Daniel Sundberg
ProfessorDaniel Sundberg, Ph.D., is a Swedish professor of education at Linnaeus University. His expertise lies in curriculum theory and didaktik—the art and science of teaching. As educational researcher, teacher, and research leader, he heads the scientific environment known as LINNAEUS-SITE (Studies in Teaching, Curriculum, and Evaluation).
Sundbergs scholarly pursuits transcend geographical boundaries and historical epochs:
- Historical Exploration: delving into educational reforms, unraveling their impact across international and national contexts.
- Comparative Inquiry: juxtapositioning educational systems, discerning patterns and divergences.
- Empirical Investigations: theorizing on school and classroom realities, where theory intersects with practice.
Through research, international and national expert commissions, teaching, and collaborative efforts, several pivotal areas are addressed:
- Governance: navigating the intricate pathways of educational leadership, shaping institutions for sustainable futures.
- Curriculum: scrutinizing the compass guiding knowledge and learning objectives, ensuring alignment with societal needs.
- Teaching practices: exploring pedagogical thinking, fostering in-depth knowledge and engaging learning experiences.
- Curriculum Theory and Didaktik in Teacher Programs
- Governance, Leadership, and School Development in the Principal Program
- Pedagogik as science at Advanced-Level Science
- Pedagogy as Science, Curriculum Theory, and Research reviews at the Doctoral Level
Main research areas: Education policy, education reforms, Curriculum studies, Didaktik, Teaching, Education reforms, Education as a science, Research Reviews
Curriculum and Teaching practices:
- Research focuses on the Swedish curriculum development for preschool, primary school, secondary school, and adult education.
- Key questions include: How does the Swedish curriculum development compare internationally? To what extent does the Swedish education system align with global policy trends, and how do national and cultural pedagogical traditions influence educational development?
School Reforms and Educational Development:
- Research examines school reforms from a historical and international comparative perspective.
- Key inquiries include: How are school reforms implemented and how do they impact internal school processes? How can robust knowledge about change processes and outcomes be developed? How do school reforms affect internal operations and teaching conditions?
Pedagogical Theory and Research:
- Research explores pedagogy as a science, tracing the historical emergence and development of pedagogical, curriculum theory, and didaktik as knowledge domains.
- Methodologically, it involves conducting research overviews and building bridges between research and educational development.
Daniel Sundberg has served as an expert consultant for several esteemed institutions, including:
- Universitetskanslersämbetet (Swedish Higher Education Authority): Contributing expertise in higher education matters.
- Skolverket (Swedish National Agency for Education): Providing insights into educational policies and practices.
- Skolinspektionen (Swedish Schools Inspectorate): Evaluating school quality and compliance.
- Vetenskapsrådet (Swedish Research Council): Informing research funding decisions.
- NordForsk: Collaborating on Nordic research initiatives.
- Utbildningsdepartementet (Swedish Ministry of Education): Advising on educational policies.
- Riksrevisionen (Swedish National Audit Office): Ensuring accountability and transparency.
- Europa kommissionens FP7 - Science in Society: Contributing to European research endeavors.
- CERI/OECD (Centre for Educational Research and Innovation): Informing international educational policies.
- SKR (Sveriges Kommuner och Regioner): Engaging with national, local government and regional authorities in Sweden.
- Kunnskapsdepartementet (Norwegian Ministry of Education): Providing expertise across borders.
- Expert in the Norwegian School Commission “Fremtidens skole”: Shaping the future of Norwegian education.
Sundberg's role spans national and international contexts, bridging research, policy, and practice.
