(a) Democratization
(b) International Politics
(c) European Union and Central- & Eastern Europe
My ongoing research projects
Project: Changes and Challenges to Kosovo's Democracy This project analyses Kosovo's democratization since the declaration of independence in 2008, by focusing on conditions within and changes to five…
Project: Sweden and the European Union The project analysis how Swedish politics has developed and been shaped by the EU membership of 1995 up until today, with particular focus on EU multilevel…
Seed project: Education for Democratic Citizenship This project aims to develop a training program for education on democratic citizenship in Ukraine.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Silander, D. (2024). The European Commission on Sustainable Development. A New Normative Power in Its Making?. Forum for Social Economics. 53 (1). 76-88.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2024). Democracy at the Crossroads: : South Africa 30 Years after Apartheid. African Journal of Democracy and Election Research. 4 (1). 5-24.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2023). The European Commission as Political Entrepreneur : The Europe 2020 Strategy. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 3 (2). 1-12.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2022). Europe 2020 : The EU Commission and Political Entrepreneurship. International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal (IS). 29 (1). 103-118.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2021). The UN agenda 2030 and the climate-security nexus in Africa. Journal of Geography, Politics and Society. 11 (2). 34-43.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2021). EU and Agenda 2030 : Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions. Journal of geography, politics and society. 11 (4). 18-28.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, M., Silander, D. (2016). Democracy and Security in the EU:s Eastern Neighborhood? : Assessing the ENP in Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. Democracy and Security. 12 (1). 44-61.
Status: Published -
Nilsson, M., Silander, D. (2015). Demokratins förutsättningar i Ukraina: EU, Ryssland och den nationella politiska elitens roll. Nordisk Østforum. 29 (2). 191-219.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2014). A Wider Europe : Does the European Neighborhood Policy Work?. International Relations and Diplomacy. 2 (5). 336-353.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2014). Protecting and Promoting Europe : The ENP and the Security-Democracy Nexus in Partner States?. Journal of Applied Security Research. 9 (4). 460-477.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2013). R2P - Principle and Practice? : The UNSC on Libya. Journal of Applied Security Research. 8 (2). 262-284.
Status: Published -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2013). Demokratiska utmaningar hos de nordiska länderna 2002-2011. Politiikka. 55 (3). 139-150.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Mclean, C., Wallace, D. (2013). The Challenges of Information and Communication Technologies for Transnational Efforts at Homeland Security Education. Journal of Applied Security Research. 8 (1). 80-97.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2013). Democratization Without Enlargement? : The European Neighbourhood Policy on Post-communist Transitions. Contemporary Politics. 19 (4). 441-458.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2012). Kosovo´s Independence in Retrospective : UNMIK`s Policy Under Scrutiny. Balkanistica. 25 (1). 177-192.
Status: Published -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2012). Problems in Paradise? : Challenges to Future democratization in Democratic States. International Political Science Review. 33 (1). 25-40.
Status: Published -
Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Parriah, W., Soppitt, S., Silander, D. (2012). Exploring Homeland security Education Across the Atlantic. Journal of Homeland Security Education. 1 (1). 77-88.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Janzekovic, J. (2012). State-Building and Democracy : Prosperity,Representation and Security in Kosovo. International Studies - Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 14 (1). 39-52.
Status: Published -
Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Parrish, W., Soppitt, S., Silander, D. (2011). Transnational & Comparative Curricular Offerings in U.S. Post-Baccalaureate Programs : Benchmarking a Link from the U.S. to the EU in Homeland Security Education. Journal of Homeland Security and Emergency Management. 8 (2). Article ID: 13.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2009). Demokrati utan stat? : Lärdomar från Förenta Nationernas uppdrag i Kosovo. Nordisk Østforum. 23 (3). 247-264.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2009). United Nation´s and Peace Building : Lessons Learned from UN`s Transitional Administration in East Timor and Kosovo. Social Alternatives. 28 (2). 23-28.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2009). Transatlantic Relations in a Post-Bush Era : Conflict or Consensus?. American Studies in Scandinavia. 42 (2).
Status: Published -
Denk, T., Silander, D. (2009). Demokratins utmaningar : en analys av 60 delvis fria länder. Politiikka. 51 (3).
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Klasson, T. (2008). Hot och motbilder i svensk säkerhetspolitik. Internasjonal Politikk. 66 (1).
