I work as Researcher at the Department of Health and Caring Sciences, within the NKA research group, and as EU Project Manager at the Grants and Innovation Office (GIO), Office of External Relations (ER). Furthermore, I am also Associate Researcher at the Centre for Ageing and Life-Course Studies of the Linnaeus University.
My research interests focus on informal care (in particular on young carers and family carers), healthcare services, long-term care, digital health and social policy issues.
I have been in charge of project development and management for large research and innovation projects funded by the European Union under Horizon 2020/Europe and other programmes. As project manager I have been leading, together with respective principal investigators: the Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental Health and Wellbeing among Adolescent Young Carers in Europe (ME-WE) project (https://me-we.eu), which aims to develop and test an innovative framework of primary prevention interventions for adolescent young carers; the Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support System (PreCoM) project (November 2017-February 2021), which aims to deploy and test a predictive cognitive maintenance decision support system.
My research groups
Centre for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies A life course perspective: Center for Ageing and Lifecourse Studies look at factors that affect persons to continue to be actively involved in civil society or…
The Informal Carers, Care and Caring research group – a research arm of the Nka Informal carers are family members, friends, colleagues and/or neighbours who provide care, help and support to a loved…
My ongoing research projects
Project: Children as next of kin at school (CANOK) The "CANOK at school" project is about the empowerment and training of school nurses to identify those students (7-17 years old) who are experiencing…
Project: WELL CARE The WELL CARE project focuses on improving the resilience and mental wellbeing of long-term care (LTC) workers and informal carers by strengthening care partnerships. The WELL CARE…
Project: Young Kin – The mental wellbeing of children as next of kin The Young kin project is about the mental wellbeing of children as next of kin (CANOK). That is children whose parent (or other…
My completed research projects
Project: Predictive Cognitive Maintenance Decision Support system (PreCoM) This project aims to develop, test, implement and demonstrate in three manufacturing companies a new predictive maintenance…
Project: Psychosocial Support for Promoting Mental health and wellbeing among adolescent young carers in Europe (Me-We) Nearly one in ten 15-year-olds in Sweden provide substantial help and support to…
Article in journal (Refereed)
Svensson, M., Mckee, K.J., Barbabella, F., Brolin, R., Magnusson, L., et al. (2025). Associations between caring activities and perceived health among adolescent young carers. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth. 30 (1).
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Magnusson, L., Boccaletti, L., Casu, G., Hlebec, V., et al. (2023). Recruitment of Adolescent Young Carers to a Psychosocial Support Intervention Study in Six European Countries : Lessons Learned from the ME-WE Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 20 (6).
Status: Published -
Hanson, E., Lewis, F., Barbabella, F., Hoefman, R., Casu, G., et al. (2023). Ethical Considerations When Conducting Pan-European Research with and for Adolescent Young Carers. Ethics and social welfare. 17 (2). 125-158.
Status: Published -
Hanson, E., Barbabella, F., Magnusson, L., Brolin, R., Svensson, M., et al. (2022). Research and Innovation for and with Adolescent Young Carers to Influence Policy and Practice—The European Union Funded “ME-WE” Project. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 19 (16).
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Balducci, F., Chiatti, C., Cherubini, A., Salvi, F. (2021). Ecological factors associated with Emergency Department use by older people in Italy.. Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. 33. 659-668.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Kostakis, I. (2020). Socio-economic status and social participation as predictors of quality of life of older adults with functional limitations: a cross-sectional study in Italy and Greece. Retraite et société. 81 (1). 41-64.
Status: Published -
Melchiorre, M.G., Papa, R., Quattrini, S., Lamura, G., Barbabella, F. (2020). Integrated Care Programs for People with Multimorbidity in European Countries : eHealth Adoption in Health Systems.. BioMed Research International. 2020.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Di Rosa, M., Papa, R., Poli, A., Barbabella, F. (2019). Implications of the use of migrant care work and web-based services on family caregivers' health. International Journal of Care and Caring. 3 (1). 97-116.
