Fabian Persson
Department of Cultural Sciences
Faculty of Arts and Humanities
Article in journal (Refereed)
Persson, F. (2016). From Vanguard to Rearguard : The Swedish Court as a Motor of Change in the Seventeenth Century. The Court Historian. 21 (2). 109-124.
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (2016). Emerging Themes in Court Studies in Boston and in Plymouth. The Court Historian. 21 (2). 178-180.
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (1999). Bättre livlös än ärelös. : Symbolik och sociala funktioner i stormaktstidens dueller. Scandia. 65 (1).
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (1993). En hjälpande hand. : Principiella aspekter på patronage i förhållande till nepotism och meritokrati under stormaktstiden.. Scandia. 59 (1). 49-70.
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (1992). ‘Att leva på hoppet - om den misslyckade klienten’. Historisk Tidskrift. 112 (3). 316-329.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Persson, F. (2016). To Exalt Everyday Life at Court : Everyday Ceremony at the Courts of Denmark and Sweden. Presented at The 62nd Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America : Boston, 31 March–2 April 2016.
- Persson, F. (2016). Carrying your power on your sleeve : Wearable symbols of power at the early modern court. Presented at the AHRC Network Conference : Gender, Power and Materiality in Early Modern Europe.
Book (Refereed)
- Persson, F. (2021). Women at the Early Modern Swedish Court : Power, Risk, and Opportunity. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press.
- Persson, F. (2020). Survival and Revival in Sweden's Court and Monarchy, 1718–1930. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Persson, F. (2025). Fracturing or Strengthening the Royal Presence : Dynasticism and Royal Places in Early Modern Sweden. Building the Presence of the Prince : The Institutions Responsible for the Construction and Management of the Buildings of European Courts (14th-17th centuries). Turnhout, Brepols. 286-296.
- Persson, F. (2024). Public Displays of Affection: : Creating Spheres of Apparent Royal Intimacy in Public. Notions of Privacy at Early Modern European Courts: : Reassessing the Public and Private Divide, 1400-1800. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 143-162.
- Persson, F. (2023). Presence Makes the Heart Grow Fonder : Proximity and the Creation of Dynasty. Dynasties and State Formation in Early Modern Europe. Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. 45-64.
- Persson, F. (2023). Resilience Born of Desperation : Keeping Dynasties Going in Eighteenth-Century Europe. Resilience and Recovery at Royal Courts, 1200–1840. London, Palgrave Macmillan. 168-183.
- Persson, F. (2023). The King’s New Clothes : The Swedish Court and its Finances in the Nineteenth Century. Der preußische Hof und die Monarchien in Europa : Akteure, Modelle, Wahrnehmungen (1786-1918). Leiden, Brill Schöningh. 184-193.
- Persson, F. (2016). Building of Power : Using a New Ceremony and a New Royal Swedish Palace in the 18th Century : [ Budując imperium: pałac królewski w Szwecji ]. Power and architecture : residences of monarchs and seats of state authorities in Europe - form and functions (15th-21st centuries) : 1st International Conference of the European Residences Project at the Royal Castle in Warsaw, 9-11 April 2014 : [ Władza i architektura : rezydencje monarchów i siedziby władz państwowych w Europie - formy i funkcje (XV-XXI w.) : materiały I Międzynarodowej Konferencji Naukowej PRE w Zamku Królewskim w Warszawie, 9-11 kwietnia 2014 ]. Warszawa, Zamek Królewski w Warszawie - Muzeum. 157-170.
- Persson, F. (2016). The Struggle for Access : Participation and Distance During a Royal Swedish Minority. The Key to Power? : The Culture of Access in Princely Courts, 1400–1750. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 202-231.
- Persson, F. (2015). To Give to Airy Nothing a Local Habitation and a Name : Creating Two Great Swedish Noble Families. Dynastic Identity in Early Modern Europe : Rulers, Aristocrats and the Formation of Identities. Ashgate. 179-195.
- Persson, F. (2014). The broken mirror : gender differences in the system of royal apartments. Le prince, la princesse et leurs logis : manières d'habiter dans l'élite aristocratique européenne (1400-1700): actes des septiemes rencontres d'architecture europeenne Paris 27-30 juin 2011. Paris, Picard. 341-352.