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2007). European Integration : Democracy Promotion by the EU in Eastern Europe. International studies :Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 9 (1).
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2007). Regime Change and Regime Fractions in Post-communist Belarus. Journal of Human Security. 3 (1).
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2005). Democracy From the Outside-IN? Journal of Social Alternatives. Social Alternatives. 24 (3).
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Haglund Morrissey, A. (2002). Europe`s Fuzzy Boundaries. Collegium. (23).
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Silander, D. (2022). Foreword. International Studies: Interdisciplinary Political and Cultural Journal. 29 (1). 5-7.
Status: Published -
Silander, D., Silander, C. (2009). Förändrad transatlantisk relation med Barack Obamas ledarskap. EPOK Utrikespolitiska institutet.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2009). En ny transatlantisk allians?. Internationella Studier. (3). 38-42.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2008). Utrikespolitiska utmaningar för Barack Obamas USA. EPOK.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2007). Kosovo väntar på ett avgörande. Internationella studier. (2).
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (1999). China in Transition : Towards a New Millenium. Journal of International Studies. (2).
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (1999). European Transformation and Swedish Neutrality. Journal of International Studies. (1).
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Silander, D. (2008). Förändrad transatlantisk relation under Barack Obamas ledarskap?. EPOK Utrikespolitiska institutet. 24 nov.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2004). Svaga argument för valskolk den 13 juni. Smålandsposten. (4 juni). 2.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2001). Och den ljusnande framtid är vår?. Smålandsposten. 26 juni.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2001). Internationalisering hjälper demokratin. Smålandsposten. 27 juni.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2001). EMU – en fråga om identitet?. Smålandsposten. 24 jan.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2000). Brottsplats Kina. Smålandsposten. 25 feb.
Status: Published -
Silander, D. (2000). Den stora draken i öster haltar fortfarande. Smålandsposten. 26 feb.
Status: Published
Book (Refereed)
- Janzekovic, J., Silander, D. (2013). Responsibility to Protect and Prevent : Principles, Promises and Practicalities. London, Anthem Press.
- Silander, D. (2012). Politiska regimer : en introduktion. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag.
- Denk, T., Silander, D. (2011). Regime Heterogeneity : A Comparative Study on Institutional Variation in Political Regimes. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Silander, D. (2009). Democracy From the Outside-In? : Democracy Promotion in Eastern Europe. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag.
- Silander, D. (2009). The United Nations Interim Mission in Kosovo : Standards Before Status: A Policy of Catch 22. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG.
- Silander, D., Klasson, T. (2007). Hot och hotbilder i globaliseringens tid : en studie av den svenska säkerhetspolitiska debatten. Växjö, Växjö university press.
- Silander, D., Denk, T. (2007). Demokratisering : fenomen, förlopp, förutsättningar och framtid. Santérus förlag.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Silander, D. (2005). Democracy From the Outside-In? : The Conceptualization and Significance of Democracy Promotion. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 244.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Silander, D. (2024). Autocratization, Democratization and Swedish Democracy. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 167-174.
- Silander, D. (2024). Swedish Democracy : Problems in Paradise?. Problems in Paradie? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-14.
- Silander, D. (2024). The Civil Society : A Strong Societal Force for Democracy. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 99-113.
- Silander, D. (2024). The International Society : Sweden and Europe in a World of Autocratization. Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 145-166.
- Silander, D. (2023). Democracy in Europe : Enlarged But Eroding — Union in Existential Crisis. The EU Between Federal Union and Flexible Integration. Cham, Palgrave Macmillan. 25-50.
- Silander, D., Malmgren, O. (2022). Democracy at the crossroads : The case of South Africa. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 1-10.
- Silander, D. (2022). Utvidgad, men urholkad demokrati : en union i existentiell kris. EU mellan federalism och flexibel integration. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 33-57.
- Silander, D. (2022). Challenges to democracy : A framework of analysis. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 11-28.
- Van Riet, G., Silander, D. (2022). Civil society : Exploring the democratic role of popular protests. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 113-125.
- Silander, D., Simunkombwe, P. (2022). The international society : Global and regional decline of democracy. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 173-186.
- Silander, D. (2022). Contemporary challenges to South African democracy. South Africa's democracy at the crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 187-198.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2020). Aid policy and development cooperation : Europeanisation, norms, structures and instruments. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 286-313.