My ongoing research projects
Project: Exploring the elusive teaching gap – equity and knowledge segregation in teaching processes This project examines the factors that affect knowledge segregation in school beyond the…
Project: Understanding Curiculum Reforms Project Members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding Organizations: Vetenskapsrådet Timeframe: 2015 - 2018 Faculty/Department: Faculty of Social…
My completed research projects
Project: ERECKS - Educational Knowledge and Educational reforms in Europe This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project manager: Daniel Sundberg Project members: Daniel Sundberg,…
Project: Learning Schools - Systematic School Improvement This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson, Carl-Henrik Adolfsson, Anna…
Project: Local authorities – Independent Policy Players in Education Reforms? This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Ninni Wahlström, Daniel Sundberg Funding…
Project: Research and School development This project was finished in 2013. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Jan Håkansson Funding organizations: Skolverket and…
Project: Reviews of educational research: epistemological, social and political effects This project was finished in 2017. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg (Lnu), Ingemar Bohlin,…
Project: Theory-based evaluation of the national curriculum Lgr 11 This project was finished in 2014. Project information Project members: Daniel Sundberg, Ninni Wahlström Funding organizations: IFAU…
Selected publications
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2023). Utmärkt lärare : Forskningen om lärarskicklighet och vägarna dit. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Sundberg, D. (2021). Svenska läroplaner : Läroplansteori för de pedagogiska professionerna. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2018). Utmärkt ledarskap i skolan : Forskning om att leda för elevers måluppfyllelse. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). From transnational curriculum standards to classroom practices : the new meaning of teaching. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 133-150.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J. (2016). Utmärkt skolutveckling : Forskning om skolförbättring och måluppfyllelse. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2012). Utmärkt undervisning : Framgångsfaktorer i svensk och internationell belysning. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Sundberg, D. (2023). Den undervisade läroplanen : En studie av läroplansmönster i hög- respektive lågpresterande klassrum, årskurs 8. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 28 (1-2).
Status: Published -
Hirsh, Å., Nilholm, C., Roman, H., Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2022). Reviews of teaching methods : which fundamental issues are identified?. Education Inquiry. 13 (1). 1-20.
Status: Published -
Nilholm, C., Hirsh, Å., Olsson, I., Sundberg, D., Román, H. (2022). Systematik och reflektion : Om att sammanställa forskning. Utbildning och Demokrati. 31 (2). 7-28.
Status: Published -
Román, H., Sundberg, D., Hirsh, Å., Forsberg, E., Nilholm, C. (2021). Mapping and analysing reviews of research on teaching, 1980-2018, in Web of Science : An overview of a second-order research topography. Review of Education. 9 (2). 541-594.
Status: Published -
Nilholm, C., Sundberg, D., Forsberg, E., Hirsh, Å., Román, H. (2021). The aims and meaning of teaching as reflected in high-impact reviews of teaching research. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. 107.
Status: Published -
Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2021). Transnational Competence Frameworks and National Curriculum-making : the case of Sweden. Comparative Education. 57 (1). 19-34.
Status: Published -
Tahirsylaj, A., Sundberg, D. (2020). The unfinished business of defining competences for 21st century curricula : a systematic research review. Curriculum perspectives. 40. 131-145.
Status: Published -
Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2018). Formeringen av det pedagogiska kunskapsområdet : mot ett forskningsprogram. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 23 (5). 1-16.
Status: Published -
Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2018). Exploring Curriculum Change Using Discursive Institutionalism : A Conceptual Framework. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 50 (6). 820-835.
Status: Published -
Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Discursive institutionalism : towards a framework for analysing the relation between policy and curriculum. Journal of education policy. 33 (1). 163-183.
Status: Published -
Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D. (2018). Att forskningsbasera den svenska skolan : Policyinitiativ under 25 år. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 23 (1-2). 39-63.
Status: Published -
Alvunger, D., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2017). Teachers Matter - But How? : Introduction. Journal of Curriculum Studies. 49 (1). 1-6.
Status: Published -
Lilliedahl, J., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Teoribaserad utvärdering som svar på det tidiga 2000-talets frågor om utbildningsreformer. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 21 (1-2). 9-29.
Status: Published -
Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2016). Travelling concepts in national curriculum policy-making : The example of competencies. European Educational Research Journal. 15 (3). 314-328.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2012). Standards-based Curricula in a Denationalised Conception
of Education : the Case of Sweden. European Educational Research Journal. 11 (3). 342-356.
Status: Published -
Lund, S., Sundberg, D. (2012). Kunskaper för en ny tid : Pedagogisk kritik av samtidens kunskapspraktiker. Utbildning och Demokrati. 21 (2). 5-14.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2007). From 'Pedagogik' to educational sciences? : Higher education reform, institutional settings and disciplinary formations of educational science in Sweden. European Educational Research Journal. 6 (4). 393-410.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2007). Pedagogikämnet i ett förändrat akademiskt landskap : - Pågående reformer, institutionella ämnesmiljöer och disciplinformering i Sverige. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy. 4 (1).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Tahirsylaj, A., Sundberg, D. (2024). Five Visions of Competence-Based Curricula as a Travelling Policy : Actors, Features and Implications for Schooling. Adventures of Education: Desires, Encounters and Differences, Malmö University, 6-8 mars 2024. 154-154.