- Persson, F. (2014). Living in the House of Power : Women at the Early Modern Swedish Court. The Politics of Female Households : Ladies in Waiting Across Early Modern Europe.. Leiden, Brill Academic Publishers. 345-363.
- Persson, F. (2014). Navigating in a changing political landscape : the Königsmarcks at the dawn of Swedish absolutism. Maria Aurora von Königsmarck : ein adeliges Frauenleben im Europa der Barockzeit. Köln, Böhlau. 165-182.
- Persson, F. (2014). From ruler in the shadows to shadow king : Frederick I of Sweden. The man behind the queen : male consorts in history. Palgrave Macmillan. 93-102.
Collection (editor) (Refereed)
- Persson, F., Price, M., Recca, C. (2023). Resilience and Recovery at Royal Courts, 1200–1840. London, Palgrave Macmillan.
Article in journal (Other academic)
Persson, F. (2014). Power and Architecture in Warsaw. The Court Historian. 19 (2).
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (2007). All din timliga lycka. : Om adelsfröknar och äktenskap under svensk stormaktstid.. Historielärarnas Förenings Årsskrift.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Persson, F. (2016). Leverage or Obstacle? : Networks of Nordic Queens. Presented at the Sixteenth Century Society Conference 2016.
- Persson, F. (2015). Rituals of Royal Compassion. Compassion in Early Modern Culture, Amsterdam 18 September 2015.
- Persson, F. (2015). With Your Future Behind You? : Dynastic Lingerings in Early Modern Sweden. Renaissance Society of America, Berlin 28 March 2015.
- Persson, F. (2015). Kissing hands and wearing ribbons : Gender and Status Competition at the Swedish Court. Gender at Status Competition in Premodern Societies, Umeå 27 November 2015.
- Persson, F. (2015). Royal Residences of the North : Sweden and Denmark in the Early Modern Period. Court Residences as Places of Exchange in Late Medieval and Early Modern Europe 1400-1700, Munich 5 March 2015.
- Persson, F. (2015). Something Old and Something New : Weaving Legitimacy into Early Modern Swedish Dynasties. Kings & Queens: Dynastic Changes and Legitimacy, Lisbon 25 June 2015.
- Persson, F. (2014). A reflection of the nation or of ambition?. .
- Persson, F. (2014). The new order : creating space in Sixteenth‐ and Seventeenth‐century Swedish court ordinances. .
- Persson, F. (2014). Opportunity or threat? : early modern political prophecies. .
- Persson, F. (2013). Long live the Queen! : Hedvig Eleonora's court as a personal institution. .
- Persson, F. (2012). The charismatic court : music and ceremony at the Swedish court. .
- Persson, F. (2007). Vänskap vid hovet.. Vänner, patroner och klienter i Norden 900-1800. : Rapport till 26:e nordiska historikermötet i Reykjavik den 8-12 augusti 2007..
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Persson, F. (2015). Hovfolket. Hedvig Eleonora : den svenska barockens drottning. Stockholm, Kungl. Husgerådskammaren. 31-33.
- Persson, F. (2015). "So that we Swedes are not more swine or goats than they are" : space for ceremony at the Swedish court within an international context. Beyond Scylla and Charybdis : European courts and court residencies outside Habsburg and Valois/Bourbon Territories 1500-1700 : papers from the PALATIUM Conference in Copenhagen and Hillerød 30 April to 2 May 2012. Copenhagen, Syddansk Universitetsforlag. 123-135.
- Persson, F. (2015). Äktenskap i döden : Maria Eleonora och Hedvig Eleonora som änkor. Politik och passion : svenska kungliga äktenskap under 600 år. Stockholm, Natur och kultur. 96-123.
- Persson, F. (2011). Att forska i arkiv. Många möjliga metoder. Lund, Studentlitteratur AB. 171-182.
- Persson, F. (2011). En bal på slottet : hovbalernas sociala funktion i ett föränderligt 1800-tal. Arkiven sjunger : nedslag i svensk musikhistoria. Stockholm, Riksarkivet. 120-139.