- Silander, D. (2020). The EU and Agenda 2050 : New political entrepreneurship in its making. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 185-190.
- Silander, D. (2020). The European Commission on Agenda 2030. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 36-53.
- Silander, D. (2020). Agenda 2030 and the EU on peace, justice and strong institutions. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 162-184.
- Öhlén, M., Silander, D. (2020). Europeanisation, Governance and Policy Processes. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 20-38.
- Silander, D., Öhlèn, M. (2020). Lessons Learned : Swedish Politics and the EU. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 314-321.
- Silander, D. (2020). The EU and Agenda 2030. Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 1-13.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2020). Swedish Politics and the EU : an introduction. Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 10-19.
- Silander, D. (2019). The European Commission and Europe 2020 : smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Smart, Sustainable and Inclsuive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 2-35.
- Silander, D. (2019). EU, Europe 2020 and a social market economy. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 36-53.
- Silander, D. (2019). Building Democracy : National and International Factors. Globalization. London, IntechOpen. 175-194.
- Silander, D. (2019). European political entrepreneurship : Europe 2020 to an end. Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a Prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 245-255.
- Silander, D. (2018). Geography of GCC : The Climate-Security Nexus in Africa. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 86-105.
- Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2018). China and Global Climate Change. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 150-168.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2018). Conclusion: State Powers on Global Climate Change : Lessons Learned. Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 235-250.
- Silander, D. (2018). European governance and political entrepreneurship in times of economic crisis. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-24.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2018). State of the Union for a Prosperous Europe. Governance and political entrepreneurship in Europe : promoting growth and welfare in times of crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 271-280.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2018). The European Commission : the EU as agenda-setter for economic growth and entrepreneurship. Governance and Political Entrepreneurship in Europe : Promoting Growth and Welfare in Times of Crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 57-81.
- Silander, D., Janzekovic, J., Wallace, D. (2017). Introduction : ISIL and International Responses on Security. International Organizations on Global Security : Responses to the Rise of ISIL. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 1-28.
- Silander, D., Janzekovic, J., Wallace, D. (2017). Concluding Remarks : International Organizations on the Threat of ISIL. International Organizations on Global Security : Responses to the Rise of ISIL. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 195-210.
- Silander, D. (2017). North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The SAGE Encyclopedia of Political Behavior. Sage Publications. 545-549.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Lärdomar om svensk politik och EU. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemsskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 283-290.
- Silander, D. (2016). The political entrepreneur. Political Entrepreneurship : Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 7-20.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Den svenska politiken och EU : en introduktion. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 11-20.
- Öhlén, M., Silander, D. (2016). Europeisering, governance och policyprocesser. Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 21-37.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2016). Introduction: the political entrepreneur for regional growth and entrepreneurial diversity. Political Entrepreneurship for Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity : the case of Sweden . Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 3-6.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2016). Political entrepreneurship : final remarks. Political Entrepreneurship for Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity : the case of Sweden . Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 189-196.
- Silander, D. (2015). NATO (In)Actions in Syria. Responsibility to Protect : Where Do We Stand Ten Years After?. Ljubljani, Slovenia, University of Ljubljani, Faculty of Law.
- Silander, D. (2015). Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 123-137.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). Summary. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 188-188.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2015). Den politiska entreprenören: en introduktion. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 7-16.
- Silander, D., Huang Vogel, E., Andersson, M. (2015). Från ekonomisk till politisk entreprenör. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 17-48.
- Silander, D., Nilsson, M. (2015). On Democracy Promotion : The Impact of the Arab Uprisings on Democratization?. Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcala, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos. 63-72.
- Silander, C., Silander, D. (2015). Politiska entreprenörer: avslutande reflektioner. Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regional och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 153-158.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). Transatlantic Studies : Past and Present. Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcalá, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2015). Introduction. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : The humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 1-8.
- Silander, D. (2015). NATO. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 138-155.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2015). The United Nations, international organizations and responsibility to protect. International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 9-36.
- Silander, D. (2014). Contemporary Politics in Kosovo : Independence, Democracy & European Integration. European Institutions, Democratization, and Human Rights Protection in the European Periphery. London, Lexington Books.
- Silander, D. (2011). Bäst i klassen? : Respekten för mänskliga rättigheter i Sverige 1995-2010. Mänskliga rättigheter i svensk belysning. Malmö, Liber.
