Douglas Brommesson
Department of Political Science
Faculty of Social Sciences
Douglas Brommesson joined Linnaeus University and the Department of political science as professor in 2021. He holds his PhD from University of Gothenburg (2007) and he became assistant professor (2011) and associate professor (2013) at Lund University.
Brommesson has no teaching at the moment, but he normally teaches courses on international politics, foreign policy analysis, and qualitative methods.
Brommesson's research interests include foreign policy analysis, religion and politics, party politics and higher education policies.
- Chair of the Swedish Political Science Association (Swepsa).
- Member of the board of the Nordic Political Science Association (Nopsa).
- Chair of the Board of supervisors at the Department of Political Science.
- Member of the Faculty board of the Faculty of Social Science.
- Member of the Research committee at the Faculty of Social Science.
- Member of the Hiring committee for research based positions at the Faculty of Social Science.
My ongoing research projects
Project: New roles in a hostile world? With an increasing level of confrontation in world politics, small liberal states face the challenge of balancing normative liberal beliefs against the need for…
Project: New wine in new bottles: Preconditions for a modern civil defence This project aims at producing new knowledge about and better understanding of the preconditions to develop, strengthen and…
Book (Refereed)
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2017). The Mediatization of Foreign Policy, Political Decision-Making, and Humanitarian Intervention. New York, Palgrave Macmillan.
Book (Other academic)
- Brommesson, D., Henrik, F.F. (2013). Bortom den sekulära staten : Religion och politik i en postsekulär tid. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2007). Sverige i världen. Malmö, Gleerups.
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Brommesson, D., Bjereld, U. (2007). Politik och kristen tro : Två berättelser. Stockholm, Santérus förlag.
Article in journal (Refereed)
Michalski, A., Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2024). Small states and the dilemma of geopolitics : Role change in Finland and Sweden. International Affairs. 100 (1). 139-157.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A., Michalski, A. (2024). From variation to convergence in turbulent times : Foreign and security policy choices among the Nordics 2014–2023. European Security. 33 (1). 21-43.
Status: Published -
Bengtsson, R., Brommesson, D. (2023). Styrningsuppfattningar, förtroende och hotbilder hos det civila försvarets genomförare. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 125 (3). 767-794.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Erlingsson, G., Ödalen, J., Fogelgren, M. (2022). “Teach more, but do not expect any applause” : Are Women Doubly Discriminated Against in Universities’ Recruitment Processes?. Journal of Academic Ethics. 20 (3). 437-450.
Status: Published -
Bengtsson, R., Brommesson, D. (2022). Institutional trust and emergency preparedness : Perceptions of Covid 19 crisis management in Sweden. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management. 30 (4). 481-491.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2021). Civil beredskap och offentlig styrning under pandemin 2020-2021 : Civil preparedness and public management during the pandemic of 2020–2021. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 123 (5). 141-158.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A.M. (2019). When, How and Why Are Junior Coalition Parties Able to Affect a Government's Foreign Policy? : A Study of Swedish Coalition Governments 2006–2014. Scandinavian Political Studies. 42 (3-4). 203-219.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Bengtsson, R. (2019). Staten som kommunikatör - en panelstudie av effekterna av kampanjen om krisen eller kriget kommer : The state as a communicator – a panel survey on the effects of the information campaign if crisis or war comes. Kungl Krigsvetenskapsakademiens Handlingar och Tidskrift. (4). 30-48.
Status: Published -
Ödalen, J., Brommesson, D., Erlingsson, G., Schaffer, J.K., Fogelgren, M. (2019). Teaching university teachers to become better teachers : the effects of pedagogical training courses at six Swedish universities. Higher Education Research and Development. 38 (2). 339-353.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2018). Introduction to special section : From Nordic exceptionalism to a third order priority – variations of “Nordicness” in foreign and security policy. Global Affairs. 4 (4-5). 355-362.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2018). ‘Nordicness’ in Swedish foreign policy : From mid power internationalism to small state balancing?. Global Affairs. 4 (4-5). 391-404.