- Sundberg, D. (2024). Curriculum theorizing : recent developements from a Swedish perspective . .
- Sundberg, D. (2024). The Evolving Role of School Leadership in Swedish Curricula. .
- Sundberg, D. (2023). The technical form of the Curriculum. .
- Sundberg, D. (2021). Curriculum Coherence : Exploring the Intended and Enacted Curriculum. .
- Sundberg, D., Nordin, A. (2019). Hybrid competences in Swedish curriculum policy making. Presented at CIES 2019.
- Tahirsylaj, A., Sundberg, D. (2019). From Competence-Based Curriculum Policy to Implementation to Assessment of Key Competences : A Systematic Review 1997-2017. Presented at ECER 2019.
- Sundberg, D., Román, H. (2019). High impact research reviews on teaching : Comparing dominating knowledge traditions over four decades. NERA 2019 : Abstract book 2019-03-06. 838-838.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2019). Exploring the elusive teaching gap : Equity and knowldege segregation in teaching processes. .
- Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D., Forsberg, E. (2018). Evidently, the Broker is the New Whiz-kid at the Education agora. .
- Sundberg, D., Nordin, A. (2018). Reframing Curriculum Change : The Potentials of Discursive Institutionalism in Globalised Education. Symposium: Comparative curriculum studies: discursive institutionalism, curriculum and educational leadership.
- Tahirsylaj, A., Sundberg, D. (2018). Competence-based Education Studies in Primary and Secondary Education : A Systematic Review 1997-2017. .
- Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2018). Evidently, the Broker is the New Whiz-Kid at the Education Agora. NERA 2018 - 46th CONGRESS Educational Research: Boundaries, Breaches and Bridges : Abstracts. 106.
- Nordin, A., Uljens, M., Hardy, I., Sivesind, K., Wahlström, N., et al. (2018). Examining Educational Change Within and Between National Policy Spaces Using Discursive Institutionalism. .
- Román, H., Sundberg, D., Hirsh, Å., Nilholm, C., Forsberg, E. (2018). Mapping And Exploring High Impact Research Reviews On Teaching. .
- Román, H., Sundberg, D., Hirsh, Å. (2018). Mapping reviews on teaching : a preliminary inventory. Presented at NERA2108.
- Tahirsylaj, A., Sundberg, D. (2018). Curriculum Implementation and Assessment of Key Competences within Competence-based Education Approaches : A Systematic Review 1997-2017. . 314-315.
- Sundberg, D. (2017). Curriculum Standardization : Exploring Swedish Teachers and Classrooms in an Era of Intense Policy Pressures. .
- Sundberg, D. (2017). En standardiserande läroplan? : Klassrumsanalyser av undervisningsrepertoarer efter Lgr11. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Local authorities : Independent policy players in education reforms?. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Local authorities – independent policy players in education reforms?. .
- Sundberg, D. (2017). The Recontextualisation of Curriculum Performance Standards : Exploring Swedish Classrooms.. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2017). Using Discursive Institutionalism for analysing the relation between policy and curriculum. Presented at The ECER Conference, Copenhagen, March 23-25, 2017, Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2017). Exploring curriculum change using discursive institutionalism : methodological considerations. Presented at ECER 2017, Copenhagen.
- Sundberg, D. (2017). The Transnational Wave of Curriculum Standardization : Swedish Classrooms as a Case Study. Presented at ECER 2017, Copenhagen.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Exploring transnational standards-based curricula in classroom settings : the Swedish case. ECER 2016, Leading Education: The Distinct Contributions of Educational Research and Researchers, Dublin, August 22-26, 2016.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2016). Exploring Mixed Methods Designs in Theory-Based Evaluations of Educational Reforms. Presented at: AERA 2016 Annual Meeting, Washington, April 8-12.
- Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C., Sundberg, D. (2015). Building School Improvement Capacity and Learning Capital : A Swedish Case Study. Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research. ECER 2015, European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest, September 7-11.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Curriculum change in Sweden : A theory-based evaluation of the Swedish curriculum, Lgr11. Abstract book. NERA 2015, 43rd Annual Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association, Marketisation and Differentiation in Education, Gothenburg, March 4-6, 2015..
