
MSc if Mathematics from the University of Stockholm

Short Bio:

After finishing his MSc at Stockholm University Daniel Witschard worked several years in software development with focus on applications for Visual Analytics on Big Data. The hands-on proficiency from the starting years as a C++ programmer, combined with the management experience from later years project leader and management positions, has given a profound understanding of the many challenges of the field. Given the opportunity to tackle the research frontier of Data Visualization and Visual Analytics Daniel gladly joined the LNU/ISOVIS research group as a PhD student.


Daniel focuses on Visual Analytics on Multivariate Networks (MVNs, i.e., large networks with considerable amounts of associated data). By exploring ways to combine several different embedding technologies the main goal is to find new, and better, ways to perform similarity calculations on large and complex entities. If successful, the results may also be possible to generalize beyond the scope of MVNs.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)