Elisabet Björklund
Senior lecturer
Department of Film and Literature
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Article in journal (Refereed)
Björklund, E. (2019). Realism or 'grotesque cliches'? : Jan Halldoff's The Corridor and the Swedish debate on abortion in the 1960s. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 9 (1). 117-130.
Status: Published -
Björklund, E. (2017). 'Mom might have a job (or be socializing too much!)' : 'The right to love', children’s sexuality and parenthood. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 7 (1). 13-25.
Status: Published -
Björklund, E. (2011). "This Is a Dirty Movie" : Taxi Driver and "Swedish Sin". Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 1 (2). 163-176.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Björklund, E. (2020). Swedish sex education films and their audiences : representations, address and assumptions about influence. Communicating the history of medicine : Perspectives on audiences and impact. Manchester, Manchester University Press. 162-183.
- Björklund, E. (2019). Freedom to choose : Reproduction and women's agency in three Swedish films of the 1980s. Making the invisible visible : Reclaiming women's agency in Swedish film history and beyond. Lund, Nordic Academic Press. 139-158.
- Björklund, E. (2019). Omstridd information : Maj Wechselmanns Omställningen och kritik mot kommersiellt material om att få barn på 1970-talet. Efterkrigstidens samhällskontakter. Lund, Mediehistoria, Lunds universitet. 217-244.
- Larsson, M., Björklund, E. (2018). Introduction. A Visual History of HIV/AIDS : Exploring the Face of AIDS Film Archive. London & New York, Routledge. 1-13.
- Björklund, E. (2018). Sins of the fathers? : Syphilis, HIV/AIDS, and innocent women and children. A Visual History of HIV/AIDS : Exploring the Face of AIDS Film Archive. Abingdon & New York, NY, Routledge. 165-180.
- Björklund, E., Larsson, M. (2016). Introduction : Beyond Swedish Summers. Swedish Cinema and the Sexual Revolution : Critical Essays. jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland. 1-7.
- Björklund, E. (2016). The Limits of Sexual Depictions in the Late 1960s. Swedish Cinema and the Sexual Revolution : Critical Essays. Jefferson, NC, McFarland. 126-138.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Björklund, E., Larsson, M. (2019). A Visual History of HIV/AIDS : Exploring the Face of AIDS Film Archive. London & New York, Routledge. 211.
- Björklund, E., Larsson, M. (2016). Swedish Cinema and the Sexual Revolution : Critical Essays. Jefferson, North Carolina, McFarland. 240.
- Björklund, E., Brauerhoch, A., Holmlund, C. (2015). Journal of Scandinavian Cinema : Special Issue: Sexuality in Scandinavian Cinema. Intellect Ltd.. 204.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Björklund, E., Brauerhoch, A., Holmlund, C. (2015). Editorial. Journal of Scandinavian Cinema. 5 (2). 75-80.
Status: Published
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Björklund, E., Gustafsson, T., Zander, U. (2020). Film och historia : exemplet Erik Hedling. Historiska fiktioner : en antologi om film, tv och historia. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. 9-23.
- Björklund, E. (2020). Löjliga familjen : Skildringen av psykiatrin på Säter i Quick. Historiska fiktioner : En antologi om film, tv och historia. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. 122-139.
- Björklund, E. (2014). Statlig sexpropaganda? : UR:s och RFSU:s sexualupplysningsfilm Sex på kartan. Den nya svenska filmen : Kultur, kriminalitet & kakofoni. Stockholm, Bokförlaget Atlantis. 245-268.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Björklund, E. (2012). The Most Delicate Subject : A History of Sex Education Films in Sweden. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Division of Comparative Literature, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University. 425.
Collection (editor) (Other academic)
- Björklund, E., Gustafsson, T., Zander, U. (2020). Historiska fiktioner : en antologi om film, tv och historia. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. 277.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Björklund, E. (2013). Å lære seg kjærlighetens språk : om svensk seksualopplysningsfilm på kino på 60- og 70-tallet. Z filmtidsskrift. (2).
Status: Published
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Larsson, M., Arnberg, K., Gustafsson, T., Björklund, E. (2021). Såra tukt och sedlighet : Hundra år av pornografi i Sverige. Stockholm, Natur och kultur.