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2014). The last frontier of standards-based curriculum reforms : Exploring Swedish teachers under performativity pressures. ECER 2014 "The Past, the Present and Future of Educational Research in Europe" : Network:23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2014). The transnational policy quest for competencies : Discursive shifts in recent Swedish curriculum reforms. AERA Online Paper Repository.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2013). The Recontextualisation of Curriculum Reform : Local Curriculum Innovation Under the Accountability Regime of the New Swedish Curriculum, Lgr11. ECER 2013, Creativity and Innovation in Educational Research : Network: 03. Curriculum Innovation.
- Sundberg, D. (2012). The recontextualisation of Knowledge in Standards-based-reforms : the ongoing curriculum reform (Lgr11) in Sweden. Curriculum Reshuffling : Nordic Perspectives.
- Sundberg, D., Nordin, A. (2012). Re-visiting the Content Oriented Curriculum : European Policy Discourses Reconceptualised in Swedish Comprehensive School Reform. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2012). Standards-based Curricula in a Denationalised Conception of Education : the Case of Sweden. ECER 2012, The Need for Educational Research to Champion Freedom, Education and Development for All : Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Sundberg, D. (2011). Processes of borrowing in education and its sciences : – transnational and historical perspectives. Educational Research in Europe.
- Sundberg, D. (2011). Standards-Based Reforms and the politics of Knowledge : The ongoing curriculum reform (Lgr11) in Sweden.
- Sundberg, D. (2010). The question of validity claims in educational research after the linguistic turn.
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2010). Research reviews and knowledge politics: : The representation and construction of the international research field on teaching and learning 1990-2009. ECER 2010: Education and Cultural Change : Network: 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education.
- Sundberg, D. (2009). Vad räknas som kunskap i skolan? : ett bidrag till rekonstruktionen av en kritiskt tolkande läroplansteori.
- Sundberg, D. (2009). Knowledge reviews as an emergent key link between the world of educational research and politics? : The Swedish case. .
- Sundberg, D. (2008). Den svenska högskolereformen: : Läroplansteoretiska perspektiv på nya kunskapsregimer i högre utbildning, särskilt lärarutbildning.
- Sundberg, D. (2007). Pedagogikämnet i ett förändrat akademiskt landskap : - Pågående reformer, institutionella ämnesmiljöer och disciplinformering i Sverige. .
- Sundberg, D. (2007). Läroplansteori efter den språkliga vändningen : Några ansatser inom den samtida pedagogiska och didaktiska teoribildningen. .
- Sundberg, D. (2007). Farväl till Humboldt? : Forskarutbildningens utmaningar i reformtider. .
- Sundberg, D. (2006). Forskningssamverkan i policy och praktik : mot en integrativ modell på utbildnings- och skolområdet.
- Sundberg, D. (2004). A new politics of time in school? : Socio-political trajectories of the national timetable in the Swedish compulsory school. Symposia: New times? : Perspectives on the ongoing swedish reform ”Without a national timetable for Compulsory schoo.
- Sundberg, D. (2002). Discourses of educational reform : some comparative reflections on processes of restructuring and curriculum change in Sweden, Norway and England.
- Sundberg, D. (2002). The reconstruction of educational systems in the expanded Europe : comparisons between curriculum changes in Sweden, Norway and England.
- Sundberg, D. (2001). Pedagogizing discourse : perspectives on discourse analysis of pedagogical policy and practice.
- Sundberg, D. (2001). Discourse theories in Swedish educational research : a provisional outline and some critical remarks.
- Sundberg, D., Stigmar, M. (2001). Teachers as reflective learners. Learner-Centered Universities for the New Millenium.
Book (Refereed)
- Sundberg, D. (2021). Svenska läroplaner : Läroplansteori för de pedagogiska professionerna. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Sundberg, D. (2023). Curriculum and knowledge content. International Encyclopedia of Education. Amsterdam, Elsevier.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2023). Transnational competence frameworks and national curriculum-making : the case of Sweden. Contextualizing Global Flows of Competency-Based Education : Polysemy, Hybridity and Silences. Routledge.
- Sundberg, D. (2021). Evidence in the history of school reforms in Sweden. What Works in Nordic School Policies? : Mapping Approaches to Evidence, Social Technologies and Transnational Influences. Springer. 103-125.
- Adolfsson, C., Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2019). Evidently, the Broker Appears as the New Whizz-kid on the Educational Agora. New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education : conducting empirically based research. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 99-110.