Status: Published -
Hedling, E., Brommesson, D. (2017). Security through European integration or flexible autonomy : Ambivalence in Sweden’s position on the Eastern Partnership. Global Affairs. 3 (3). 237-250.
Status: Published -
Henrik, F.F., Brommesson, D. (2016). The limits of the principle of charity : Why Haesebrouck is wrong after all. International Politics. 53 (2). 277-283.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A., Henrik, O. (2014). Medialisering av Sveriges riksdag? : Svenska riksdagsledamöters mediaanpassning. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 116 (1). 45-72.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Friberg Fernros, H. (2013). The Feasibility of an expanded regime on the use of force : The case of the responsibility to protect. Journal of International Relations and Development. 16. 138-166.
Status: Published -
Henrik, F.F., Brommesson, D. (2013). The Responsibility to Protect : An incoherent docrine?. International Politics. 50 (4). 600-622.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2013). What happens when a new government enters office? : A comparison of ideological change in British and Swedish foreign policy 1991–2011. Cooperation and Conflict. 48 (1). 3-27.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2012). Mediatisation of European foreign policy : A cross-time, cross-national comparison. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 114 (1). 59-67.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Erlingsson, G. (2012). Vad krävs i praktiken för att bli docent?. Ekonomisk Debatt. 40 (3). 5-18.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2010). Normative Europeanization : The Case of Swedish Foreign Policy Reorientation. Cooperation and Conflict. 45 (2). 224-244.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2010). Svenska kristdemokrater i förändring : Från konfessionellt universella till sekulärt partikulära. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 112 (2). 165-176.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Friberg Fernros, H. (2009). Individualisation and destabilisation of the international order. : The case of the responsibility to protect. International Review of Sociology. 19 (2). 315-330.
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2008). New medievalism från teori till empiri : Malteserorden som modell. Internasjonal Politikk. 66 (4). 615-632.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other academic)
Brommesson, D. (2020). Kristdemokraterna och dess allt mindre religiösa väljare : Värderingar bland kristdemokratiska väljare 2010-2020. Surveyjournalen. 7 (2). 66-75.
Status: Published -
Erlingsson, G., Brommesson, D. (2010). Partier i förändring?. Statsvetenskaplig Tidskrift. 112 (2). 131-142.
Status: Published
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Brommesson, D., Bengtsson, R. (2020). Oväntat stort folkintresse för landets beredskap. Svenska Dagbladet. (10 Jan).
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D., Friberg Fernros, H. (2011). Insatsen mot Libyen stärker FN. Svenska Dagbladet. (22 mars).
Status: Published -
Brommesson, D. (2010). Kristna förhållningssätt till Det heliga landet. Acta Locumtenentiae Sueciae Ordinis Equestris sancte Sepulchri Hierosolymitani. 2 (1). 5-12.
Status: Published -
Hagevi, M., Brommesson, D., Uddhammar, E. (2009). Internationell nivå ett måste.. Smålandsposten.
Status: Published
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Brommesson, D. (2007). Från Hanoi till Bryssel : Moralsyn i deklarerad svensk utrikespolitik 1969-1996. Doctoral Thesis. Stockholm, Santérus förlag. 231.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Enroth, H., Brommesson, D. (2015). Global Community? : Transnational and Transdiscipiinary Exchanges. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 208.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2017). Sverige i världen. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 224.
- Brommesson, D., Erlingsson, G.Ò. (2010). Partier i förändring?. Lund, Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A., Michalski, A. (2022). Sweden’s policy of neutrality : success through flexibility?. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Bengtsson, R., Brommesson, D. (2022). Allmänhetens förtroende för pandemihantering och framtida civil beredskap. Göteborg, SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet.
- Enroth, H., Brommesson, D. (2015). Introduction. Global Community? : Transnational and Transdisciplinary Exchanges. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 1-8.
