Emina Hadziabdic
Department of Health and Caring Sciences
Faculty of Health and Life Sciences
My ongoing research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Hjelm, K., Hadziabdic, E. (2025). Effects of culturally-appropriate group education for migrants with type 2 diabetes in primary healthcare : pre-test-post-test design. BMC Primary Care. 26 (1).
Status: Published -
Granat, L., Andersson, S., Åberg, D., Hadziabdic, E., Sandgren, A. (2024). Evaluation of the Swedish Self-Efficacy in Palliative Care Scale and exploration of nurses' and physicians' self-efficacy in Swedish hospitals : A cross-sectional study. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences. 38 (3). 568-578.
Status: Published -
Hjelm, K., Hadziabdic, E. (2024). Who seeks care and for what reasons at a nurse-led walk-in center in an immigrant-dense area : A quantitative survey. Public Health Nursing. 41 (4). 664-674.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2023). Beliefs about illness : comparing foreign- and native-born persons with type 2 diabetes living in Sweden in a cross-sectional survey. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 24.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Katarina, H. (2022). Comparison of Beliefs about Health in Migrants and Swedish-Born Persons with Type 2 Diabetes. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (19).
Status: Published -
Granat, L., Andersson, S., Hadziabdic, E., Brännström, M., Sandgren, A. (2022). Translation, adaptation, and validation of the Self-efficacy in Palliative Care scale (SEPC) for use in Swedish healthcare settings. BMC Palliative Care. 21 (1).
Status: Published -
Wärdig, R., Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2021). Evaluation of a healthcare walk-in centre in an immigrant-dense area from the perspective of Swedish-born patients. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 22.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Sarstrand Marekovic, A., Salomonsson, J., Heikkilä, K. (2021). Experiences of nurses educated outside the European Union of a Swedish bridging program and the program’s role in their integration into the nursing profession : a qualitative interview study. BMC Nursing. 20 (1).
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Pettersson, S., Marklund, H., Hjelm, K. (2020). Development of a group-based diabetes education model for migrants with type 2 diabetes, living in Sweden. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 21. 1-8.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2020). The experiences of the process of planning, starting and organizing a culturally specific nursing home for Finnish-speaking older persons : a qualitative study. BMC Health Services Research. 20. 1-8.
Status: Published -
Hultsjö, S., Bachrach-Lindström, M., Safipour, J., Hadziabdic, E. (2019). “Cultural awareness requires more than theoretical education” : nursing students’ experiences. Nurse Education in Practice. 39. 73-79.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2019). Register-based study concerning the problematic situation of using interpreting service in a region in Sweden. BMC Health Services Research. 19 (1). 1-8.
Status: Published -
Pettersson, S., Hadziabdic, E., Marklund, H., Hjelm, K. (2019). Lower knowledge about diabetes among foreign-born compared to Swedish-born persons with diabetes : a descriptive study. Nursing Open. 6 (2). 367-376.
Status: Published -
Wärdig, R., Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2019). Healthcare staff’s evaluation of a walk-in centre at a healthcare centre in an immigrant-dense area. Journal of Clinical Nursing. 28 (9-10). 1473-1481.
Status: Published -
Bäcklund, K., Persson, K., Hadziabdic, E. (2018). Intensive care nurses’ experiences of caring for intubated patients under light sedation : a qualitative study. Open Journal of Nursing. 8 (7). 473-484.
Status: Published -
Lundin, C., Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2018). Language interpretation conditions and boundaries in multilingual and multicultural emergency healthcare. BMC International Health and Human Rights. 18.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2018). Establishing a culturally specific nursing home for Finnish-speaking older persons in Sweden : a case study. Nursing Open. 5 (2). 210-216.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Wenneberg, S., Hadziabdic, E. (2017). Experience of Education in the International Classroom : A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of International Students. 7 (3). 806-824.
Status: Published -
Safipour, J., Hadziabdic, E., Hultsjö, S., Bachrach-Lindström, M. (2017). Measuring nursing students’ cultural awareness : a cross-sectional study among three universities in southern Sweden. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice. 7 (1). 107-113.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2016). Perspectives of professional interpreters regarding their role and attitude in the healthcare encounter. Diversity and equality in health and care. 13 (3). 221-229.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E. (2016). Ukrainian-speaking migrants’ concerning the use of interpreters in healthcare service : a pilot study. Open Nursing Journal. 10. 1-7.
Status: Published -
Ge, L., Albin, B., Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K., Rask, M. (2016). Beliefs about health and illness and health-realted behavior among urban women with gestational diabetes mellitus in the south east of China. Journal of Transcultural Nursing. 27 (6). 593-602.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Safipour, J., Bachrach-Lindström, M., Hultsjö, S. (2016). Swedish version of measuring cultural awareness in nursing students : validity and reliability test. BMC Nursing. 15.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Lundin, C., Hjelm, K. (2015). Boundaries and conditions of interpretation in multilingual and multicultural elderly healthcare. BMC Health Services Research. 15. 1-13.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Albin, B., Heikkilä, K., Hjelm, K. (2014). Family members’ experiences of the use of interpreters in healthcare. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 15 (2). 156-169.
Status: Published -
Higginbottom, G.M., Hadziabdic, E., Yohani, S., Paton, P. (2014). Immigrant women's experience of maternity services in Canada : A meta-ethnography. Midwifery. 30 (5). 544-559.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Albin, B., Hjelm, K. (2014). Arabic-speaking migrants’ attitudes, opinions, preferences and past experiences concerning the use of interpreters in healthcare : a postal cross-sectional survey. BMC Research Notes. 7.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2014). Arabic-speaking migrants' experiences of the use of interpreters in healthcare : a qualitative explorative study. International Journal for Equity in Health. 13.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Hjelm, K. (2013). Working with interpreters : practical advice for use of an interpreter in healthcare. International Journal of Evidence-Based Healthcare. 11 (1). 69-76.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Heikkilä, K., Albin, B., Hjelm, K. (2011). Problems and consequences in the use of professional interpreters : qualitative analysis of incidents from primary healthcare.. Nursing Inquiry. 18 (3). 253-261.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Albin, B., Heikkilä, K., Hjelm, K. (2010). Healthcare staffs perceptions of using interpreters : a qualitative study. Primary Health Care Research and Development. 11 (3). 260-270.
Status: Published -
Hadziabdic, E., Heikkilä, K., Albin, B., Hjelm, K. (2009). Migrants' perceptions of using interpreters in health care. International Nursing Review. 56 (4). 461-469.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Vallianatos, H., Hadziabdic, E., Higginbottom, G. (2015). Designing Participatory Research Projects. Participatory Qualitative Research Methodologies in Health. London, Sage Publications.
Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
- Hadziabdic, E. (2011). The use of interpreter in healthcare : Perspectives of individuals, healthcare staff and families. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Kalmar, Linnaeus University Press. 62.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Hadziabdic, E., Thelin, A. (2011). Tankestilar om kritiskt tänkande i sjuksköterskeutbildning. Vård i Fokus. 28 (4). 4-8.
Status: Published
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Hadziabdic, E., Brodén, K., Lilja, Å., Bratt, A.S., Sandgren, A., et al. (2024). ohållbart många ohälsosamma haikus om hållbar hälsa. Linnaeus University Press.
Seriealbum med haikus och illustrationer på temat Hållbar hälsa