Status: Published -
Melchiorre, M.G., Papa, R., Rijken, M., Van Ginneken, E., Hujala, A., et al. (2018). eHealth in integrated care programs for people with multimorbidity in Europe : Insights from the ICARE4EU project. Health Policy. 122 (1). 53-63.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Hanson, E., Andréasson, F., Salzmann, B., et al. (2018). Usage and Usability of a Web-based Program for Family Caregivers of Older People in Three European Countries : A Mixed-Methods Evaluation. Computers, Informatics, Nursing. 36 (5). 232-241.
Status: Published -
Melchiorre, M.G., Lamura, G., Barbabella, F. (2018). eHealth for people with multimorbidity : results from the ICARE4EU project and insights from the "10 e's" by Gunther Eysenbach. PLOS ONE. 13 (11). 1-26.
Status: Published -
Melchiorre, M.G., Di Rosa, M., Barbabella, F., Barbini, N., Lattanzio, F., et al. (2017). Validation of the Italian Version of the Caregiver Abuse Screen among Family Caregivers of Older People with Alzheimer's Disease. BioMed Research International.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Poli, A., Yghemonos, S., Barbabella, F. (2017). Informcare : The european information hub on family care. International Journal of Care and Caring. 1 (3). 409-413.
Status: Published -
Struckmann, V., Barbabella, F., Dimova, A., Van Ginneken, E. (2017). Integrated Diabetes Care Delivered by Patients - A Case Study from Bulgaria. International Journal of Integrated Care. 17.
Status: Published -
Schmidt, A.E., Ilinca, S., Schulmann, K., Rodrigues, R., Principi, A., et al. (2016). Fit for caring : factors associated with informal care provision by older caregivers with and without multimorbidity. European Journal of Ageing. 13 (2). 103-113.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Lamura, G., Martin-Matthews, A., et al. (2016). Launching an interdisciplinary “International Summer School on Ageing” (ISSA) : Aims, methodology and outcomes. Educational gerontology. 42 (4). 253-264.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Andréasson, F., Salzmann, B., Papa, R., et al. (2016). A web-based psychosocial intervention for family caregivers of older people : results from a mixed-methods study in three European countries. JMIR Research Protocols. 5 (4). 1-16.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Rimland, J.M., Melchiorre, M.G., Lamura, G., et al. (2016). Socioeconomic Predictors of the Employment of Migrant Care Workers by Italian Families Assisting Older Alzheimer's Disease Patients : Evidence From the Up-Tech Study. The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences. 71 (3). 514-525.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M., Papa, R. (2015). ISSA 2012 : Methodological, logistic and evaluation issues emerging from the first edition of the ISSA. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 44-44.
Status: Published -
Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M., Lamura, G., Martin-Matthews, A., et al. (2015). ISSA 2012 : The medium-term impact of the first ISSA in the eyes of its participants. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 44-44.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Barbabella, F. (2015). Social Exclusion And Service Use Amongst Older Europeans. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 38-38.
Status: Published -
Efthymiou, A., Vlachogiann, A., Nika, A., Barbabella, F., Poli, A., et al. (2015). Web services for Greek informal carers. Hellenic Journal of Nuclear Medicine. 18. 51-53.
Status: Published -
Poli, A., Lancioni, C., Papa, R., Civerchia, P., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). Promoting self-empowerment and recognition of carers’ role : Piloting the INNOVAGE-Eurocarers platform in the Italian context. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 88-88.
Status: Published -
Andréasson, F., Hanson, E., Lancioni, C., Papa, R., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). The INNOVAGE-Eurocarers platform and current ICT-based services for informal carers of older people in Sweden. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 88-88.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Melchiorre, M.G., Quattrini, S., Papa, R., Lamura, G. (2015). Using eHealth to improve integrated care for older people with multimorbidity : Francesco Barbabella. European Journal of Public Health. 25 (Supplement 3). 48-48.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Melchiorre, M.G., Quattrini, S., Papa, R., Lattanzio, F., et al. (2015). Caring For People With Multiple Chronic Conditions In Italy : Policy And Practices. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 71-71.