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2019). EU Foreign and Security Policy in a Mediatized Age. The European Union in a Changing World Order. Palgrave Macmillan. 193-215.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2018). Homogenization or Fragmentation? : Perceptions of Mediatized Foreign Policy among Finnish and Swedish Parliamentarians. Cartelization, Convergence, or Increasing Similarities? : Lessons from Parliamentary Parties. Colchester, ECPR Press. 119-142.
- Brommesson, D. (2017). Sverige och EU. Sverige i världen. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 129-144.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2017). Sverige i världen idag och imorgon. Sverige i världen. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 207-213.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2017). Inledning. Sverige i världen. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 9-15.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2017). Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande. Sverige i världen. Gleerups Utbildning AB. 17-32.
- Brommesson, D. (2015). The Europeanization of Swedish Foreign Policy and Beyond : On Multiple Roles in Swedish Post-Cold-War Foreign Policy. The Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics. Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Brommesson, D. (2015). Medieval World Society Meets R2P : Moral and Legal Personality in Thomas Aquinas. Global Community? : Transnational and Transdisciplinary Exchanges. London, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 37-56.
- Brommesson, D. (2011). Upprättandet av diplomatiska relationer mellan Sverige och Heliga stolen : Ett flerdimensionellt utrikespolitiskt beslut. I Europamissionens tjänst : Vänbok till Rutger Lindahl. Göteborg, Centrum för Europaforskning vid Göteborgs universitet. 229-240.
- Brommesson, D. (2009). Staters kapacitet och mänskliga rättigheter. Mänskliga rättigheter : Ett ofullbordat uppdrag. Malmö, Liber. 141-156.
- Brommesson, D. (2007). Sverige och EU. Sverige i världen. Malmö, Gleerups. 131-145.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2007). Inledning. Sverige i världen. Malmö, Gleerups. 11-18.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2007). Utrikespolitiskt beslutsfattande. Sverige i världen. Malmö, Gleerups. 18-33.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A. (2007). Sverige i världen : Idag och imorgon. Sverige i världen. Malmö, Gleerups. 200-206.
- Brommesson, D., Friberg Fernros, H. (2005). Stater eller individer? : Att undersöka dragkampen om den internationella rätten. Det hyperindividualiserade samhället. Umeå, Boréa.
- Brommesson, D., Friberg Fernros, H. (2005). De kristna och kriget mot Irak. Religion och politik. Malmö, Liber.
- Brommesson, D. (2004). Kristdemokrater på båda sidor. Kampen om Euron. Göteborg, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen.
Report (Refereed)
- Brommesson, D., Nordmark, S., Ödalen, J. (2024). Massuniversitetets utmaningar för kvaliteten på högre utbildning. Stockholm, SNS förlag. 102.
Report (Other academic)
- Brommesson, D. (2022). Finland’s foreign and security policy : From bridge-building to the core of the west. 12.
- Brommesson, D., Ekengren, A., Michalski, A. (2022). Sweden’s Foreign and Security Policy in a Time of Flux. Stockholm, The Swedish Institute of International Affairs. 13.
- Brommesson, D., Edström, Z. (2021). Coronapandemin och de upplevda styrningsproblemen : det svenska fallet i nordisk jämförelse. Lund, Lunds universitet, Samhällsvetenskapliga fakulteten. 30.
- Bengtsson, R., Brommesson, D., Edström, Z. (2020). Civil beredskap i coronatider : Störst förtroende för staten och regionerna. SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. 12.
- Bengtsson, R., Brommesson, D., Edström, Z. (2020). Svenskarnas inställning till internationellt samarbete inom civil beredskap. SOM-institutet, Göteborgs universitet. 12.
- Brommesson, D., Erlingsson, G., Karlsson Schaffer, J., Ödalen, J., Fogelgren, M. (2016). Att möta den högre utbildningens utmaningar. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknadspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). 91.