Francesco Flammini

Francesco Flammini

Associate Professor
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology Faculty of Technology
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Since January 2020, Francesco Flammini is a Full Professor of Computer Science with a focus on Cyber-Physical Systems at Mälardalen University (MDH page).

He has been a Senior Lecturer and an Associate Professor ("Docent") in Computer Science at the Department of Computer Science and Media Technology of Linnaeus University. He has led the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research and education area within the Smarter Systems complete knowledge environment.

He got with honors his master (2003) and doctoral (2006) degrees in Computer Engineering from the University of Naples Federico II, Italy.

He has been an Adjunct Professor of:

  • Cybersecurity, at the University of Maryland University College (UMUC) Europe
  • Software Engineering, at the Second University of Naples (Italy)
  • Computer Science, at the University of Naples Federico II (Italy)

He has also served as a Guest Lecturer of risk assessment and threat detection and modeling at the Master in Homeland Security of the University Campus Biomedico of Rome (Italy) and at the online Master in Technology and Privacy of the University of Girona (Spain).

He has (co)supervised 4 Ph.D. students (Andrea Gaglione, Alfio Pappalardo, Mariana Esposito, Benedetta Capano) as well as many bachelor and master students in computer and telecommunication engineering. He is currently supervising the Ph.D. student Mehdi Saman Azari as the main supervisor.

He has worked for 15 years with permanent full-time contracts in private and public companies, namely Ansaldo STS (Hitachi group) and IPZS (Italian State Mint and Polygraphic Institute), on large international projects addressing intelligent transportation systems, critical infrastructure protection and information security, as an innovation/security project manager and unit head. He has also won several prizes in competitions for best innovation project (2005, 2007, 2009, 2014, 2017), best conference paper (2006), and best business plan (2008). His research on model-based testing has been used in the verification and validation of all high-speed railways in Italy and in many other ERTMS/ETCS installations worldwide (Czech Republic, China, United Arab Emirates, etc.). Furthermore, he has been the project leader of the first automated PSIM (Physical Security Information Management) system featuring intelligent audio and video surveillance as well as many other advanced technologies in a real-world metro railway installation (Metrocampania Nord-Est, Italy).

He is a chartered professional engineer, a judge chamber technical advisor (i.e. court appointed expert witness in forensic analyses), a certified DGSA (Dangerous Goods Safety Advisor) according to the ADR regulations, and an Expert Evaluator for several regional, national (Italy, Belgium, Luxembourg, etc.) and international funding agencies, including INEA (Innovation & Networks Executive Agency). He has been in the technical/scientific committee of regional competence centers on ICT and transportation (Regione Campania, Italy) as well as a Steering Board Member of Lazio Innova (funding agency for regional innovation projects) about new technologies for cultural heritage.

He has been the Technical Leader for several national funded research projects, and he has led work packages and tasks in national as well as EU funded research projects, including PilotSHIELD and NewSHIELD (Artemis JU), on the Security, Privacy and Dependability of critical Embedded Systems. In 2018, he has been granted as the Sole Investigator a funded research about "Artificial Intelligence applied to Autonomous Systems" by the Italian Defence Innovation Center, which has been published as a monograph.

He is an IEEE Senior Member and the Chair of the IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Homeland Security. Formerly, he has been elected as the Vice-Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Italy Chapter and selected as a Distinguished Speaker in the ACM Distinguished Speaker Program (DSP). He is currently a Steering Committee Member and Conference Coordinator for the IEEE FDC Initiative on Symbiotic Autonomous Systems. In that initiative, he has co-chaired three international workshops/seminars in 2018-2019 and co-authored the latest SAS White Papers. He is also involved as an IEEE mentor and member of several IEEE societies and technical committees, including Software Engineering, Real-Time Systems and Fault-Tolerant Computing.

He has (co)authored more than 100 scientific publications and he has served as a chair, invited speaker and steering/program committee member for several international conferences (e.g. FMICS, DepCoS, ARES, etc.), including "The International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security" (SAFECOMP) that he chaired in 2011. He is the founder and Editor-in-Chief of the Scopus-indexed "International Journal of Critical Computer-Based Systems" (IJCCBS). He has also (guest) edited books and journals, like: Springer LNCS book series, 'Software Tools for Technology Transfer' (Springer); 'Reliability Engineering & System Safety' (Elsevier), 'Science of Computer Programming' (Elsevier).

His latest edited book is entitled "Resilience of Cyber-Physical Systems: From Risk Modelling to Threat Counteraction" (Springer, 2019).