Status: Published -
Schmidt, A., Ilinca, S., Schulmann, K., Rodrigues, R., Principi, A., et al. (2015). Comparing caregiving patterns of older people in poor and good health in Europe. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 50-50.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Lancioni, C., Andréasson, F., Papa, R., Poli, A., et al. (2015). How web-based services can support family carers of older people : New ways to promote social inclusion and quality of life. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 87-87.
Status: Published -
Salzmann, B., Döhner, H., Lancioni, C., Papa, R., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). Testing the INNOVAGE-Eurocarers web platform among German carers : Challenges and potentials. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 88-88.
Status: Published -
Efthymiou, A., Poli, A., Döhner, H., Hanson, E., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). The role of Eurocarers in promoting web-based support services for informal carers in Europe. Irish Ageing Studies Review. 6 (1). 88-89.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Barbabella, F. (2013). Le politiche per la cura della popolazione anziana : il quadro internazionale. I luoghi della cura. XI (4). 9-12.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M., Chiatti, C., Melchiorre, M.G., Lamura, G. (2013). Opportunities and challenges of migrant work in the Italian long-term care system. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 17 (Supplement, Juny/july). S133-S133.
Status: Published -
Di Rosa, M., Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Melchiorre, M.G., Lamura, G. (2013). Private employment of home care workers and use of health services by disabled older people in Italy. Euroregional Journal of Socio-Economic Analysis. 1 (1). 33-42.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M., Lamura, G. (2013). Come opera l’assistenza domiciliare negli altri paesi europei?. Welfare Oggi. (4). 30-34.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Lamura, G. (2013). Increasing inclusion and participation of the young-old and the old-old. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 17 (Supplement, June/July). S132-S132.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Lamura, G., Schmidt, A.E. (2013). Personnes âgées dépendantes : la technologie au service desproches soignants. Securité Sociale - CHSS. 6. 325-328.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M. (2013). Current LTC challenges in Italy. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 17 (Supplement 1, June/july). S227-S227.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Schmidt, A., Chiatti, C., Lamura, G. (2013). Impact of ICT-based interventions on family caregivers : A cross-analysis of 54 good practices in Europe. The Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging. 17 (Supplement, June/July). S447-S447.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Schmidt, A., Chiatti, C., Lamura, G. (2012). A theoretical framework for assessing the impact of ICT-based interventions for carers. Gerontechnology. 11 (2). 393-393.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Principi, A., Lamura, G. (2011). Volontariato in età matura : opportunità, barriere e best practices per il coinvolgimento degli anziani. Quaderni Europei sul Nuovo Welfare. 16.
Status: Published -
Greco, C., Barbabella, F., Lucchetti, M. (2010). La promozione della salute alla sfida del web. Prospettive Sociali e Sanitarie. 14. 11-14.
Status: Published -
Lamura, G., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Melchiorre, M.G., Barbabella, F., et al. (2010). Migrant Workers in the Long-Term Care Sector : Lessons from Italy. Health and Ageing. 22. 8-12.
Status: Published -
Lucchetti, M., Chiatti, C., Greco, C., Barbabella, F. (2009). Invecchiamento demografico e invecchiamento in buona salute. Economia Marche. 1. 65-90.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Refereed)
- Andréasson, F., Hanson, E., Poli, A., Barbabella, F., Lancioni, C., et al. (2016). The use of on-line social network and services by family carers with high digital skills : The case of the Swedish sample. .
- Andréasson, F., Hanson, E., Lancioni, C., Papa, R., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). Online support for carers : using a social forum and social network as a means of developing the role of informal caregiving. Presented at the 6th International Carers Conference - Care and caring: future proofing the new demographics, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 3-6, 2015.
- Andréasson, F., Hanson, E., Lancioni, C., Papa, R., Barbabella, F., et al. (2015). The INNOVAGE-Eurocarers platform and current ICT-based services for informal carers of older people in Sweden. .