- Sundberg, D. (2019). Three Waves of Education Standardisation : How the curriculum changed from a matter of concern to a matter of fact. New Practices of Comparison, Quantification and Expertise in Education : Conducting Empirically Based Research. London, Routledge. 50-65.
- Adolfsson, C., Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2018). När evidensrörelsen kom till den svenska skolan. Den evidensbaserade skolan : Svensk skola i skärningspunkten mellan forskning och praktik. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 71-99.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2014). Introduction: The making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field. Transnational policy Flows in European Education : the making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field. Oxford, Symposium Books.
- Sundberg, D. (2011). Läroplansteori – några samtida utvecklingslinjer. Vad räknas som kunskap? : Läroplansteoretiska utblickar och inblickar i lärarutbildning och skola. Stockholm, Liber.
- Sundberg, D., Englund, T., Forsberg, E. (2011). Introduktion - vad räknas som kunskap i skolan?. Vad räknas som kunskap? : Läroplansteoretiska utblickar och inblickar i lärarutbildning och skola. Stockholm, Liber.
Report (Refereed)
- Sundberg, D. (2023). Läroplanskoherens : En analys av samstämmighet i Lgr22 och gy2011 rev2021. 84.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2017). Kommuner som aktörer i utbildningsreformer : implementeringen av läroplansreformen Lgr 11. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering. 77.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). Theory-based evaluation of the curriculum Lgr 11. Uppsala, The Institute for Evaluation of Labour Market and Education Policy (IFAU). 85.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Sundberg, D. (2018). Teachers matter - but how?. Abingdon, Oxon, Routledge. 114.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2014). Transnational policy flows in European education : The making and governing of knowledge in the education policy field. Oxford, Symposium Books. 240.
- Lund, S., Sundberg, D. (2012). Utbildning & Demokrati : Kunskaper för en ny tid. Örebro, Örebro universitet. 124.
Article, book review (Refereed)
Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J., Gustafsson, J., Román, H., Yang, K., et al. (2010). Kritik med problem: Kommentar till Mikael Gilljam och Mikael Persson. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige. 15 (4). 288-295.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Roman, H., Sundberg, D., Hirsh, Å., Forsberg, E., Nilholm, C. (2021). Context and Implications Document for : Mapping and analysing reviews of research on teaching, 1980-2018, in Web of Science: An overview of a second-order research topography. Review of Education. 9 (2). 595-598.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2012). Vägval i läroplanernas historia : Noteringar om kunskap och tid. Vägval i skolans historia. (1). 15-20.
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2005). Pedagogisk forskning om utbildningsreformer : Några reflektioner och utmaning utifrån en genomförd reformstudie. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy. 3 (3).
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2004). Tidsstyrning och samtida utbildningsreformer. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy. 3 (1).
Status: Published -
Sundberg, D. (2004). Nya tider? : Temaintroduktion´: Perspektiv på pågående reform ”Utan timplan i grundskolan”.. Studies in Educational Policy and Educational Philosophy. 4 (1).
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Sundberg, D. (2024). Digitaliseringen og formidlingen af læreplaner i Norden. .
- Sundberg, D. (2024). Tightrope Walk between Fields and Forms of Knowledge : Closing reflections. .
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). Att förstå klassrumsdiskurser - ett läroplansteoretiskt och didaktiskt pesrpektiv. Curriculum and national identity - Nordic divergences? 6:e Nordiska läroplanskonferensen, Örebro universitet, 21-22 oktober, 2015.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Curriculum change from a transnational perspective : Exploring the new Swedish curriculum , Lgr 11. Linnaeus-Humboldt Research Forum on Comparative and International Education, Humboldt University, May 27-28, 2015..
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). The last frontier of standards-based curriculum reforms : A study of Swedish teachers in transnational performance pressure - a case study. .
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2015). Teachers’ professional agency within policy discourses : Transformation, adaptation and resistance in recent Swedish reforms. Education and Transition. Contributions from Educational Research. ECER 2015, European Conference on Educational Research, Budapest, September 7-11, 2015.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2014). Curriculum change from a teacher perspective : Exploring the new Swedish curriculum, Lgr11. NERA 42nd Congress, Education for Sustainable Development, Lillehammer, Norway 5-7 March, 2014.
- Nordin, A., Sundberg, D. (2013). Rethinking competence : The Conceptual Turn in Swedish Curriculum Policy. The Conceptual Turn in Curriculum Policy: visions and vocabularies.
