Elin Lindehoff

Elin Lindehoff

Associate Professor
Department of Biology and Environmental Science Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
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I am a senior lecturer and associate professor in marine ecology

My research is focused on how we humans affect microalgae and what microalgae do for us.

Microalgae or phytoplankton are microscopic unicellular plants, found in all aquatic environments and that make up the base of the food web. I study how microalgae are affected by climate change and eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, and how microalgae can function as a biological filter and recycle carbon dioxide from flue gas and nutrients from waste water.


I am course coordinator for Marine Ecology and Botany and program coordinator for the Masters programme in Aquatic Ecology. I lecture and lead laboratory and field exercises in the topics of marine ecology and botany in several courses and I supervise project- and degree works on bachelor and masters level.


How does climate change and eutrophication affect microalgae? How does our emissions contribute to algal blooms? And how can we cultivate microalgae to take up nutrients before it reaches our coastal waters?

I work with the role of microalgae in the nitrogen cycle of the Baltic Sea and how eutrophication contributes to harmful algal blooms. I am one of the project leaders for ALGOLAND where microalgae are used to clean contaminated process water.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

Conference paper (Other academic)

Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))