- Persson, F. (2010). Min gud tocket hov! : Det svenska hovet från Napoleon till Louis Philippe.. Familjen Bernadotte - kungligheter och människor.. Stockholm, Riksarkivet.
- Persson, F. (2007). Min Bäste Wän!. Ur Krapperups historia. : Människor och minnen.. Nyhamnsläge, Gyllenstiernska Krapperupstiftelsen.
- Persson, F. (2005). Sophia Albertina.. Svenskt biografiskt lexikon. Stockholm, Riksarkivet. 680-684.
- Persson, F. (2005). I frånvaron av en kung. : Hovlivet på Strömsholm. Strömsholms slott.. Stockholm, Byggförlaget/Kultur.
- Persson, F. (2002). Det selektiva minnet. : Hovets kungliga minnen.. Svenska folkets kungaminnen: : kungligt imageskapande och kungligt kulturarv : symposium på Livrustkammaren 2002. - 2003. Stockholm, Livrustkammaren. 37-40.
- Persson, F. (2002). I hopen av de ödmjuka ansikten. : Klient-patronskap under stormaktstiden.. Tid och tillit. : En vänbok till Eva Österberg.. Stockholm, Atlantis.
- Persson, F. (2002). Pagen på tröskeln.. På historiens slagfält. : En festskrift tillägnad Sverker Oredsson.. Lund, Sisyfos. 29-43.
- Persson, F. (2001). Recreating the point of contact : The court of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden.. Hofgesellschaft und Höflinge an europäischen Fürstenhöfen in der Frühen Neuzeit (15.-18. Jh.) = Société de cour et courtisans dans l'Europe de l'époque moderne (XVe-XVIIIe siècle) : : Internationales Kolloquium veranstaltet vom Seminar für Neuere Geschichte des Fachbereichs Geschichte und Kulturwissenschaften der Philipps-Universität Marburg in Zusammenarbeit mit der Universität Versailles Saint-Quentin (ESR 17-18) vom 28. bis zum 30. September 2000 in Marburg. Marburg, Münster.
- Persson, F. (2000). Hovet och militären under 1600-talet.. Strategi, ledelse og samfunn, 1588-1720: : rapport fra Clio og Mars-seminaret på Forsvarsmuseet 16. og 17. november 1999. Oslo, Forsvarsmuseet.
- Persson, F. (1999). "Resa thill Ståkolm och blifwa människofiskare." : Hovet som äktenskapsmarknad under stormaktstiden.. Drottningar. Stockholm, Livrustkammaren. 69-80.
- Persson, F. (1999). The Court of Sweden.. The Princely Courts of Europe.. London, Weidenfeld & Nicolson.
- Persson, F. (1998). A Solar System. : Swedish royal residences during the 17th and 18th centuries.. Lieux de Pouvoir.. Lissabon, -.
- Persson, F. (1998). Splendour at a price. : The economy of the Swedish court in the early modern period.. Courts as economic institutions. Paris, -.
- Persson, F. (1997). Dog utlefwad cammarfröken.. Jämmerdal och fröjdesal. : Kvinnor i stormaktstidens Sverige.. Stockholm, Atlantis. 306-333.
Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)
- Persson, F. (1999). Servants of Fortune. : The Swedish Court between 1598 and 1721. Doctoral Thesis. Lund, Wallin & Dal. 278.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Persson, F. (2019). Royal Favouritism and the Governing Elite of the Spanish Monarchy, 1640–1665. Alistair Malcolm. Oxford Historical Monographs. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017. Renaissance quarterly. Cambridge University Press. 72 (2). 655-656.
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (2001). Recension av Tor Weidlings avhandling ‘Adelsøkonomi i Norge fra reformasjonstiden og fram mot 1660’.. Scandia. 67 (1). 139-141.
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (2000). Recension av Sebastian Olden-Jørgensens bok ‘Kun navnet er tilbage – en biografi om Peter Griffenfeld’.. Scandia. 66 (1).
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (1998). Recension av Bertil Rimborgs avhandling ‘Magnus Durell och Danmark’. Scandia. (2).
Status: Published -
Persson, F. (1996). Recension av Svante Norrhems avhandling ‘Uppkomlingarna’. Scandia. (2).
Status: Published