Erdelina Kurti
Senior lecturer
Department of Informatics
Faculty of Technology
My research interest lies on Digital Transformation and Systems Thinking. I am particularly interested on data-driven business model innovation.
I teach mainly at the master level in the department of Informatics and also supervise theses both at master and bachelor level.
I am part of Knowledge Environment Digital Transformation and Linnaeus University Systems Community (LNU-STC)
My completed research projects
Article in journal (Refereed)
Kurti, E., Ferati, M., Kalonaityte, V. (2024). Closing the gender gap in ICT higher education : exploring women’s motivations in pursuing ICT education. Frontiers in Education. 9.
Status: Published -
Kurti, E., Salavati, S. (2024). Towards a Viable Knowledge Environment within an Academic Institution. Systemic Practice and Action Research.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Kurti, E., Salavati, S., Mirijamdotter, A. (2021). Using Systems Thinking to Illustrate Digital Business Model Innovation. Systems. 9 (4).
Status: Published
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Ferati, M., Demukaj, V., Kurti, E., Mörtberg, C., Shahrabi, K., et al. (2023). Gender Stereotypes and Women Participation in STEM Fields in the Western Balkans : A Scoping Review. Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies. Richtmann Publishing. 12 (2). 228-239.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Kurti, E., Miranda, K. (2024). Digital Innovation Challenges : The Case of an Academic Library. ECIS 2024 Proceedings.
- Kajtazi, M., Kurti, E. (2023). Conceptualizing the Impact of Digital Business Models on Privacy Concerns. 36th Bled eConference: Digital Economy and Society : The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability, BLED 2023 - Proceedings. 721-735.
- Kurti, E., Ferati, M., Kalonaityte, V. (2023). Gender, Entrepreneurship and Digitalization : Challenging Gender Inequality in ICT Higher Education. International Symposium on Digital TransformationAugust 21-23, 2023, Linnaeus University, Växjö.
- Kurti, E., Mörtberg, C. (2021). New Winds Challenge Gender InequalITy in ICT Higher Education. The OR Society's 63rd Annual Conference, Online, September 14 - 16 2021.
- Golshan, B., Kurti, E. (2017). Pedagogical dilemmas in the simultaneous education. Dilemmas 2015 Papers from the 18th Annual International Conference Dilemmas for Human Services: Organizing, Designing and Managing.
- Kurti, E. (2017). Transformation of business models from non-digital to digital : a dominant logic perspective. Dilemmas 2015 Papers from the 18th annual International Conference Dilemmas for Human Services: Organizing, Designing and Managing.
- Kurti, E., Mirijamdotter, A. (2016). Can Kuhn’s conception of paradigm shift explain the digital transformation of business models?. Information Systems and Technology Innovations: the New Paradigm for a Smarter Economy. 91-92.
- Kurti, E. (2015). Inherent cognitive dependencies in the transformation of business models from non-digital to digital. Advanced Information Systems Engineering Workshops : CAiSE 2015 International Workshops Stockholm, Sweden, June 8–9, 2015 Proceedings. 131-136.
- Kurti, E., Haftor, D. (2015). Barriers and Enablers of Digital Business model Transformation. Proceedings of 9th European Conference on IS Management and Evaluation, ECIME 2015 : The University of West England, UK, 21-22 September 2015. 262-269.
- Kurti, E., Haftor, D. (2014). The Role of Path Dependence in the Business Model Adaptation : From Traditional to Digital Business Models. Proceedings of the Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Verona, Italy, September 3-5.
- Haftor, D., Kurti, E. (2014). Toward Post Systems Thinking in the Conception of Whole-Part Relations. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Working Conference of the International Institute for Developmental Ethics. 111.
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Salavati, S., Kurti, E. (2022). A Multisystem Approach in Tackling Digital Innovation Process. Presented at The OR Society's 64th Annual Conference, Warwick University, September 13 - 15 2022.
- Kurti, E., Mörtberg, C. (2012). Working with Tacit Knowledge : An Empirical Investigation in Glass Blowing Industry in Sweden. Proceedings of Social Technologies '12 : Development of Social Technologies in the Complex World.
Report (Other academic)
- Kurti, E., Sjöstrand, G., Schauerte, T. (2023). Digital competence – state of the art and future needs in the Swedish wooden house manufacturers : SHS rapportnr: 30103. Växjö, Smart Housing Småland. 11.