My research groups
Ethnographic Forum Ethnographic Forum is a research group where members share a common interest in qualitative and ethnographic fieldwork. The group consists of researchers and graduate students from…
Research on pedagogical professions and practices (PEPP) The environment conducts research on teachers’ work and children’s/pupils’ everyday life and learning at preschool, preschool class, extended…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Sexual harassment from patients and care recipients How the students who train as assistant nurses, and mainly will work in home care and elderly care, in their educations are prepared for…
Project: Technical colleges and health and social care colleges as makers of local vocational education and training curricula The purpose of the project is to explore how the curricula of vocational…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Klope, E. (2024). Putting on an act : learning service behaviour in young women’s vocational education and training for hospitality work. Journal of Youth Studies.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Öhman, A., Klope, E. (2024). How does it feel? : An exploration of teaching perceptive sensoriality in hairdressing education. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 14 (2).
Status: Published -
Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2024). Vocational students in the hospitality industry explain guests’ sexual harassment. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. 14 (1). 79-101.
Status: Published -
Klope, E. (2024). The sound of silence : health and social care students’ perspective on how sexual harassment from care recipients is not talked about in vocational education and training. Journal of Vocational Education and Training.
Status: Epub ahead of print -
Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2023). What does my appearance have to do with my job? : Vocational students on the sexual harassment from guests in the hospitality industry. Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training. 15 (1).
Status: Published -
Klope, E., Hedlin, M. (2023). Always happy : an ideal is reproduced and challenged in hairdresser vocational education and training. Journal of Education and Work. 36 (3). 237-250.
Status: Published -
Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2023). When the Flirting Guest's Age Is Crucial : Young People in the Hospitality Industry Reflect on Sexual Harassment. Young - Nordic Journal of Youth Research. 31 (5). 462-478.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Hedlin, M., Klope, E., Bossér, U. (2024). "Actually, I think it could be anyone, but...": : Vocational students’ descriptions of third party sexual harassment.. Abstract Book. 214-214.
- Klope, E., Hedlin, M., Bossér, U., Wernholm, M. (2024). Availability, Care and Collegiality - Teachers' Work-related Boundaries in Relation to Parents. Abstract Book. 74-74.
- Klope, E. (2024). Positioning Vocational Teachers : Exploring Identities and Interactions in Contemporary VET. IX Stockholm International Conference & Research, Workshop on VET, May 14-16, 2024 : Book of Abstracts. 22-22.
- Gåfvels, C., Klope, E., Öhman, A. (2024). Talk about hair and flowers in action – sensory knowing and aesthetic metaphors in interaction. IX Stockholm International Conference & Research, Workshop on VET, May 14-16, 2024 : Book of Abstracts. 5-5.
- Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2023). VET students training for jobs in the hospitality industry explain sexual harassment by guests. .
- Alvunger, D., Klope, E. (2023). Lokalt yrkeskunnande för en global arbetsmarknad? Om Teknikcollege och Vård- och omsorgscollege som medskapare av yrkesutbildningars lokala läroplaner. . 53.
- Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2023). En informationsfråga? : Yrkeselever om de sexuella trakasserier gäster utsätter personal för inom hotell och restaurang. Book of Abstracts: NordYrk Conference 2023: Western Norway University of Applied Sciences (HVL), Campus Bergen, Norway, 7–9 June. 65-65.
- Frank, E., Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2022). Blir lärare servicepersonal när föräldrar blir kunder?. .
- Klope, E. (2022). Keynote presentation; Respectable hairdressers – Femininity and (vocational) identity among girls in vocational education and training for hairdressers. Vocational Education & Training Voices from Research VIII Stockholm International Conference & Research Workshop on VET. Stockolm -Helsinki. May 11-13, 2022.. 32-32.
- Öhman, A., Klope, E. (2021). Practice sensibility; craft aspects of vocational knowing in hairdressing education. .
- Klope, E., Hedlin, M. (2021). Trevlig eller tillgjord? : Servicearbetets komplexa balansakter i gymnasieskolans frisörutbildning. .
- Klope, E. (2019). Sopa hår, vika tvätt och diska : - (dis)identifikationer med en respektabel frisörelev. .
- Johansson, M., Klope, E. (2018). Validation and its potential for including or excluding vocational knowledge : The case of hairdressers.. Presented at ECER 2018.
- Klope, E. (2014). To Be Trained To Be Something Or Someone : A Study Of Vocational Habitus Among Hairdresser Students In Upper Secondary School. Presented at ECER 2014.
Report (Refereed)
- Hedlin, M., Klope, E. (2024). "Jag hade inte en tanke på att man kunde bli så mycket sexuellt trakasserad på jobbet" : Elever inom Vård- och omsorgsprogrammet om sina framtida yrken. Uppsala, Institutet för arbetsmarknads- och utbildningspolitisk utvärdering (IFAU). 42.
Conference paper (Other academic)
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Klope, E., Gåfvels, C. (2022). Från förlaga till egen design : Estetiska omdömen i skolförlagd frisörundervisning sedan 1970.. Kunskapstraditioner och yrkeskunnande. Kvinnors yrkesutbildning i historisk belysning. Göteborg, Makadam Förlag.
- Klope, E. (2021). Uppmuntra och utmana könsnormer – frisörlärares komplexa professionella uppdrag. Genus och professioner. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 201-224.
- Klope, E. (2017). Lärande identiteter i frisörutbildningen. Yrkesdidaktikens mångfald. Stockholm, Lärarförlaget. 229-242.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Klope, E. (2020). Respektabla frisörer : Femininitet och (yrkes)identitet bland tjejer i gymnasieskolans frisörutbildning. Doctoral Thesis. Växjö, Linnaeus University Press. 294.
Licentiate thesis, monograph (Other academic) (Other academic)
- Klope, E. (2015). I skuggan av ett yrke : om gymnasieelevers identitetsskapande på hantverksprogrammet frisör. Licentiate Thesis. Stockholm: Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet, Publit. 196.
Report (Other academic)
- Hedlin, M., Klope, E., Algotson, S., Fohlstedt, E., Wirsén, S. (2022). Man blir paff : Yrkeselever inom hotell och restaurang om sexuella trakasserier och vad utbildningarna kan göra. Stockholm, Besöksnäringens forsknings- och utvecklingsfond. 30.
- Lindqvist, P., Ackesjö, H., Fonseca, L., Gardesten, J., Herrlin, K., et al. (2020). (Lärar)avlastande yrkesgrupper – Var går gränserna? : En studie om nya fördelningar av och förhandlingar om arbete i skolan. Kalmar & Växjö, Linnaeus university. 106.