- Barbabella, F., Efthymiou, A., Poli, A., Lancioni, C., Andréasson, F., et al. (2015). A multilingual web platform supporting informal carers in 27 EU member states. Broader, bigger, better: AAL solutions for Europe. Proceedings of the 6th AAL Forum 2014. 169-172.
- Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Masera, F., Bonfranceschi, F., Rimland, J.M., et al. (2014). Experimentation of an integrated system of services and AAL solutions for Alzheimer’s Disease patients and their caregivers in Marche : The UP-TECH project. Ambient Assisted Living : Italian Forum 2013. 157-165.
- Bevilacqua, R., Di Rosa, M., Felici, E., Stara, V., Barbabella, F., et al. (2014). Towards an impact assessment framework for ICT-based systems supporting older people : Making evaluation comprehensive through appropriate concepts and metrics. Ambient Assisted Living : Italian Forum 2013. 215-222.
- Petzold, M., Barbabella, F., Bobeth, J., Kern, D., Mayer, C., et al. (2013). Towards an Ambient Assisted Living User Interaction Taxonomy. CHI '13 Extended Abstracts of the ACM International Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 49-54.
- Barbabella, F., Schmidt, A., Lamontagne-Godwin, F., Rodrigues, R., Ruppe, G., et al. (2012). Assessing the Impact of ICT-based Solutions for Carers in Europe : Preliminary Findings from the CARICT Project. Conference “Challenge Social Innovation: Innovating innovation by research – 100 years after Schumpeter”.
Book (Refereed)
- Barbabella, F. (2015). Family carers : Technology-based support services. Rome, Aracne editrice.
Chapter in book (Refereed)
- Poli, A., Kostakis, I., Barbabella, F. (2021). Receiving Care Through Digital Health Technologies : Drivers and Implications of Old-Age Digital Health Exclusion. Social Exclusion in Later Life. Springer. 169-181.
- Campbell, J., Ikegami, N., Gori, C., Barbabella, F., D'amico, F., et al. (2016). How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users : a comparative snapshot. Long-term care reforms in OECD countries : Successes and failures. Bristol, Policy Press. 47-76.
- Gori, C., Barbabella, F., Campbell, J., Ikegami, N., D'amico, F., et al. (2016). How different countries allocate long-term care resources to older users : changes over time. Long-term care reforms in OECD countries : Successes and failures. Bristol, Policy Press. 77-116.
- Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M. (2015). La bussola di NNA : lo stato dell'arte basato sui dati. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 5° Rapporto, Un futuro da ricostruire. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 15-33.
- Di Rosa, M., Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Balducci, F. (2015). L’altra bussola : le strategie di sostegno familiare e privato. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 5° Rapporto, Un futuro da ricostruire. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 35-54.
- Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Pelliccia, L. (2013). Alcuni profili dell’assistenza nelle regioni. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 4° Rapporto, Tra crisi e ripartenza. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 29-43.
- Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Masera, F. (2013). Gli standard ed i requisiti di qualità nei servizi di assistenza residenziale. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 4° Rapporto, Tra crisi e ripartenza. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 71-91.
- Barbabella, F., Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Gori, C. (2013). La bussola di N.N.A. : lo stato dell'arte basato sui dati. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 4° Rapporto, Tra crisi e ripartenza. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 11-28.
- Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Lamura, G., Gori, C. (2011). La "bussola" di N.N.A. : lo stato dell'arte basato sui dati. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 3° Rapporto, Il monitoraggio degli interventie il punto sulla residenzialità. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 13-34.
- Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Lamura, G., Gori, C. (2010). La "bussola" di NNA : lo stato dell'arte basato sui dati. L'assistenza agli anziani non autosufficienti in Italia : 2° Rapporto, Rapporto promosso dall’IRCCS-INRCA per il Network nazionale per l’invecchiamento. Rimini, Maggioli Editore. 13-39.
Article, review/survey (Refereed)
Waitzberg, R., Schmidt, A.E., Bluemel, M., Penneau, A., Farmakas, A., et al. (2020). Mapping variability in allocation of Long-Term Care funds across payer agencies in OECD countries. Health Policy. Elsevier. 124 (5). 491-500.
