Erika Lagerbielke
ProfessorProfessor in Design, Department of Music and Visual Arts
Active as independent designer
Care over detail renders simplicity beautiful
Lagerbielke is active in teaching, research and regional collaboration. Her research mainly relates to glass as a material in different aspects and collaborations. Her main research fields are the artifacts of the meal and their relation to social values and societal development, gathered in the concept “Staging the Meal”, as well as artistic research and activities based on glass as a materiality.
Other research interests are:
- The importance of artefacts to the meal experience
- The cultural heritage of Swedish glass
- A sustainable approach to glass development
She has participated in research projects in collaboration with researchers at Restaurang- och Hotellhögskolan/Örebro University, Uppsala University, Smart Housing Småland and RISE glass.
She is active in artistic research and development in glass, especially through her activities as an independent designer. She has had several solo exhibitions in Sweden and internationally. Her current glass art concept is called A Blue Planet. It was first shown at Galleri Glas in Stockholm in 2022. She has completed a number of public commissions. Most recently, the window Hope for the apse in the crypt of Lund Cathedral in 2023 and the tabula The Well, for the altar in the crypt of Lund Cathedral 2023. In 2022 she created a baptismal bowl, Living Water, for Christ Church Cathedral, Oxford, GB. She was commissioned by Linnaeus University to create the Vice Chancellor's Chain in 2010 and the university's maze in 2022.
She is a member of several networks related to the development of meals, such as the Academy of Meal Science, the Swedish Beverage Academy and Småland and Öland's Gastronomic Academy. She is also a member of the Småland Academy.
Awards: The Prince Eugen Medal awarded by HM King in 2010, the St. Erik Medal awarded by the City of Stockholm in 2014 and the Hallenblad Award (Linnaeus Academy Research Foundation) in 2018.
Current research projects
The multidisciplinary research project “Creating Hope” in collaboration with Lena Liepe LNU, Max Liljefors LU, Jayne Svenungsson LU and Lena Sjöstrand Lund Cathedral. Research funding from, among others, the LMK Foundation. The project is based on Lagerbielke's glass artwork “Hope”, a stained glass window installed in the apse of Lund Cathedral's crypt in 2023 and the research question -What happens when a work of contemporary art is installed in a medieval room? The research project adds reflection and documentation to the artistic work that behind the art work Hope. In the fall of 2024, the book “Att skapa Hopp” will be published, Makadam publishers, Stockholm, with texts by the research group. The project will also be presented at the Swedish Research Council's artistic symposium 2024 in Umeå.
The multidisciplinary research project “Development of a model for co-created clinical training and education regarding meal situations in special housing for older people”. The project is conducted with a research group at the Department of Health and Care Sciences, LNU. Project leader is Associate Professor Stefan Andersson. Also active in the group are Carina Harstäde, Anna Sandberg and Carina Persson. The project is funded by the Kamprad Foundation 2024-27. The group works on the basis that:
Achieving good and pleasant meal situations is of great importance for the quality of life in special care homes, including to meet an individual's needs and preferences in a “collective” environment.
There is a great need for clinical training and education for staff.
It is important that older people and relatives are given a co-creative role, together with staff.
2023 Chair of the examination committee for artistic dissertation Anna Lidström, Borås School of Textiles. Thesis: “Redesign Foundations”
2021 Specialist; UKÄ, review application Konstfack for artistic doctoral exams
2020 Specialist; review master programme Konsthantverk, HDK-Valand, University of Gothenburg. Chair
2017 Specialist; employment of professor Textile art, Steneby, University of Gothenburg
2016 Specialist; promotion professor, The Oslo Scholl of Architecture and Design (AHO), Oslo, Norway
2016 Study regarding research environment Living and Housing LNU/Smart Housing Småland
2014-2017 Member stearing group Glasrikets Arkiv och Samlingar
2015 - 2016 Development of master programme Glass Design, i samarbete med Alto University, Helsinki, Finland och KADK, Köpenhamn, Danmark
2013 - 2016 Process management Smart Housing Småland, LNU
2013 - 2016 Member work group honorary doctorates FKH, LNU
2014 - 2015 Chair Artistic Council, FKH/LNU
2013 - 2015 Member stearing group and work group “Projekt Kompetenscentrum Pukeberg”, LNU
2013 Vice dean artistic work, FKH/ LNU,
2012 Study”Glasriketrapporten nr 1, on behalf of the Swedish Government
2007 Specialist; employment professor Design, Ingenjörshögskolan, Högskolan i Jönköping
2007 Opponent master Design, HDK, Göteborgs Universitet
Article in journal (Refereed)
Heikkilä, K., Andersson, S., Lagerbielke, E., Persson, C., Sandgren, A., et al. (2022). Mealtime interventions and their outcomes in care homes for older people considering the five aspects meal model : An integrative review. Geriatric Nursing. 47. 171-182.