 He is also a member of:


At LNU, Francesco Flammini has been the course coordinator for:

4DV505 Current Topics in Computer Science (7.5 credits) - Master Level

4DV50E/5DV51E/5DV50E Degree Project at Master Level / Master's Thesis (15/30 credits)

He has served as a track lecturer on "Embedded Systems" at:

2DV505 Current Topics within Computer Science (7.5 credits) - Bachelor Level

He has served as a guest lecturer on "Dependability Specification and Engineering" at:

4DV608 Advanced Software Design (7.5 credits) - Master Level

He has served as a guest lecturer on "Planning a Research Project" at:

4DV501 Scientific Methods in Computer Science (7.5 credits) - Master Level

He has served as a supervisor and/or reader/examiner for theses in his area of expertise at:

2DV50E Degree Project at Bachelor Level (15 credits) - Bachelor Level

4DV50E/5DV51E/5DV50E Degree Project at Master Level / Master's Thesis (15/30 credits)

A list of supervised/examined theses can be found here.

He is responsible for the syllabi and coordination of the following courses on Embedded Systems, including:

1DT302 Embedded Systems (7.5 credits) - syllabus

1DT303 Embedded Systems Dependability (7.5 credits)

1DT304 Embedded Systems Project (7.5 credits)

Since academic year 2019/2020, he has coordinated the following courses:

4DV504 Selected topics in computer science (5 credits)

2DT301 Project Course in Computer Technology (7.5 credits)

He has cooperated to defining the syllabus and teaching (50%, modeling part) in the course:

4DV650 Systems Modeling and Simulation (5 credits) - Master Level

He participates to the departmental doctoral school as a teacher/supervisor in topics related to adaptive systems and safety.

He is the contact point for the Erasmus cooperation with the University of Naples Federico II (Italy).

He is involved in the project named "The development and implementation of PhD Curricula in ICT for Kosovo Education System / DI-PHDICTKES" (Erasmus+ 2019, Call: EAC/A03/2018) as a key resource for project development and PhD supervision.

He is also involved as a potential PhD supervisor in the Data Intensive Applications (DIA) Industrial PhD School funded by KK Foundation, where he has contributed with his expertise on CPS research and education.


Francesco Flammini is the head of the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) group and the leader of the Smart-Troubleshooting SEED initiative in cooperation with Sigma Technology, whose preliminary results have been included in a paper published on Future Generation Computer Systems.

He is involved with the roles of PhD supervisor, Technical Manager and Work Package leader in the recently funded Horizon 2020 (Shift2Rail JU) project named RAILS (Roadmaps for AI integration in the raiL Sector), in cooperation with the Italian Interuniversity Consortium for InformaticsDelft University of Technology, the University of Leeds as well as big industry players like Hitachi Rail STS. Members of this consortium already pioneered the research on ERTMS/ETCS Virtual Coupling.

He cooperates with several other companies, including ABBElectrolux, C3C, Atlas Copco, Videum and Wexnet, especially on IoT, smart-factory and smart-city project initiatives.

He is the coordinator and contact point for funded research agencies and initiatives, including the EU ECSEL Joint Undertaking - ARTEMIS Industry Association.

His research interests include:

  • Dependability, Fault-Tolerance and Resilience of Real-Time Embedded and Autonomous Systems
  • Model-Based Engineering and Multiformalism Stochastic Modeling (UML, Petri Nets, Bayesian Networks, Markov Chains, Fault Trees, Reliability Block Diagrams, etc.) for:
    • Verification & Validation
    • Software Testing
    • RAMS (Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety) Analysis
    • Performability Evaluation
    • Trustworthy AI
  • Artificial Intelligence for On-Line Threat Assessment and Detection in Cyber-Physical Systems Security
  • Quantitative Risk Assessment for Critical Infrastructure Protection and Homeland Security
  • Improvement of Certification Activities for Safety/Security-Critical Systems
  • Novel Approaches to Smart-Troubleshooting and Self-Healing in IoT
  • ERTMS/ETCS, Smart-Railways and Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), Security Printing, Military and Defence applications

An updated list of related degree project proposals is available at the online repository.

Most recent achievements are published on the CPS blog.


Article in journal (Refereed)

Conference paper (Refereed)

Chapter in book (Refereed)

Article, review/survey (Refereed)

Conference proceedings (editor) (Refereed)

Article in journal (Other academic)

Doctoral thesis, monograph (Other academic)

Report (Other academic)

Report (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))