- Silander, D. (2010). Rebuilding State Capacity? : Failing States and UN Transitional Administrations. Perspectives on State-Building and Democracy. Saarbrucken, VDM Verlag. 34-55.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2007). Europe in a Globalised World. The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 15-26.
- Silander, D. (2007). Power Relations and Regime Change in Post-Communist Europe : The Deviant Case of Belarus. The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 179-202.
- Silander, D. (2007). Tillståndet för mänskliga rättigheter i Sverige. Mänskliga rättigheter i svensk belysning. Malmö, Liber.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2005). Being a Swede in a Transforming European Setting : The Structures of an Emerging Swedish Supra-National Identity in the 21st Century. The Changing Face of European Identity. London, Routledge.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C., Bryder, T. (2004). Reflektioner över det svenska EU-medlemsskapet. Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber. 215-222.
- Silander, D. (2004). Svensk politik i förändring. Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber förlag.
- Silander, D. (2001). Demokratins globala utbredning under yttre tryck. Politik i globaliseringens tid. Lund, Studentlitteratur.
- Silander, D. (2001). Reorganizing European Space in a Transforming World Order. Political Change in the European Union. Lodz, University of Lodz.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Silander, D. (2017). North Atlantic treaty organization (NATO). International Organizations and The Rise of ISIL : Global Responses to Human Security Threats. Routledge. 151-168.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Silander, D. (2024). Problems in Paradise? : Changes and Challenges to Swedish Democracy. Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 180.
- Silander, D., Silander, C., Van Der Elst, H., Heydenrych, P. (2022). South Africa's Democracy at the Crossroads. Bingley, UK, Emerald Group Publishing Limited. 256.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2020). Sweden and the European Union : An Assessment of the Influence of EU-membership on Eleven Policy Areas in Sweden. Stockholm, Santérus Academic Press Sweden. 323.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, D. (2020). Implementing Sustainable Development Goals in Europe : The Role of Political Entrepreneurship. Northampton, Edward Elgar Publishing. 204.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, D., Pircher, B. (2019). Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth : Political Entrepreneurship for a prosperous Europe. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 272.
- Wallace, D., Silander, D. (2018). Climate Change, Policy and Security : State and Human Impacts. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 261.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, C., Silander, D. (2018). Governance and political entrepreneurship in Europe : promoting growth and welfare in times of crisis. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D., Janzekovic, J. (2017). International Organizations and the Rise of ISIL : Global responses to human security threats. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 218.
- Karlsson, C., Silander, C., Silander, D. (2016). Political Entrepreneurship : Regional Growth and Entrepreneurial Diversity in Sweden. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar Publishing. 204.
- Silander, D., Öhlén, M. (2016). Svensk politik och EU : Hur svensk politik har förändrats av medlemskapet i EU. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 291.
- Crespo, C., Silander, D., Wallace, D., Albella, I. (2015). Global Challenges to the Transatlantic World. Alcalá, Spain, Instituto Franklin de Estudios Norteamericanos.
- Silander, D., Wallace, D. (2015). International Organizations and the Implementation of the Responsibility to Protect : the humanitarian crisis in Syria. Oxford, Routledge. 206.
- Silander, D., Silander, C. (2015). Politiskt entreprenörskap : Den offentliga sektorns sätt att skapa bättre förutsättningar för entreprenörskap lokalt, regionalt och nationellt. Stockholm, Santérus Förlag. 160.
- Wallace, D., Mclean, C., Silander, D. (2013). Journal of the Global Homeland Security Education Network. Northumbria University.
- Silander, D. (2012). Journal of the Global Homeland Security Education Network : E-journal. Univ. of Central Missouri, Univ. of Northumbria & Linnaeus University.
- Haglund Morrissey, A., Silander, D. (2007). The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 254.
- Silander, D., Haglund, A. (2007). The EU and the Outside World : Global Themes in a European Setting. Växjö, Växjö University Press.
- Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2004). Democracy and Culture in the Transatlantic World : Third Interdisciplinary Conference, October 2004 / The Maastricht Center for Transatlantic Studies, Maastricht, The Netherlands. Växjö, Växjö University Press. 305.
- Bryder, T., Silander, D., Wallin, C. (2004). Svensk politik och den Europeiska unionen. Malmö, Liber. 224.