Status: Published -
Lagerbielke, E. (2021). Aspects of the Development of Swedish Glass Manufacturing : An Overview 1500–1915. Journal of Glass Studies. 63. 303-320.
Status: Published -
Billing, M., Öström, Å., Lagerbielke, E. (2008). The importance of wine glasses for enhancing the meal experience from the perspective of craft, deisgn and science. Journal of Foodservice. 19 (1). 69-73.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Prim, M., Lagerbielke, E., Öström, Å. (2011). Aesthetics as a parameter of meal satisfaction. Culinary Arts and Sciences VII : Global, National and Local Perspectives. 228-234.
Artistic output (Refereed)
Lagerbielke, E. (2023). Hopp : Ett konstglasfönster (glasmålning) för kryptan i Lunds domkyrka.
Ett konstglasförnster (glasmålning) för absiden i kryptan i Lunds domkyrka.
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Lagerbielke, E. (2023). Källan : En gjuten glasskiva som tabula för altaret i kryptan i Lunds domkyrka 2023.
Verket Källan är en gjuten glasrelief i form av en skiva med en inlagd glasrondell i blått med ett virvelmönster i vitt. Vid reliefens undersida en försänkt korsform. Skivan är anpassad för att täcka en tidigare relikgömma i altaret från år 1123 i kryptan i Lunds domkyrka. Skivan ligger i liv med altarets stenskiva.
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Lagerbielke, E. (2022). Linnéstaven : Ceremonistav för Linnéuniversitetet.
Linnéstaven är en ceremonistav för Linnéuniversitetet. Den används av ceremonimästaren vid Akademisk högtid för att påkalla deltagarnas och publikens uppmärksamhet.
Report (Other academic)
- Grund Bäck, L., Lagerbielke, E. (2018). Eternal glass : Rapport - studie om återvinning av glas. Växjö, RISE & Linnaeus University. 23.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2017). Alla talar om boende : Om boende, byggnation, design och hållbar utveckling : Rapport FOI-studie Plattform för boendeforskning. Växjö, Smart Housing Småland. 28.
- Lagerbielke, E., Grund Bäck, L., Lang, M., Sirkka, T., Johansson, L., et al. (2016). Förstudie - Ny glasgång för Kulturparken Småland : Hur kan transparent intelligens utnyttjas i en offentlig miljö?. Växjö, Smart Housing Småland. 38.
Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Lagerbielke, E. (2017). Glaslandet Sverige gynnas av att glastraditionen förvaltas. Glas. 85 (1). 16-17.
Status: Published
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Eklund, P., Lagerbielke, E. (2018). Erika Lagerbielke : Form för alla sinnen. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag.
Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lagerbielke, E. (2021). Vacker och läckert – måltidens estetik. Måltiden som konstart : Gastronomiska Akademiens årsbok utgiven för sextioandra året i följd. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. 19-25.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2019). Fest med dans. 175 år av kamp, glädje och misslyckanden. Stockholm, Konstfack. 51-51.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2019). Från Konstfack till Orrefors och måltidens artefakter. 175 år av kamp, glädje och misslyckanden. Stockholm, Konstfack. 52-53.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2019). Reflections from another place. 2019 British Glass Biennale : The UK's Major Exhibition of Contemporary Glass. Stourbridge, International Festival of Glass. 29-29.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2018). Hur smakar Småland?. Ur Smålands skafferi : Folk, föda och färdigheter. Karlstad, Votum. 8-12.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2014). Ååh, jag önskar att jag hade varit där!. Småland En kärleksförklaring. Karlstad, Votum & Gullers förlag. 36-45.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2014). Måltidens teater och den himmelska vardagen. Till bords i paradiset : mat och trädgård. Stockholm, Carlsson Bokförlag. 153-156.
- Lagerbielke, E. (2011). Det lilla småländska leendet. Småländska förebilder & föregångare. Växjö, Artéa. 157-168.
Artistic output (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lagerbielke, E. (2016). Oändlighet. Stockholm, Ryds Bilglas.