Federica Raschellà

Federica Raschellà

Doctoral student
Department of Swedish Faculty of Arts and Humanities
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I am a doctoral student in Swedish since september 2023. My main interests are pronunciation and second language acquisition. I am part of the project "Swedish Embodeid Pronunciation Training", in which we investigate effects of gestures on pronunciation acquisition.


Spring 2024: I teach "Oral Communication" (7,5 hp) for students of Swedish as a foreing language. The course is part of the course Intermediate Swedish (30 hp).

Fall 2024: I teach the course "Berättande texter och sakprosa" (7,5 hp) for students of Swedish as a foreing language. The course is part of the course Intermediate Swedish (30 hp).

Summer 2025: I teach "Phonetics and Phonology from a Second Language Perspective" (7,5 hp).