- Sundberg, D. (2013). Rekontextualiseringen av läroplansreformer : Lokalt utveckliingsarbete, Lgr 11 och den ökade resultatstyrningen. Den femte Nordiska Läroplansteoretiska Forskningskonferensen, 24-25 oktober, 2013.
- Sundberg, D. (2007). Pedagogikämnets potential och framtid. .
Book (Other academic)
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2018). Utmärkt ledarskap i skolan : Forskning om att leda för elevers måluppfyllelse. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J. (2016). Utmärkt skolutveckling : Forskning om skolförbättring och måluppfyllelse. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2012). Utmärkt undervisning : Framgångsfaktorer i svensk och internationell belysning. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Sundberg, D. (2022). Curriculum Coherence : Exploring the Intended and Enacted Curriculum in Different Schools. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 76-89.
- Sundberg, D. (2022). Lärares läroplansarbete och didaktiska repertoarer. Didaktikens språk : Om skolundervisningens mål, innehåll och form. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 193-208.
- Frank, J., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B., Wahlström, N. (2022). Knowledge, Curriculum and Teaching on Matters That Concern : A Concluding Discussion. Equity, Teaching Practice and the Curriculum : Exploring Differences in Access to Knowledge. Oxon, Routledge. 141-155.
- Forsberg, E., Sundberg, D. (2019). Att utveckla undervisningen : En fråga om evidens eller professionellt omdöme. Att utveckla forskningsbaserad undervisning : Analyser, utmaningar och exempel. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 29-50.
- Wahlström, N., Alvunger, D., Schmidt, C., Sundberg, D., Vogt, B. (2019). Coding scheme for analysing classroom discourse and conceptualisations of knowledge. Classroom research : Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 39-43.
- Sundberg, D. (2019). Understanding classroom discourses : Methodological aspects of empirical curriculum and teaching studies in classrooms. Classroom research– Methodology, categories and coding. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 9-15.
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards, curriculum reforms and classroom practices – an introduction.. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 1-14.
- Krantz, J., Sundberg, D. (2018). Förord. Att leda lärande : En vänbok till Per Gerrevall. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 3-6.
- Sundberg, D. (2018). Lärande i framtidens skola : ämneskunskaper, kompetenser eller bildning?. Att leda lärande : En vänbok till Per Gerrevall. Växjö/Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 193-210.
- Sundberg, D. (2018). Pedagogik som vetenskap. Pedagogik som vetenskap : En inbjudan. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 11-26.
- Sundberg, D. (2018). Mapping and tracing transnational curricula in classrooms : the mixed-methods approach. Transnational Curriculum Standards and Classroom Practices : The New Meaning of Teaching. London, Routledge. 48-66.
- Sundberg, D. (2018). Curriculum Standardisation : What Does It Mean for Classroom Teaching and Assessment Practices?. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 116-132.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). From transnational curriculum standards to classroom practices : the new meaning of teaching. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 133-150.
- Höstfält, G., Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2018). The Recontextualisation of Policy Messages : The Local Authority as a Policy Actor. Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 67-82.
- Sundberg, D., Wahlström, N. (2016). Den svenska läroplansutvecklingen : Begrepp och tendenser. Att ta utbildningens komplexitet på allvar : En vänskrift till Eva Forsberg. Uppsala, Uppsala universitet. 271-284.
- Sundberg, D. (2015). Läroplansmodeller i den svenska läroplansutvecklingen. Läroplansteori och didaktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 71-96.
- Sundberg, D. (2011). Forskarutbildningsreformernas dilemma. Vänbok. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J. (2009). Skolans inre arbete och skolans resultat. Vad påverkar resultaten i svensk grundskola? : kunskapsöversikt om betydelsen av olika faktorer. Stockholm, Skolverket. 207-258.
- Sundberg, D. (2008). Det svenska skolsystemets omstrukturering : styrningsdiskurser och reformrörelser sedan 1990-talet. Att tolka pedagogikens språk : - diskurser och perspektiv. Växjö University Press.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J. (2007). Forskningssamverkan i policy och praktik : mot en integrativ modell på utbildnings- och skolområdet.. Integrativ didaktik i olika ämnesperspektiv. Växjö, Växjö university press.
- Sundberg, D. (2005). Timplanereformen i ett implementeringsperspektiv. Utan timplan : - forskning och utvärdering. Stockholm, Fritzes. 11-27.
