovation in Malmö. Presented at the 31st Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, Warsaw, Poland, July 13-16, 2013.
- Ericsson, D. (2013). Like a bridge over troubled water? : prosumption in the field of music. Presented at the 29th EGOS Colloquium: “Bridging Continents, Cultures and Worldviews”, Montréal, July 4–6, 2013.
- Ericsson, D. (2013). In between Odysseus’ scar and Abraham’s sacrifice : narrative styles shaping the field of social entrepreneurship and social innovation. Presented at the 5th International Conference on Rhetoric and Narratives in Management Research, ESADE - Universitat Ramon Llull, Barcelona, Spain, March 25-27, 2013.
- Ericsson, D. (2008). Another Other? : The Luddites of the Digitial Revolution. ACSCOS 2008 – The 3rd Australasian Caucus of the Standing Conference on Organizational Symbolism, University of Technology, Sydney, 26-28 november..
- Ericsson, D. (2008). “I don’t want to be alternative”: The Case of Aquarian Nation. the Annual Conference of IASPM-ANZ, International Association for the Study of Popular Music, Australia-New Zealand branch, 28-30 november, Griffith University, Brisbane.
- Ericsson, D. (2008). Genusskriptens omvandlingar på musikens fält. Rock och samhälle, Hultsfred, 11-13 juni.
- Ericsson, D. (2007). The Hedged CEO : A linguistic deconstruction of Letters to Shareholders. European Accounting Association, 25-27 April : 30th Annual Congress: Programme and Abstracts.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P. (2007). Bureaucrats and Heretics.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Ericsson, D. (2019). Dead or alive and kicking?. Presented at Musik och Samhälle 2019: Tema "LIVE", Lund, Sweden, October 10, 2019.
- Ericsson, D., Persson, P. (2015). Samlandets kunskapsekonomi. Presented at Konferensen Musik och Samhälle VII, Lund University, October 8-9, 2015.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Cinque, S., Ericsson, D. (2024). Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization : Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 304.
- Ericsson, D., Kostera, M. (2019). Organizing hope : narratives for a better future. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 244.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Alvehus, J., Ericsson, D. (2020). Om undran inför företagsekonomin. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 173.
- Ericsson, D., Nilsson, P., Soila-Wadman, M. (2007). Tankelyft och bärkraft : strategisk utveckling inom Polisen. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 439.
- Ericsson, D. (2006). Den oavsedda organisationen. Academia Adacta, Lund. 150.
- Ericsson, D., Kallifatides, M. (2005). Samtalet fortsätter : bortom ledarskapets gränser. Lund, Academia adacta. 166.
- Ericsson, D. (2004). Det oavsedda entreprenörskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 150.
- Ericsson, D. (2003). Det oavsedda ledarskapet. Lund, Academia adacta. 140.