Status: Published -
Papa, R., Efthymiou, A., Lamura, G., Piccinini, F., Onorati, G., et al. (2020). Review and Selection of Online Resources for Carers of Frail Adults or Older People in Five European Countries : Mixed-Methods Study. JMIR mhealth and uhealth. JMIR Publications, Inc. 8 (6).
Status: Published
Article, book review (Refereed)
Barbabella, F. (2014). [ Review of ] Blanche Le Bihan, Claude Martin, Trudie Knijn (eds.): Work and Care Under Pressure. Care Arrangements Across Europe. Czech Sociological Review. 50 (6). 999-1001.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F. (2013). [ Review of ] Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh, Virginia Teas Gill (Eds.): Communication in Healthcare Settings. Policy, Participation and New Technologies. Czech Sociological Review. 49 (3). 485-487.
Status: Published
Conference paper (Other academic)
- Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Andréasson, F., Salzmann, B., Lancioni, C., et al. (2016). The effectiveness of a web-based psycho-social intervention for family carers of older people : a multicentre pilot study. .
Chapter in book (Other academic)
- Di Rosa, M., Barbabella, F., Poli, A., Santini, S., Lamura, G. (2017). Migrant care workers in Italian households : recent trends and future perspectives. The Routledge Handbook of Social Care Work Around the World. Routledge. 142-155.
- Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M., Melchiorre, M.G., Lamura, G. (2016). The employment of migrant workers in Italy’s elder care : Opportunities and challenges. Ageing in Contexts of Migration. London, Routledge. 159-171.
- Chiatti, C., Di Rosa, M., Barbabella, F., Greco, C., Melchiorre, M.G., et al. (2013). Migrant care work for elderly households in Italy. Ageing in the Mediterranean. Bristol, Policy Press. 235-256.
Report (Other academic)
- Magnusson, L., Hanson, E., Larsson Skoglund, A., Ilett, R., Sennemark, E., et al. (2016). Kvalitet i äldreomsorg ur ett anhörigperspektiv. Kalmar, Nationellt kompetenscentrum anhöriga. 106.
- Barbabella, F., Efthymiou, A., Poli, A., Döhner, H., Hanson, E., et al. (2015). Deliverable D3.2 Publication of the final implementation of the web platform. Brussels, InnovAge project, EU 7th Framework, Social Innovations promoting active and healthy ageing.
- Barbabella, F., Efthymiou, A., Lancioni, C., Döhner, H., Goodwin, F., et al. (2013). Deliverable D3.1 Report on the web-based support specification. Brussels, InnovAge project, EU 7th Framework, Social Innovations promoting active and healthy ageing.
Article, book review (Other academic)
Barbabella, F. (2014). [ Review of ] Blanche Le Bihan, Claude Martin and Trudie Knijn (eds.) : Work and Care Under Pressure. Care Arrangements Across Europe. Amsterdam 2013: Amsterdam University Press, 197 pp. Czech Sociological Review. 6. 999-1001.
Status: Published -
Barbabella, F. (2013). [ Review of ] Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh, Virginia Teas Gill (eds.) : Communication in Healthcare Settings. Policy, Participation and New Technologies. Czech Sociological Review. 3. 485-487.
Status: Published
Book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Lamura, G., Chiatti, C., Barbabella, F., Di Rosa, M. (2014). Filling the gap in long-term professional care through systematic migration policies : Synthesis Report. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union.
- Carretero, S., Stewart, J., Centeno, C., Barbabella, F., Schmidt, A., et al. (2012). Can Technology-based Services support Long-term Care Challenges in Home Care? : Analysis of evidence from social innovation good practices across the EU : CARICT project summary report. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union.
Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
- Carretero, S., Stewart, J., Centeno, C., Barbabella, F., Schmidt, A., et al. (2012). Can Technology-based Services support Long-term Care Challenges in Home Care? : Analysis of Evidence from Social Innovation Good Practices across the EU: CARICT Project Summary Report. Luxembourg, Publications Office of the European Union. 108.