- Sundberg, D. (2003). The politics of time in educational restructuring. Democratic education : – ethnographic challenges.. London, Tufnell Press.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Sundberg, D. (2005). Skolreformernas dilemman : En läroplansteoretisk studie av kampen om tid i den svenska obligatoriska skolan. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö University Press.
Report (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2015). En teoribaserad utvärdering av läroplanen Lgr 11. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering. 24.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J. (2015). Utbildningsvetenskaplig forskning i utbildningspolitiken : en analys av olika modeller för mediering. Stockholm, Vetenskapsrådet. 38.
- Sundberg, D., Adolfsson, C. (2015). Att forskningsbasera skolan : En analys av utbildningspolitiska frågeställningar och initiativ över en 20 års period, delrapport från SKOLFORSK-projektet. Stockholm, Vetenskapsrådet. 33.
- Adolfsson, C., Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D., Karlsdotter, A. (2014). Lärande skolor och förskolor i Kalmar kommun : Forskning och lokalt skolutvecklingsarbete i samspel - En delrapport. Kalmar, Växjö, Linnéuniversitetet. 48.
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2012). Skolförbättringsarbete : förutsättningar, strategier och resultat i pilotprojekt 2010-2012, Linnéregionen. 53.
- Sundberg, D., Håkansson, J., Adolfsson, C. (2011). Innovative leaning environments : a case study of entrepreneurial learning in the Swedish primary school. 20.
- Sundberg, D. (2009). Det utbildningsvetenskapliga fältets formering : ett diskussionunderlag inför Linnéuniversitetet.
- Sundberg, D. (2009). Policyrelevanta kunskapsöversikter inom utbildningsområdet : - en analys och kartläggning. Stockholm, Utbildningsdepartementet.
- Sundberg, D. (2008). Forskarutbildningar inom det pedagogiska/utbildningsvetenskapliga området : En kort historik och några samtida utvecklingstendenser.
- Sundberg, D. (2006). Farväl till Humboldt? En probleminventering och några resultat av 1998 års forskarutbildningsreform: exemplet pedagogik/utbildningsvetenskap.
- Sundberg, D. (2005). Sundberg, D & Sigurdsson, B. En reform i tiden : - Slutrapport från TOP- projektets forskning kring försöksverksamheten utan timplan i grundskolan.
- Lund, S., Sundberg, D. (2004). Pedagogik och diskursanalys : Metodologiska orienteringsförsök på ett framväxande forskningsfält. Institutionen för pedagogik, Växjö universitet. 59.
- Sundberg, D. (2003). Delrapport vt-03 från TOP-projektet kring reformen ”Utan timplan – med oförändrat uppdrag”.
- Sundberg, D. (2003). En ny tidspolitik i skolan? : Om tidsstyrning och timplaner i den svenska grundskolan..
- Sundberg, D. (2001). TOP-projektet : – ett forskningsprojekt i samverkan mellan Växjö universitet och Karlshamn, Karlskrona, Vetlanda och Värnamo kommun kring försöksverksamheten ”Utan timplan i grundskolan”..
- Sundberg, D. (2000). Sundberg, D. I: Aronsson, P., Gereevall, P. & Larsson, E. (red.). Att resa i tiden : - mål och medel i mötet mellan museum, skola och elever..
- Sundberg, D. (2000). Den gemensamma skolan : - inkludering i teori och praktik..
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Wahlström, N., Sundberg, D. (2018). Transnational curriculum standards and classroom practices : The new meaning of teaching. London, Routledge. 154.
- Krantz, J., Sundberg, D. (2018). Att leda lärande : En vänbok till Per Gerrevall. Kalmar, Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 271.
Other (Other academic)
Article, book review (Other academic)
Sundberg, D. (2010). Review "Ökonomische strukturzyklen und internationale diskurskonjunkturen: Zur entwicklung der schwedischen bildungsprogrammatik, 1930-2000" by Florian Waldow : The politics of education, economy and international educational trends in Sweden 1930-2000. Paedagogica Historica - International journal of the History of Education. 46 (4). 541-553.
Status: Published
Manuscript (preprint) (Other academic)
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Håkansson, J., Sundberg, D. (2023). Utmärkt lärare : Forskningen om lärarskicklighet och vägarna dit. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Sundberg, D. (2015). Didaktisk analys och praktiskt läroplansarbete : Ett exempel. Läroplansteori och didaktik. Malmö, Gleerups Utbildning AB. 167-174.